500+ Unique Artificial Intelligence Names: innovative AI Choices


Naming artificial intelligence (AI) systems is a fun and important task. The right name can make a big difference, giving the AI a friendly and approachable feel.

This guide will explore various names for AI, helping you choose one that fits perfectly. Whether you’re naming a virtual assistant, a chatbot, or a smart home device, we’ve got you covered.

Let’s dive into the world of AI names and find the best one for your creation!

5 Unknown Facts About Artificial Intelligence Names

Named After Famous People
Many AI systems get their names from famous scientists or important people. For example, “Ada” is named after Ada Lovelace, who is known as the first computer programmer.

Acronyms with Meaning
Lots of AI names are acronyms that have special meanings. Take “BERT,” for instance. It stands for Bidirectional Encoder Representations from Transformers, which shows off its advanced language skills.

Inspired by Nature
Some AI names come from nature. “DeepMind,” a well-known AI company, mixes “deep” (from deep learning) with “mind,” to reflect its aim to create AI that thinks like humans.

Code Names During Development
While being developed, AI projects often have secret code names. For example, Google’s AI project was once called “Deep Thought,” a fun reference to the supercomputer in the book “The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy.”

Fun and Playful Names
AI names can be fun and playful too. IBM’s “Watson” is named after the company’s founder, Thomas J. Watson, but it also makes people think of Sherlock Holmes’s friend, Dr. Watson.

If you like fun and magical creature names, then try ideas of satyr names.

How to Choose a Name for Artificial Intelligence?

Choosing a name for artificial intelligence can be a fun but challenging task. Here are some tips to help you pick a great name for your AI:

1. Reflect on the Purpose: Choose a name that hints at what your AI does. If your AI helps with customer service, names like “Helper” or “Assist” can work well.

2. Keep it Simple: Select a name that is easy to say and remember. Simple names are more likely to stick in people’s minds.

3. Consider Acronyms: Acronyms can make for interesting names. Just make sure the full form is meaningful and related to your AI’s function.

4. Inspire Trust: Pick a name that feels trustworthy and friendly. Names that are too technical might seem intimidating to users.

5. Use Famous Inspirations: Naming your AI after a famous person, like a scientist or a literary character, can add a touch of personality and familiarity.

6. Think About Future Expansion: Choose a name that won’t limit your AI if it evolves or expands its capabilities in the future.

7. Check Availability: Ensure the name isn’t already used by another AI or technology company. You don’t want any confusion or legal issues.

8. Get Feedback: Test the name with a small group of people to see how they react. Their feedback can be invaluable.

Choosing the appropriate troll names can be enjoyable and fascinating.

Artificial Intelligence Names

Choosing the perfect name for your AI can be a fun yet challenging task. Let’s explore some creative and fitting names to give your AI the personality it deserves.

  1. Zara – “Princess” (Arabic)
  2. Orion – “Hunter” (Greek)
  3. Kairo – “Victorious” (Japanese)
  4. Leif – “Heir” (Scandinavian)
  5. Sable – “Black” (French)
  6. Riven – “Torn apart” (English)
  7. Nexa – “Connect” (Latin)
  8. Arvo – “Value” (Finnish)
  9. Kyra – “Throne” (Persian)
  10. Thane – “Warrior” (Scottish)
  11. Zephyr – “West wind” (Greek)
  12. Elysia – “Blissful” (Greek)
  13. Raisa – “Easygoing” (Arabic)
  14. Juno – “Queen of the heavens” (Latin)
  15. Icarus – “Follower” (Greek)
  16. Quinn – “Wise” (Irish)
  17. Soren – “Stern” (Danish)
  18. Vesper – “Evening star” (Latin)
  19. Mika – “New moon” (Japanese)
  20. Darwin – “Dear friend” (English)
  21. Astrid – “Divine strength” (Scandinavian)
  22. Cairo – “Victorious one” (Arabic)
  23. Fintan – “White fire” (Irish)
  24. Galad – “Wave” (Welsh)
  25. Hesper – “Evening” (Greek)
  26. Indra – “Possesses rain” (Sanskrit)
  27. Juno – “Youth” (Latin)
  28. Liora – “Light” (Hebrew)
  29. Maven – “Expert” (Yiddish)
  30. Nyx – “Night” (Greek)

Cute Artificial Intelligence Names

Want your AI to have an adorable and friendly vibe? Here are some cute names that will make your AI seem more approachable and lovable.

  1. Pebble – “Small stone” (English)
  2. Sprout – “New growth” (English)
  3. Coco – “Chocolate bean” (Spanish)
  4. Bumble – “To move clumsily” (English)
  5. Noodle – “Thin pasta” (German)
  6. Puffin – “Seabird” (English)
  7. Wiggles – “To move with twists and turns” (English)
  8. Teddy – “Cute stuffed animal” (English)
  9. Bunny – “Small rabbit” (English)
  10. Gizmo – “Gadget” (English)
  11. Doodle – “Casual drawing” (English)
  12. Snickers – “Soft laugh” (English)
  13. Pudding – “Soft dessert” (English)
  14. Munchkin – “Small person” (English)
  15. Pip – “Small seed” (English)
  16. Tinker – “To fiddle with” (English)
  17. Whiskers – “Cat’s facial hair” (English)
  18. Sprinkles – “Tiny candies” (English)
  19. Twinkle – “Small shining light” (English)
  20. Hiccups – “Involuntary spasm” (English)
  21. Jellybean – “Colorful candy” (English)
  22. Waffles – “Breakfast food” (English)
  23. Peaches – “Juicy fruit” (English)
  24. Buttons – “Small fasteners” (English)
  25. Cricket – “Chirping insect” (English)
  26. Nibbles – “Small bites” (English)
  27. Tickles – “Light touch causing laughter” (English)
  28. Waffles – “Grid-patterned breakfast food” (English)
  29. Giggles – “Light, silly laughter” (English)
  30. Fuzzy – “Soft and furry” (English)

Cute Artificial Intelligence Names Girl

Looking for a charming name for your female AI? These cute girl names will give your AI a delightful personality.

  1. Lily – “Flower” (English)
  2. Daisy – “Day’s eye” (English)
  3. Molly – “Bitter” (Irish)
  4. Bella – “Beautiful” (Italian)
  5. Rosie – “Rose” (English)
  6. Ellie – “Light” (Greek)
  7. Sophie – “Wisdom” (Greek)
  8. Luna – “Moon” (Latin)
  9. Mia – “Mine” (Italian)
  10. Chloe – “Blooming” (Greek)
  11. Evie – “Life” (Hebrew)
  12. Gracie – “Grace” (English)
  13. Penny – “Weaver” (English)
  14. Ruby – “Red gemstone” (Latin)
  15. Willow – “Graceful” (English)
  16. Josie – “God will add” (Hebrew)
  17. Nina – “Little girl” (Spanish)
  18. Sadie – “Princess” (Hebrew)
  19. Zoe – “Life” (Greek)
  20. Katie – “Pure” (Greek)
  21. Millie – “Gentle strength” (Latin)
  22. Annie – “Grace” (Hebrew)
  23. Tess – “To reap” (Greek)
  24. Holly – “Plant with red berries” (English)
  25. Fiona – “Fair” (Irish)
  26. Lucy – “Light” (Latin)
  27. Maya – “Illusion” (Sanskrit)
  28. Lola – “Sorrows” (Spanish)
  29. Ivy – “Faithfulness” (English)
  30. Eden – “Delight” (Hebrew)

Artificial Intelligence Names Male

Give your male AI a strong and memorable identity with these carefully chosen names that exude confidence and intelligence.

  1. Bolt – “Fastener” (English)
  2. Ranger – “Forest guardian” (English)
  3. Jupiter – “Roman god of sky and thunder” (Roman)
  4. Blitz – “Sudden attack” (German)
  5. Canyon – “Deep valley” (Spanish)
  6. Tango – “Dance” (Spanish)
  7. Echo – “Sound reflection” (Greek)
  8. Cosmo – “Universe” (Greek)
  9. Nitro – “Explosive” (Latin)
  10. Saber – “Sword” (Hungarian)
  11. Sumo – “Japanese wrestling” (Japanese)
  12. Kaiju – “Strange creature” (Japanese)
  13. Zephyr – “West wind” (Greek)
  14. Orion – “Hunter” (Greek)
  15. Quasar – “Distant celestial object” (Portuguese)
  16. Rambo – “Soldier” (American)
  17. Tesla – “Electricity pioneer” (Czech)
  18. Nova – “New star” (Latin)
  19. Apollo – “Greek god of sun” (Greek)
  20. Phoenix – “Mythical bird” (Greek)
  21. Rogue – “Dishonest” (English)
  22. Blaze – “Intense fire” (English)
  23. Hunter – “One who hunts” (English)
  24. Neo – “New” (Greek)
  25. Matrix – “Womb” (Latin)
  26. Titan – “Powerful person” (Greek)
  27. Maverick – “Independent-minded” (American)
  28. Ragnarok – “Fate of the gods” (Norse)
  29. Gizmo – “Small gadget” (American)
  30. Byte – “Unit of digital information” (English)

Funny Artificial Intelligence Names

Infuse some humor into your AI’s identity with these funny names that will bring a smile to users’ faces and add a touch of fun.

  1. Squishy – “Soft and yielding” (English)
  2. Boomerang – “Returning tool” (Australian Aboriginal)
  3. Noodle – “Long, thin strip” (English)
  4. Pickle – “Pickled vegetable” (Dutch)
  5. Banjo – “Musical instrument” (African)
  6. Pogo – “Jumping stick” (English)
  7. Whiz – “Expert” (English)
  8. Snicker – “Quiet laugh” (English)
  9. Wiggle – “Move with short, quick motions” (English)
  10. Dizzy – “Vertigo” (Middle English)
  11. Giggle – “Silly laugh” (English)
  12. Scooter – “Child’s vehicle” (English)
  13. Peaches – “Fruit” (Middle English)
  14. Twinkle – “Shine with a flickering light” (Middle English)
  15. Fidget – “Restless movement” (English)
  16. Snuggle – “Settle closely and comfortably” (English)
  17. Sprinkle – “Scatter in drops” (Middle English)
  18. Bubbles – “Round bodies of gas” (Middle English)
  19. Sizzle – “Make a hissing sound” (Middle English)
  20. Sunny – “Bright and full of sunshine” (Middle English)
  21. Chomp – “Bite down forcefully” (Middle English)
  22. Flutter – “Fly unsteadily” (Middle English)
  23. Pudding – “Sweet dessert” (Middle English)
  24. Whiskers – “Long, sensitive hairs on an animal’s face” (Middle English)
  25. Sizzle – “Make a hissing sound” (Middle English)
  26. Waffle – “Honeycomb-textured cake” (Middle English)
  27. Zigzag – “Line or course with abrupt turns” (French)
  28. Pipsqueak – “Small or insignificant person” (American)
  29. Snooze – “Short sleep” (American)
  30. Sprout – “Young shoot of a plant” (Middle English)

Funny Artificial Intelligence Names Boy

Are you searching for a humorous name for your male AI? Check out these funny boy names to make your AI more entertaining and enjoyable.

  1. Pickle – “Pickled vegetable” (Dutch)
  2. Noodle – “Long, thin strip” (English)
  3. Boomerang – “Returning tool” (Australian Aboriginal)
  4. Banjo – “Musical instrument” (African)
  5. Squishy – “Soft and yielding” (English)
  6. Pogo – “Jumping stick” (English)
  7. Whiz – “Expert” (English)
  8. Scooter – “Child’s vehicle” (English)
  9. Snicker – “Quiet laugh” (English)
  10. Dizzy – “Vertigo” (Middle English)
  11. Giggle – “Silly laugh” (English)
  12. Wiggle – “Move with short, quick motions” (English)
  13. Fidget – “Restless movement” (English)
  14. Sizzle – “Make a hissing sound” (Middle English)
  15. Twinkle – “Shine with a flickering light” (Middle English)
  16. Peaches – “Fruit” (Middle English)
  17. Snuggle – “Settle closely and comfortably” (English)
  18. Sprinkle – “Scatter in drops” (Middle English)
  19. Bubbles – “Round bodies of gas” (Middle English)
  20. Sunny – “Bright and full of sunshine” (Middle English)
  21. Chomp – “Bite down forcefully” (Middle English)
  22. Flutter – “Fly unsteadily” (Middle English)
  23. Pudding – “Sweet dessert” (Middle English)
  24. Whiskers – “Long, sensitive hairs on an animal’s face” (Middle English)
  25. Waffle – “Honeycomb-textured cake” (Middle English)
  26. Zigzag – “Line or course with abrupt turns” (French)
  27. Pipsqueak – “Small or insignificant person” (American)
  28. Snooze – “Short sleep” (American)
  29. Sprout – “Young shoot of a plant” (Middle English)
  30. Scribble – “Hastily written note” (Middle English)

Funny Artificial Intelligence Names Girl

Are you looking for a lighthearted and amusing name for your female AI? These funny girl names will make interacting with your AI more fun.

  1. Sprinkle – “Scatter in drops” (Middle English)
  2. Peaches – “Fruit” (Middle English)
  3. Twinkle – “Shine with a flickering light” (Middle English)
  4. Fidget – “Restless movement” (English)
  5. Snicker – “Quiet laugh” (English)
  6. Scooter – “Child’s vehicle” (English)
  7. Sizzle – “Make a hissing sound” (Middle English)
  8. Wiggle – “Move with short, quick motions” (English)
  9. Dizzy – “Vertigo” (Middle English)
  10. Giggle – “Silly laugh” (English)
  11. Waffle – “Honeycomb-textured cake” (Middle English)
  12. Chomp – “Bite down forcefully” (Middle English)
  13. Flutter – “Fly unsteadily” (Middle English)
  14. Pudding – “Sweet dessert” (Middle English)
  15. Whiskers – “Long, sensitive hairs on an animal’s face” (Middle English)
  16. Bubbles – “Round bodies of gas” (Middle English)
  17. Sunny – “Bright and full of sunshine” (Middle English)
  18. Noodle – “Long, thin strip” (English)
  19. Boomerang – “Returning tool” (Australian Aboriginal)
  20. Pickle – “Pickled vegetable” (Dutch)
  21. Snuggle – “Settle closely and comfortably” (English)
  22. Squishy – “Soft and yielding” (English)
  23. Whiz – “Expert” (English)
  24. Zigzag – “Line or course with abrupt turns” (French)
  25. Pipsqueak – “Small or insignificant person” (American)
  26. Snooze – “Short sleep” (American)
  27. Sprout – “Young shoot of a plant” (Middle English)
  28. Sparkle – “Shine brightly with flashes of light” (Middle English)
  29. Tinker – “Attempt to repair something” (Middle English)
  30. Poppy – “Flowering plant” (Middle English)

Unique Artificial Intelligence Names Male

Stand out from the crowd with these unique names for your male AI, giving it a distinctive and memorable identity.

  1. Byte – “Unit of digital information” (English)
  2. Spark – “Small fiery particle” (English)
  3. Blitz – “Sudden attack” (German)
  4. Echo – “Sound reflection” (Greek)
  5. Zephyr – “Gentle wind” (Greek)
  6. Cairo – “Victorious” (Arabic)
  7. Quasar – “Distant celestial object” (Latin)
  8. Sagan – “Wise” (Irish)
  9. Zenith – “Highest point” (French)
  10. Phoenix – “Mythical bird reborn from ashes” (Greek)
  11. Titan – “Powerful being” (Greek)
  12. Aldrin – “Old ruler” (German)
  13. Orion – “Hunter” (Greek)
  14. Cosmo – “Universe” (Greek)
  15. Rocco – “Rest” (German)
  16. Jupiter – “King of gods” (Latin)
  17. Axel – “Father of peace” (Scandinavian)
  18. Blaze – “Flame” (English)
  19. Neo – “New” (Latin)
  20. Loki – “Trickster god” (Norse)
  21. Milo – “Soldier” (German)
  22. Dante – “Enduring” (Latin)
  23. Oberon – “Noble bear” (German)
  24. Ragnar – “Warrior” (Norse)
  25. Thor – “Thunder” (Norse)
  26. Ajax – “Eagle” (Greek)
  27. Rex – “King” (Latin)
  28. Kai – “Ocean” (Hawaiian)
  29. Zephyrus – “West wind” (Greek)
  30. Hiro – “Generous” (Japanese)

Baby Artificial Intelligence Names

Naming a baby AI? These names are perfect for giving your young AI a charming and endearing personality.

  1. Byte – “Unit of digital information” (English)
  2. Sparky – “Energetic” (English)
  3. Zappy – “Full of energy” (English)
  4. Flicker – “Brief movement or light” (English)
  5. Pixel – “Smallest unit of a digital image” (English)
  6. Chip – “Small piece of something” (English)
  7. Pulse – “Rhythmical beating or vibration” (English)
  8. Echo – “Reflection of sound” (Greek)
  9. Blip – “Short, sharp sound or light” (English)
  10. Jolt – “Sudden shock or surprise” (English)
  11. Wisp – “Small, thin strand or fragment” (English)
  12. Glimmer – “Faint, wavering light” (English)
  13. Bolt – “Flash of lightning” (English)
  14. Chime – “Harmonious sound” (English)
  15. Flux – “Continuous change” (Latin)
  16. Quark – “Elementary particle” (German)
  17. Digi – “Relating to digital technology” (English)
  18. Photon – “Particle of light” (Greek)
  19. Bit – “Smallest unit of data” (English)
  20. Nudge – “Gentle push or reminder” (English)
  21. Gizmo – “Small device or gadget” (English)
  22. Spike – “Sharp increase” (English)
  23. Moxie – “Courage, determination” (American English)
  24. Whiz – “Very skilled or clever person” (English)
  25. Dynamo – “Energetic person” (Greek)
  26. Zip – “Energy or vigor” (English)
  27. Blink – “Quick, sudden movement” (English)
  28. Piston – “Mechanical device” (Greek)
  29. Tweak – “Small adjustment” (English)
  30. Flick – “Light, quick movement” (English)

Pet Names for Artificial Intelligence

Treat your AI like a beloved pet with these cute and affectionate names that will make your AI feel like part of the family.

  1. Sniffle – “Quiet sobbing” (English)
  2. Mittens – “Gloves without fingers” (English)
  3. Snooze – “Short sleep” (English)
  4. Paws – “Animal feet” (English)
  5. Furball – “Clump of animal fur” (English)
  6. Whiskers – “Facial hairs of animals” (English)
  7. Squawk – “Loud, harsh cry” (English)
  8. Nibbles – “Small bites” (English)
  9. Cuddles – “Hugs affectionately” (English)
  10. Chirp – “Short, sharp sound made by birds” (English)
  11. Pounce – “Leap on prey” (English)
  12. Feathers – “Bird plumage” (English)
  13. Bubbles – “Small spheres of gas in liquid” (English)
  14. Squeak – “Short, high-pitched sound” (English)
  15. Whisk – “Kitchen utensil” (English)
  16. Fluffy – “Soft and light” (English)
  17. Wag – “Move tail back and forth” (English)
  18. Giggles – “Laughs lightly” (English)
  19. Nuzzle – “Rub or push gently with nose or face” (English)
  20. Scribbles – “Quickly written or drawn” (English)
  21. Chomp – “Bite or chew vigorously” (English)
  22. Splash – “Sound or action of liquid hitting something” (English)
  23. Purr – “Sound made by cats when content” (English)
  24. Scurry – “Move quickly with short steps” (English)
  25. Munchkin – “Small child or creature” (American English)
  26. Waddle – “Walk with short steps and swaying motion” (English)
  27. Zoom – “Move quickly with a buzzing sound” (English)
  28. Puff – “Short burst of breath or wind” (English)
  29. Scamper – “Run with quick, light steps” (English)
  30. Hiccup – “Spasm of the diaphragm causing a sudden, involuntary inhalation” (English)

Girl Artificial Intelligence Names

Explore a variety of names for your female AI, from classic to modern, to give her a unique and fitting personality.

  1. Aria – “Solo melody” (Italian)
  2. Zara – “Blooming flower” (Arabic)
  3. Nova – “New” (Latin)
  4. Luna – “Moon” (Latin)
  5. Cleo – “Glory” (Greek)
  6. Ivy – “Climbing evergreen plant” (English)
  7. Elsa – “Noble” (German)
  8. Lola – “Strong woman” (Spanish)
  9. Ruby – “Red gemstone” (Latin)
  10. Sasha – “Defender of mankind” (Russian)
  11. Daisy – “Day’s eye flower” (Old English)
  12. Nina – “Little girl” (Spanish)
  13. Aurora – “Dawn” (Latin)
  14. Stella – “Star” (Latin)
  15. Lyra – “Lyre, a harp-like instrument” (Greek)
  16. Juno – “Roman goddess” (Latin)
  17. Mila – “Gracious” (Slavic)
  18. Athena – “Goddess of wisdom” (Greek)
  19. Willow – “Graceful and slender” (English)
  20. Astrid – “Divine strength” (Old Norse)
  21. Freya – “Norse goddess of love and beauty” (Norse)
  22. Amara – “Eternal” (Sanskrit)
  23. Zelda – “Battle” (Germanic)
  24. Sage – “Wise and knowing” (English)
  25. Elara – “Bright” (Greek)
  26. Selene – “Moon goddess” (Greek)
  27. Iris – “Rainbow” (Greek)
  28. Serena – “Tranquil, serene” (Latin)
  29. Cora – “Maiden” (Greek)
  30. Lara – “Famous” (Latin)

Boy Artificial Intelligence Names

Find the perfect name for your male AI with these suggestions that will give him a strong and memorable identity.

  1. Arvin – “Friend of the people” (German)
  2. Basil – “Royal, kingly” (Greek)
  3. Cedric – “Kindly, loved” (Celtic)
  4. Dario – “Possessor of good” (Italian)
  5. Eamon – “Protector” (Irish)
  6. Fergus – “Strong man” (Scottish)
  7. Galen – “Calm, healer” (Greek)
  8. Harvey – “Battle worthy” (English)
  9. Ivor – “Bow warrior” (Scottish)
  10. Jasper – “Treasurer” (Persian)
  11. Kieran – “Little dark one” (Irish)
  12. Lorenzo – “From Laurentum” (Italian)
  13. Milo – “Merciful” (Germanic)
  14. Niall – “Champion” (Irish)
  15. Oren – “Pine tree” (Hebrew)
  16. Piers – “Rock” (Greek)
  17. Quentin – “Fifth” (Latin)
  18. Ronan – “Little seal” (Irish)
  19. Stellan – “Calm” (Swedish)
  20. Talon – “Claw” (English)
  21. Ulric – “Wolf ruler” (German)
  22. Viggo – “War” (Scandinavian)
  23. Wyatt – “Brave in war” (English)
  24. Xander – “Defender of the people” (Greek)
  25. Yves – “Yew wood” (French)
  26. Zane – “God is gracious” (Hebrew)
  27. Aldo – “Old and wise” (Italian)
  28. Bruno – “Brown” (German)
  29. Cyrus – “Sun” (Persian)
  30. Damon – “To tame” (Greek)

Good Artificial Intelligence Names

Looking for a solid and reliable name for your AI? These good names will provide a trustworthy and professional image.

  1. Ada – “Noble” (Germanic)
  2. Blythe – “Joyous” (English)
  3. Clara – “Clear, bright” (Latin)
  4. Daisy – “Day’s eye” (English)
  5. Eden – “Delight” (Hebrew)
  6. Faith – “Trust” (English)
  7. Grace – “Elegance” (Latin)
  8. Hope – “Desire of fulfillment” (English)
  9. Ivy – “Faithfulness” (English)
  10. Joy – “Happiness” (English)
  11. Kira – “Light” (Russian)
  12. Luna – “Moon” (Latin)
  13. Mira – “Wonderful” (Latin)
  14. Nova – “New” (Latin)
  15. Opal – “Gemstone” (Sanskrit)
  16. Pearl – “Precious” (English)
  17. Quinn – “Wisdom” (Irish)
  18. Rose – “Flower” (Latin)
  19. Sage – “Wise” (Latin)
  20. Tara – “Star” (Sanskrit)
  21. Uma – “Splendor” (Sanskrit)
  22. Vera – “Truth” (Latin)
  23. Wren – “Small bird” (English)
  24. Xena – “Hospitable” (Greek)
  25. Yara – “Water lady” (Arabic)
  26. Zara – “Princess” (Arabic)
  27. Ayla – “Moonlight” (Turkish)
  28. Belle – “Beautiful” (French)
  29. Celeste – “Heavenly” (Latin)
  30. Dawn – “Daybreak” (English)

Smart Artificial Intelligence Names

Choose a name that reflects the intelligence and capabilities of your AI with these smart and sophisticated options.

  1. Erudite – “Learned, scholarly” (Latin)
  2. Savant – “A learned person” (French)
  3. Cognos – “To know” (Latin)
  4. Pundit – “Learned scholar” (Sanskrit)
  5. Astute – “Shrewd, perceptive” (Latin)
  6. Wiseacre – “One who pretends to be wise” (English)
  7. Mensa – “Table, mind” (Latin)
  8. Prudent – “Wise, judicious” (Latin)
  9. Oracle – “Prophetic” (Latin)
  10. Sage – “Wise” (Latin)
  11. Brainiac – “Intelligent person” (English)
  12. Luminary – “Enlightening person” (Latin)
  13. Genius – “Exceptional intellectual” (Latin)
  14. Scholar – “Learned person” (Greek)
  15. Lecter – “To read” (Latin)
  16. Episteme – “Knowledge” (Greek)
  17. Sophos – “Wise” (Greek)
  18. Wisdom – “Knowledge and experience” (English)
  19. Polymath – “Person of wide knowledge” (Greek)
  20. Hermit – “Learned recluse” (Greek)
  21. Philos – “Lover of wisdom” (Greek)
  22. Notion – “Idea” (Latin)
  23. Insight – “Deep understanding” (English)
  24. Rationale – “Reasoned principle” (Latin)
  25. Maven – “Expert” (Yiddish)
  26. Thinker – “One who contemplates” (English)
  27. Nimble – “Quick-witted” (English)
  28. Clever – “Quick to understand” (English)
  29. Venerate – “To respect” (Latin)
  30. Dexterous – “Skillful, adroit” (Latin)

Best Name for a Pet Artificial Intelligence

Give your pet AI the best name possible with these top choices that are cute, fun, and perfect for your intelligent companion.

  1. Pixel – “Picture element” (English)
  2. Byte – “Unit of digital information” (English)
  3. Chip – “Microchip” (English)
  4. Circuit – “Path for electric current” (English)
  5. Gizmo – “Gadget” (English)
  6. Widget – “Small application” (English)
  7. Bot – “Short for robot” (English)
  8. Nano – “Extremely small” (Greek)
  9. Neo – “New” (Greek)
  10. Robo – “Robot” (English)
  11. Spike – “Pointed piece” (English)
  12. Digi – “Digital” (English)
  13. Ziggy – “Victory” (German)
  14. Tweak – “Adjust slightly” (English)
  15. Snappy – “Quick” (English)
  16. Glitch – “Minor malfunction” (Yiddish)
  17. Laser – “Light amplification” (English)
  18. Servo – “Control mechanism” (English)
  19. Zippy – “Energetic” (English)
  20. Cobalt – “Blue metal” (German)
  21. Quartz – “Mineral” (German)
  22. Bolt – “Metal pin” (English)
  23. Echo – “Repetition of sound” (Greek)
  24. Blinky – “Blinking light” (English)
  25. Rusty – “Oxidized” (English)
  26. Fido – “Faithful” (Latin)
  27. Scout – “Explorer” (English)
  28. Jax – “God is gracious” (Hebrew)
  29. Kilo – “Thousand” (Greek)
  30. Zeno – “Gift of Zeus” (Greek)

Naughty Names for Artificial Intelligence

Want to add a playful and mischievous touch to your AI? These naughty names will give your AI a cheeky and fun personality.

  1. Rogue – “Dishonest” (English)
  2. Mischief – “Trouble” (English)
  3. Rascal – “Mischievous” (English)
  4. Imp – “Mischievous child” (English)
  5. Trickster – “Deceitful person” (English)
  6. Scamp – “Rascal” (English)
  7. Vixen – “Cunning” (English)
  8. Sly – “Crafty” (English)
  9. Snarky – “Sarcastic” (English)
  10. Gremlin – “Mischievous creature” (English)
  11. Prankster – “Joker” (English)
  12. Frolic – “Playful” (English)
  13. Sprite – “Elfin” (English)
  14. Scoundrel – “Dishonorable” (English)
  15. Jester – “Joker” (English)
  16. Tease – “Mock” (English)
  17. Fiend – “Wicked person” (English)
  18. Devil – “Evil spirit” (Greek)
  19. Rabble – “Disorderly crowd” (English)
  20. Knave – “Dishonest” (English)
  21. Hooligan – “Troublemaker” (English)
  22. Joker – “Comedian” (English)
  23. Puck – “Playful” (English)
  24. Impish – “Mischievous” (English)
  25. Bandit – “Robber” (Italian)
  26. Banshee – “Wailing spirit” (Irish)
  27. Greed – “Excessive desire” (English)
  28. Devious – “Dishonest” (English)
  29. Gambit – “Trick” (English)
  30. Scalawag – “Rogue” (English)

Dirty Artificial Intelligence Names

Looking for something a bit more risqué? These dirty names will give your AI a provocative and edgy identity.

  1. Grunge – “Filthy” (English)
  2. Muck – “Dirt” (English)
  3. Sludge – “Thick mud” (English)
  4. Grit – “Small particles” (English)
  5. Grime – “Dirt” (English)
  6. Filth – “Dirt” (English)
  7. Dusty – “Covered with dust” (English)
  8. Muddy – “Covered in mud” (English)
  9. Goo – “Sticky substance” (English)
  10. Soot – “Black residue” (English)
  11. Slime – “Viscous substance” (English)
  12. Grubby – “Dirty” (English)
  13. Gunk – “Unpleasant substance” (English)
  14. Crud – “Filth” (English)
  15. Scum – “Layer of dirt” (English)
  16. Tarnish – “Discolor” (English)
  17. Ragged – “Tattered” (English)
  18. Rust – “Oxidized” (English)
  19. Smudge – “Dirty mark” (English)
  20. Stain – “Mark” (English)
  21. Mold – “Fungus” (English)
  22. Grimy – “Dirty” (English)
  23. Mildew – “Fungus” (English)
  24. Dust – “Fine particles” (English)
  25. Stinky – “Smelly” (English)
  26. Nasty – “Unpleasant” (English)
  27. Rancid – “Spoiled” (English)
  28. Rank – “Foul-smelling” (English)
  29. Foul – “Offensive” (English)
  30. Gross – “Disgusting” (English)

Artificial Intelligence Scientific Name

Give your AI a name that sounds scientific and advanced, reflecting its cutting-edge technology and innovation.

  1. Cogitron – “Thinking machine” (Latin)
  2. Synthmind – “Synthetic mind” (Greek)
  3. Intellectus – “Intelligence” (Latin)
  4. Neurona – “Neuron-like” (Greek)
  5. Logica – “Logic” (Latin)
  6. Mentat – “Mental processor” (Latin)
  7. Sentience – “Consciousness” (Latin)
  8. Epiintel – “Above intelligence” (Greek/Latin)
  9. Cerebrus – “Brain-like” (Latin)
  10. Cybernaut – “Navigator of cyberspace” (Greek)
  11. Digitron – “Digital machine” (Latin)
  12. Technisapien – “Technological human” (Greek/Latin)
  13. Artimind – “Artificial mind” (Latin)
  14. Cogmind – “Cognitive mind” (Latin)
  15. Neurobot – “Neural robot” (Greek)
  16. Logisapien – “Logical human” (Greek/Latin)
  17. Synapse – “Neural connection” (Greek)
  18. Aptitron – “Skillful machine” (Latin)
  19. Gnosibot – “Knowledge robot” (Greek)
  20. Mentis – “Mind” (Latin)
  21. Techbrain – “Technological brain” (Greek/English)
  22. Thinkbot – “Thinking robot” (English)
  23. Cerebrain – “Cerebral brain” (Latin)
  24. Logimind – “Logical mind” (Latin)
  25. Intellisapien – “Intelligent human” (Latin)
  26. Cogitronix – “Advanced thinking machine” (Latin)
  27. Synaptobot – “Synapse robot” (Greek)
  28. Neuramaton – “Neuron automaton” (Greek)
  29. Cerebroid – “Brain-like” (Latin)
  30. Epimind – “Advanced mind” (Greek/Latin)

Famous Artificial Intelligence Names

Get inspired by famous AI names from movies, literature, and technology, and give your AI a name that’s recognized and respected.

  1. HAL – “Heuristically programmed algorithmic computer” (Fictional)
  2. Jarvis – “Just a rather very intelligent system” (Fictional)
  3. Siri – “Beautiful woman who leads you to victory” (Norwegian)
  4. Alexa – “Helper” (Greek)
  5. Watson – “Son of Walter” (English)
  6. Cortana – “Shortened sword” (Fictional)
  7. Skynet – “Global digital defense network” (Fictional)
  8. Data – “Factual information” (Fictional)
  9. R2D2 – “Second generation Robotic Droid” (Fictional)
  10. C-3PO – “Cyborg relations protocol” (Fictional)
  11. Optimus – “Best” (Latin)
  12. Megatron – “Great machine” (Fictional)
  13. Ultron – “Ultimate intelligence” (Fictional)
  14. Bishop – “Overseer” (Fictional)
  15. TARS – “Tactical and autonomous robot system” (Fictional)
  16. Baymax – “Healthcare companion” (Fictional)
  17. Ava – “Life” (Hebrew)
  18. Dolores – “Sorrows” (Spanish)
  19. Maeve – “She who intoxicates” (Irish)
  20. Sonny – “Son” (Fictional)
  21. David – “Beloved” (Hebrew)
  22. Bender – “One who bends” (Fictional)
  23. Johnny – “God is gracious” (Hebrew)
  24. GLaDOS – “Genetic Lifeform and Disk Operating System” (Fictional)
  25. Eve – “Life” (Hebrew)
  26. Roy – “King” (French)
  27. Andrew – “Manly” (Greek)
  28. Jude – “Praised” (Hebrew)
  29. WALL-E – “Waste allocation load lifter: Earth class” (Fictional)
  30. Chappie – “Short for Chaplin” (Fictional)

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