550 Iconic Raven Names With Meanings


Ravens are large, black birds known for their intelligence and playful nature. Often seen in myths and stories, these birds are much more than just symbols.

They can solve puzzles, use tools, and even mimic sounds they hear. Found in many parts of the world, ravens are adaptable and thrive in various environments.

Their mysterious appearance and clever behavior make them fascinating creatures worth learning about.

Let’s check out these Raven names together and find the one that suits your bird!

5 Unknown Facts about Ravens

Mimicry Skills: Ravens can mimic sounds from their environment, including human speech, other animal calls, and even machinery noises. They use this ability to communicate and interact in complex ways.

Tool Use: Ravens are among the few animal species that use tools. They have been observed using sticks, rocks, and other objects to obtain food, demonstrating their problem-solving skills.

Playful Behavior: Ravens are known for their playful nature. They engage in activities like sliding down snowy roofs, playing catch with each other, and even performing aerial acrobatics for fun.

Complex Social Structures: Ravens form close bonds with their mates and often stay together for life. They also have intricate social structures within their groups, including cooperation and even forming alliances.

Long Lifespan: In the wild, ravens can live up to 10-15 years, but in captivity, they can live much longer, sometimes reaching over 40 years. Their longevity is a testament to their adaptability and intelligence.

Let’s find the name for your hawk that brings a smile to your face!

How to Pick a Name for Ravens?

Choosing a name for a raven can be a fun and creative process. Here are some tips to help you pick the perfect name:

  1. Consider Their Personality: Ravens are known for their unique behaviors. Observe your raven and choose a name that matches its personality. If it’s playful, consider names like “Jester” or “Rascal.”
  2. Think About Their Appearance: Ravens are striking with their glossy black feathers. Names like “Shadow,” “Midnight,” or “Onyx” could be fitting.
  3. Use Mythology and Literature: Ravens appear in many myths and stories. Names like “Odin” (Norse mythology), “Poe” (after Edgar Allan Poe), or “Hugin” and “Munin” (Odin’s ravens) can add a touch of history.
  4. Keep It Simple: Choose a name that is easy to say and remember. Short, simple names like “Jet,” “Raven,” or “Ace” work well.
  5. Have Fun: Ultimately, pick a name that you like and that feels right for your raven. Enjoy the process and let your creativity shine!

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Raven Names

Choosing the perfect name for your raven can be an exciting task. The right name captures their unique personality, whether inspired by their charisma or intelligence.

  1. Nyx – “Goddess of night” (Greek)
  2. Ink – “Dark liquid” (English)
  3. Myst – “Fog” (English)
  4. Vesper – “Evening star” (Latin)
  5. Ash – “Residue after burning” (English)
  6. Luna – “Moon” (Latin)
  7. Ravenna – “City of ravens” (Italian)
  8. Obsidian – “Volcanic glass” (Latin)
  9. Storm – “Violent weather” (English)
  10. Shadow – “Dark shape” (English)
  11. Nightfall – “Dusk” (English)
  12. Talon – “Claw” (French)
  13. Nebula – “Cloud of dust in space” (Latin)
  14. Echo – “Reflected sound” (Greek)
  15. Tempest – “Violent storm” (French)
  16. Noir – “Black” (French)
  17. Sable – “Black fur” (French)
  18. Velvet – “Soft fabric” (Latin)
  19. Eclipse – “Obscuring light” (Greek)
  20. Phantom – “Ghost” (French)
  21. Crypt – “Underground chamber” (Greek)
  22. Gale – “Strong wind” (English)
  23. Cinder – “Burned wood” (English)
  24. Zephyr – “West wind” (Greek)
  25. Onyx – “Black gemstone” (Greek)
  26. Abyss – “Deep chasm” (Greek)
  27. Rogue – “Dishonest person” (English)
  28. Rune – “Mystic symbol” (Old Norse)
  29. Nox – “Night” (Latin)
  30. Salem – “Peace” (Hebrew)

Cute Raven Names

For a touch of sweetness, consider these adorable names that highlight the playful and charming side of your raven.

  1. Pebble – “Small stone” (English)
  2. Spark – “Small fiery particle” (English)
  3. Bubbles – “Small air-filled spheres” (English)
  4. Sprout – “Young plant” (English)
  5. Pip – “Small seed” (English)
  6. Whiskers – “Facial hair of animals” (English)
  7. Twig – “Small branch” (English)
  8. Nibbles – “Small bites” (English)
  9. Tinker – “Fixer” (English)
  10. Doodle – “Simple drawing” (English)
  11. Glimmer – “Faint light” (English)
  12. Nook – “Small corner” (English)
  13. Pebbles – “Tiny stones” (English)
  14. Flick – “Small movement” (English)
  15. Tumble – “Fall clumsily” (English)
  16. Squeak – “High-pitched sound” (English)
  17. Skip – “Light jump” (English)
  18. Crumbs – “Small pieces of food” (English)
  19. Fluff – “Soft fibers” (English)
  20. Puddles – “Small pools of water” (English)
  21. Twinkle – “Small shine” (English)
  22. Giggles – “Light laugh” (English)
  23. Snug – “Comfortably warm” (English)
  24. Peep – “Small sound” (English)
  25. Squirt – “Small jet of liquid” (English)
  26. Whiff – “Small smell” (English)
  27. Cuddle – “Hold close” (English)
  28. Bumble – “Move clumsily” (English)
  29. Twirl – “Spin” (English)
  30. Whisk – “Mix rapidly” (English)

Cute Raven Names Girl

Looking for a name that brings out the cute and gentle nature of your female raven? Here are some lovely options.

  1. Daisy – “Flower” (English)
  2. Pixie – “Fairy” (English)
  3. Luna – “Moon” (Latin)
  4. Fawn – “Young deer” (English)
  5. Bliss – “Happiness” (English)
  6. Coral – “Marine invertebrate” (English)
  7. Jewel – “Precious stone” (English)
  8. Skye – “Sky” (English)
  9. Breeze – “Light wind” (English)
  10. Petal – “Part of a flower” (English)
  11. Pearl – “Gemstone” (English)
  12. Honey – “Sweet substance” (English)
  13. Willow – “Type of tree” (English)
  14. Blossom – “Flower” (English)
  15. Hazel – “Type of tree” (English)
  16. Meadow – “Grassy field” (English)
  17. Summer – “Season” (English)
  18. Aurora – “Dawn” (Latin)
  19. Maple – “Type of tree” (English)
  20. Rain – “Precipitation” (English)
  21. Echo – “Reverberating sound” (Greek)
  22. Ruby – “Precious stone” (English)
  23. Violet – “Flower” (English)
  24. Clover – “Type of plant” (English)
  25. Amber – “Fossilized tree resin” (English)
  26. Ivy – “Climbing plant” (English)
  27. Rosie – “Rose flower” (English)
  28. Opal – “Gemstone” (English)
  29. Fern – “Type of plant” (English)
  30. Star – “Celestial body” (English)

Raven Names Male

Find the perfect name for your male raven with these strong and fitting choices that reflect their bold and intelligent character.

  1. Hunter – “One who hunts” (English)
  2. Storm – “Severe weather” (English)
  3. Ash – “Residue after burning” (English)
  4. Knight – “Medieval warrior” (English)
  5. Rogue – “Dishonest person” (English)
  6. Blaze – “Flame” (English)
  7. Shadow – “Dark area” (English)
  8. Thor – “Norse god of thunder” (Norse)
  9. Frost – “Ice crystals” (English)
  10. Jet – “Black gemstone” (English)
  11. Hawk – “Bird of prey” (English)
  12. Spike – “Sharp point” (English)
  13. Ace – “Top card” (English)
  14. Blade – “Sharp edge” (English)
  15. Dagger – “Small knife” (English)
  16. Raven – “Blackbird” (English)
  17. Wolf – “Wild canine” (English)
  18. Drake – “Male duck” (English)
  19. Sable – “Black fur” (English)
  20. Steel – “Strong metal” (English)
  21. Griffin – “Mythical creature” (Greek)
  22. Jett – “Black gemstone” (English)
  23. Onyx – “Gemstone” (Greek)
  24. Phoenix – “Mythical bird” (Greek)
  25. Ryder – “One who rides” (English)
  26. Talon – “Bird claw” (English)
  27. Viper – “Venomous snake” (English)
  28. Axel – “Father of peace” (Scandinavian)
  29. Stone – “Rock” (English)
  30. Zane – “God is gracious” (Hebrew)

Funny Raven Names

Add a bit of humor to your raven’s life with these funny and quirky names that are sure to bring a smile.

  1. Giggle – “Laugh lightly” (English)
  2. Wobble – “Sway unsteadily” (English)
  3. Snickers – “Small laugh” (English)
  4. Bumble – “Move clumsily” (English)
  5. Guffaw – “Loud laugh” (English)
  6. Chuckle – “Quiet laugh” (English)
  7. Squiggle – “Wavy line” (English)
  8. Jester – “Medieval entertainer” (English)
  9. Snort – “Sound of laughter” (English)
  10. Doodle – “Simple drawing” (English)
  11. Punny – “Full of puns” (English)
  12. Hiccup – “Involuntary spasm” (English)
  13. Quirk – “Peculiar trait” (English)
  14. Jiffy – “Short time” (English)
  15. Toots – “Short bursts of sound” (English)
  16. Noodle – “Type of pasta” (English)
  17. Flick – “Small movement” (English)
  18. Wriggle – “Twist and turn” (English)
  19. Pipsqueak – “Small person” (English)
  20. Bloop – “Soft sound” (English)
  21. Dinky – “Small” (English)
  22. Squirt – “Small jet of liquid” (English)
  23. Pogo – “Bouncing toy” (English)
  24. Chortle – “Joyful laugh” (English)
  25. Frolic – “Playful movement” (English)
  26. Twiddle – “Twist lightly” (English)
  27. Zany – “Crazy” (English)
  28. Wheeze – “Breathy laugh” (English)
  29. Goof – “Silly person” (English)
  30. Snappy – “Quick” (English)

Funny Raven Names Boy

These funny and creative names are perfect for a male raven with a mischievous and playful personality.

  1. Benny – “Blessed” (Hebrew)
  2. Chester – “Fortress” (English)
  3. Frodo – “Wise” (Old English)
  4. Ollie – “Olive tree” (English)
  5. Zeke – “God strengthens” (Hebrew)
  6. Bobo – “Silly” (Spanish)
  7. Chico – “Boy” (Spanish)
  8. Gizmo – “Gadget” (English)
  9. Hobbes – “Bright fame” (English)
  10. Rusty – “Red-haired” (English)
  11. Scooter – “Small vehicle” (English)
  12. Waldo – “To rule” (German)
  13. Wally – “Welshman” (English)
  14. Iggy – “Fiery” (Latin)
  15. Milo – “Merciful” (German)
  16. Rufus – “Red-haired” (Latin)
  17. Teddy – “Gift of God” (English)
  18. Dudley – “People’s field” (English)
  19. Gulliver – “Glutton” (French)
  20. Zippy – “Energetic” (English)
  21. Chip – “Free man” (English)
  22. Corky – “Cheerful” (English)
  23. Fizz – “Effervescent drink” (English)
  24. Flip – “Somersault” (English)
  25. Buzz – “Hum sound” (English)
  26. Jax – “God has been gracious” (English)
  27. Mack – “Son” (Scottish)
  28. Nash – “By the ash tree” (English)
  29. Otis – “Wealth” (German)
  30. Rocco – “Rest” (Italian)

Funny Raven Names Girl

For a female raven with a sense of humor, these names are sure to capture her playful spirit and make you chuckle.

  1. Bambi – “Young girl” (Italian)
  2. Fifi – “Jehovah increases” (French)
  3. Mimi – “Beloved” (French)
  4. Trixie – “Bringer of joy” (English)
  5. Bubbles – “Small air-filled spheres” (English)
  6. Dolly – “Gift of God” (English)
  7. Gigi – “Earth worker” (French)
  8. Kiki – “New beginning” (French)
  9. Penny – “Weaver” (English)
  10. Pixie – “Fairy” (English)
  11. Poppy – “Flower” (English)
  12. Roxy – “Dawn” (Persian)
  13. Sunny – “Cheerful” (English)
  14. Taffy – “Beloved” (Welsh)
  15. Tinker – “Fixer” (English)
  16. Winnie – “Fair one” (English)
  17. Zuzu – “Lily” (Czech)
  18. Betty – “God is my oath” (English)
  19. Candy – “Sweet” (English)
  20. Cleo – “Glory” (Greek)
  21. Daisy – “Flower” (English)
  22. Jelly – “Gelatin dessert” (English)
  23. Lulu – “Famous warrior” (English)
  24. Peppy – “Full of energy” (English)
  25. Queenie – “Queen” (English)
  26. Rosie – “Rose flower” (English)
  27. Tilly – “Battle mighty” (German)
  28. Trixie – “Bringer of joy” (English)
  29. Vivi – “Alive” (Latin)
  30. Zelda – “Gray fighting maid” (German)

Unique Raven Names Male

Stand out from the crowd with these unique and uncommon names for your male raven, showcasing their individuality.

  1. Axl – “Father of peace” (Scandinavian)
  2. Balthazar – “Baal protects the king” (Phoenician)
  3. Caspian – “White” (Persian)
  4. Dorian – “Of Doris” (Greek)
  5. Evander – “Good man” (Greek)
  6. Finnian – “Fair” (Irish)
  7. Gideon – “Hewer” (Hebrew)
  8. Hawthorne – “Where hawthorns grow” (English)
  9. Isidore – “Gift of Isis” (Greek)
  10. Jareth – “Bled of lightning” (Welsh)
  11. Kian – “Ancient” (Irish)
  12. Leif – “Heir” (Scandinavian)
  13. Marius – “Male” (Latin)
  14. Nero – “Powerful” (Latin)
  15. Orion – “Rising in the sky” (Greek)
  16. Percival – “Pierce the valley” (French)
  17. Quentin – “Fifth” (Latin)
  18. Rafferty – “Prosperity wielder” (Irish)
  19. Soren – “Stern” (Scandinavian)
  20. Theron – “Hunter” (Greek)
  21. Ulysses – “Wrathful” (Latin)
  22. Valerian – “Strong” (Latin)
  23. Winston – “Joyful stone” (English)
  24. Xander – “Defender of the people” (Greek)
  25. Yorick – “Earth worker” (Scandinavian)
  26. Zebulon – “Exalted” (Hebrew)
  27. Alaric – “Ruler of all” (German)
  28. Bjorn – “Bear” (Scandinavian)
  29. Cassian – “Hollow” (Latin)
  30. Dashiell – “Page boy” (French)

Baby Raven Names

Choosing a name for a young raven? These cute and fitting names are perfect for your little feathered friend.

  1. Nyx – “Night” (Greek)
  2. Onyx – “Black gemstone” (Greek)
  3. Ember – “Burning coal” (English)
  4. Aquila – “Eagle” (Latin)
  5. Ravenna – “Raven-like” (Italian)
  6. Blaze – “Flame” (English)
  7. Shadow – “Dark area” (English)
  8. Jet – “Black gemstone” (English)
  9. Noir – “Black” (French)
  10. Storm – “Violent weather” (English)
  11. Artemis – “Goddess of the hunt” (Greek)
  12. Luna – “Moon” (Latin)
  13. Morgana – “Sea-circle” (Welsh)
  14. Phoenix – “Mythical bird” (Greek)
  15. Twilight – “Dusk” (English)
  16. Echo – “Sound reflection” (Greek)
  17. Sable – “Black” (English)
  18. Zephyr – “West wind” (Greek)
  19. Eclipse – “Obscuration” (Greek)
  20. Rook – “Chess piece” (English)
  21. Aspen – “Tree” (English)
  22. Vesper – “Evening” (Latin)
  23. Thorne – “Prickly plant” (English)
  24. Juno – “Queen of the heavens” (Latin)
  25. Cobalt – “Deep blue” (German)
  26. Wren – “Small bird” (English)
  27. Draco – “Dragon” (Latin)
  28. Tempest – “Storm” (English)
  29. Sirius – “Brightest star” (Greek)
  30. Myst – “Fog” (English)

Pet Names for Ravens

Find the ideal name for your pet raven with these suggestions, capturing their essence and making them feel like a true companion.

  1. Quill – “Feather” (English)
  2. Inky – “Dark” (English)
  3. Flicker – “Small flame” (English)
  4. Talon – “Claw” (English)
  5. Bram – “Raven” (Hebrew)
  6. Shade – “Shadow” (English)
  7. Pippin – “Small seed” (English)
  8. Smudge – “Stain” (English)
  9. Fable – “Story” (English)
  10. Tarn – “Mountain lake” (English)
  11. Cinder – “Burned coal” (English)
  12. Glimmer – “Shine” (English)
  13. Rune – “Mystical symbol” (Old Norse)
  14. Flit – “Quick movement” (English)
  15. Pebble – “Small stone” (English)
  16. Plume – “Feather” (English)
  17. Skye – “Atmosphere” (English)
  18. Sprout – “New growth” (English)
  19. Nettle – “Stinging plant” (English)
  20. Whisper – “Soft sound” (English)
  21. Dew – “Morning moisture” (English)
  22. Thistle – “Prickly plant” (English)
  23. Trinket – “Small ornament” (English)
  24. Wisp – “Small bundle” (English)
  25. Zephyr – “Light wind” (Greek)
  26. Pebble – “Small stone” (English)
  27. Thorn – “Prickly plant” (English)
  28. Frodo – “Wise by experience” (Old English)
  29. Snicket – “A narrow passage” (English)
  30. Puck – “Mischievous sprite” (English)

Girl Raven Names

Explore these beautiful and fitting names for a female raven, highlighting their elegance and intelligence.

  1. Elysia – “Blissful” (Greek)
  2. Seraphina – “Fiery one” (Hebrew)
  3. Calista – “Most beautiful” (Greek)
  4. Jade – “Precious stone” (Spanish)
  5. Lyra – “Lyre” (Greek)
  6. Celeste – “Heavenly” (Latin)
  7. Isolde – “Ice ruler” (German)
  8. Selene – “Moon” (Greek)
  9. Aurora – “Dawn” (Latin)
  10. Zara – “Princess” (Hebrew)
  11. Amara – “Eternal” (Greek)
  12. Odessa – “Angry” (Greek)
  13. Sabine – “From the Sabine tribe” (Latin)
  14. Lilith – “Night monster” (Hebrew)
  15. Valeria – “Strong” (Latin)
  16. Rowena – “Fame joy” (Welsh)
  17. Astrid – “Divine strength” (Old Norse)
  18. Daphne – “Laurel tree” (Greek)
  19. Iris – “Rainbow” (Greek)
  20. Selina – “Moon” (Greek)
  21. Thalia – “To blossom” (Greek)
  22. Petra – “Rock” (Greek)
  23. Nadia – “Hope” (Slavic)
  24. Xanthe – “Yellow” (Greek)
  25. Yara – “Water lady” (Arabic)
  26. Melina – “Honey” (Greek)
  27. Rhea – “Flowing” (Greek)
  28. Talia – “Gentle dew from heaven” (Hebrew)
  29. Viola – “Violet flower” (Latin)
  30. Fiona – “Fair” (Scottish Gaelic)

Boy Raven Names

Discover the best names for a male raven that reflect their strength and smart nature, perfect for your feathered friend.

  1. Corbin – “Raven” (Latin)
  2. Drake – “Dragon” (English)
  3. Orion – “Hunter” (Greek)
  4. Griffin – “Strong in faith” (Welsh)
  5. Zane – “God is gracious” (Hebrew)
  6. Hawk – “Bird of prey” (English)
  7. Landon – “Long hill” (English)
  8. Damon – “To tame” (Greek)
  9. Axel – “Father of peace” (Scandinavian)
  10. Leo – “Lion” (Latin)
  11. Blaze – “Flame” (English)
  12. Hunter – “One who hunts” (English)
  13. Jasper – “Treasurer” (Persian)
  14. Knox – “Round hill” (Scottish)
  15. Lennox – “Elm grove” (Scottish)
  16. Maddox – “Son of Madoc” (Welsh)
  17. Phoenix – “Mythical bird” (Greek)
  18. Ryder – “Mounted warrior” (English)
  19. Silas – “Wood” (Latin)
  20. Talon – “Claw” (English)
  21. Wyatt – “Brave in war” (English)
  22. Zion – “Highest point” (Hebrew)
  23. Apollo – “Destroyer” (Greek)
  24. Beckett – “Beehive” (English)
  25. Caspian – “From Qazvin” (English)
  26. Dax – “Leader” (French)
  27. Elias – “The Lord is my God” (Hebrew)
  28. Finn – “Fair” (Irish)
  29. Gage – “Oath” (English)
  30. Holden – “Hollow valley” (English)

Good Raven Names

Need a solid and meaningful name for your raven? These good names are perfect for capturing their noble and wise character.

  1. Noble – “Having high moral qualities” (English)
  2. Valor – “Courage” (Latin)
  3. Justice – “Fairness” (English)
  4. Faith – “Belief” (English)
  5. Hope – “Expectation” (English)
  6. Grace – “Elegance” (Latin)
  7. Joy – “Happiness” (English)
  8. Mercy – “Compassion” (English)
  9. Honor – “Respect” (Latin)
  10. Bliss – “Perfect happiness” (English)
  11. Harmony – “Agreement” (Greek)
  12. Patience – “Endurance” (Latin)
  13. Trinity – “Threefold” (Latin)
  14. Unity – “Oneness” (Latin)
  15. Charity – “Generosity” (Latin)
  16. Serenity – “Peacefulness” (Latin)
  17. True – “Real” (English)
  18. Bravery – “Courage” (English)
  19. Chastity – “Purity” (Latin)
  20. Destiny – “Fate” (Latin)
  21. Felicity – “Happiness” (Latin)
  22. Verity – “Truth” (Latin)
  23. Wisdom – “Knowledge” (English)
  24. Fortune – “Luck” (Latin)
  25. Glory – “Great honor” (Latin)
  26. Haven – “Safe place” (English)
  27. Liberty – “Freedom” (Latin)
  28. Prosper – “Succeed” (Latin)
  29. Radiance – “Bright light” (English)
  30. Victory – “Conquest” (Latin)

Good Raven Name

Looking for a reliable and fitting name for your raven? Here’s a selection of good names that suit any raven’s personality.

  1. Valor – “Courage” (Latin)
  2. Faith – “Belief” (English)
  3. Honor – “Respect” (Latin)
  4. Grace – “Elegance” (Latin)
  5. Hope – “Expectation” (English)
  6. Charity – “Generosity” (Latin)
  7. Justice – “Fairness” (English)
  8. Bliss – “Perfect happiness” (English)
  9. Serenity – “Peacefulness” (Latin)
  10. Tranquil – “Calm” (Latin)
  11. Mercy – “Compassion” (English)
  12. Joy – “Happiness” (English)
  13. Harmony – “Agreement” (Greek)
  14. Bravery – “Courage” (English)
  15. Unity – “Oneness” (Latin)
  16. Noble – “High moral qualities” (English)
  17. Felicity – “Happiness” (Latin)
  18. Verity – “Truth” (Latin)
  19. Destiny – “Fate” (Latin)
  20. Wisdom – “Knowledge” (English)
  21. Liberty – “Freedom” (Latin)
  22. Radiance – “Bright light” (English)
  23. Prosper – “Succeed” (Latin)
  24. Clemency – “Mildness” (Latin)
  25. Vera – “Truth” (Latin)
  26. Patience – “Endurance” (Latin)
  27. Nirvana – “Blissful state” (Sanskrit)
  28. Fortune – “Luck” (Latin)
  29. Virtue – “Moral excellence” (Latin)
  30. Celeste – “Heavenly” (Latin)

Smart Raven Name

Highlight your raven’s intelligence with these smart and clever names, perfect for showing off their impressive skills.

  1. Einstein – “Innovative thinker” (German)
  2. Sherlock – “Detective” (English)
  3. Genius – “Exceptional intellect” (Latin)
  4. Newton – “Mathematician” (English)
  5. Hawking – “Theoretical physicist” (English)
  6. Clever – “Intelligent” (English)
  7. Sage – “Wise person” (Latin)
  8. Nerd – “Intellectual” (American English)
  9. Brainiac – “Intellectual person” (English)
  10. Einstein – “Innovator” (German)
  11. Archimedes – “Mathematician” (Greek)
  12. Turing – “Computer scientist” (English)
  13. Huxley – “Biologist” (English)
  14. Beethoven – “Composer” (German)
  15. Tesla – “Inventor” (Serbo-Croatian)
  16. Nobel – “Prize winner” (Swedish)
  17. Watson – “Assistant” (English)
  18. Feynman – “Physicist” (American)
  19. Curie – “Scientist” (Polish)
  20. Da Vinci – “Renaissance genius” (Italian)
  21. Maxwell – “Physicist” (English)
  22. Darwin – “Naturalist” (English)
  23. Babbage – “Computer pioneer” (English)
  24. Galois – “Mathematician” (French)
  25. Socrates – “Philosopher” (Greek)
  26. Plato – “Philosopher” (Greek)
  27. Hume – “Philosopher” (Scottish)
  28. Euclid – “Mathematician” (Greek)
  29. Franklin – “Scientist” (American)
  30. Rutherford – “Physicist” (English)

Best Name for a Pet Raven

Searching for the best name for your pet raven? These top choices are sure to be a perfect fit for your feathered companion.

  1. Shadow – “Dark area” (English)
  2. Jet – “Black gemstone” (English)
  3. Storm – “Violent weather” (English)
  4. Ash – “Residue” (English)
  5. Midnight – “Late night” (English)
  6. Echo – “Sound reflection” (Greek)
  7. Raven – “Bird” (English)
  8. Misty – “Foggy” (English)
  9. Onyx – “Black gemstone” (Greek)
  10. Whisper – “Soft sound” (English)
  11. Twilight – “Dusk” (English)
  12. Flicker – “Small flame” (English)
  13. Inky – “Dark” (English)
  14. Rook – “Chess piece” (English)
  15. Cinder – “Burned coal” (English)
  16. Spooky – “Ghostly” (English)
  17. Glimmer – “Shine” (English)
  18. Pippin – “Small seed” (English)
  19. Plume – “Feather” (English)
  20. Talon – “Claw” (English)
  21. Frodo – “Wise by experience” (Old English)
  22. Quill – “Feather” (English)
  23. Sprout – “New growth” (English)
  24. Pebble – “Small stone” (English)
  25. Smudge – “Stain” (English)
  26. Bram – “Raven” (Hebrew)
  27. Dew – “Morning moisture” (English)
  28. Wren – “Small bird” (English)
  29. Puck – “Mischievous sprite” (English)
  30. Thorne – “Prickly plant” (English)

Naughty Names for Ravens

For a raven with a bit of a mischievous side, these naughty names are just the right mix of playful and cheeky.

  1. Mischief – “Trouble” (English)
  2. Rascal – “Playful troublemaker” (English)
  3. Imp – “Mischievous sprite” (English)
  4. Trixie – “Trickster” (English)
  5. Scamp – “Mischievous child” (English)
  6. Gremlin – “Troublemaker” (English)
  7. Bandit – “Robber” (English)
  8. Jester – “Entertainer” (English)
  9. Snickerdoodle – “Sweet treat” (American English)
  10. Rogue – “Unruly” (English)
  11. Puck – “Mischievous sprite” (English)
  12. Hooligan – “Troublemaker” (English)
  13. Devil – “Evil being” (Latin)
  14. Prankster – “Trickster” (English)
  15. Caper – “Playful prank” (English)
  16. Nipper – “Biter” (English)
  17. Rowdy – “Disorderly” (English)
  18. Frolic – “Playful behavior” (English)
  19. Impish – “Mischievous” (English)
  20. Sassy – “Bold” (English)
  21. Cheeky – “Impudent” (English)
  22. Scoundrel – “Dishonest person” (English)
  23. Rebel – “Defiant person” (English)
  24. Rascal – “Playful troublemaker” (English)
  25. Jinx – “Bad luck” (English)
  26. Ruffian – “Lawless person” (English)
  27. Trouble – “Problematic” (English)
  28. Tornado – “Violent windstorm” (English)
  29. Grumpy – “Irritable” (English)
  30. Wicked – “Evil” (English)

Dirty Raven Names

If you’re looking for names with a bit of edge or humor, these dirty names for ravens are sure to make you laugh.

  1. Grime – “Dirt” (English)
  2. Soot – “Black powder” (English)
  3. Mud – “Wet earth” (English)
  4. Smudge – “Stain” (English)
  5. Ash – “Residue” (English)
  6. Filth – “Dirtiness” (English)
  7. Grit – “Small particles” (English)
  8. Muck – “Dirt” (English)
  9. Slime – “Viscous substance” (English)
  10. Sully – “Dirty” (English)
  11. Smear – “Stain” (English)
  12. Squalor – “Filth” (English)
  13. Grunge – “Dirt” (English)
  14. Soil – “Earth” (English)
  15. Bog – “Wetland” (English)
  16. Foul – “Unpleasant” (English)
  17. Scum – “Dirty layer” (English)
  18. Putrid – “Rotten” (Latin)
  19. Goo – “Sticky substance” (English)
  20. Muddy – “Covered in mud” (English)
  21. Tar – “Black substance” (English)
  22. Crap – “Waste” (English)
  23. Dank – “Unpleasantly moist” (English)
  24. Crud – “Dirt” (English)
  25. Sludge – “Thick mud” (English)
  26. Filthy – “Very dirty” (English)
  27. Rancid – “Spoiled” (Latin)
  28. Tarnish – “Stain” (English)
  29. Scuzz – “Dirt” (English)
  30. Grimy – “Covered in grime” (English)

Raven Scientific Name

Discover the scientific name of ravens and learn more about their classification and biological background.

  1. Corvus corax – “Common raven” (Latin)
  2. Corvus brachyrhynchos – “American crow” (Latin)
  3. Corvus monedula – “Jackdaw” (Latin)
  4. Corvus albus – “White-necked raven” (Latin)
  5. Corvus splendens – “House crow” (Latin)
  6. Corvus rhipidurus – “Fan-tailed raven” (Latin)
  7. Corvus pastinator – “Nesting raven” (Latin)
  8. Corvus capensis – “Cape crow” (Latin)
  9. Corvus bennetti – “Bennett’s raven” (Latin)
  10. Corvus japonensis – “Japanese raven” (Latin)
  11. Corvus frugilegus – “Rook” (Latin)
  12. Corvus ruficollis – “Rufous-necked raven” (Latin)
  13. Corvus cryptoleucus – “Chihuahuan raven” (Latin)
  14. Corvus zero – “Zero raven” (Latin)
  15. Corvus unicolor – “Uniform raven” (Latin)
  16. Corvus xantholophus – “Yellow-crested raven” (Latin)
  17. Corvus macrorhynchos – “Large-billed crow” (Latin)
  18. Corvus moriorum – “Moor raven” (Latin)
  19. Corvus pygmaeus – “Dwarf raven” (Latin)
  20. Corvus tibetanos – “Tibetan raven” (Latin)
  21. Corvus huttoni – “Hutton’s raven” (Latin)
  22. Corvus rhipidurus – “Fan-tailed raven” (Latin)
  23. Corvus kolbii – “Kolb’s raven” (Latin)
  24. Corvus patagonus – “Patagonian raven” (Latin)
  25. Corvus rufipes – “Rufous-legged raven” (Latin)
  26. Corvus smithi – “Smith’s raven” (Latin)
  27. Corvus sordidus – “Dirty raven” (Latin)
  28. Corvus albicollis – “White-collared raven” (Latin)
  29. Corvus australis – “Southern raven” (Latin)
  30. Corvus leucognaphalus – “White-naped raven” (Latin)

Famous Ravens Names

Explore names of famous ravens from history, mythology, and popular culture, giving your raven a legendary touch.

  1. Lenore – “Poem character” (English)
  2. Poe – “Author Edgar Allan Poe” (American)
  3. Hugin – “Norse mythological raven” (Old Norse)
  4. Munin – “Norse mythological raven” (Old Norse)
  5. Crow – “Famous in literature” (English)
  6. Ravenna – “City of ravens” (Italian)
  7. Kaw – “Poetic name for raven” (Japanese)
  8. Jabberwock – “Literary character” (English)
  9. Ravenscroft – “Historic place” (English)
  10. Ravenclaw – “Hogwarts house” (English)
  11. Talon – “Famous raven character” (English)
  12. Bran – “Mythological raven” (Welsh)
  13. Darkwing – “Famous character” (English)
  14. Nighthawk – “Literary character” (English)
  15. Kraai – “Famous raven name” (Dutch)
  16. Blackwood – “Literary reference” (English)
  17. Rook – “Famous in literature” (English)
  18. Grimm – “Fairy tales” (German)
  19. Vesper – “Evening star” (Latin)
  20. Ebon – “Dark wood” (English)
  21. Morpheus – “Dream god” (Greek)
  22. Nox – “Night” (Latin)
  23. Styx – “River in the underworld” (Greek)
  24. Sable – “Black fur” (English)
  25. Sirius – “Brightest star” (Greek)
  26. Thorn – “Literary reference” (English)
  27. Ravyn – “Modern variation” (English)
  28. Phantom – “Ghostly presence” (English)
  29. Nebula – “Star cloud” (Latin)
  30. Fable – “Story character” (English)

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