900 Angel Names: A Heavenly Selection

angel names

An angel is a special being known in many stories and beliefs. Angels are often seen as kind and gentle helpers who guide and protect us. People believe angels have pure hearts and come from a place of peace.

They are often shown with wings and a soft glow. Whether you think of them as real or just in stories, angels bring a sense of hope and comfort to many people.

5 Interesting Facts About Angel

Messengers from Above: Angels are often thought of as special messengers from a higher power. They bring important messages and guidance to people in many stories and religious texts.

Different Roles: Not all angels are the same. In some beliefs, there are different kinds of angels with different jobs. For example, some angels are seen as leaders, while others are believed to protect individuals.

Various Appearances: Angels don’t always look the same. While they are often shown with wings and halos, their appearance can change depending on the culture. Some describe them as beings of light, while others see them with more human-like features.

Found in Many Beliefs: Angels are part of many different religions and cultures, such as Christianity, Islam, and Judaism. They even appear in ancient myths, making them a universal symbol of hope and protection.

Symbols of Goodness: Angels are often seen as symbols of goodness, purity, and kindness. Many people believe that angels help guide us on the right path and bring comfort during tough times.

Explore enchanting green dragon names that capture elegance and grace.

How to Pick a Name for Angel?

Think About the Meaning: First, think about what the name means. Angels are linked with qualities like kindness, protection, and guidance. You might want a name that reflects these good traits.

Explore Different Cultures: Angels are a part of many cultures and religions. You can look at names from different traditions. For example, “Gabriel” is known in Christianity, while “Jibreel” is the same angel in Islam.

Consider the Sound: How a name sounds is also important. Pick a name that sounds nice and feels good when you say it.

Personal Connection: Think about names that have a special meaning to you. Maybe there’s a name that reminds you of someone you love or a place you like.

Check How Common It Is: If you want a name that’s not too common, check how popular it is. Some angel names are very common, so you might want something more unique.

Trust Your Feelings: Finally, go with a name that feels right to you. Trust your feelings and choose a name that makes you happy.

Let’s discover powerful half-orc names for boys that embody strength and protection.

Angel Names

Step into the world of angel names, where divine and celestial qualities shine. Whether you’re looking for a name that’s classic or contemporary, these names reflect purity, strength, and heavenly guidance. Perfect for adding a touch of celestial grace to your life.

  1. Lumiel – “Light of God” (Hebrew)
  2. Seraphon – “Burning One” (Greek)
  3. Alariel – “Altar of God” (Hebrew)
  4. Zariel – “God’s Command” (Hebrew)
  5. Cetheriel – “Crown of God” (Hebrew)
  6. Elowen – “Elm Tree” (Cornish)
  7. Saraphiel – “Fire of God” (Hebrew)
  8. Belliel – “Beautiful of God” (Hebrew)
  9. Malakim – “Angels” (Hebrew)
  10. Virel – “Divine Protection” (Latin)
  11. Orphiel – “Voice of God” (Hebrew)
  12. Yahalom – “Precious Stone” (Hebrew)
  13. Caelestis – “Heavenly” (Latin)
  14. Raphaelon – “Healer of God” (Hebrew)
  15. Gavrielon – “Strength of God” (Hebrew)
  16. Jehudiel – “Praise of God” (Hebrew)
  17. Azariel – “Help of God” (Hebrew)
  18. Tzuriel – “Rock of God” (Hebrew)
  19. Hamaliel – “Grace of God” (Hebrew)
  20. Adoniel – “Lord of God” (Hebrew)
  21. Razielon – “Secret of God” (Hebrew)
  22. Shemiel – “Name of God” (Hebrew)
  23. Temaniel – “South Wind of God” (Hebrew)
  24. Yofiel – “Beauty of God” (Hebrew)
  25. Penuel – “Face of God” (Hebrew)
  26. Sarathiel – “Protection of God” (Hebrew)
  27. Vahaviel – “Gift of God” (Hebrew)
  28. Urielion – “Fire of God” (Hebrew)
  29. Ithiel – “God is with me” (Hebrew)
  30. Zaphiel – “God’s Watchman” (Hebrew)

Female Angel Names

Explore enchanting female angel names that capture elegance and grace. These names celebrate the feminine divine, offering a blend of beauty and spiritual strength. Ideal for those seeking names with a touch of heavenly charm.

  1. Sereniel – “Star of God” (Welsh)
  2. Liorael – “God’s Light” (Hebrew)
  3. Azarael – “Helper of God” (Hebrew)
  4. Cassielia – “Speed of God” (Latin)
  5. Taliah – “Dew of God” (Hebrew)
  6. Amariel – “Eternal God” (Hebrew)
  7. Aurelia – “Golden One” (Latin)
  8. Israfiel – “God’s Trumpet” (Islamic)
  9. Miriel – “Sea Brightness” (Latin)
  10. Sarielia – “God’s Princess” (Hebrew)
  11. Veriel – “Faith of God” (Latin)
  12. Oriel – “Light of God” (Hebrew)
  13. Cherubia – “Heavenly One” (Greek)
  14. Aliah – “Ascended” (Hebrew)
  15. Yarelia – “God’s River” (Hebrew)
  16. Galiel – “Wave of God” (Hebrew)
  17. Eliora – “God is My Light” (Hebrew)
  18. Danicael – “Morning Star” (Slavic)
  19. Jophielia – “God’s Beauty” (Hebrew)
  20. Rebekiah – “Tied” (Hebrew)
  21. Adrielia – “God’s Flock” (Hebrew)
  22. Sophiel – “Wisdom of God” (Greek)
  23. Liliel – “God’s Lily” (Hebrew)
  24. Noeliel – “Born on Christmas” (French)
  25. Rafaelia – “God’s Healer” (Hebrew)
  26. Emmanuela – “God is with Us” (Hebrew)
  27. Tzuria – “God’s Rock” (Hebrew)
  28. Iriel – “God’s Fire” (Hebrew)
  29. Meirael – “God’s Light” (Hebrew)
  30. Yocheved – “God’s Glory” (Hebrew)

Angel Names Male

Discover powerful angel names for boys that embody strength and protection. Each name reflects the qualities of divine messengers, making them perfect for adding a bit of celestial inspiration to your choice.

  1. Remiel – “God’s Mercy” (Hebrew)
  2. Azariel – “Help of God” (Hebrew)
  3. Samael – “Venom of God” (Hebrew)
  4. Tzafkiel – “God’s Watchman” (Hebrew)
  5. Zachariah – “God Remembers” (Hebrew)
  6. Mikael – “Who is Like God?” (Hebrew)
  7. Gabrielon – “God is My Strength” (Hebrew)
  8. Raphaeon – “God’s Healer” (Hebrew)
  9. Azael – “God’s Helper” (Hebrew)
  10. Urielion – “Fire of God” (Hebrew)
  11. Sariel – “Prince of God” (Hebrew)
  12. Ramiel – “Thunder of God” (Hebrew)
  13. Nathaniel – “Gift of God” (Hebrew)
  14. Barachiel – “Blessing of God” (Hebrew)
  15. Jophiel – “God’s Beauty” (Hebrew)
  16. Raziel – “Secret of God” (Hebrew)
  17. Cassiel – “Speed of God” (Latin)
  18. Sachiel – “God’s Covering” (Hebrew)
  19. Baraquiel – “God’s Blessing” (Hebrew)
  20. Hariel – “God’s Mountain” (Hebrew)
  21. Nathanael – “God’s Gift” (Hebrew)
  22. Zadkiel – “Righteousness of God” (Hebrew)
  23. Jerahmeel – “God’s Mercy” (Hebrew)
  24. Amitiel – “God’s Truth” (Hebrew)
  25. Anael – “Grace of God” (Hebrew)
  26. Camael – “God’s Warrior” (Hebrew)
  27. Tzadkiel – “Justice of God” (Hebrew)
  28. Azrael – “Help of God” (Hebrew)
  29. Shamsiel – “Sun of God” (Hebrew)
  30. Gadriel – “Wall of God” (Hebrew)

Angel Names in Islam

Unveil angel names from Islamic tradition, each with its own deep spiritual meaning. These names highlight the roles and attributes of divine messengers in Islam, offering a glimpse into their revered status and sacred duties.

  1. Israfil – “The Trumpeter” (Arabic)
  2. Mikail – “Who is Like God?” (Arabic)
  3. Malak – “Angel” (Arabic)
  4. Jibreel – “God’s Messenger” (Arabic)
  5. Azrael – “Angel of Death” (Arabic)
  6. Ridwan – “Guardian of Heaven” (Arabic)
  7. Maalik – “Guardian of Hell” (Arabic)
  8. Harut – “One Who Descends” (Arabic)
  9. Marut – “One Who Ascends” (Arabic)
  10. Raqib – “Watcher” (Arabic)
  11. Atid – “Ready” (Arabic)
  12. Kiraman – “Noble” (Arabic)
  13. Katibin – “Writers” (Arabic)
  14. Munkar – “Denier” (Arabic)
  15. Nakir – “Examiner” (Arabic)
  16. Muqarribun – “Those Brought Near” (Arabic)
  17. Hamlat – “Bearers” (Arabic)
  18. Throne Bearers – “Supporters of God’s Throne” (Arabic)
  19. Yama – “God’s Messenger” (Arabic)
  20. Nakirun – “Interrogators” (Arabic)
  21. Zabaniah – “Angels of Hell” (Arabic)
  22. Qarib – “Near One” (Arabic)
  23. Buraq – “Lightning” (Arabic)
  24. Darda’il – “Healing Angels” (Arabic)
  25. Khilman – “Angelic Youths” (Arabic)
  26. Sijjin – “Record Keeper” (Arabic)
  27. Akhirah – “End of Time” (Arabic)
  28. Ruh – “Spirit” (Arabic)
  29. Salam – “Peace” (Arabic)
  30. Tawil – “Tall One” (Arabic)

Angel Names in the Bible

Explore angel names from the Bible, rich in historical and spiritual significance. These names represent key figures in biblical texts, reflecting divine messages and protection. Ideal for those interested in names with strong biblical roots.

  1. Ramiel – “Thunder of God” (Hebrew)
  2. Sarathiel – “Command of God” (Hebrew)
  3. Uriel – “Light of God” (Hebrew)
  4. Jeremiel – “God’s Mercy” (Hebrew)
  5. Azazel – “God’s Strength” (Hebrew)
  6. Phanuel – “Face of God” (Hebrew)
  7. Ariel – “Lion of God” (Hebrew)
  8. Gadriel – “Wall of God” (Hebrew)
  9. Chazaqiel – “Strength of God” (Hebrew)
  10. Zophiel – “God’s Watchman” (Hebrew)
  11. Hariel – “Mountain of God” (Hebrew)
  12. Barachiel – “Blessing of God” (Hebrew)
  13. Cassiel – “Speed of God” (Latin)
  14. Anael – “Grace of God” (Hebrew)
  15. Raphael – “God Heals” (Hebrew)
  16. Sabrael – “God’s Will” (Hebrew)
  17. Yehudiel – “Praise of God” (Hebrew)
  18. Tzafkiel – “God’s Observer” (Hebrew)
  19. Zadkiel – “Righteousness of God” (Hebrew)
  20. Shemiel – “Name of God” (Hebrew)
  21. Raguel – “Friend of God” (Hebrew)
  22. Hamuel – “Heat of God” (Hebrew)
  23. Imriel – “God’s Power” (Hebrew)
  24. Jehudiel – “God’s Praise” (Hebrew)
  25. Asriel – “God’s Justice” (Hebrew)
  26. Uriel – “God is My Light” (Hebrew)
  27. Ananiel – “Cloud of God” (Hebrew)
  28. Sachiel – “God’s Covering” (Hebrew)
  29. Ophiel – “God’s Teacher” (Hebrew)
  30. Zachariel – “Remembrance of God” (Hebrew)

Guardian Angel Names A to Z

Browse through a complete list of guardian angel names from A to Z. Each name represents a unique protector, offering a sense of security and divine guidance. Perfect for anyone wanting to connect with their celestial guardians.

  1. Abraxiel – “Protective Power” (Greek)
  2. Bastiel – “Protector of the Family” (Egyptian)
  3. Caeliel – “Guardian of the Sky” (Latin)
  4. Dumiel – “Silent Guardian” (Hebrew)
  5. Eliashiel – “Defender of God” (Hebrew)
  6. Fariel – “Watcher of the Dawn” (Persian)
  7. Gavreel – “Strong Defender” (Hebrew)
  8. Harahel – “Guardian of Knowledge” (Hebrew)
  9. Ithuriel – “Discoverer of Truth” (Hebrew)
  10. Javaniel – “Protector of Youth” (Hebrew)
  11. Kamael – “God’s Warrior” (Hebrew)
  12. Lemuel – “Belonging to God” (Hebrew)
  13. Mehiel – “Quick to Defend” (Hebrew)
  14. Nathanael – “God’s Gift” (Hebrew)
  15. Ophiel – “Guide of the Lost” (Hebrew)
  16. Phuliel – “Guardian of the Moon” (Hebrew)
  17. Qaphsiel – “Guardian of Angels” (Hebrew)
  18. Ruhiel – “Spirit of God” (Hebrew)
  19. Sahaqiel – “Guardian of the Sky” (Hebrew)
  20. Tzaphkiel – “God’s Knowledge” (Hebrew)
  21. Uriel – “Light of God” (Hebrew)
  22. Valoel – “Guardian of Strength” (Hebrew)
  23. Woliel – “Guardian of Peace” (Hebrew)
  24. Xaphan – “Guardian of Fire” (Hebrew)
  25. Yariel – “Guardian of Water” (Hebrew)
  26. Zabkiel – “God’s Wisdom” (Hebrew)
  27. Amriel – “God’s Guard” (Hebrew)
  28. Berachiel – “Blessing of God” (Hebrew)
  29. Chaimiel – “Life of God” (Hebrew)
  30. Dariel – “Wisdom of God” (Hebrew)

Female Angel Names in the Bible

Discover female angel names from the Bible, each with its own divine significance. These names reflect the roles and virtues of women in biblical angelology, adding a touch of heavenly inspiration and spiritual depth.

  1. Anahiel – “Answer of God” (Hebrew)
  2. Brielle – “God’s Power” (Hebrew)
  3. Chaimiel – “God’s Life” (Hebrew)
  4. Dinael – “God’s Judgment” (Hebrew)
  5. Eliana – “God Has Answered” (Hebrew)
  6. Fidelia – “Faithful” (Latin)
  7. Gabriella – “God is My Strength” (Hebrew)
  8. Hadariel – “Splendor of God” (Hebrew)
  9. Isharael – “God’s Support” (Hebrew)
  10. Jophia – “God’s Beauty” (Hebrew)
  11. Kezia – “Cassia Tree” (Hebrew)
  12. Leah – “Weary” (Hebrew)
  13. Maraiah – “God’s Gift” (Hebrew)
  14. Naomi – “Pleasant” (Hebrew)
  15. Ophira – “Gold” (Hebrew)
  16. Penina – “Precious Stone” (Hebrew)
  17. Raphaela – “God Heals” (Hebrew)
  18. Sariel – “God’s Command” (Hebrew)
  19. Talia – “Dew of God” (Hebrew)
  20. Uriella – “God is My Light” (Hebrew)
  21. Vashti – “Beautiful” (Persian)
  22. Zemira – “Song” (Hebrew)
  23. Adina – “Delicate” (Hebrew)
  24. Bethel – “House of God” (Hebrew)
  25. Claudia – “Lame” (Latin)
  26. Deborah – “Bee” (Hebrew)
  27. Esther – “Star” (Persian)
  28. Hannah – “Grace” (Hebrew)
  29. Miriam – “Sea of Bitterness” (Hebrew)
  30. Ruth – “Friend” (Hebrew)

Angel Names Girl

Find lovely angel names for girls that exude grace and purity. These names are perfect for adding a divine touch to a baby girl’s name, capturing the essence of celestial beauty and elegance.

  1. Aurora – “Dawn” (Latin)
  2. Seraphina – “Fiery” (Hebrew)
  3. Angelica – “Like an Angel” (Latin)
  4. Celestia – “Heavenly” (Latin)
  5. Gabriella – “God is My Strength” (Hebrew)
  6. Evangelina – “Good News” (Greek)
  7. Harmony – “Concord” (Greek)
  8. Lucinda – “Light” (Latin)
  9. Ariel – “Lion of God” (Hebrew)
  10. Leila – “Night” (Arabic)
  11. Sophia – “Wisdom” (Greek)
  12. Dawn – “Daybreak” (English)
  13. Evangeline – “Bearer of Good News” (Greek)
  14. Isabella – “Devoted to God” (Hebrew)
  15. Gabrielle – “God’s Strength” (French)
  16. Eliana – “My God Has Answered” (Hebrew)
  17. Hazel – “Tree” (English)
  18. Celeste – “Heavenly” (Latin)
  19. Serenity – “Calmness” (Latin)
  20. Amara – “Eternal” (Greek)
  21. Mirabel – “Wonderful” (Latin)
  22. Iris – “Rainbow” (Greek)
  23. Hope – “Desire” (English)
  24. Faith – “Belief” (English)
  25. Grace – “Elegance” (Latin)
  26. Felicity – “Happiness” (Latin)
  27. Chloe – “Green Shoot” (Greek)
  28. Jewel – “Precious Stone” (English)
  29. Trinity – “Threefold” (Latin)
  30. Arabella – “Beautiful Lion” (Latin)

Fallen Angel Names

Explore the world of fallen angel names, each telling a story of rebellion and transformation. These names reflect complex mythological and religious narratives, ideal for those fascinated by the darker side of angelic lore.

  1. Abaddon – “Destroyer” (Hebrew)
  2. Azazel – “God’s Strength” (Hebrew)
  3. Belial – “Worthlessness” (Hebrew)
  4. Lucifer – “Light Bringer” (Latin)
  5. Samael – “Poison of God” (Hebrew)
  6. Leviathan – “Twisting Serpent” (Hebrew)
  7. Mammon – “Wealth” (Aramaic)
  8. Asmodeus – “Wrathful” (Persian)
  9. Apollyon – “Destroyer” (Greek)
  10. Beelzebub – “Lord of the Flies” (Hebrew)
  11. Mastema – “Hostility” (Hebrew)
  12. Balaam – “Devourer” (Hebrew)
  13. Barbatos – “Bearded” (Latin)
  14. Dagon – “Fish” (Hebrew)
  15. Eisheth – “Dark Goddess” (Hebrew)
  16. Flauros – “Leopard Headed” (Latin)
  17. Gressil – “Impurity” (Latin)
  18. Halpas – “Gossiper” (Latin)
  19. Ipos – “Lion Hearted” (Latin)
  20. Jezebeth – “False Accuser” (Hebrew)
  21. Kokabiel – “Star of God” (Hebrew)
  22. Leraie – “Liar” (Latin)
  23. Marchosias – “Wolf Spirit” (Latin)
  24. Naberius – “Intelligent” (Latin)
  25. Orobas – “Prince” (Latin)
  26. Paimon – “Teacher” (Latin)
  27. Raum – “Destroyer” (Germanic)
  28. Sitri – “Provoker” (Latin)
  29. Vapula – “Manipulator” (Latin)
  30. Zagan – “Deceiver” (Latin)

Dark Angel Names

Discover names for dark angels that embody mystery and power. These names reflect the more enigmatic and intense aspects of celestial beings, perfect for those intrigued by the shadowy realms of angelic lore.

dark angel names
  1. Apollyon – “Destroyer” (Greek)
  2. Belial – “Worthlessness” (Hebrew)
  3. Azrael – “Angel of Death” (Hebrew)
  4. Lucifer – “Light Bringer” (Latin)
  5. Samael – “Poison of God” (Hebrew)
  6. Asmodeus – “Wrathful” (Persian)
  7. Beelzebub – “Lord of the Flies” (Hebrew)
  8. Leviathan – “Twisting Serpent” (Hebrew)
  9. Balaam – “Devourer” (Hebrew)
  10. Mammon – “Wealth” (Aramaic)
  11. Barbatos – “Bearded” (Latin)
  12. Mastema – “Hostility” (Hebrew)
  13. Flauros – “Leopard Headed” (Latin)
  14. Raum – “Destroyer” (Germanic)
  15. Paimon – “Teacher” (Latin)
  16. Jezebeth – “False Accuser” (Hebrew)
  17. Kokabiel – “Star of God” (Hebrew)
  18. Leraie – “Liar” (Latin)
  19. Naberius – “Intelligent” (Latin)
  20. Sitri – “Provoker” (Latin)
  21. Zagan – “Deceiver” (Latin)
  22. Gressil – “Impurity” (Latin)
  23. Orobas – “Prince” (Latin)
  24. Vapula – “Manipulator” (Latin)
  25. Halpas – “Gossiper” (Latin)
  26. Ipos – “Lion Hearted” (Latin)
  27. Marchosias – “Wolf Spirit” (Latin)
  28. Eisheth – “Dark Goddess” (Hebrew)
  29. Dagon – “Fish” (Hebrew)
  30. Abaddon – “Destroyer” (Hebrew)

Angel Names for Girls

Find a selection of beautiful angel names for girls, each brimming with celestial charm. These names capture the essence of divine grace and purity, making them perfect for adding a heavenly touch to any baby girl’s name.

  1. Adriel – “Flock of God” (Hebrew)
  2. Celestina – “Heavenly” (Latin)
  3. Dina – “Judged” (Hebrew)
  4. Evangeline – “Bearer of Good News” (Greek)
  5. Gabriella – “God is My Strength” (Hebrew)
  6. Harmony – “Concord” (Greek)
  7. Leila – “Night” (Arabic)
  8. Michaela – “Who is Like God” (Hebrew)
  9. Nara – “Happy” (Celtic)
  10. Raphaela – “God Heals” (Hebrew)
  11. Seraphina – “Fiery One” (Hebrew)
  12. Tamara – “Palm Tree” (Hebrew)
  13. Urielle – “Light of God” (Hebrew)
  14. Vera – “True” (Russian)
  15. Zara – “Princess” (Arabic)
  16. Amara – “Grace” (Igbo)
  17. Brielle – “God is My Strength” (French)
  18. Chara – “Joy” (Greek)
  19. Dara – “Wisdom” (Hebrew)
  20. Elara – “Shining” (Greek)
  21. Fiona – “White, Fair” (Scottish)
  22. Galia – “Wave of God” (Hebrew)
  23. Halia – “Remembrance of a Loved One” (Greek)
  24. Isabella – “Pledged to God” (Hebrew)
  25. Jessa – “God Beholds” (Hebrew)
  26. Keira – “Dark-Haired” (Irish)
  27. Liora – “Light” (Hebrew)
  28. Mira – “Wonderful” (Latin)
  29. Nina – “Dreamer” (Native American)
  30. Selah – “Pause, Reflect” (Hebrew)

Angel Names for Boys

Explore a variety of angel names for boys that convey strength, protection, and celestial guidance. These names are ideal for those seeking to imbue a sense of divine might into a baby boy’s name.

  1. Abel – “Breath” (Hebrew)
  2. Cassiel – “Speed of God” (Latin)
  3. Daniel – “God is My Judge” (Hebrew)
  4. Eli – “Ascended, Uplifted” (Hebrew)
  5. Gabriel – “God is My Strength” (Hebrew)
  6. Hanan – “Gracious” (Hebrew)
  7. Ishmael – “God Listens” (Hebrew)
  8. Jared – “Descent” (Hebrew)
  9. Khalil – “Friend” (Arabic)
  10. Lucas – “Light-Giving” (Latin)
  11. Michael – “Who is Like God” (Hebrew)
  12. Nathaniel – “Gift of God” (Hebrew)
  13. Omar – “Flourishing” (Arabic)
  14. Raphael – “God Heals” (Hebrew)
  15. Samson – “Sun” (Hebrew)
  16. Tobias – “God is Good” (Hebrew)
  17. Uriel – “God is My Light” (Hebrew)
  18. Valentin – “Strong, Healthy” (Latin)
  19. Xavier – “New House” (Basque)
  20. Zachariah – “The Lord has Remembered” (Hebrew)
  21. Amiel – “God of My People” (Hebrew)
  22. Baruch – “Blessed” (Hebrew)
  23. Caleb – “Faithful, Devoted” (Hebrew)
  24. Elias – “Yahweh is My God” (Hebrew)
  25. Felix – “Happy, Fortunate” (Latin)
  26. Gideon – “Hewer” (Hebrew)
  27. Hosea – “Salvation” (Hebrew)
  28. Isaac – “He Will Laugh” (Hebrew)
  29. Jonah – “Dove” (Hebrew)
  30. Kenan – “Acquisition” (Hebrew)

Biblical Angel Names

Delve into the names of angels mentioned in the Bible, each with a special place in sacred scriptures. These names represent divine messengers and roles, perfect for those interested in the historical and spiritual aspects of angelic names.

  1. Michael – “Who is Like God” (Hebrew)
  2. Gabriel – “God is My Strength” (Hebrew)
  3. Raphael – “God Heals” (Hebrew)
  4. Uriel – “God is My Light” (Hebrew)
  5. Zadkiel – “Righteousness of God” (Hebrew)
  6. Anael – “Grace of God” (Hebrew)
  7. Sariel – “Command of God” (Hebrew)
  8. Azazel – “God’s Strength” (Hebrew)
  9. Phanuel – “Face of God” (Hebrew)
  10. Ramiel – “Thunder of God” (Hebrew)
  11. Raziel – “Secret of God” (Hebrew)
  12. Sachiel – “God’s Covering” (Hebrew)
  13. Sandalphon – “Brother” (Greek)
  14. Sealtiel – “Request of God” (Hebrew)
  15. Barachiel – “Blessing of God” (Hebrew)
  16. Jehudiel – “Praise of God” (Hebrew)
  17. Hamuel – “Heat of God” (Hebrew)
  18. Imriel – “God’s Power” (Hebrew)
  19. Asriel – “God’s Justice” (Hebrew)
  20. Tzafkiel – “God’s Observer” (Hebrew)
  21. Chazaqiel – “Strength of God” (Hebrew)
  22. Gadriel – “Wall of God” (Hebrew)
  23. Jeremiel – “God’s Mercy” (Hebrew)
  24. Hariel – “Mountain of God” (Hebrew)
  25. Ananiel – “Cloud of God” (Hebrew)
  26. Zophiel – “God’s Watchman” (Hebrew)
  27. Cassiel – “Speed of God” (Latin)
  28. Gadreel – “God is My Helper” (Hebrew)
  29. Mataniel – “Gift of God” (Hebrew)
  30. Sammael – “Venom of God” (Hebrew)

Arch Angel Names

Discover mighty archangel names, each representing high-ranking celestial beings with significant roles. These names reflect authority and divine missions, making them perfect for anyone seeking names with a commanding presence.

  1. Michael – “Who is Like God” (Hebrew)
  2. Gabriel – “God is My Strength” (Hebrew)
  3. Raphael – “God Heals” (Hebrew)
  4. Uriel – “God is My Light” (Hebrew)
  5. Sariel – “Command of God” (Hebrew)
  6. Raguel – “Friend of God” (Hebrew)
  7. Remiel – “Thunder of God” (Hebrew)
  8. Metatron – “Guardian of Heaven” (Greek)
  9. Zadkiel – “Righteousness of God” (Hebrew)
  10. Chamuel – “He Who Seeks God” (Hebrew)
  11. Jophiel – “Beauty of God” (Hebrew)
  12. Azrael – “Whom God Helps” (Hebrew)
  13. Sandalphon – “Brother” (Greek)
  14. Jeremiel – “God’s Mercy” (Hebrew)
  15. Barachiel – “Blessing of God” (Hebrew)
  16. Jehudiel – “Praise of God” (Hebrew)
  17. Anael – “Grace of God” (Hebrew)
  18. Cassiel – “Speed of God” (Latin)
  19. Raziel – “Secret of God” (Hebrew)
  20. Phanuel – “Face of God” (Hebrew)
  21. Uriel – “Fire of God” (Hebrew)
  22. Zacharael – “Memory of God” (Hebrew)
  23. Verchiel – “Heart of God” (Latin)
  24. Gavreel – “God’s Strength” (Hebrew)
  25. Israfel – “Burning One” (Arabic)
  26. Chazaqiel – “Strength of God” (Hebrew)
  27. Ramiel – “Mercy of God” (Hebrew)
  28. Remiel – “Thunder of God” (Hebrew)
  29. Sariel – “Prince of God” (Hebrew)
  30. Anafiel – “Branch of God” (Hebrew)

Evangelion Angel Names

Explore names from the Evangelion series, each reflecting the unique and complex nature of its angelic characters. These names blend sci-fi with celestial elements, ideal for fans of the series and those seeking distinctive names.

  1. Sachiel – “God’s Covering” (Hebrew)
  2. Ramiel – “Thunder of God” (Hebrew)
  3. Gaghiel – “Roaring Beast of God” (Hebrew)
  4. Israfel – “Burning One” (Arabic)
  5. Matriel – “Gift of God” (Hebrew)
  6. Rafiel – “God Heals” (Hebrew)
  7. Baraqiel – “Lightning of God” (Hebrew)
  8. Barachiel – “Blessing of God” (Hebrew)
  9. Kokabiel – “Star of God” (Hebrew)
  10. Uzza – “Strength” (Hebrew)
  11. Pale – “Pale One” (Greek)
  12. Adriel – “Flock of God” (Hebrew)
  13. Leliel – “Night Demon” (Hebrew)
  14. Samael – “Poison of God” (Hebrew)
  15. Namtaru – “Serpent” (Sumerian)
  16. Camael – “Wrath of God” (Hebrew)
  17. Ishara – “Goddess of Love” (Sumerian)
  18. Zophiel – “God’s Watchman” (Hebrew)
  19. Sandalphon – “Brother” (Greek)
  20. Jophiel – “Beauty of God” (Hebrew)
  21. Chamuel – “He Who Seeks God” (Hebrew)
  22. Azrael – “Whom God Helps” (Hebrew)
  23. Metatron – “Guardian of Heaven” (Greek)
  24. Raziel – “Secret of God” (Hebrew)
  25. Gavreel – “God’s Strength” (Hebrew)
  26. Jeremiel – “God’s Mercy” (Hebrew)
  27. Ariel – “Lion of God” (Hebrew)
  28. Hariel – “Mountain of God” (Hebrew)
  29. Ananiel – “Cloud of God” (Hebrew)
  30. Tzafkiel – “God’s Observer” (Hebrew)

Fallen Angel Names Female

Uncover names of female fallen angels, each embodying themes of rebellion and transformation. These names reflect intriguing narratives of angels who have strayed from their divine paths, adding depth to celestial lore.

  1. Lilith – “Night Monster” (Hebrew)
  2. Astaroth – “Goddess of Venus” (Phoenician)
  3. Naamah – “Pleasant” (Hebrew)
  4. Agrat – “Fury” (Hebrew)
  5. Eisheth – “Dark Goddess” (Hebrew)
  6. Hecate – “Goddess of Magic” (Greek)
  7. Astarte – “Goddess of Love” (Phoenician)
  8. Lamashtu – “Night Demon” (Sumerian)
  9. Kali – “Dark Goddess” (Sanskrit)
  10. Ereshkigal – “Queen of the Underworld” (Sumerian)
  11. Sekhmet – “Powerful” (Egyptian)
  12. Ophidia – “Serpent” (Greek)
  13. Astarté – “Goddess of Love” (Phoenician)
  14. Pazuzu – “Demon of the Wind” (Mesopotamian)
  15. Yekun – “Dark” (Hebrew)
  16. Moirai – “Fates” (Greek)
  17. Hades – “Lord of the Dead” (Greek)
  18. Zabani – “Fury” (Arabic)
  19. Azazel – “God’s Strength” (Hebrew)
  20. Halim – “Gentle” (Arabic)
  21. Namtaru – “Serpent” (Sumerian)
  22. Mastema – “Hostility” (Hebrew)
  23. Camael – “Wrath of God” (Hebrew)
  24. Ishara – “Goddess of Love” (Sumerian)
  25. Sukuna – “Cursed” (Japanese)
  26. Lamashtu – “Night Demon” (Sumerian)
  27. Hekate – “Goddess of Magic” (Greek)
  28. Samael – “Poison of God” (Hebrew)
  29. Lilith – “Night Demon” (Hebrew)
  30. Agrad – “Fury” (Hebrew)

All Angel Names

Browse a diverse list of angel names from various traditions and mythologies. This comprehensive selection offers a wide range of divine-inspired choices, perfect for those seeking a broad and varied array of celestial names.

all angel names
  1. Michael – “Who is Like God” (Hebrew)
  2. Gabriel – “God is My Strength” (Hebrew)
  3. Raphael – “God Heals” (Hebrew)
  4. Uriel – “God is My Light” (Hebrew)
  5. Zadkiel – “Righteousness of God” (Hebrew)
  6. Anael – “Grace of God” (Hebrew)
  7. Sariel – “Command of God” (Hebrew)
  8. Azazel – “God’s Strength” (Hebrew)
  9. Phanuel – “Face of God” (Hebrew)
  10. Ramiel – “Thunder of God” (Hebrew)
  11. Raziel – “Secret of God” (Hebrew)
  12. Sachiel – “God’s Covering” (Hebrew)
  13. Sandalphon – “Brother” (Greek)
  14. Sealtiel – “Request of God” (Hebrew)
  15. Barachiel – “Blessing of God” (Hebrew)
  16. Jehudiel – “Praise of God” (Hebrew)
  17. Hamuel – “Heat of God” (Hebrew)
  18. Imriel – “God’s Power” (Hebrew)
  19. Asriel – “God’s Justice” (Hebrew)
  20. Tzafkiel – “God’s Observer” (Hebrew)
  21. Chazaqiel – “Strength of God” (Hebrew)
  22. Gadreel – “God is My Helper” (Hebrew)
  23. Jeremiel – “God’s Mercy” (Hebrew)
  24. Hariel – “Mountain of God” (Hebrew)
  25. Ananiel – “Cloud of God” (Hebrew)
  26. Zophiel – “God’s Watchman” (Hebrew)
  27. Cassiel – “Speed of God” (Latin)
  28. Gavreel – “God’s Strength” (Hebrew)
  29. Metatron – “Guardian of Heaven” (Greek)
  30. Samael – “Poison of God” (Hebrew)

Angel Names Arabic

Discover angel names with Arabic origins, each carrying its own spiritual and cultural significance. These names reflect the rich heritage of angelic lore in the Arabic-speaking world, offering a touch of divine elegance.

  1. Jibril – “Gabriel” (Arabic)
  2. Mikail – “Michael” (Arabic)
  3. Azrael – “Angel of Death” (Arabic)
  4. Ruqayyah – “Gentle” (Arabic)
  5. Mahamud – “Praise” (Arabic)
  6. Khalil – “Friend” (Arabic)
  7. Amin – “Trustworthy” (Arabic)
  8. Nabil – “Noble” (Arabic)
  9. Aminah – “Trustworthy” (Arabic)
  10. Layla – “Night” (Arabic)
  11. Samar – “Companion” (Arabic)
  12. Rania – “Gazing” (Arabic)
  13. Hadi – “Guide” (Arabic)
  14. Zayd – “Growth” (Arabic)
  15. Nura – “Light” (Arabic)
  16. Faris – “Knight” (Arabic)
  17. Zain – “Beauty” (Arabic)
  18. Rami – “Archer” (Arabic)
  19. Sadiq – “Truthful” (Arabic)
  20. Amira – “Princess” (Arabic)
  21. Yusuf – “Joseph” (Arabic)
  22. Fatima – “Captivating” (Arabic)
  23. Hussein – “Handsome” (Arabic)
  24. Khadijah – “Early Baby” (Arabic)
  25. Imran – “Prosperity” (Arabic)
  26. Hassan – “Handsome” (Arabic)
  27. Jameela – “Beautiful” (Arabic)
  28. Jamal – “Beauty” (Arabic)
  29. Ibrahim – “Abraham” (Arabic)
  30. Nadia – “Tender” (Arabic)

Bad Angel Names

Explore names associated with dark or malevolent angels. These names reflect the more sinister aspects of angelic lore, perfect for those interested in the darker side of celestial mythology.

  1. Samael – “Poison of God” (Hebrew)
  2. Azazel – “God’s Strength” (Hebrew)
  3. Astaroth – “Goddess of Venus” (Phoenician)
  4. Lilith – “Night Monster” (Hebrew)
  5. Belial – “Worthless” (Hebrew)
    6. Asmodeus – “Demon of Lust” (Persian)
  6. Baphomet – “Idol of the Templars” (Occult)
  7. Astarte – “Goddess of Love” (Phoenician)
  8. Eisheth – “Dark Goddess” (Hebrew)
  9. Lamashtu – “Night Demon” (Sumerian)
  10. Hecate – “Goddess of Magic” (Greek)
  11. Mastema – “Hostility” (Hebrew)
  12. Pazuzu – “Demon of the Wind” (Mesopotamian)
  13. Kali – “Dark Goddess” (Sanskrit)
  14. Namtaru – “Serpent” (Sumerian)
  15. Moirai – “Fates” (Greek)
  16. Moirai – “Fates” (Greek)
  17. Ereshkigal – “Queen of the Underworld” (Sumerian)
  18. Hades – “Lord of the Dead” (Greek)
  19. Sukuna – “Cursed” (Japanese)
  20. Ophidia – “Serpent” (Greek)
  21. Tiamat – “Chaos” (Babylonian)
  22. Zabani – “Fury” (Arabic)
  23. Camael – “Wrath of God” (Hebrew)
  24. Nergal – “God of War” (Babylonian)
  25. Baphomet – “Idol of the Templars” (Occult)
  26. Samael – “Poison of God” (Hebrew)
  27. Lilith – “Night Demon” (Hebrew)
  28. Agrad – “Fury” (Hebrew)
  29. Sekhmet – “Powerful” (Egyptian)

Black Angel Names

Delve into names for black angels, embodying themes of mystery and power. These names reflect the enigmatic and often misunderstood aspects of angelic beings, ideal for exploring the shadowy realms of celestial lore.

  1. Noctis – “Night” (Latin)
  2. Nyx – “Night” (Greek)
  3. Sable – “Black” (French)
  4. Raven – “Dark Bird” (English)
  5. Obsidian – “Black Gemstone” (Latin)
  6. Onyx – “Black Stone” (Greek)
  7. Shadow – “Dark Silhouette” (English)
  8. Erebus – “Darkness” (Greek)
  9. Darkus – “Dark” (Latin)
  10. Zephyr – “Dark Wind” (Greek)
  11. Thorne – “Thorny Bush” (English)
  12. Storm – “Tempest” (English)
  13. Midnight – “Darkest Hour” (English)
  14. Vesper – “Evening Star” (Latin)
  15. Noir – “Black” (French)
  16. Abyss – “Bottomless Pit” (Greek)
  17. Ravenna – “Raven” (Italian)
  18. Luna – “Moon” (Latin)
  19. Nox – “Night” (Latin)
  20. Morrigan – “Great Queen” (Irish)
  21. Umber – “Shadowy” (Latin)
  22. Shade – “Darkness” (English)
  23. Orpheus – “Dark Music” (Greek)
  24. Gotham – “Dark Village” (English)
  25. Talon – “Sharp Claw” (English)
  26. Eclipse – “Blockage of Light” (Greek)
  27. Hades – “Underworld” (Greek)
  28. Cimmerian – “Dark People” (Greek)
  29. Nyssa – “Nymph of the Night” (Greek)
  30. Gloom – “Darkness” (English)

Baby Girl Angel Names

Find the perfect baby girl angel names that blend sweetness with celestial charm. These names evoke images of grace and purity, ideal for celebrating the divine essence in a baby girl’s name.

  1. Celestia – “Heavenly” (Latin)
  2. Seraphina – “Fiery” (Hebrew)
  3. Evangeline – “Bringer of Good News” (Greek)
  4. Gabriella – “God is My Strength” (Hebrew)
  5. Angelina – “Little Angel” (Italian)
  6. Neriah – “Lamp of God” (Hebrew)
  7. Liora – “Light” (Hebrew)
  8. Isabella – “Devoted to God” (Hebrew)
  9. Ariel – “Lion of God” (Hebrew)
  10. Miriam – “Sea of Sorrow” (Hebrew)
  11. Selene – “Moon Goddess” (Greek)
  12. Iris – “Rainbow” (Greek)
  13. Gabrielle – “God’s Strength” (Hebrew)
  14. Serena – “Calm” (Latin)
  15. Chloe – “Blooming” (Greek)
  16. Zara – “Princess” (Hebrew)
  17. Diana – “Divine” (Latin)
  18. Hannah – “Grace” (Hebrew)
  19. Amara – “Eternal” (Latin)
  20. Eliana – “God Has Answered” (Hebrew)
  21. Naomi – “Pleasant” (Hebrew)
  22. Thalia – “Blooming” (Greek)
  23. Aurora – “Dawn” (Latin)
  24. Lilith – “Night Monster” (Hebrew)
  25. Evelyn – “Wished for Child” (English)
  26. Talia – “Dew of God” (Hebrew)
  27. Zoe – “Life” (Greek)
  28. Faith – “Trust” (English)
  29. Heloise – “Healthy” (French)
  30. Celeste – “Heavenly” (Latin)

Strong Angel Names

Discover angel names that convey strength and resilience. These names reflect qualities of bravery and protection, perfect for those seeking a powerful divine presence in their choice.

  1. Michael – “Who is Like God” (Hebrew)
  2. Gabriel – “God is My Strength” (Hebrew)
  3. Raphael – “God Heals” (Hebrew)
  4. Uriel – “God is My Light” (Hebrew)
  5. Azrael – “Angel of Death” (Hebrew)
  6. Jophiel – “Beauty of God” (Hebrew)
  7. Zadkiel – “Righteousness of God” (Hebrew)
  8. Samael – “Poison of God” (Hebrew)
  9. Sandalphon – “Brother” (Greek)
  10. Metatron – “Guardian of Heaven” (Greek)
  11. Camael – “Wrath of God” (Hebrew)
  12. Barachiel – “Blessing of God” (Hebrew)
  13. Jezebeth – “Oath of God” (Hebrew)
  14. Gavreel – “God’s Strength” (Hebrew)
  15. Tzafkiel – “God’s Observer” (Hebrew)
  16. Raziel – “Secret of God” (Hebrew)
  17. Sariel – “Command of God” (Hebrew)
  18. Ramiel – “Thunder of God” (Hebrew)
  19. Phanuel – “Face of God” (Hebrew)
  20. Jeremiel – “God’s Mercy” (Hebrew)
  21. Azazal – “God’s Strength” (Hebrew)
  22. Ariel – “Lion of God” (Hebrew)
  23. Sealtiel – “Request of God” (Hebrew)
  24. Cassiel – “Speed of God” (Latin)
  25. Zophiel – “God’s Watchman” (Hebrew)
  26. Chamuel – “He Who Seeks God” (Hebrew)
  27. Hariel – “Mountain of God” (Hebrew)
  28. Ananiel – “Cloud of God” (Hebrew)
  29. Imriel – “God’s Power” (Hebrew)
  30. Rafael – “God Heals” (Hebrew)

Bayonetta Angel Names

Explore names inspired by the Bayonetta series, each reflecting the unique and powerful angelic characters from the game. These names mix fantasy with celestial elements, perfect for fans of the series.

  1. Lumen – “Light” (Latin)
  2. Odin – “Chief of the Gods” (Norse)
  3. Lust – “Desire” (English)
  4. Luna – “Moon” (Latin)
  5. Covenant – “Sacred Agreement” (English)
  6. Umbra – “Shadow” (Latin)
  7. Hades – “Underworld” (Greek)
  8. Salvia – “Sage” (Latin)
  9. Belial – “Worthless” (Hebrew)
  10. Zephyr – “West Wind” (Greek)
  11. Tempesta – “Storm” (Latin)
  12. Fury – “Wild Anger” (English)
  13. Eclipse – “Blockage of Light” (Greek)
  14. Maris – “Of the Sea” (Latin)
  15. Nox – “Night” (Latin)
  16. Aegis – “Protection” (Greek)
  17. Nyx – “Night” (Greek)
  18. Carmen – “Song” (Latin)
  19. Nereus – “Sea God” (Greek)
  20. Orion – “Hunter” (Greek)
  21. Salvador – “Savior” (Latin)
  22. Helios – “Sun” (Greek)
  23. Nocturne – “Night Music” (English)
  24. Chimera – “Mythical Creature” (Greek)
  25. Griffin – “Mythical Beast” (Greek)
  26. Celeste – “Heavenly” (Latin)
  27. Ignis – “Fire” (Latin)
  28. Gaea – “Earth” (Greek)
  29. Titania – “Queen of the Fairies” (Latin)
  30. Astraea – “Star Maiden” (Greek)

Catholic Angel Names

Delve into angel names significant in Catholic tradition. Each name embodies the roles and virtues celebrated in the faith, offering a sense of spiritual depth and historical reverence.

catholic angel names
  1. Gabriel – “God is My Strength” (Hebrew)
  2. Michael – “Who is Like God” (Hebrew)
  3. Raphael – “God Heals” (Hebrew)
  4. Uriel – “God is My Light” (Hebrew)
  5. Chamuel – “He Who Seeks God” (Hebrew)
  6. Zadkiel – “Righteousness of God” (Hebrew)
  7. Jophiel – “Beauty of God” (Hebrew)
  8. Barachiel – “Blessing of God” (Hebrew)
  9. Sandalphon – “Brother” (Greek)
  10. Metatron – “Guardian of Heaven” (Greek)
  11. Sealtiel – “Request of God” (Hebrew)
  12. Jeremiel – “God’s Mercy” (Hebrew)
  13. Hariel – “Mountain of God” (Hebrew)
  14. Raphael – “Healing of God” (Hebrew)
  15. Azrael – “Whom God Helps” (Hebrew)
  16. Raziel – “Secret of God” (Hebrew)
  17. Gavreel – “God’s Strength” (Hebrew)
  18. Tzafkiel – “God’s Observer” (Hebrew)
  19. Samael – “Poison of God” (Hebrew)
  20. Seraphiel – “Burning One” (Hebrew)
  21. Jezebeth – “Oath of God” (Hebrew)
  22. Ramiel – “Thunder of God” (Hebrew)
  23. Ananiel – “Cloud of God” (Hebrew)
  24. Phanuel – “Face of God” (Hebrew)
  25. Ishara – “Goddess of Love” (Sumerian)
  26. Azazal – “God’s Strength” (Hebrew)
  27. Camael – “Wrath of God” (Hebrew)
  28. Pale – “Pale One” (Greek)
  29. Kokabiel – “Star of God” (Hebrew)
  30. Samael – “Poison of God” (Hebrew)

DND Angel Names

Discover angel names inspired by Dungeons & Dragons, each with a touch of fantasy and adventure. These names reflect the imaginative aspects of angelic beings in the game, ideal for fans of tabletop role-playing.

  1. Celestian – “Heavenly” (Latin)
  2. Solomon – “Peaceful” (Hebrew)
  3. Seraphius – “Fiery” (Hebrew)
  4. Aurelius – “Golden” (Latin)
  5. Eldritch – “Mysterious” (English)
  6. Astrael – “Starry” (Greek)
  7. Gideon – “Hewer” (Hebrew)
  8. Lucius – “Light” (Latin)
  9. Phariel – “Glory of God” (Hebrew)
  10. Icarus – “Winged” (Greek)
  11. Seles – “Celestial” (Latin)
  12. Elara – “Shining” (Greek)
  13. Thalios – “Brave” (Greek)
  14. Ishmael – “God Hears” (Hebrew)
  15. Vespera – “Evening Star” (Latin)
  16. Elysia – “Heavenly” (Greek)
  17. Zephyrus – “West Wind” (Greek)
  18. Artemis – “Safe” (Greek)
  19. Cygnus – “Swan” (Greek)
  20. Astra – “Star” (Latin)
  21. Calista – “Most Beautiful” (Greek)
  22. Elion – “The Most High” (Hebrew)
  23. Xander – “Defender of Man” (Greek)
  24. Talia – “Dew of God” (Hebrew)
  25. Fenwick – “Fenn-Covered” (Old English)
  26. Marcellus – “Little Warrior” (Latin)
  27. Serena – “Calm” (Latin)
  28. Lucent – “Shining” (Latin)
  29. Aethel – “Noble” (Old English)
  30. Celeste – “Heavenly” (Latin)

Demon Angel Names

Uncover names that combine the concepts of demons and angels, reflecting complex and often contradictory aspects of celestial lore. These names offer a blend of darkness and divinity, ideal for exploring dualities in angelic narratives.

  1. Asmodeus – “Demon of Lust” (Persian)
  2. Baphomet – “Idol of the Templars” (Occult)
  3. Belial – “Wicked” (Hebrew)
  4. Lilith – “Night Demon” (Hebrew)
  5. Beelzebub – “Lord of the Flies” (Philistine)
  6. Pazuzu – “Demon of the Wind” (Mesopotamian)
  7. Astaroth – “Demon of Wrath” (Canaanite)
  8. Mastema – “Hostility” (Hebrew)
  9. Buer – “President of Hell” (Occult)
  10. Samael – “Poison of God” (Hebrew)
  11. Moloch – “God of Sacrifice” (Canaanite)
  12. Amon – “Demon of Destruction” (Egyptian)
  13. Dantalion – “Demon of Knowledge” (Occult)
  14. Ose – “Demon of Destruction” (Occult)
  15. Eisheth – “Dark Goddess” (Hebrew)
  16. Hecate – “Goddess of Magic” (Greek)
  17. Kali – “Dark Goddess” (Sanskrit)
  18. Namtaru – “Serpent” (Sumerian)
  19. Tiamat – “Chaos” (Babylonian)
  20. Sukuna – “Cursed” (Japanese)
  21. Ereshkigal – “Queen of the Underworld” (Sumerian)
  22. Sukuna – “Cursed” (Japanese)
  23. Eldritch – “Eerie” (English)
  24. Sekhmet – “Powerful” (Egyptian)
  25. Abaddon – “Destroyer” (Hebrew)
  26. Agrat – “Fury” (Hebrew)
  27. Furfur – “Demon of Storms” (Occult)
  28. Vassago – “Demon of Knowledge” (Occult)
  29. Zagan – “Demon of Lies” (Occult)
  30. Vine – “Demon of Wine” (Occult)

Dragon Ball Angel Names

Explore names inspired by the Dragon Ball series, each reflecting the unique and powerful characters within the anime. These names blend celestial and fantastical elements, perfect for fans of the series.

  1. Seraphim – “Fiery Ones” (Hebrew)
  2. Celestial – “Heavenly” (Latin)
  3. Goku – “Awakened” (Japanese)
  4. Vegeta – “Vegetable” (Japanese)
  5. Frieza – “Freeze” (Japanese)
  6. Kami – “God” (Japanese)
  7. Shenron – “Divine Dragon” (Japanese)
  8. Gohan – “Rice” (Japanese)
  9. Bulma – “Bloomers” (Japanese)
  10. Trunks – “Tree” (Japanese)
  11. Piccolo – “Small” (Italian)
  12. Krillin – “Dried Plum” (Japanese)
  13. Android – “Artificial Being” (English)
  14. Broly – “Broccoli” (Japanese)
  15. Whis – “Resonance” (English)
  16. Beerus – “Beer” (Japanese)
  17. Vados – “Sense of Humor” (Japanese)
  18. Zamasu – “Justice” (Japanese)
  19. Kefla – “Fusion” (Japanese)
  20. Jiren – “Jiren” (Japanese)
  21. Tao – “Peach” (Japanese)
  22. Zeno – “King” (Japanese)
  23. Mai – “True” (Japanese)
  24. Yamcha – “Claw” (Japanese)
  25. Chiaotzu – “Small” (Japanese)
  26. Dende – “Small” (Japanese)
  27. Videl – “Videl” (Japanese)
  28. Raditz – “Radish” (Japanese)
  29. Gogeta – “Fusion” (Japanese)
  30. Jaco – “Jaco” (Japanese)

Death Angel Names

Find names associated with angels of death, each carrying a sense of solemnity and respect. These names reflect the role of guiding souls and overseeing transitions, perfect for those interested in the more somber aspects of angelic lore.

  1. Azrael – “Angel of Death” (Hebrew)
  2. Mors – “Death” (Latin)
  3. Thanatos – “Death” (Greek)
  4. Yama – “God of Death” (Hindu)
  5. Hades – “Underworld” (Greek)
  6. Balthazar – “Protector of the King” (Babylonian)
  7. Astaroth – “Demon of Wrath” (Canaanite)
  8. Samael – “Poison of God” (Hebrew)
  9. Namtaru – “Serpent” (Sumerian)
  10. Hecate – “Goddess of Magic” (Greek)
  11. Kali – “Dark Goddess” (Sanskrit)
  12. Ereshkigal – “Queen of the Underworld” (Sumerian)
  13. Abaddon – “Destroyer” (Hebrew)
  14. Furfur – “Demon of Storms” (Occult)
  15. Vine – “Demon of Wine” (Occult)
  16. Asmodeus – “Demon of Lust” (Persian)
  17. Mammon – “Wealth” (Aramaic)
  18. Ophir – “Gold” (Hebrew)
  19. Tiamat – “Chaos” (Babylonian)
  20. Aamon – “Demon of Anger” (Occult)
  21. Belphegor – “Demon of Sloth” (Canaanite)
  22. Leviathan – “Sea Serpent” (Hebrew)
  23. Baal – “Lord” (Canaanite)
  24. Mephistopheles – “Demon of the Hellfire” (German)
  25. Marbas – “Demon of Knowledge” (Occult)
  26. Paimon – “Demon of Knowledge” (Occult)
  27. Zagan – “Demon of Lies” (Occult)
  28. Baphomet – “Idol of the Templars” (Occult)
  29. Amon – “Demon of Destruction” (Egyptian)
  30. Zariel – “Angel of Wrath” (Hebrew)

Dominion Angel Names

Discover names related to dominion angels, reflecting their roles in overseeing and governing divine realms. These names carry a sense of authority and power, ideal for those seeking names with a commanding presence.

  1. Dominion – “Authority” (Latin)
  2. Gabriel – “God is My Strength” (Hebrew)
  3. Michael – “Who is Like God” (Hebrew)
  4. Raphael – “God Heals” (Hebrew)
  5. Uriel – “God is My Light” (Hebrew)
  6. Zadkiel – “Righteousness of God” (Hebrew)
  7. Jophiel – “Beauty of God” (Hebrew)
  8. Barachiel – “Blessing of God” (Hebrew)
  9. Sandalphon – “Brother” (Greek)
  10. Metatron – “Guardian of Heaven” (Greek)
  11. Sealtiel – “Request of God” (Hebrew)
  12. Jeremiel – “God’s Mercy” (Hebrew)
  13. Hariel – “Mountain of God” (Hebrew)
  14. Camael – “Wrath of God” (Hebrew)
  15. Raziel – “Secret of God” (Hebrew)
  16. Samael – “Poison of God” (Hebrew)
  17. Zophiel – “God’s Watchman” (Hebrew)
  18. Gavreel – “God’s Strength” (Hebrew)
  19. Pahaliah – “Deliverer” (Hebrew)
  20. Maalik – “King” (Arabic)
  21. Raguel – “Friend of God” (Hebrew)
  22. Metatron – “Guardian of Heaven” (Greek)
  23. Kamael – “Wrath of God” (Hebrew)
  24. Ariel – “Lion of God” (Hebrew)
  25. Ophaniel – “Wheel of God” (Hebrew)
  26. Azrael – “Angel of Death” (Hebrew)
  27. Jeremiel – “God’s Mercy” (Hebrew)
  28. Barachiel – “Blessing of God” (Hebrew)
  29. Raguel – “Friend of God” (Hebrew)
  30. Chamuel – “He Who Seeks God” (Hebrew)

Angel Names Evangelion

Explore names from the Evangelion series, each representing the intriguing and complex nature of the series’ angelic entities. These names offer a unique blend of sci-fi and celestial themes, perfect for fans of the series.

dominion angel names
  1. Adam – “First Man” (Hebrew)
  2. Lilith – “Night Monster” (Hebrew)
  3. Gabriel – “God is My Strength” (Hebrew)
  4. Michael – “Who is Like God” (Hebrew)
  5. Raphael – “God Heals” (Hebrew)
  6. Ariel – “Lion of God” (Hebrew)
  7. Leliel – “Moon Shadow” (Hebrew)
  8. Sachiel – “Shield of God” (Hebrew)
  9. Shinji – “Truth” (Japanese)
  10. Asuka – “Bright Future” (Japanese)
  11. Kaworu – “Moon” (Japanese)
  12. Rei – “Zero” (Japanese)
  13. Mari – “Sea” (Japanese)
  14. Gendo – “Wise Man” (Japanese)
  15. Ikari – “Anger” (Japanese)
  16. Kensuke – “Defender” (Japanese)
  17. Toji – “Warrior” (Japanese)
  18. Misato – “Beautiful” (Japanese)
  19. Ritsuko – “Child of Wisdom” (Japanese)
  20. Kazuya – “Harmonious” (Japanese)
  21. Kozo – “Child of Light” (Japanese)
  22. Katsuichi – “Victory” (Japanese)
  23. NERV – “Agency” (Latin)
  24. SEELE – “Soul” (German)
  25. Maya – “Illusion” (Sanskrit)
  26. Mikado – “Emperor” (Japanese)
  27. Evangeline – “Bringer of Good News” (Greek)
  28. Miyuki – “Beautiful Snow” (Japanese)
  29. Karin – “Pure” (Japanese)
  30. Hikari – “Light” (Japanese)

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