900 Mystery Satyr Names – Exploring Symbolic Meanings

Satyr Names

Satyrs are fun and magical creatures from myths, known for their love of music and jokes.

Whether you’re writing a story, making a game, or just curious, finding the right name for a satyr can be exciting. In this guide, you’ll find a variety of simple and unique names to choose from.

Let’s explore and find the perfect name for your satyr!

5 Fun Facts About Satyr

1. Mythical Origins: Satyrs are mythical beings from Greek stories. They look like a mix of humans and goats, with human upper bodies and goat legs, horns, and tails.

2. Friends of Dionysus: Satyrs are often seen with Dionysus, the Greek god of wine and fun. They love music, dancing, and parties, making them perfect companions for the god of revelry.

3. Pan and Satyrs: Pan, the god of nature and shepherds, is a famous satyr. He loves music and plays the pan flute, which is named after him.

4. Symbolism: Satyrs stand for the wild side of nature and human instincts. They symbolize freedom, wildness, and the joy of life.

5. In Art and Stories: Satyrs appear in many artworks and stories. From ancient Greek pottery to modern books and movies, their playful and wild nature keeps inspiring artists and writers.

You can learn about whale names to make fun of because they’re truly special.

How to Pick a Name for Satyrs?

1. Mythology: Satyrs come from Greek myths, so think of names with Greek roots or sounds. Names like Pan, Silenus, or Thyrsus are good options.

2. Personality: Satyrs are playful and mischievous. Pick a name that shows this, like Jester, Trick, or Frolic.

3. Nature: Satyrs are linked to nature. Names like Oak, Grove, or River work well.

4. Music: Satyrs love music and dancing. Musical names like Melody, Lyric, or Rhythm can be fitting.

5. Fantasy: Satyrs are mythical, so you can make up unique names. Be creative and think of magical-sounding names.

If you prefer fun and mystical creature names, look into fairy name options.

Satyr Names

Explore a variety of names inspired by mythical creatures known for their playful nature and mystical charm.

  1. Blaze – “Flame” (English)
  2. Frolic – “Playful behavior” (English)
  3. Thorn – “Sharp plant part” (English)
  4. Glint – “Small flash of light” (English)
  5. Sprout – “Begin to grow” (English)
  6. Whisk – “Quick movement” (English)
  7. Pebble – “Small stone” (English)
  8. Rustle – “Soft sound” (English)
  9. Breeze – “Gentle wind” (English)
  10. Pip – “Small seed” (English)
  11. Twig – “Small branch” (English)
  12. Flicker – “Brief light” (English)
  13. Nook – “Small corner” (English)
  14. Brisk – “Energetic” (English)
  15. Tumble – “Fall” (English)
  16. Quirk – “Peculiar trait” (English)
  17. Mirth – “Joy” (English)
  18. Glimmer – “Faint light” (English)
  19. Whimsy – “Playful idea” (English)
  20. Dash – “Quick movement” (English)
  21. Spritz – “Light spray” (English)
  22. Bluff – “Cliff” (English)
  23. Fizzle – “End weakly” (English)
  24. Trill – “High sound” (English)
  25. Hobble – “Limp” (English)
  26. Glide – “Smooth movement” (English)
  27. Shimmer – “Shiny light” (English)
  28. Dapple – “Spotted” (English)
  29. Snicker – “Quiet laugh” (English)
  30. Glint – “Brief flash” (English)

Satyr Names Mythology

Discover names rooted in ancient myths, reflecting the whimsical allure and magical essence of satyrs.

  1. Aether – “Upper sky” (Greek)
  2. Chiron – “Wise centaur” (Greek)
  3. Eurus – “East wind” (Greek)
  4. Hestia – “Hearth goddess” (Greek)
  5. Ladon – “Dragon” (Greek)
  6. Nyx – “Night” (Greek)
  7. Phoebe – “Bright” (Greek)
  8. Selene – “Moon” (Greek)
  9. Styx – “River of hate” (Greek)
  10. Thalia – “Blooming” (Greek)
  11. Zephyr – “West wind” (Greek)
  12. Eros – “Love” (Greek)
  13. Alecto – “Unceasing” (Greek)
  14. Calypso – “Concealer” (Greek)
  15. Circe – “Enchantress” (Greek)
  16. Daphne – “Laurel” (Greek)
  17. Echo – “Sound reflection” (Greek)
  18. Hermes – “Messenger” (Greek)
  19. Iris – “Rainbow” (Greek)
  20. Leto – “Hidden” (Greek)
  21. Persephone – “Spring queen” (Greek)
  22. Rhea – “Flowing” (Greek)
  23. Theia – “Divine” (Greek)
  24. Ares – “War” (Greek)
  25. Demeter – “Earth mother” (Greek)
  26. Hephaestus – “Craftsman” (Greek)
  27. Hera – “Queen” (Greek)
  28. Hades – “Underworld” (Greek)
  29. Poseidon – “Sea god” (Greek)
  30. Zeus – “Sky father” (Greek)

Satyr Names Greek Mythology

Delve into names from Greek myths that embody the wild and mischievous spirit of satyrs.

  1. Pan – “Nature god” (Greek)
  2. Silenus – “Old satyr” (Greek)
  3. Thyrsus – “Staff” (Greek)
  4. Maenad – “Frenzied follower” (Greek)
  5. Evoe – “Exclamation” (Greek)
  6. Satyr – “Forest spirit” (Greek)
  7. Orpheus – “Musician” (Greek)
  8. Nysa – “Mountains” (Greek)
  9. Dionysus – “Wine god” (Greek)
  10. Ampelos – “Vine” (Greek)
  11. Comus – “Revelry” (Greek)
  12. Euanthes – “Flower” (Greek)
  13. Hyacinth – “Flower” (Greek)
  14. Lycus – “Wolf” (Greek)
  15. Papposilenus – “Elder satyr” (Greek)
  16. Marsyas – “Musician” (Greek)
  17. Crotus – “Huntsman” (Greek)
  18. Aristaeus – “Beekeeper” (Greek)
  19. Chrysothemis – “Golden justice” (Greek)
  20. Echion – “Viper” (Greek)
  21. Euripides – “Wide strider” (Greek)
  22. Eurymedon – “Wide ruler” (Greek)
  23. Lupercus – “Wolf god” (Greek)
  24. Satyrius – “Satyr king” (Greek)
  25. Tityus – “Giant” (Greek)
  26. Agrius – “Wild” (Greek)
  27. Corus – “Dancer” (Greek)
  28. Hyblaeus – “Bee god” (Greek)
  29. Iambe – “Jesting” (Greek)
  30. Meleager – “Hunter” (Greek)

Satyrs Names Male

Find names capturing the adventurous and rugged nature of male satyrs, echoing their untamed spirit.

  1. Apollo – “God of music” (Greek)
  2. Zander – “Defender of people” (Greek)
  3. Atlas – “Bearer of the heavens” (Greek)
  4. Damon – “To tame” (Greek)
  5. Leander – “Lion man” (Greek)
  6. Nico – “Victory of the people” (Greek)
  7. Hector – “Holding fast” (Greek)
  8. Ajax – “Eagle” (Greek)
  9. Castor – “Beaver” (Greek)
  10. Paris – “Defender” (Greek)
  11. Orion – “Rising in the sky” (Greek)
  12. Theon – “Godly” (Greek)
  13. Theron – “Hunter” (Greek)
  14. Zephyr – “West wind” (Greek)
  15. Leonidas – “Lion’s son” (Greek)
  16. Xander – “Defender of men” (Greek)
  17. Troy – “Foot soldier” (Greek)
  18. Demetrius – “Follower of Demeter” (Greek)
  19. Kostas – “Steadfast” (Greek)
  20. Evander – “Good man” (Greek)
  21. Gregor – “Watchful” (Greek)
  22. Lysander – “Liberator” (Greek)
  23. Petros – “Rock” (Greek)
  24. Sander – “Protector” (Greek)
  25. Jason – “Healer” (Greek)
  26. Adonis – “Lord” (Greek)
  27. Darius – “Maintains possessions well” (Greek)
  28. Helios – “Sun” (Greek)
  29. Myles – “Soldier” (Greek)
  30. Evangelos – “Bearer of good news” (Greek)

Satyrs Names Girl

Uncover names that reflect the graceful and enchanting qualities of female satyrs, blending elegance with mystical charm.

  1. Callista – “Most beautiful” (Greek)
  2. Daphne – “Laurel” (Greek)
  3. Selene – “Moon” (Greek)
  4. Thalia – “To blossom” (Greek)
  5. Iris – “Rainbow” (Greek)
  6. Elektra – “Shining” (Greek)
  7. Chloe – “Blooming” (Greek)
  8. Cassandra – “Shining upon man” (Greek)
  9. Eudora – “Good gift” (Greek)
  10. Hermione – “Earthly” (Greek)
  11. Lydia – “From Lydia” (Greek)
  12. Penelope – “Weaver” (Greek)
  13. Rhea – “Flowing” (Greek)
  14. Phoebe – “Bright, shining” (Greek)
  15. Andromeda – “Ruler of men” (Greek)
  16. Evangeline – “Bearer of good news” (Greek)
  17. Calypso – “She who conceals” (Greek)
  18. Hestia – “Hearth” (Greek)
  19. Persephone – “Bringer of destruction” (Greek)
  20. Xanthe – “Golden, yellow” (Greek)
  21. Helena – “Shining light” (Greek)
  22. Thea – “Goddess” (Greek)
  23. Nerissa – “Sea nymph” (Greek)
  24. Ophelia – “Help” (Greek)
  25. Sofia – “Wisdom” (Greek)
  26. Ariadne – “Most holy” (Greek)
  27. Cleo – “Glory” (Greek)
  28. Delia – “From Delos” (Greek)
  29. Leda – “Lady” (Greek)
  30. Melina – “Honey” (Greek)

Famous Satyrs Names

Celebrate legendary names associated with satyrs, from ancient myths to modern tales of mischief and magic.

Famous Satyrs Names
  1. Faunus – “Roman satyr god” (Latin)
  2. Pan – “God of the wild” (Greek)
  3. Silenus – “Companion of Dionysus” (Greek)
  4. Satyrion – “Ancient playwright” (Greek)
  5. Ampelos – “Vine” (Greek)
  6. Marsyas – “Satyr musician” (Greek)
  7. Comus – “God of revelry” (Greek)
  8. Hylaeus – “Forest satyr” (Greek)
  9. Krotos – “Inventor of rhythmic beat” (Greek)
  10. Daphnis – “Shepherd and poet” (Greek)
  11. Pherespondos – “Messenger” (Greek)
  12. Lykurgos – “Destroyer of vines” (Greek)
  13. Tylos – “Mythical satyr” (Greek)
  14. Olenos – “Satyr of Greek myth” (Greek)
  15. Autolykos – “Thief and trickster” (Greek)
  16. Mimnermus – “Poet satyr” (Greek)
  17. Aristaios – “Agriculture deity” (Greek)
  18. Leneus – “Wine god” (Greek)
  19. Agrius – “Wild satyr” (Greek)
  20. Pholus – “Wise satyr” (Greek)
  21. Papposilenus – “Old satyr” (Greek)
  22. Anogos – “Forest satyr” (Greek)
  23. Hesperos – “Evening star” (Greek)
  24. Eurytion – “Wide ruler” (Greek)
  25. Mydon – “Warrior satyr” (Greek)
  26. Chimarros – “Goat satyr” (Greek)
  27. Eubouleus – “Good advisor” (Greek)
  28. Thiasos – “Celebration” (Greek)
  29. Nysius – “Mountain satyr” (Greek)
  30. Pyrrhos – “Flame-colored” (Greek)

Satyrs Names Female

Embrace names evoking the spirited nature and mythical grace of female satyrs.

  1. Echo – “Sound reflection” (Greek)
  2. Nysa – “Mountains” (Greek)
  3. Clio – “Glory” (Greek)
  4. Galatea – “Milk-white” (Greek)
  5. Hebe – “Youth” (Greek)
  6. Io – “Moon” (Greek)
  7. Maia – “Mother” (Greek)
  8. Nyx – “Night” (Greek)
  9. Phaedra – “Bright” (Greek)
  10. Selena – “Moon” (Greek)
  11. Tyche – “Fortune” (Greek)
  12. Xenia – “Hospitality” (Greek)
  13. Astraea – “Star-maiden” (Greek)
  14. Acantha – “Thorn” (Greek)
  15. Althea – “Healing” (Greek)
  16. Briseis – “Noble” (Greek)
  17. Cassiopeia – “Queen” (Greek)
  18. Danae – “Parched” (Greek)
  19. Eirene – “Peace” (Greek)
  20. Galene – “Calm seas” (Greek)
  21. Harmonia – “Harmony” (Greek)
  22. Ianthe – “Purple flower” (Greek)
  23. Lysandra – “Liberator” (Greek)
  24. Melpomene – “Songstress” (Greek)
  25. Nike – “Victory” (Greek)
  26. Phoebe – “Bright, pure” (Greek)
  27. Roxane – “Dawn” (Greek)
  28. Themis – “Law of nature” (Greek)
  29. Urania – “Heavenly” (Greek)
  30. Yvonne – “Yew wood” (Greek)

Satyr Names Dnd

Explore names tailored for Dungeons & Dragons adventures, capturing the essence of satyrs in fantasy worlds.

  1. Auric – “Golden” (Latin)
  2. Thornwood – “Sharp plant” (English)
  3. Glimmerglen – “Shining valley” (English)
  4. Silvertree – “Tree of silver” (English)
  5. Bramblehoof – “Thorny hoof” (English)
  6. Shadowbreeze – “Dark wind” (English)
  7. Mistwhisper – “Quiet mist” (English)
  8. Emberhorn – “Burning horn” (English)
  9. Stonesong – “Singing stones” (English)
  10. Starfall – “Falling star” (English)
  11. Frosthoof – “Cold hoof” (English)
  12. Swiftbrook – “Fast stream” (English)
  13. Duskhoof – “Evening hoof” (English)
  14. Whisperwind – “Soft wind” (English)
  15. Fireblade – “Blade of fire” (English)
  16. Silvermane – “Silver mane” (English)
  17. Moonshadow – “Shadow of the moon” (English)
  18. Oakheart – “Heart of oak” (English)
  19. Stormhoof – “Stormy hoof” (English)
  20. Goldleaf – “Golden leaf” (English)
  21. Echofern – “Reflective fern” (English)
  22. Thistlebreeze – “Light wind carrying thistles” (English)
  23. Dewwhisker – “Morning dew on whiskers” (English)
  24. Riversong – “Song of the river” (English)
  25. Brightshade – “Bright shadow” (English)
  26. Swiftclaw – “Fast claw” (English)
  27. Glinteye – “Shiny eye” (English)
  28. Winterfur – “Fur of winter” (English)
  29. Foxfire – “Fire of the fox” (English)
  30. Mossheart – “Heart of moss” (English)

Satyr Names Percy Jackson

Journey through names inspired by Percy Jackson’s world, reflecting the whimsy and adventure of satyrs in modern myths.

  1. Grover – “From the grove” (English)
  2. Tyson – “Firebrand” (English)
  3. Pan – “God of the wild” (Greek)
  4. Pollux – “Very sweet” (Greek)
  5. Beckendorf – “From Becken village” (German)
  6. Castor – “Beaver” (Greek)
  7. Clarisse – “Bright, clear” (French)
  8. Hazel – “The hazel tree” (English)
  9. Leo – “Lion” (Latin)
  10. Jason – “Healer” (Greek)
  11. Percy – “Pierce valley” (English)
  12. Nico – “Victory of the people” (Greek)
  13. Thalia – “To flourish” (Greek)
  14. Rachel – “Ewe” (Hebrew)
  15. Luke – “From Lucania” (Latin)
  16. Annabeth – “Gracious” (Greek)
  17. Chiron – “Hand” (Greek)
  18. Ethan – “Strong, firm” (Hebrew)
  19. Meg – “Pearl” (Greek)
  20. Piper – “Pipe player” (English)
  21. Will – “Desire, helmet, protection” (English)
  22. Reyna – “Queen” (Spanish)
  23. Frank – “Free” (Germanic)
  24. Calypso – “She who hides” (Greek)
  25. Morpheus – “Form, shape” (Greek)
  26. Dionysus – “Wine” (Greek)
  27. Athena – “Goddess” (Greek)
  28. Artemis – “Goddess of the hunt” (Greek)
  29. Hades – “Unseen” (Greek)
  30. Zeus – “Sky” (Greek)

Greek Satyr Names

Dive into names drawn from Greek mythology, honoring the playful and mysterious spirits known as satyrs.

  1. Aegipan – “Pan with a goat’s legs” (Greek)
  2. Silvanus – “Protector of the woods” (Latin)
  3. Eurynomos – “Wandering spirit” (Greek)
  4. Orestes – “Mountain dweller” (Greek)
  5. Chrysaor – “Golden sword” (Greek)
  6. Epimedes – “Inventor” (Greek)
  7. Macarius – “Blessed” (Greek)
  8. Timaios – “Honored” (Greek)
  9. Aristaios – “Best” (Greek)
  10. Leucippe – “White mare” (Greek)
  11. Lycaon – “Wolf” (Greek)
  12. Polemos – “War” (Greek)
  13. Sosipolis – “Savior of the city” (Greek)
  14. Hypnos – “Sleep” (Greek)
  15. Nikephoros – “Bearer of victory” (Greek)
  16. Thanatos – “Death” (Greek)
  17. Porphyrion – “Giant” (Greek)
  18. Lysander – “Liberator” (Greek)
  19. Damocles – “Fame of the people” (Greek)
  20. Eros – “Love” (Greek)
  21. Achilles – “Pain” (Greek)
  22. Cassander – “Shining upon man” (Greek)
  23. Adonis – “Lord” (Greek)
  24. Odysseus – “Angry” (Greek)
  25. Zephyros – “West wind” (Greek)
  26. Apollo – “Destroyer” (Greek)
  27. Ares – “God of war” (Greek)
  28. Poseidon – “God of the sea” (Greek)
  29. Hermes – “Messenger” (Greek)
  30. Hades – “Unseen” (Greek)

Funny Satyr Names

Discover lighthearted names that bring laughter and whimsy, perfect for mischievous satyr characters.

Funny Satyr Names
  1. Goatmeal – “Goat food” (English)
  2. Pantsy – “Wearing pants” (English)
  3. Hoofdini – “Hoof magician” (English)
  4. Satyrday – “Day of the satyrs” (English)
  5. Cheekyhoof – “Cheeky hoof” (English)
  6. Fuzzbucket – “Fuzzy bucket” (English)
  7. Chucklehorn – “Laughing horn” (English)
  8. Gigglespring – “Spring of giggles” (English)
  9. Mischiefhoof – “Hoof of mischief” (English)
  10. Dancemane – “Mane that dances” (English)
  11. Jingletoe – “Toes that jingle” (English)
  12. Ticklewhisker – “Whisker that tickles” (English)
  13. Wigglebottom – “Bottom that wiggles” (English)
  14. Snickerdoodle – “Cookie that snickers” (English)
  15. Bananahorn – “Horn of bananas” (English)
  16. Sprinkletoes – “Toes that sprinkle” (English)
  17. Giggleberry – “Berry that giggles” (English)
  18. Snickersnack – “Snack that snickers” (English)
  19. Noodlehoof – “Hoof made of noodles” (English)
  20. Whimsywhisker – “Whisker of whimsy” (English)
  21. Flutterhoof – “Hoof that flutters” (English)
  22. Cherrytoe – “Toe that’s cherry” (English)
  23. Snoozehorn – “Horn that snoozes” (English)
  24. Wobblewhisker – “Whisker that wobbles” (English)
  25. Sproutyhoof – “Hoof that sprouts” (English)
  26. Tiddlywink – “Wink that’s tiddly” (English)
  27. Cackleberry – “Berry that cackles” (English)
  28. Hopscotch – “Game of hopping” (English)
  29. Wigglewig – “Wig that wiggles” (English)
  30. Giggletwist – “Twist that giggles” (English)

Cute Satyr Names

Find endearing names that capture the adorable and charming nature of satyrs, ideal for playful characters.

  1. Bubbles – “Air or gas in a thin spherical shape” (English)
  2. Petal – “A flower or leaf” (English)
  3. Cinnamon – “A spice obtained from the inner bark of trees” (English)
  4. Sunny – “Bright with sunlight” (English)
  5. Snickerdoodle – “A type of cookie” (English)
  6. Pumpkin – “A large round fruit with yellow or orange skin” (English)
  7. Whiskers – “Long projecting hairs on the face of certain animals” (English)
  8. Peaches – “A round stone fruit with juicy yellow flesh” (English)
  9. Blossom – “A flower or mass of flowers” (English)
  10. Chip – “A small piece of something” (English)
  11. Daisy – “A small grassland plant” (English)
  12. Muffin – “A small, soft bread” (English)
  13. Squiggle – “A twisty or wiggly shape” (English)
  14. Sprout – “A new growth on a plant” (English)
  15. Butterscotch – “A type of candy made of butter and brown sugar” (English)
  16. Twinkle – “Shine with a flickering or sparkling light” (English)
  17. Cupcake – “A small cake baked in a cup-shaped container” (English)
  18. Noodle – “A strip, ring, or tube of pasta” (English)
  19. Honeydew – “A type of melon with sweet green flesh” (English)
  20. Pebble – “A small smooth rounded rock” (English)
  21. Gingersnap – “A type of cookie flavored with ginger” (English)
  22. Jellybean – “A small bean-shaped candy” (English)
  23. Munchkin – “A small person or child” (English)
  24. Sprinkle – “Small particles of a substance” (English)
  25. Button – “A small disc or knob” (English)
  26. Marshmallow – “A soft candy” (English)
  27. Cherub – “A winged angelic being” (English)
  28. Pudding – “A sweet, creamy dessert” (English)
  29. Wiggles – “Move with short, quick movements” (English)
  30. Fuzzy – “Covered with fuzz or hair” (English)

Wow Satyr Names

Explore awe-inspiring names that command attention and evoke wonder, perfect for majestic satyr characters.

  1. Zephyrion – “Wind” (Greek)
  2. Aetherius – “Heavenly” (Latin)
  3. Vortex – “Whirling mass” (Latin)
  4. Celestio – “Heavenly” (Latin)
  5. Aurora – “Dawn” (Latin)
  6. Zenith – “Highest point” (Latin)
  7. Galaxus – “Galaxy” (Latin)
  8. Nimbus – “Cloud” (Latin)
  9. Titanos – “Titan” (Greek)
  10. Solstice – “Sun standing still” (Latin)
  11. Cyclonus – “Cyclone” (Latin)
  12. Ignatius – “Fire” (Latin)
  13. Vesper – “Evening star” (Latin)
  14. Quasar – “Distant celestial object” (Latin)
  15. Aquila – “Eagle” (Latin)
  16. Solaris – “Of the sun” (Latin)
  17. Luminos – “Light” (Latin)
  18. Stellaris – “Star” (Latin)
  19. Orion – “Hunter” (Greek)
  20. Serenus – “Calm, serene” (Latin)
  21. Eclipse – “Obscuring of light” (Latin)
  22. Phantom – “Ghostly image” (Greek)
  23. Elysium – “Paradise” (Greek)
  24. Avalon – “Island of apples” (Celtic)
  25. Tempest – “Violent storm” (Latin)
  26. Neptune – “God of the sea” (Latin)
  27. Aegis – “Protective shield” (Greek)
  28. Mirage – “Optical illusion” (French)
  29. Borealis – “Northern lights” (Latin)
  30. Nebula – “Cloud of gas and dust” (Latin)

Satyr Other Names

Uncover alternative names for satyrs, offering diverse options for different storytelling styles.

  1. Ramblefoot – “To wander with the feet” (English)
  2. Quicksilver – “Mercury” (English)
  3. Moonglow – “Light from the moon” (English)
  4. Firebrand – “A piece of burning wood” (English)
  5. Swiftstride – “Quick step” (English)
  6. Thornberry – “Thorny berry” (English)
  7. Stormcloud – “Dark cloud with rain” (English)
  8. Brightmoon – “Shining moon” (English)
  9. Glimmerwing – “Gleaming wing” (English)
  10. Mistral – “Strong cold wind” (French)
  11. Frostwhisper – “Cold whisper” (English)
  12. Shadowvale – “Dark valley” (English)
  13. Dawnfire – “Early morning fire” (English)
  14. Sylvanheart – “Forest heart” (English)
  15. Emberglow – “Glowing ember” (English)
  16. Oakenshade – “Shady oak tree” (English)
  17. Riversong – “Song of the river” (English)
  18. Boulderfoot – “Big stone foot” (English)
  19. Gentleleaf – “Soft leaf” (English)
  20. Swiftbrook – “Fast stream” (English)
  21. Echoleaf – “Leaf that echoes” (English)
  22. Mosswhisper – “Soft moss whisper” (English)
  23. Petalstorm – “Storm of petals” (English)
  24. Zephyrus – “West wind” (Greek)
  25. Fernglen – “Glen with ferns” (English)
  26. Groveheart – “Heart of the grove” (English)
  27. Sunsong – “Song of the sun” (English)
  28. Swiftwind – “Fast wind” (English)
  29. Wanderlust – “Desire to travel” (German)
  30. Stonesong – “Song of stones” (English)

Satyr Narnia Names

Step into C.S. Lewis’s Narnia with names that capture the magical essence of satyrs in fantasy realms.

  1. Tumnus – “Faun” (English)
  2. Trufflehunter – “Hunts truffles” (English)
  3. Bacchus – “God of wine” (Greek)
  4. Pattertwig – “Patters through twigs” (English)
  5. Thresh – “To separate grains from husks” (English)
  6. Silvo – “Forest” (Spanish)
  7. Dufflepud – “Strange creature” (English)
  8. Ivybush – “Bush of ivy” (English)
  9. Glenstorm – “Storm in a glen” (English)
  10. Reepicheep – “Mouse” (English)
  11. Maugrim – “Wolf” (English)
  12. Shift – “To move or change” (English)
  13. Nikabrik – “Name of dwarf” (English)
  14. Giant Rumblebuffin – “Giant” (English)
  15. Glimfeather – “Feather that glimmers” (English)
  16. Wimbleweather – “Weather that wimbles” (English)
  17. Fledge – “To grow feathers” (English)
  18. Bragg – “To boast” (English)
  19. Drinian – “Name of seaman” (English)
  20. Gael – “Of Gaelic descent” (English)
  21. Lune – “Moon” (French)
  22. Coriakin – “Name of magician” (English)
  23. Trumpkin – “Goblin” (English)
  24. Puddleglum – “To be gloomy” (English)
  25. Caspian – “Sea area” (English)
  26. Rilian – “Name of prince” (English)
  27. Jadis – “Name of character” (English)
  28. Aslan – “Lion” (Turkish)
  29. Ramandu – “Wander” (English)
  30. Fawn – “Young deer” (English)

Satyr Roman Name

Discover names rooted in Roman mythology, reflecting the enduring influence of satyrs in ancient lore.

Satyr Roman Name
  1. Aurelius – “Golden” (Latin)
  2. Maximus – “Greatest” (Latin)
  3. Valerius – “Strong, vigorous” (Latin)
  4. Cassius – “Hollow” (Latin)
  5. Octavius – “Eighth” (Latin)
  6. Tiberius – “Of the Tiber (river)” (Latin)
  7. Lucius – “Light” (Latin)
  8. Quintus – “Fifth” (Latin)
  9. Marcus – “Warlike” (Latin)
  10. Flavius – “Yellow-haired” (Latin)
  11. Julius – “Youthful” (Latin)
  12. Antonius – “Priceless” (Latin)
  13. Gaius – “Rejoice” (Latin)
  14. Cornelius – “Of a horn” (Latin)
  15. Titus – “Title of honor” (Latin)
  16. Severus – “Severe, strict” (Latin)
  17. Hadrianus – “From Hadria” (Latin)
  18. Cyprianus – “From Cyprus” (Latin)
  19. Aurelian – “Golden” (Latin)
  20. Vespasianus – “Evening star” (Latin)
  21. Valentinus – “Strong, vigorous” (Latin)
  22. Marcellus – “Little warrior” (Latin)
  23. Nero – “Strong, vigorous” (Latin)
  24. Traianus – “From Trajan” (Latin)
  25. Pompeius – “Fruitful” (Latin)
  26. Constantinus – “Constant, steadfast” (Latin)
  27. Justinianus – “Just, righteous” (Latin)
  28. Augustus – “Venerable” (Latin)
  29. Servius – “Saved, rescued” (Latin)
  30. Seneca – “Old man” (Latin)

Satyr Deity Name

Explore names inspired by mythical deities associated with satyrs, reflecting their divine origins and mystical significance.

  1. Panos – Variation of Pan, Greek god of the wild (Greek)
  2. Dionysios – Greek god of wine, fertility, and theatre (Greek)
  3. Silvanus – Roman god of the woods and fields (Latin)
  4. Faunus – Roman god of agriculture and fertility (Latin)
  5. Bacchus – Another name for Dionysus, god of wine (Latin)
  6. Cernunnos – Celtic god of fertility, animals, and the underworld (Celtic)
  7. Satyros – Name for satyrs, also associated with Dionysus (Greek)
  8. Liber – Roman god of viticulture and wine (Latin)
  9. Eros – Greek god of love (Greek)
  10. Priapus – Minor fertility god in Greek mythology (Greek)
  11. Hermes – Greek god of transitions and boundaries (Greek)
  12. Freyr – Norse god of fertility and prosperity (Norse)
  13. Mercury – Roman god of financial gain, commerce, and travelers (Latin)
  14. Agni – Hindu god of fire (Sanskrit)
  15. Anubis – Egyptian god of mummification and the afterlife (Egyptian)
  16. Tlaloc – Aztec god of rain and fertility (Nahuatl)
  17. Thor – Norse god of thunder, storms, and strength (Norse)
  18. Zeus – Greek god of the sky and thunder (Greek)
  19. Odin – Chief god in Norse mythology, associated with wisdom (Norse)
  20. Tezcatlipoca – Aztec god of providence, destiny, and war (Nahuatl)
  21. Ra – Egyptian sun god (Egyptian)
  22. Vishnu – Hindu god who preserves the universe (Sanskrit)
  23. Poseidon – Greek god of the sea and earthquakes (Greek)
  24. Shiva – Hindu god of destruction and transformation (Sanskrit)
  25. Amun – Egyptian god of air and sun (Egyptian)
  26. Hades – Greek god of the underworld (Greek)
  27. Lugh – Celtic god of arts, crafts, and skills (Celtic)
  28. Quetzalcoatl – Aztec god of wind and learning (Nahuatl)
  29. Krishna – Hindu god of compassion, tenderness, and love (Sanskrit)
  30. Horus – Egyptian sky god (Egyptian)

Satyr Alternate Names

Find unique variations and alternative spellings of satyr names for imaginative storytelling.

  1. Faun – “Faun” (Latin)
  2. Silenus – “Companion of Dionysus” (Greek)
  3. Puck – “Mischievous sprite” (English)
  4. Dryad – “Tree nymph” (Greek)
  5. Sylvan – “Of the woods” (Latin)
  6. Paniscus – “Small Pan” (Latin)
  7. Centaur – “Half-human, half-horse” (Greek)
  8. Minotaur – “Half-man, half-bull” (Greek)
  9. Satyrus – “Satyr” (Latin)
  10. Fawn – “Young deer” (English)
  11. Nymph – “Nature spirit” (Greek)
  12. Grotesque – “Fantastically ugly” (Italian)
  13. Beastie – “Small beast” (English)
  14. Gremlin – “Mischievous creature” (English)
  15. Goblin – “Malevolent creature” (English)
  16. Imp – “Mischievous sprite” (English)
  17. Sprite – “Elf or fairy” (English)
  18. Elf – “Supernatural being in Germanic mythology” (Germanic)
  19. Troll – “Giant or demon” (Norse)
  20. Orc – “Goblin or monster” (English)
  21. Yeti – “Abominable snowman” (Tibetan)
  22. Cyclops – “One-eyed giant” (Greek)
  23. Dragon – “Large, serpentine legendary creature” (Greek)
  24. Chimera – “Fire-breathing monster” (Greek)
  25. Griffin – “Legendary creature with the body of a lion and the head and wings of an eagle” (Greek)
  26. Wyvern – “Two-legged dragon with a barbed tail” (English)
  27. Banshee – “Female spirit in Irish mythology” (Irish)
  28. Kelpie – “Water spirit in Scottish folklore” (Scottish)
  29. Phoenix – “Legendary bird that cyclically regenerates or is otherwise born again” (Greek)
  30. Sphinx – “Mythical creature with the head of a human, body of a lion, and wings of a bird” (Greek)

Satyr Fantasy Name

Immerse yourself in fantastical names that evoke the adventure and allure of satyrs in fictional worlds.

  1. Zephyrion – “Wind” (Greek)
  2. Aetherius – “Heavenly” (Latin)
  3. Vortex – “Whirling mass” (Latin)
  4. Celestio – “Heavenly” (Latin)
  5. Aurora – “Dawn” (Latin)
  6. Zenith – “Highest point” (Latin)
  7. Galaxus – “Galaxy” (Latin)
  8. Nimbus – “Cloud” (Latin)
  9. Titanos – “Titan” (Greek)
  10. Solstice – “Sun standing still” (Latin)
  11. Cyclonus – “Cyclone” (Latin)
  12. Ignatius – “Fire” (Latin)
  13. Vesper – “Evening star” (Latin)
  14. Quasar – “Distant celestial object” (Latin)
  15. Aquila – “Eagle” (Latin)
  16. Solaris – “Of the sun” (Latin)
  17. Luminos – “Light” (Latin)
  18. Stellaris – “Star” (Latin)
  19. Orion – “Hunter” (Greek)
  20. Serenus – “Calm, serene” (Latin)
  21. Eclipse – “Obscuring of light” (Latin)
  22. Phantom – “Ghostly image” (Greek)
  23. Elysium – “Paradise” (Greek)
  24. Avalon – “Island of apples” (Celtic)
  25. Tempest – “Violent storm” (Latin)
  26. Neptune – “God of the sea” (Latin)
  27. Aegis – “Protective shield” (Greek)
  28. Mirage – “Optical illusion” (French)
  29. Borealis – “Northern lights” (Latin)
  30. Nebula – “Cloud

Satyr Flute Name

Discover names inspired by the enchanting music and flute-playing skills of satyrs, reflecting their harmonious connection with nature.

  1. Piper – “Flute player” (English)
  2. Lyre – “Stringed instrument” (Greek)
  3. Flutio – “Flute” (Latin)
  4. Harmonio – “Harmony” (Latin)
  5. Melodio – “Melody” (Latin)
  6. Aulos – “Ancient Greek wind instrument” (Greek)
  7. Syrinx – “Pan flute” (Greek)
  8. Lyrinx – “Lyre” (Greek)
  9. Fife – “Small flute” (English)
  10. Sonus – “Sound” (Latin)
  11. Cadence – “Rhythmic flow of a sequence of sounds” (English)
  12. Echo – “Repetition of sound” (Greek)
  13. Trillo – “Trill” (Italian)
  14. Clarion – “Clear, shrill sound” (Latin)
  15. Serenade – “Musical composition” (Italian)
  16. Threnody – “Song of lamentation” (Greek)
  17. Quaver – “Musical note” (English)
  18. Aria – “Solo vocal piece in an opera” (Italian)
  19. Chord – “Group of musical notes” (Latin)
  20. Sonata – “Instrumental composition” (Italian)
  21. Rhapsody – “Free-flowing instrumental composition” (Greek)
  22. Hymn – “Religious song of praise” (Greek)
  23. Ballad – “Narrative poem set to music” (French)
  24. Tune – “Melody” (English)
  25. Cadence – “Rhythmic flow of sounds” (English)
  26. Crescendo – “Gradual increase in loudness” (Italian)
  27. Sonnet – “Poetic form” (Italian)
  28. Madrigal – “Polyphonic vocal composition” (Italian)
  29. Minuet – “Elegant dance” (French)
  30. Coda – “Concluding passage of a piece” (Italian)

Good Names For Satyrs

Find names that embody the virtues and qualities attributed to satyrs, from bravery to mischief.

  1. Zephyr – “Gentle breeze” (Greek)
  2. Silvan – “Of the woods” (Latin)
  3. Jovial – “Full of high-spirited merriment” (Latin)
  4. Fable – “Short tale to teach a moral lesson” (Latin)
  5. Harmony – “Agreement in feeling or action” (Latin)
  6. Marvel – “Wonderful or astonishing” (French)
  7. Whimsy – “Playfully quaint or fanciful behavior” (English)
  8. Glee – “Joyful exuberance” (English)
  9. Mirth – “Amusement, especially as expressed in laughter” (English)
  10. Bliss – “Perfect happiness” (Old English)
  11. Jubilant – “Showing great joy, satisfaction, or triumph” (Latin)
  12. Radiant – “Sending out light; shining or glowing brightly” (Latin)
  13. Serene – “Calm, peaceful, and untroubled; tranquil” (Latin)
  14. Luminous – “Full of or shedding light; bright or shining, especially in the dark” (Latin)
  15. Fervor – “Intense and passionate feeling” (Latin)
  16. Verity – “Truth” (Latin)
  17. Ardent – “Enthusiastic or passionate” (Latin)
  18. Noble – “Having or showing fine personal qualities or high moral principles” (Old French)
  19. Valor – “Great courage in the face of danger, especially in battle” (Old French)
  20. Pristine – “In its original condition; unspoiled” (Latin)
  21. Vivid – “Producing powerful feelings or strong, clear images in the mind” (Latin)
  22. Euphoria – “A feeling or state of intense excitement and happiness” (Greek)
  23. Ecstasy – “An overwhelming feeling of great happiness or joyful excitement” (Greek)
  24. Enchant – “Delight greatly; charm” (Latin)
  25. Grace – “Simple elegance or refinement of movement” (Latin)
  26. Halcyon – “Denoting a period of time in the past that was idyllically happy and peaceful” (Greek)
  27. Nimble – “Quick and light in movement or action; agile” (Old English)
  28. Vibrant – “Full of energy and enthusiasm” (Latin)
  29. Spirited – “Full of energy, enthusiasm, and determination” (Latin)
  30. Charm – “The power or quality of delighting, attracting, or fascinating others” (Latin)

Satyr Last Names 5e

Explore surnames tailored for satyrs in Dungeons & Dragons 5th Edition, adding depth to character storytelling.

  1. Greenwood – “Green forest” (English)
  2. Thornberry – “Thorny berry bush” (English)
  3. Stonebrook – “Stony stream” (English)
  4. Riversong – “Melodic sound of a river” (English)
  5. Meadowview – “View of a meadow” (English)
  6. Silverwood – “Silver-colored wood” (English)
  7. Oakenshield – “Shield made from oak” (English)
  8. Frostwind – “Cold wind” (English)
  9. Sunfire – “Fire of the sun” (English)
  10. Wildheart – “Wild and courageous heart” (English)
  11. Swiftwater – “Fast-moving water” (English)
  12. Moonshadow – “Shadow cast by the moon” (English)
  13. Stoutfist – “Strong and resilient fist” (English)
  14. Dawnbreaker – “One who breaks the dawn” (English)
  15. Brighteye – “Bright-eyed person” (English)
  16. Swiftblade – “Quick and sharp blade” (English)
  17. Ironbark – “Tough and resilient bark” (English)
  18. Stormcaller – “One who calls storms” (English)
  19. Forestwalker – “One who walks in the forest” (English)
  20. Wanderlust – “Strong desire to travel” (German)
  21. Fireheart – “Passionate and fiery heart” (English)
  22. Hawthorn – “Thorny shrub or tree” (English)
  23. Deeproot – “Roots that grow deep” (English)
  24. Whisperwind – “Soft wind that whispers” (English)
  25. Duskrunner – “One who runs at dusk” (English)
  26. Starfall – “Falling of stars” (English)
  27. Silvermoon – “Silver-colored moon” (English)
  28. Swiftfoot – “Quick and agile foot” (English)
  29. Glenwood – “Valley with wood” (English)
  30. Skybreaker – “One who breaks the sky” (English)

Unisex Satyr Names

Discover names suitable for both male and female satyrs, offering flexibility in character creation.

Unisex Satyr Names
  1. Fable – “Short tale to teach a moral lesson” (English)
  2. Harmony – “Agreement in feeling or action” (Latin)
  3. Zephyr – “Gentle breeze” (Greek)
  4. Silvan – “Of the woods” (Latin)
  5. Jovial – “Full of high-spirited merriment” (Latin)
  6. Whimsy – “Playfully quaint or fanciful behavior” (English)
  7. Mirth – “Amusement, especially as expressed in laughter” (English)
  8. Bliss – “Perfect happiness” (Old English)
  9. Jubilant – “Showing great joy, satisfaction, or triumph” (Latin)
  10. Radiant – “Sending out light; shining or glowing brightly” (Latin)
  11. Serenade – “Musical composition” (Italian)
  12. Fervor – “Intense and passionate feeling” (Latin)
  13. Grace – “Simple elegance or refinement of movement” (Latin)
  14. Halcyon – “Denoting a period of time in the past that was idyllically happy and peaceful” (Greek)
  15. Nimble – “Quick and light in movement or action; agile” (Old English)
  16. Vibrant – “Full of energy and enthusiasm” (Latin)
  17. Spirited – “Full of energy, enthusiasm, and determination” (Latin)
  18. Charm – “The power or quality of delighting, attracting, or fascinating others” (Latin)
  19. Verity – “Truth” (Latin)
  20. Ardent – “Enthusiastic or passionate” (Latin)
  21. Noble – “Having or showing fine personal qualities or high moral principles” (Old French)
  22. Valor – “Great courage in the face of danger, especially in battle” (Old French)
  23. Pristine – “In its original condition; unspoiled” (Latin)
  24. Vivid – “Producing powerful feelings or strong, clear images in the mind” (Latin)
  25. Euphoria – “A feeling or state of intense excitement and happiness” (Greek)
  26. Ecstasy – “An overwhelming feeling of great happiness or joyful excitement” (Greek)
  27. Enchant – “Delight greatly; charm” (Latin)
  28. Luminous – “Full of or shedding light; bright or shining, especially in the dark” (Latin)
  29. Soulful – “Expressing deep feelings or emotions” (English)
  30. Whisper – “Soft, low, gentle speech” (Old English)

Famous Satyrs In Movies

Celebrate iconic satyr characters from movies, from classic mythological interpretations to modern adaptations.

  1. Puck – “Mischievous sprite in folklore” (English)
  2. Tumnus – “Faun character in Narnia series” (English)
  3. Mr. Tumnus – “Faun character in Narnia series” (English)
  4. Phil – “Satyr character in ‘Hercules'” (English)
  5. Grover – “Satyr character in ‘Percy Jackson’ series” (English)
  6. Pan – “Greek god of shepherds and nature” (Greek)
  7. Bacchus – “Roman god of wine and revelry” (Roman)
  8. Faun – “Mythical half-human, half-goat creature” (Latin)
  9. Silvanus – “Roman god of forests and fields” (Roman)
  10. Dionysus – “Greek god of wine and fertility” (Greek)
  11. Satyrus – “Mythological creature associated with satyrs” (Latin)
  12. Centaur – “Mythical creature with the upper body of a human and the lower body of a horse” (Greek)
  13. Dryad – “Tree nymph in Greek mythology” (Greek)
  14. Hermes – “Greek god of transitions and boundaries” (Greek)
  15. Orpheus – “Legendary musician and poet in Greek mythology” (Greek)
  16. Silenus – “Elderly satyr in Greek mythology” (Greek)
  17. Narnia – “Fantasy world in C.S. Lewis’s novels” (English)
  18. Ferdinand – “Satyr character in ‘Thumbelina'” (Germanic)
  19. Satyress – “Female counterpart of a satyr” (English)
  20. Maenad – “Female followers of Dionysus in Greek mythology” (Greek)
  21. Lamia – “Monster in Greek mythology with a woman’s head and a serpent’s body” (Greek)
  22. Ariadne – “Princess in Greek mythology known for helping Theseus escape the Labyrinth” (Greek)
  23. Echo – “Nymph in Greek mythology punished by Hera to only repeat words spoken to her” (Greek)
  24. Callisto – “Nymph in Greek mythology turned into a bear by Zeus” (Greek)
  25. Perseus – “Legendary Greek hero who killed Medusa” (Greek)
  26. Eurydice – “Wife of Orpheus in Greek mythology” (Greek)
  27. Achilles – “Greek hero of the Trojan War known for his invulnerability except for his heel” (Greek)
  28. Athena – “Greek goddess of wisdom, warfare, and craftsmanship” (Greek)
  29. Hercules – “Legendary hero of Greek mythology known for his strength and twelve labors” (Greek)
  30. Pegasus – “Winged horse in Greek mythology” (Greek)

Famous Satyrs Female

Explore renowned female satyr characters known for their beauty, wisdom, and roles in ancient myths.

  1. Aria – “Melody” (Italian)
  2. Lyra – “Lyre” (Greek)
  3. Elara – “Bright” (Greek)
  4. Thalia – “Blooming” (Greek)
  5. Nyx – “Night” (Greek)
  6. Calliope – “Beautiful voice” (Greek)
  7. Clio – “Glory” (Greek)
  8. Daphne – “Laurel tree” (Greek)
  9. Echo – “Reverberating sound” (Greek)
  10. Phoebe – “Bright, pure” (Greek)
  11. Selene – “Moon” (Greek)
  12. Artemis – “Goddess of the hunt” (Greek)
  13. Io – “Moon” (Greek)
  14. Europa – “Wide eyes” (Greek)
  15. Hera – “Protector” (Greek)
  16. Persephone – “Bringer of death” (Greek)
  17. Athena – “Goddess of wisdom” (Greek)
  18. Rhea – “Flowing stream” (Greek)
  19. Demeter – “Earth mother” (Greek)
  20. Hecate – “Far reaching” (Greek)
  21. Medusa – “Guardian” (Greek)
  22. Pandora – “All gifted” (Greek)
  23. Calypso – “Conceal” (Greek)
  24. Penelope – “Weaver” (Greek)
  25. Andromeda – “Ruler of men” (Greek)
  26. Cassandra – “Shining upon men” (Greek)
  27. Circe – “Bird” (Greek)
  28. Helen – “Torch” (Greek)
  29. Thetis – “Disposer” (Greek)
  30. Aphrodite – “Goddess of love” (Greek)

Famous Satyrs In Greek Mythology

Delve into legendary male satyrs from Greek myths known for their wild nature and memorable adventures.

  1. Pan – “All” (Greek)
  2. Silenus – “Drunken” (Greek)
  3. Marsyas – “Shepherd” (Greek)
  4. Aegipan – “Goat-Pan” (Greek)
  5. Aristaeus – “Best” (Greek)
  6. Midas – “King” (Greek)
  7. Chiron – “Hand” (Greek)
  8. Pholus – “Gland” (Greek)
  9. Satyrus – “Satyr” (Greek)
  10. Crotus – “Dancer” (Greek)
  11. Olen – “Elk” (Greek)
  12. Ampelus – “Vine” (Greek)
  13. Comus – “Revel” (Greek)
  14. Dionysus – “God of wine” (Greek)
  15. Lityerses – “Weeder” (Greek)
  16. Priapus – “Genitals” (Greek)
  17. Iacchus – “Shouting” (Greek)
  18. Telete – “Rite” (Greek)
  19. Zagreus – “Great hunter” (Greek)
  20. Aegle – “Radiant” (Greek)
  21. Dryas – “Oak” (Greek)
  22. Hylas – “Forest” (Greek)
  23. Leneus – “Wine” (Greek)
  24. Phaunos – “Light” (Greek)
  25. Silen – “Forest” (Greek)
  26. Tyrsenus – “Tuscan” (Greek)
  27. Aellopus – “Stag-footed” (Greek)
  28. Eurytion – “Far-sighted” (Greek)
  29. Leontiscus – “Little lion” (Greek)
  30. Orpheus – “Darkness” (Greek)

Dnd Satyr Names Male

Find names for male satyrs suited for Dungeons & Dragons adventures, reflecting their mythical origins.

  1. Bramble – “Thorny shrub” (English)
  2. Cedar – “A type of tree” (English)
  3. Alder – “Old tree” (English)
  4. Thorn – “Sharp point” (English)
  5. Pine – “Resin” (English)
  6. Rowan – “Red” (English)
  7. Ash – “Tree” (English)
  8. Oak – “Tree” (English)
  9. Willow – “Slender” (English)
  10. Cypress – “Cypress tree” (English)
  11. Hawthorn – “Hawthorn tree” (English)
  12. Elm – “Elm tree” (English)
  13. Birch – “Bright” (English)
  14. Juniper – “Evergreen shrub” (English)
  15. Maple – “Maple tree” (English)
  16. Hazel – “Hazelnut tree” (English)
  17. Chestnut – “Chestnut tree” (English)
  18. Poplar – “Poplar tree” (English)
  19. Yew – “Yew tree” (English)
  20. Fir – “Fir tree” (English)
  21. Sycamore – “Ficus” (English)
  22. Spruce – “Vigor” (English)
  23. Acacia – “Thorny” (English)
  24. Sage – “Wise” (English)
  25. Beech – “Beech tree” (English)
  26. Larch – “Larch tree” (English)
  27. Tamarack – “Tamarack tree” (English)
  28. Alder – “Alder tree” (English)
  29. Palm – “Palm tree” (English)
  30. Redwood – “Red tree” (English)

Dnd Satyr Names Female

Discover names for female satyrs in Dungeons & Dragons, capturing their mystical allure and heroic potential.

  1. Lark – “Songbird” (English)
  2. Ivy – “Climbing vine” (English)
  3. Rose – “Rose flower” (English)
  4. Daisy – “Day’s eye” (English)
  5. Willow – “Slender” (English)
  6. Violet – “Purple flower” (English)
  7. Fern – “Fern plant” (English)
  8. Hazel – “Hazelnut tree” (English)
  9. Heather – “Flowering shrub” (English)
  10. Blossom – “Flower” (English)
  11. Wren – “Small bird” (English)
  12. Poppy – “Poppy flower” (English)
  13. Juniper – “Evergreen shrub” (English)
  14. Lily – “Lily flower” (English)
  15. Saffron – “Saffron spice” (English)
  16. Thistle – “Thorny plant” (English)
  17. Snowdrop – “Early spring flower” (English)
  18. Primrose – “Early spring flower” (English)
  19. Aster – “Star” (English)
  20. Marigold – “Golden flower” (English)
  21. Tansy – “Follower” (English)
  22. Myrtle – “Evergreen shrub” (English)
  23. Acacia – “Thorny” (English)
  24. Fuchsia – “Pink-purple flower” (English)
  25. Dahlia – “Dahlia flower” (English)
  26. Briar – “Thorny shrub” (English)
  27. Sage – “Wise” (English)
  28. Peony – “Peony flower” (English)
  29. Zinnia – “Zinnia flower” (English)
  30. Lotus – “Lotus flower” (English)

Names Of Satyrs In Greek Mythology Male

Explore names inspired by male satyrs in Greek mythology, known for their mischievous antics and ties to nature.

  1. Adonis – “Lord” (Greek)
  2. Apollo – “Destroyer” (Greek)
  3. Ares – “Mars” (Greek)
  4. Atlas – “Enduring” (Greek)
  5. Cadmus – “From the east” (Greek)
  6. Castor – “Beaver” (Greek)
  7. Cronus – “Time” (Greek)
  8. Damon – “To tame” (Greek)
  9. Eros – “Love” (Greek)
  10. Hermes – “Boundary marker” (Greek)
  11. Hyperion – “The high one” (Greek)
  12. Lycus – “Wolf” (Greek)
  13. Morpheus – “Form” (Greek)
  14. Oceanus – “Ocean” (Greek)
  15. Orion – “Rising” (Greek)
  16. Prometheus – “Forethought” (Greek)
  17. Poseidon – “Husband” (Greek)
  18. Triton – “Third” (Greek)
  19. Zephyrus – “West wind” (Greek)
  20. Zeus – “God” (Greek)
  21. Phaethon – “Shining” (Greek)
  22. Perseus – “Destroyer” (Greek)
  23. Priam – “To buy” (Greek)
  24. Pyrrhus – “Flame-colored” (Greek)
  25. Theseus – “To set” (Greek)
  26. Ulysses – “Wrathful” (Greek)
  27. Orpheus – “Darkness” (Greek)
  28. Achilles – “Pain” (Greek)
  29. Hector – “To hold” (Greek)
  30. Paris – “Wallet” (Greek)

Names Of Satyrs In Greek Mythology Female

Uncover names inspired by female satyrs in Greek mythology, celebrated for their beauty, wisdom, and enchanting presence in ancient tales.

  1. Ariadne – “Most holy” (Greek)
  2. Atalanta – “Balanced” (Greek)
  3. Cassandra – “Shining upon men” (Greek)
  4. Circe – “Bird” (Greek)
  5. Daphne – “Laurel tree” (Greek)
  6. Electra – “Amber” (Greek)
  7. Helen – “Torch” (Greek)
  8. Hera – “Protector” (Greek)
  9. Iris – “Rainbow” (Greek)
  10. Medea – “Middle” (Greek)
  11. Nemesis – “Righteous anger” (Greek)
  12. Penelope – “Weaver” (Greek)
  13. Persephone – “Bringer of death” (Greek)
  14. Rhea – “Flowing stream” (Greek)
  15. Thetis – “Disposer” (Greek)
  16. Andromeda – “Ruler of men” (Greek)
  17. Artemis – “Goddess of the hunt” (Greek)
  18. Athena – “Goddess of wisdom” (Greek)
  19. Calypso – “Conceal” (Greek)
  20. Clio – “Glory” (Greek)
  21. Demeter – “Earth mother” (Greek)
  22. Eos – “Dawn” (Greek)
  23. Europa – “Wide eyes” (Greek)
  24. Gaia – “Earth” (Greek)
  25. Hecate – “Far-reaching” (Greek)
  26. Hestia – “Hearth” (Greek)
  27. Leda – “Woman” (Greek)
  28. Leto – “Woman” (Greek)
  29. Pandora – “All gifted” (Greek)
  30. Selene – “Moon” (Greek)

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