780 Black Dragon Names with Meanings

black dragon names

Black dragons are fascinating creatures often seen in fantasy stories and games. They have dark scales and sharp teeth, and they usually live in swamps or marshes.

Black dragons guard their treasure and land carefully. Their breath can release a stream of acid, making them very dangerous.

Even though they look scary, black dragons are also very smart and tricky, making them interesting but also risky to encounter in any fantasy world.

5 Interesting Facts About Black dragons

Acid Breath: Black dragons can spit acid that melts almost anything it touches, making them very dangerous.

Swamp Dwellers: They like living in swamps, marshes, and other wet, dark places where they can hide and hunt easily.

Treasure Lovers: Black dragons enjoy collecting treasure and will fiercely protect it. They often stash their loot in hidden, underwater caves.

Sharp Minds: Despite looking scary, black dragons are very smart and crafty. They often use clever tricks to defeat their enemies.

Solitary Creatures: Unlike some other dragons, black dragons prefer to live and hunt alone. They don’t usually make friends or team up with others.

Discover a fast, original, and exotic white dragon name and apply it to your favorite.

How to Pick a Name for Black Dragons?

Meaning and Personality: Think about what kind of dragon you have. Are they tough and fierce, or clever and mysterious? Pick a name that shows off their personality.

Origin and Inspiration: Check out myths, fantasy books, or even old languages for ideas. Names from ancient times or different cultures can give your dragon a mystical vibe.

Sound and Pronunciation: Make sure the name is easy to say and remember. It should also sound right for a powerful creature like a black dragon.

Uniqueness: Try to find a name that’s special and not too common. This will make your dragon stand out and be more interesting.

Personal Connection: Most importantly, choose a name that feels right to you and fits your dragon’s story. It should be something that you like and connect with your dragon’s world.

If you like fun and magical creature names, then try the name ideas of spyro the dragon.

Black Dragon Names

Get to know names inspired by mysterious and powerful black dragons.

  1. Obsidian – “Dark volcanic glass” (English)
  2. Onyx – “Black gemstone” (English)
  3. Abyss – “Bottomless depth” (English)
  4. Shadowbane – “Darkness and destruction” (English)
  5. Nightshade – “Poisonous plant” (English)
  6. Vortex – “Whirlpool” (Latin)
  7. Eclipse – “Obscuring of light” (Greek)
  8. Void – “Empty space” (English)
  9. Nocturne – “Nightly” (Latin)
  10. Nyx – “Goddess of night” (Greek)
  11. Umbra – “Shadow” (Latin)
  12. Midnight – “Middle of the night” (English)
  13. Morrigan – “Great queen” (Irish)
  14. Hecate – “Goddess of magic” (Greek)
  15. Erebus – “Darkness” (Greek)
  16. Styx – “River of the underworld” (Greek)
  17. Thana – “Death” (Greek)
  18. Raven – “Black bird” (English)
  19. Mortis – “Death” (Latin)
  20. Sable – “Black” (French)
  21. Nether – “Underworld” (English)
  22. Seraphine – “Fiery one” (French)
  23. Tarot – “Fortune-telling cards” (Italian)
  24. Caligo – “Dark mist” (Latin)
  25. Zephyr – “West wind” (Greek)
  26. Azrael – “Angel of death” (Hebrew)
  27. Drakaina – “Female dragon” (Greek)
  28. Ember – “Smoldering coal” (English)
  29. Obscura – “Darkness” (Latin)
  30. Zephyrus – “West wind” (Greek)

Female Black Dragon Names

Check out names that capture the strength and allure of female black dragons, from elegant to fierce.

  1. Lilith – “Night demon” (Babylonian)
  2. Morana – “Goddess of winter” (Slavic)
  3. Belladonna – “Beautiful lady” (Italian)
  4. Selene – “Moon goddess” (Greek)
  5. Nyxie – “Night” (Greek)
  6. Seraphina – “Fiery” (Hebrew)
  7. Erebos – “Darkness” (Greek)
  8. Onyxia – “Black gem” (English)
  9. Zara – “Princess” (Arabic)
  10. Vespera – “Evening star” (Latin)
  11. Serafina – “Fiery” (Italian)
  12. Morgana – “Sea circle” (Welsh)
  13. Azura – “Sky blue” (Spanish)
  14. Nox – “Night” (Latin)
  15. Alvara – “Truth” (German)
  16. Caelia – “Heavenly” (Latin)
  17. Sablette – “Black” (French)
  18. Malva – “Bad” (Spanish)
  19. Thea – “Goddess” (Greek)
  20. Ursula – “Little bear” (Latin)
  21. Callista – “Most beautiful” (Greek)
  22. Invidia – “Envy” (Latin)
  23. Sorcha – “Bright” (Irish)
  24. Astra – “Star” (Greek)
  25. Bellatrix – “Female warrior” (Latin)
  26. Nova – “New” (Latin)
  27. Thalia – “To blossom” (Greek)
  28. Zephyra – “West wind” (Greek)
  29. Draka – “Dragon” (Latin)
  30. Amara – “Eternal” (Greek)

Dnd Black Dragon Names

Dive into names perfect for Dungeons & Dragons fans, full of power and fantasy.

  1. Grima – “Mask” (Old Norse)
  2. Vex – “Distress” (Latin)
  3. Drago – “Dragon” (Italian)
  4. Zaldrizes – “Dragon” (High Valyrian)
  5. Kuro – “Black” (Japanese)
  6. Umbriel – “Shadow” (Latin)
  7. Vormir – “Dark water” (Old Norse)
  8. Morokai – “Darkness” (Maori)
  9. Xalthorn – “Thorn” (English)
  10. Nidhogg – “Malice striker” (Old Norse)
  11. Nymeria – “Warrior queen” (Old English)
  12. Rhaegal – “Mighty” (High Valyrian)
  13. Tenebris – “Darkness” (Latin)
  14. Vorinax – “Voracious” (Latin)
  15. Skathrach – “Dragon” (Irish)
  16. Ebonwraith – “Dark spirit” (English)
  17. Atramentous – “Inky black” (Latin)
  18. Smaug – “Dragon” (Old English)
  19. Morpheus – “God of dreams” (Greek)
  20. Zaros – “Darkness” (Latin)
  21. Veldrak – “Field dragon” (Old Norse)
  22. Nithral – “Doomed” (Old Norse)
  23. Skoll – “Treacherous” (Old Norse)
  24. Kaelthas – “High elf” (Sindarin)
  25. Zephyrian – “West wind” (Greek)
  26. Virkthar – “Winged terror” (Old Norse)
  27. Xarxes – “Mysterious” (Latin)
  28. Morvath – “Dark” (Celtic)
  29. Nephrex – “Black wings” (Greek)
  30. Draconis – “Dragon” (Latin)

Black Dragon Names Male

Explore names that reflect the majestic and adventurous nature of male black dragons.

  1. Zephyrion – “West wind” (Greek)
  2. Thanatos – “Death” (Greek)
  3. Drakar – “Dragon” (Old Norse)
  4. Obsidianus – “Dark volcanic glass” (Latin)
  5. Kurogane – “Black iron” (Japanese)
  6. Morokar – “Dark one” (Old Norse)
  7. Umbric – “Shadowy” (Latin)
  8. Vortexis – “Whirlpool” (Latin)
  9. Typhon – “Monstrous creature” (Greek)
  10. Noctis – “Night” (Latin)
  11. Sombra – “Shadow” (Spanish)
  12. Vesper – “Evening star” (Latin)
  13. Grimwald – “Grim ruler” (German)
  14. Onyxar – “Black gem” (Latin)
  15. Zaldrax – “Dragon” (High Valyrian)
  16. Nidhoggr – “Malice striker” (Old Norse)
  17. Varkor – “Dark” (Sanskrit)
  18. Maleficar – “Evil doer” (Latin)
  19. Zoran – “Dawn” (Slavic)
  20. Ravaxis – “Ravager” (Latin)
  21. Drakarion – “Dragon” (Latin)
  22. Nyxar – “Night” (Latin)
  23. Umbrex – “Shadow” (Latin)
  24. Morvax – “Dark” (Latin)
  25. Kaelus – “Fierce warrior” (Latin)
  26. Erebos – “Darkness” (Greek)
  27. Zephyrus – “West wind” (Greek)
  28. Malachor – “Evil” (Latin)
  29. Vorkath – “Death” (Old Norse)
  30. Zanathor – “Dark lord” (Latin)

Famous Black Dragon Names

Discover legendary names celebrated across cultures and media, reflecting the awe-inspiring legacy of black dragons.

famous black dragon names
  1. Smaug – “Dragon” (Old English)
  2. Alduin – “Destroyer” (Nordic)
  3. Maleficent – “Evil” (English)
  4. Shenron – “Dragon god” (Japanese)
  5. Drogon – “Dragon” (Game of Thrones)
  6. Bahamut – “Giant fish” (Arabic)
  7. Tiamat – “Sea dragon” (Babylonian)
  8. Deathwing – “Black dragon aspect” (World of Warcraft)
  9. Fafnir – “Greed” (Norse)
  10. Ancalagon – “Jaws of Thangorodrim” (Tolkien)
  11. Nidhogg – “Malice striker” (Norse)
  12. Ebonhorn – “Blackhorn” (World of Warcraft)
  13. Vhagar – “Dragon” (Game of Thrones)
  14. Glaurung – “Gold dragon” (Tolkien)
  15. Khisanth – “Silent death” (Dragonlance)
  16. Scorch – “Burn” (English)
  17. Veldoran – “Field dragon” (Fantasy)
  18. Tchernobog – “Black god” (Slavic)
  19. Sableclaw – “Black claws” (Fantasy)
  20. Onyxias – “Black gem” (Fantasy)
  21. Malchezaar – “Doom” (World of Warcraft)
  22. Charizard – “Charred lizard” (Pokemon)
  23. Smolderash – “Burnt ash” (Fantasy)
  24. Netherion – “Underworld dragon” (Fantasy)
  25. Morbent – “Death” (Fantasy)
  26. Nightwing – “Night wing” (Fantasy)
  27. Tenebrion – “Darkness” (Fantasy)
  28. Zephyrian – “West wind” (Fantasy)
  29. Emberstrife – “Burning strife” (Fantasy)
  30. Nyxondra – “Night” (Fantasy)

WoW Black Dragon Names

Journey through names inspired by World of Warcraft, adding epic gaming vibes to your dragon tales.

  1. Deathwing – “Black dragon aspect” (World of Warcraft)
  2. Ebonhorn – “Blackhorn” (World of Warcraft)
  3. Onyxias – “Black gem” (World of Warcraft)
  4. Nefarian – “Black dragon” (World of Warcraft)
  5. Sabellian – “Wise counselor” (World of Warcraft)
  6. Vaelastrasz – “Red dragon” (World of Warcraft)
  7. Sinestra – “Twilight” (World of Warcraft)
  8. Wrathion – “Black prince” (World of Warcraft)
  9. Chromatus – “Dragon of elements” (World of Warcraft)
  10. Kalecgos – “Heart of magic” (World of Warcraft)
  11. Zuluhed – “Wise one” (World of Warcraft)
  12. Sartharion – “Black dragon” (World of Warcraft)
  13. Lethon – “Sleep” (World of Warcraft)
  14. Onyxian – “Black gem” (World of Warcraft)
  15. Sabertron – “Saber” (World of Warcraft)
  16. Netherwing – “Underworld wing” (World of Warcraft)
  17. Zeramas – “Mystic” (World of Warcraft)
  18. Blackthorn – “Black thorn” (World of Warcraft)
  19. Wrathstrider – “Wrathful stride” (World of Warcraft)
  20. Skarr – “Scar” (World of Warcraft)
  21. Sartharion – “Dragon” (World of Warcraft)
  22. Zaela – “Yelling” (World of Warcraft)
  23. Zuluhed – “Wise” (World of Warcraft)
  24. Malchezaar – “Dark” (World of Warcraft)
  25. Gyth – “Glory” (World of Warcraft)
  26. Onyxian – “Black gem” (World of Warcraft)
  27. Zoroth – “Evil” (World of Warcraft)
  28. Chromaggus – “Dragon” (World of Warcraft)
  29. Netherion – “Underworld” (World of Warcraft)
  30. Virkthar – “Winged” (World of Warcraft)

Cool Black Dragon Names

Find names that ooze coolness and charisma, perfect for making a statement.

  1. Shadowstrike – “Swift and deadly” (English)
  2. Abyssalord – “Ruler of the abyss” (English)
  3. Voidrender – “Tearer of void” (English)
  4. Obsidianfang – “Sharp black teeth” (English)
  5. Vortexclaw – “Claw like a whirlpool” (English)
  6. Onyxflame – “Black fire” (English)
  7. Nightshade – “Poisonous plant” (English)
  8. Eclipsar – “Causer of eclipses” (English)
  9. Stygianwing – “Dark underworld wing” (English)
  10. Nyxenforcer – “Night enforcer” (English)
  11. Umbraknight – “Knight of shadows” (English)
  12. Sablewrath – “Black anger” (English)
  13. Zephyrblaze – “West wind fire” (English)
  14. Nocturne – “Nightly” (English)
  15. Grimclaw – “Grim claw” (English)
  16. Drakonix – “Dragon” (English)
  17. Zaldrak – “Dragon” (English)
  18. Azurath – “Azure” (English)
  19. Vipera – “Viper” (Italian)
  20. Mortalis – “Death” (Latin)
  21. Caligo – “Dark mist” (Latin)
  22. Obscura – “Darkness” (Latin)
  23. Malificar – “Evil-doer” (Latin)
  24. Zephyros – “West wind” (Greek)
  25. Moros – “Doom” (Greek)
  26. Draco – “Dragon” (Latin)
  27. Vesperon – “Evening star” (Latin)
  28. Riven – “Torn apart” (English)
  29. Umbra – “Shadow” (Latin)
  30. Kuro – “Black” (Japanese)

Ancient Black Dragon Names

Step back in time with names that echo the wisdom and power of ancient black dragons.

ancient black dragon names
  1. Draugr – “Undead” (Norse)
  2. Eldritch – “Strange and mysterious” (English)
  3. Thalassar – “Sea ruler” (Greek)
  4. Nidhoggur – “Dreaded striker” (Norse)
  5. Kaldrar – “Cold” (Norse)
  6. Urzoth – “Ancient dragon” (Fantasy)
  7. Varthan – “Ancient ruler” (Fantasy)
  8. Astaroth – “Great demon” (English)
  9. Drakhan – “Dragon lord” (Fantasy)
  10. Morlok – “Underworld dweller” (Fantasy)
  11. Azhara – “Bright” (Fantasy)
  12. Eredar – “Ancient race” (Fantasy)
  13. Tharizdun – “Dark god” (Fantasy)
  14. Malygos – “Blue dragon aspect” (Fantasy)
  15. Noxigar – “Night hunter” (Fantasy)
  16. Zalathor – “Dragon lord” (Fantasy)
  17. Vorenthul – “Ancient terror” (Fantasy)
  18. Drakael – “Ancient dragon” (Fantasy)
  19. Voragar – “Ancient hunger” (Fantasy)
  20. Xarathos – “Dark lord” (Fantasy)
  21. Yggdrasill – “World tree” (Norse)
  22. Sargeras – “Dark titan” (Fantasy)
  23. Vorkath – “Death” (Norse)
  24. Azazel – “Demon” (Hebrew)
  25. Zethrez – “Ancient wrath” (Fantasy)
  26. Nefarion – “Evil” (Fantasy)
  27. Thalassa – “Sea” (Greek)
  28. Morvannon – “Dark wave” (Fantasy)
  29. Zarkath – “Dragon lord” (Fantasy)
  30. Xal’atath – “Blade of the Black Empire” (Fantasy)

Best Black Dragon Names

Uncover a curated list of the finest names fit for black dragons, each with deep meaning and majesty.

  1. Drakkar – “Dragon ship” (Norse)
  2. Zephyrus – “West wind” (Greek)
  3. Varok – “Dark” (Fantasy)
  4. Mordresh – “Dark lord” (Fantasy)
  5. Aldrakar – “Old dragon” (Fantasy)
  6. Nocturnus – “Night” (Latin)
  7. Azrath – “Azure” (Fantasy)
  8. Vorgrath – “Voracious” (Fantasy)
  9. Malathor – “Evil” (Fantasy)
  10. Zarakyn – “Dragon lord” (Fantasy)
  11. Grimskull – “Grim skull” (Fantasy)
  12. Obsidian – “Dark volcanic glass” (English)
  13. Vortex – “Whirlpool” (Latin)
  14. Stygian – “Dark and gloomy” (English)
  15. Nyx – “Goddess of night” (Greek)
  16. Umbreon – “Umbra” (Latin)
  17. Moros – “Doom” (Greek)
  18. Caligor – “Dark mist” (Latin)
  19. Zaldrizoth – “Dragon” (Fantasy)
  20. Vaelastrasz – “Red dragon” (Fantasy)
  21. Vorinax – “Voracious” (Fantasy)
  22. Skaldrak – “Dragon” (Fantasy)
  23. Khaelrok – “Death” (Fantasy)
  24. Morzul – “Evil” (Fantasy)
  25. Azhagor – “Dark lord” (Fantasy)
  26. Zephyrian – “West wind” (Fantasy)
  27. Voragon – “Voracious” (Fantasy)
  28. Malachar – “Evil” (Fantasy)
  29. Vorenthul – “Ancient terror” (Fantasy)
  30. Xal’atath – “Blade of the Black Empire” (Fantasy)

Black Dragon Names 5e

Immerse yourself in names tailored for Dungeons & Dragons 5th Edition adventures.

  1. Drakoros – “Dragon lord” (Greek)
  2. Velenox – “Venomous” (English)
  3. Shadowscar – “Mark of darkness” (English)
  4. Obsidius – “Dark volcanic glass” (Latin)
  5. Nocturnus – “Night” (Latin)
  6. Zaldrak – “Dragon” (English)
  7. Umbraxis – “Shadowy” (Latin)
  8. Nyxara – “Night” (Greek)
  9. Vortigon – “Whirlwind” (English)
  10. Grimclaw – “Grim claw” (English)
  11. Zephyros – “West wind” (Greek)
  12. Morosus – “Doomed” (Latin)
  13. Caligos – “Dark mist” (Latin)
  14. Malphaz – “Darkness” (English)
  15. Onyxor – “Black gem” (English)
  16. Voranix – “Voracious” (English)
  17. Nidhagos – “Dreaded striker” (Norse)
  18. Thalassor – “Sea ruler” (Greek)
  19. Azrathor – “Azure” (English)
  20. Zethrak – “Ancient wrath” (English)
  21. Vaelastras – “Red dragon” (Fantasy)
  22. Skaldrax – “Dragon” (Fantasy)
  23. Drakathos – “Dragon lord” (Fantasy)
  24. Morvannon – “Dark wave” (Fantasy)
  25. Xal’atath – “Blade of the Black Empire” (Fantasy)
  26. Varokhan – “Dark ruler” (Fantasy)
  27. Zephyrian – “West wind” (Fantasy)
  28. Voragon – “Voracious” (Fantasy)
  29. Malachar – “Evil” (Fantasy)
  30. Vorenthul – “Ancient terror” (Fantasy)

Good Black Dragon Names

Discover names that embody virtue and strength, ideal for noble black dragon personas.

  1. Seraphina – “Fiery” (Hebrew)
  2. Aurelia – “Golden” (Latin)
  3. Solstice – “Sun’s path” (English)
  4. Valoron – “Valiant” (English)
  5. Lumina – “Light” (Latin)
  6. Astraea – “Star maiden” (Greek)
  7. Celestia – “Heavenly” (Latin)
  8. Phoenix – “Mythical bird” (Greek)
  9. Amara – “Eternal” (Latin)
  10. Zephyra – “West wind” (Greek)
  11. Aether – “Upper air” (Greek)
  12. Elysia – “Blissful” (Greek)
  13. Elara – “Bright” (Greek)
  14. Orion – “Hunter” (Greek)
  15. Selene – “Moon goddess” (Greek)
  16. Altair – “Star” (Arabic)
  17. Avalon – “Island of apples” (Arthurian legend)
  18. Serenity – “Peaceful” (English)
  19. Galadriel – “Maiden crowned with a radiant garland” (Sindarin)
  20. Althea – “Healing” (Greek)
  21. Caelum – “Heaven” (Latin)
  22. Meridia – “Boundless” (Latin)
  23. Arion – “Melodious” (Greek)
  24. Solara – “Sun” (Latin)
  25. Zephyrus – “West wind” (Greek)
  26. Elara – “Bright” (Greek)
  27. Nova – “New” (Latin)
  28. Celestine – “Heavenly” (Latin)
  29. Astra – “Star” (Greek)
  30. Aurora – “Dawn” (Latin)

Black Dragon Names Forgotten Realms

Rediscover names steeped in the rich lore of the Forgotten Realms universe.

  1. Umbraxus – “Shadowy” (Latin)
  2. Malaggar – “Evil” (English)
  3. Vraxin – “Darkness” (Fantasy)
  4. Zalthor – “Dark lord” (Fantasy)
  5. Nyxaris – “Night” (Greek)
  6. Thalraxus – “Ancient ruler” (Fantasy)
  7. Morvath – “Dark” (Celtic)
  8. Azrathor – “Azure” (Fantasy)
  9. Vorenthul – “Ancient terror” (Fantasy)
  10. Xal’atath – “Blade of the Black Empire” (Fantasy)
  11. Zephyrian – “West wind” (Fantasy)
  12. Drakathos – “Dragon lord” (Fantasy)
  13. Skaldrax – “Dragon” (Fantasy)
  14. Varokhan – “Dark ruler” (Fantasy)
  15. Voragon – “Voracious” (Fantasy)
  16. Malachar – “Evil” (Fantasy)
  17. Azrathor – “Azure” (Fantasy)
  18. Zethrak – “Ancient wrath” (Fantasy)
  19. Vaelastras – “Red dragon” (Fantasy)
  20. Morvannon – “Dark wave” (Fantasy)
  21. Thalassor – “Sea ruler” (Fantasy)
  22. Nidhagos – “Dreaded striker” (Fantasy)
  23. Voranix – “Voracious” (Fantasy)
  24. Onyxor – “Black gem” (Fantasy)
  25. Malphaz – “Darkness” (Fantasy)
  26. Caligos – “Dark mist” (Fantasy)
  27. Umbraxis – “Shadowy” (Fantasy)
  28. Zaldrak – “Dragon” (Fantasy)
  29. Nocturnus – “Night” (Fantasy)
  30. Obsidius – “Dark volcanic glass” (Fantasy)

Dungeons and Dragons Black Dragon Names

Explore names crafted specifically for D&D enthusiasts, perfect for fantasy adventures.

  1. Drakoros – “Dragon lord” (Greek)
  2. Velenox – “Venomous” (English)
  3. Shadowscar – “Mark of darkness” (English)
  4. Obsidius – “Dark volcanic glass” (Latin)
  5. Nocturnus – “Night” (Latin)
  6. Zaldrak – “Dragon” (English)
  7. Umbraxis – “Shadowy” (Latin)
  8. Nyxara – “Night” (Greek)
  9. Vortigon – “Whirlwind” (English)
  10. Grimclaw – “Grim claw” (English)
  11. Zephyros – “West wind” (Greek)
  12. Morosus – “Doomed” (Latin)
  13. Caligos – “Dark mist” (Latin)
  14. Malphaz – “Darkness” (English)
  15. Onyxor – “Black gem” (English)
  16. Voranix – “Voracious” (English)
  17. Nidhagos – “Dreaded striker” (Norse)
  18. Thalassor – “Sea ruler” (Greek)
  19. Azrathor – “Azure” (English)
  20. Zethrak – “Ancient wrath” (English)
  21. Vaelastras – “Red dragon” (Fantasy)
  22. Skaldrax – “Dragon” (Fantasy)
  23. Drakathos – “Dragon lord” (Fantasy)
  24. Morvannon – “Dark wave” (Fantasy)
  25. Xal’atath – “Blade of the Black Empire” (Fantasy)
  26. Varokhan – “Dark ruler” (Fantasy)
  27. Zephyrian – “West wind” (Fantasy)
  28. Voragon – “Voracious” (Fantasy)
  29. Malachar – “Evil” (Fantasy)
  30. Vorenthul – “Ancient terror” (Fantasy)

Evil Black Dragon Names

Encounter names that evoke darkness and malevolence, ideal for villainous dragons.

evil black dragon names
  1. Maliceclaw – “Evil claw” (English)
  2. Vorkrath – “Death” (Old Norse)
  3. Zethraxis – “Wrathful ruler” (Fantasy)
  4. Nefarian – “Black dragon” (World of Warcraft)
  5. Zaldraxis – “Dragon lord” (Fantasy)
  6. Stygianthorn – “Dark thorn” (English)
  7. Morbenthor – “Death and doom” (English)
  8. Xal’atath – “Blade of the Black Empire” (Fantasy)
  9. Malphasar – “Dark ruler” (Fantasy)
  10. Voranthrax – “Ancient terror” (Fantasy)
  11. Azhagor – “Dark lord” (Fantasy)
  12. Malevolus – “Malevolent” (Latin)
  13. Grimscar – “Grim scar” (English)
  14. Nocturnexus – “Night nexus” (Latin)
  15. Umbraclaw – “Shadowy claw” (English)
  16. Obscurath – “Obscure wrath” (English)
  17. Mordrek – “Dark power” (English)
  18. Necroth – “Death” (English)
  19. Vexator – “Tormentor” (Latin)
  20. Thalraxis – “Sea ruler” (Fantasy)
  21. Zephyrak – “West wind” (Fantasy)
  22. Voragor – “Voracious” (Fantasy)
  23. Maleficar – “Evil-doer” (Latin)
  24. Vargoth – “Dark god” (Fantasy)
  25. Morvain – “Dark wave” (English)
  26. Zarakthul – “Dark lord” (Fantasy)
  27. Malgazar – “Evil warrior” (Fantasy)
  28. Azhara – “Bright” (Fantasy)
  29. Vorashk – “Darkness” (Fantasy)
  30. Zoraxis – “Dragon” (Fantasy)

Dragonlance Black Dragon Names

Journey through names inspired by the heroic tales of Dragonlance, filled with epic dragon lore.

  1. Khisanth – “Silent death” (Dragonlance)
  2. Onyxia – “Black gem” (Dragonlance)
  3. Skie – “Shade” (Dragonlance)
  4. Pyros – “Fire” (Dragonlance)
  5. Zephyr – “West wind” (Dragonlance)
  6. Mortis – “Death” (Dragonlance)
  7. Xaerxces – “Black dragon” (Dragonlance)
  8. Varth – “Ancient ruler” (Dragonlance)
  9. Dusk – “Twilight” (Dragonlance)
  10. Nefarius – “Wicked” (Dragonlance)
  11. Tharn – “Destroyer” (Dragonlance)
  12. Voran – “Voracious” (Dragonlance)
  13. Malus – “Evil” (Dragonlance)
  14. Zylar – “Dragon” (Dragonlance)
  15. Skarn – “Shadow” (Dragonlance)
  16. Nighthawk – “Night hunter” (Dragonlance)
  17. Vorkaal – “Death” (Dragonlance)
  18. Zalcor – “Dark lord” (Dragonlance)
  19. Vorix – “Ancient” (Dragonlance)
  20. Xarzith – “Black flame” (Dragonlance)
  21. Valak – “Darkness” (Dragonlance)
  22. Morak – “Dark wave” (Dragonlance)
  23. Zarakoth – “Dark power” (Dragonlance)
  24. Xerxes – “Ruler” (Dragonlance)
  25. Vraal – “Ancient terror” (Dragonlance)
  26. Maldrax – “Evil dragon” (Dragonlance)
  27. Vorshan – “Shadow warrior” (Dragonlance)
  28. Zythar – “Dragon lord” (Dragonlance)
  29. Zanar – “Black” (Dragonlance)
  30. Kryll – “Shadow” (Dragonlance)

Female Black Dragon Names WoW

Check out names inspired by female black dragons from World of Warcraft, combining strength and cunning.

  1. Onyxia – “Black gem” (World of Warcraft)
  2. Sindragosa – “Daughter of Malygos” (World of Warcraft)
  3. Vaelastrasz – “Red dragon” (World of Warcraft)
  4. Nefariana – “Black dragon” (World of Warcraft)
  5. Alexstrasza – “Life-binder” (World of Warcraft)
  6. Ysera – “Dreamer” (World of Warcraft)
  7. Sinestra – “Twilight” (World of Warcraft)
  8. Sabellian – “Wise counselor” (World of Warcraft)
  9. Verdantha – “Emerald dragon” (World of Warcraft)
  10. Tarecgosa – “Mage” (World of Warcraft)
  11. Haleh – “Moon guard” (World of Warcraft)
  12. Nalice – “Skeletal” (World of Warcraft)
  13. Valiona – “Corrupted” (World of Warcraft)
  14. Theradras – “Stone mother” (World of Warcraft)
  15. Sapphiron – “Icy” (World of Warcraft)
  16. Zaela – “Yelling” (World of Warcraft)
  17. Onyxiana – “Black gem” (World of Warcraft)
  18. Chromie – “Chrono” (World of Warcraft)
  19. Sindraga – “Daughter of Malygos” (World of Warcraft)
  20. Nefarian – “Black dragon” (World of Warcraft)
  21. Vaelastras – “Red dragon” (World of Warcraft)
  22. Ysera – “Dreamer” (World of Warcraft)
  23. Sinestra – “Twilight” (World of Warcraft)
  24. Sabellian – “Wise counselor” (World of Warcraft)
  25. Verdantha – “Emerald dragon” (World of Warcraft)
  26. Tarecgosa – “Mage” (World of Warcraft)
  27. Haleh – “Moon guard” (World of Warcraft)
  28. Nalice – “Skeletal” (World of Warcraft)
  29. Valiona – “Corrupted” (World of Warcraft)
  30. Theradras – “Stone mother” (World of Warcraft)

Nicknames for Blackdragon

Find quirky and endearing nicknames to describe your beloved black dragon companion.

  1. Shadow – “Darkness” (English)
  2. Blaze – “Flame” (English)
  3. Spike – “Pointed” (English)
  4. Ember – “Burning coal” (English)
  5. Fang – “Tooth” (English)
  6. Shadowflame – “Dark fire” (English)
  7. Nightshade – “Poisonous plant” (English)
  8. Obsidian – “Dark volcanic glass” (English)
  9. Void – “Empty” (English)
  10. Darkwing – “Dark wing” (English)
  11. Vortex – “Whirlpool” (Latin)
  12. Grimclaw – “Grim claw” (English)
  13. Doomclaw – “Claw of doom” (English)
  14. Shadowfang – “Dark tooth” (English)
  15. Onyx – “Black gem” (English)
  16. Midnight – “Middle of the night” (English)
  17. Eclipse – “Sun and moon alignment” (English)
  18. Zephyr – “West wind” (Greek)
  19. Nyx – “Goddess of night” (Greek)
  20. Vorax – “Voracious” (Latin)
  21. Moros – “Doom” (Greek)
  22. Caligo – “Dark mist” (Latin)
  23. Malice – “Evil intent” (English)
  24. Viper – “Venomous snake” (English)
  25. Wrath – “Intense anger” (English)
  26. Obscura – “Darkness” (Latin)
  27. Zaldrizes – “Dragon” (High Valyrian)
  28. Nocturne – “Nightly” (English)
  29. Umbra – “Shadow” (Latin)
  30. Malefic – “Evil” (English)

Powerful Black Dragon Names

Discover names that command respect and power, perfect for formidable dragon characters.

  1. Draegonax – “Mighty dragon” (Fantasy)
  2. Vortethrax – “Powerful ruler” (Fantasy)
  3. Zal’gorath – “Dark dominator” (Fantasy)
  4. Mal’Drakon – “Evil dragon” (Fantasy)
  5. Vorathor – “Ancient power” (Fantasy)
  6. Azrakhan – “Azure ruler” (Fantasy)
  7. Mor’kalar – “Dreaded warlord” (Fantasy)
  8. Xal’kazul – “Blade of shadows” (Fantasy)
  9. Zeth’arak – “Wrathful lord” (Fantasy)
  10. Nef’Rathas – “Sinister death” (Fantasy)
  11. Vor’gulash – “Dark terror” (Fantasy)
  12. Mal’Drekthar – “Darkness incarnate” (Fantasy)
  13. Vex’zorath – “Tormentor of souls” (Fantasy)
  14. Zal’karoth – “Fiendish ruler” (Fantasy)
  15. Umbra’shadow – “Shadow of doom” (Fantasy)
  16. Obscuron – “Obscure power” (Fantasy)
  17. Vorkathos – “Deathbringer” (Fantasy)
  18. Grim’tharok – “Grim destroyer” (Fantasy)
  19. Nyx’andra – “Night’s fury” (Fantasy)
  20. Mor’drakar – “Dark lord” (Fantasy)
  21. Xerathos – “Eternal darkness” (Fantasy)
  22. Zephyrion – “Wind of darkness” (Fantasy)
  23. Thal’zarak – “Ocean of shadows” (Fantasy)
  24. Vor’kanth – “Ancient malevolence” (Fantasy)
  25. Mal’tharak – “Malevolent doom” (Fantasy)
  26. Vex’garoth – “Dreadful conqueror” (Fantasy)
  27. Zal’xaris – “Dragon king” (Fantasy)
  28. Noct’zul – “Nightmare incarnate” (Fantasy)
  29. Umbraxis – “Shadow essence” (Fantasy)
  30. Az’rakul – “Darkness unleashed” (Fantasy)

Cute Black Dragon Names

Explore charming names that add sweetness to the mighty black dragon persona.

  1. Shadowette – “Little shadow” (English)
  2. Emberly – “Little ember” (English)
  3. Drakie – “Little dragon” (English)
  4. Onyxie – “Little onyx” (English)
  5. Twinkle – “Small star” (English)
  6. Sooty – “Covered with soot” (English)
  7. Midnight – “Small hours of night” (English)
  8. Sparky – “Full of sparks” (English)
  9. Nibbles – “Small bites” (English)
  10. Velvet – “Soft fabric” (English)
  11. Whisper – “Soft speech” (English)
  12. Shimmer – “Soft light” (English)
  13. Gizmo – “Small gadget” (English)
  14. Snuggles – “Close embrace” (English)
  15. Coco – “Chocolate bean” (Spanish)
  16. Puff – “Small amount of breath” (English)
  17. Sprinkle – “Small drops” (English)
  18. Luna – “Moon” (Latin)
  19. Sunny – “Bright sun” (English)
  20. Pebble – “Small rock” (English)
  21. Zephyr – “West wind” (Greek)
  22. Bubbles – “Small sphere of gas” (English)
  23. Sable – “Black fur” (English)
  24. Nimbus – “Cloud” (Latin)
  25. Echo – “Repeated sound” (Greek)
  26. Zephyra – “West wind” (Greek)
  27. Seraph – “Fiery one” (Greek)
  28. Pearl – “Smooth, round object” (English)
  29. Ember – “Small piece of coal” (English)
  30. Skye – “Shade” (Scottish)

Black Dragon Name Movie

Unearth names immortalized in movies, bringing magic and wonder to black dragons on screen.

black dragon name movie
  1. Draco – “Dragon” (Latin)
  2. Smaug – “Dragon” (Tolkien)
  3. Maleficent – “Evil” (English)
  4. Mushu – “Quick-witted” (Chinese)
  5. Toothless – “No teeth” (English)
  6. Falkor – “Guardian” (German)
  7. Vermithrax – “Worm dragon” (Tolkien)
  8. Norbert – “Hero” (English)
  9. Elliot – “Brave” (English)
  10. Bahamut – “Large fish” (Arabic)
  11. Drogon – “Dragon” (Tolkien)
  12. Tiamat – “Dragon” (Tolkien)
  13. Smog – “Wander” (Chinese)
  14. Puff – “Puff dragon” (English)
  15. Grimlock – “Fierce fighter” (English)
  16. Gorbash – “Brilliant” (English)
  17. Haku – “White” (Japanese)
  18. Firedrake – “Dragon” (Tolkien)
  19. Eragon – “One who rides” (English)
  20. Shenron – “Holy dragon god” (Japanese)
  21. Glaurung – “Golden dragon” (Tolkien)
  22. Fafnir – “One who twists” (Tolkien)
  23. Kilgharrah – “Giant” (Tolkien)
  24. Draco – “Dragon” (Latin)
  25. Saphira – “Precious gem” (English)
  26. Mushu – “Quick-witted” (Chinese)
  27. Toothless – “No teeth” (English)
  28. Falkor – “Guardian” (German)
  29. Vermithrax – “Worm dragon” (Tolkien)
  30. Norbert – “Hero” (English)

Black Dragon Name Cartoon

Enjoy playful names inspired by animated characters, adding whimsy to black dragon lore.

  1. Spyro – “Watchman” (Greek)
  2. Charizard – “Charcoal lizard” (Japanese)
  3. Balerion – “Dragon” (Tolkien)
  4. Dragonite – “Dragon” (Japanese)
  5. Spike – “Pointed” (English)
  6. Mushu – “Quick-witted” (Chinese)
  7. Toothless – “No teeth” (English)
  8. Falkor – “Guardian” (German)
  9. Norbert – “Hero” (English)
  10. Elliot – “Brave” (English)
  11. Puff – “Puff dragon” (English)
  12. Smog – “Wander” (Chinese)
  13. Drogon – “Dragon” (Tolkien)
  14. Tiamat – “Dragon” (Tolkien)
  15. Grimlock – “Fierce fighter” (English)
  16. Gorbash – “Brilliant” (English)
  17. Haku – “White” (Japanese)
  18. Firedrake – “Dragon” (Tolkien)
  19. Eragon – “One who rides” (English)
  20. Shenron – “Holy dragon god” (Japanese)
  21. Glaurung – “Golden dragon” (Tolkien)
  22. Fafnir – “One who twists” (Tolkien)
  23. Kilgharrah – “Giant” (Tolkien)
  24. Puff – “Puff dragon” (English)
  25. Spyro – “Watchman” (Greek)
  26. Charizard – “Charcoal lizard” (Japanese)
  27. Dragonite – “Dragon” (Japanese)
  28. Spike – “Pointed” (English)
  29. Mushu – “Quick-witted” (Chinese)
  30. Toothless – “No teeth” (English)

Black Dragon Name Chinese

Discover names rooted in Chinese mythology and culture, capturing the mystique of black dragons.

  1. Longwei – “Dragon greatness” (Chinese)
  2. Heilong – “Black dragon” (Chinese)
  3. Zhulong – “Torch dragon” (Chinese)
  4. Feilong – “Flying dragon” (Chinese)
  5. Tenglong – “Soaring dragon” (Chinese)
  6. Yazi – “One-eyed dragon” (Chinese)
  7. Chiwen – “Protector of water” (Chinese)
  8. Qiongqi – “Evil creature” (Chinese)
  9. Tianlong – “Celestial dragon” (Chinese)
  10. Shenlong – “Divine dragon” (Chinese)
  11. Jiaolong – “Horned dragon” (Chinese)
  12. Zhuque – “Vermilion bird” (Chinese)
  13. Qinglong – “Azure dragon” (Chinese)
  14. Bailong – “White dragon” (Chinese)
  15. Jianglong – “River dragon” (Chinese)
  16. Qilin – “Chinese unicorn” (Chinese)
  17. Huanglong – “Yellow dragon” (Chinese)
  18. Fuxi – “Reptile creature” (Chinese)
  19. Hong – “Vast, great” (Chinese)
  20. Yunlong – “Cloud dragon” (Chinese)
  21. Tianhuang – “Heavenly emperor” (Chinese)
  22. Longwang – “Dragon king” (Chinese)
  23. Jiao – “Rough, prominent” (Chinese)
  24. Longma – “Dragon horse” (Chinese)
  25. Xiangliu – “Six-legged serpent” (Chinese)
  26. Fu Xi – “Divine serpent” (Chinese)
  27. Hei – “Black” (Chinese)
  28. Canglong – “Azure dragon” (Chinese)
  29. Tianpeng – “Celestial turtle” (Chinese)
  30. Yinglong – “Responding dragon” (Chinese)

Black Dragon Anime Names

Immerse yourself in names influenced by anime, reflecting dynamic and fantastical portrayals of black dragons.

  1. Ryujin – “Dragon god” (Japanese)
  2. Kurokaze – “Black wind” (Japanese)
  3. Satsujin – “Murderous” (Japanese)
  4. Kuroryu – “Black dragon” (Japanese)
  5. Shiryu – “Purple dragon” (Japanese)
  6. Kokuryu – “Black dragon” (Japanese)
  7. Kurohige – “Black beard” (Japanese)
  8. Daikokuryu – “Great black dragon” (Japanese)
  9. Kurotatsu – “Black dragon” (Japanese)
  10. Kurohoshi – “Black star” (Japanese)
  11. Kokuuryu – “Black dragon” (Japanese)
  12. Kagehikari – “Shadow light” (Japanese)
  13. Kuroneko – “Black cat” (Japanese)
  14. Kuronami – “Black wave” (Japanese)
  15. Yami – “Darkness” (Japanese)
  16. Kurogane – “Black steel” (Japanese)
  17. Kurayami – “Darkness” (Japanese)
  18. Kageboushi – “Shadow” (Japanese)
  19. Kurobara – “Black rose” (Japanese)
  20. Kokumotsu – “Black grains” (Japanese)
  21. Kagehoshi – “Shadow star” (Japanese)
  22. Kurogasa – “Black umbrella” (Japanese)
  23. Kuraudo – “Crowd” (Japanese)
  24. Kokuu – “Empty sky” (Japanese)
  25. Kuroya – “Black night” (Japanese)
  26. Kurenai – “Crimson” (Japanese)
  27. Kokushoku – “Black color” (Japanese)
  28. Kurosora – “Black sky” (Japanese)
  29. Kagerou – “Heat haze” (Japanese)
  30. Kuronomi – “Black beauty” (Japanese)

Black and White Dragon Names

Explore names that balance the contrast between black and white dragons, symbolizing harmony.

  1. Ashstorm – “Grey whirlwind” (English)
  2. Sombra – “Shadow” (Spanish)
  3. Zephyr – “West wind” (Greek)
  4. Blizzard – “Severe snowstorm” (English)
  5. Obsidian – “Black volcanic glass” (English)
  6. Onyx – “Black gemstone” (English)
  7. Whisperwind – “Gentle breeze” (English)
  8. Ember – “Small piece of coal” (English)
  9. Frostbite – “Frozen injury” (English)
  10. Mirage – “Optical illusion” (French)
  11. Avalanche – “Snow and ice falling rapidly” (French)
  12. Nimbus – “Cloud” (Latin)
  13. Raven – “Black bird” (English)
  14. Dusk – “Evening” (English)
  15. Stormcloud – “Dark cloud” (English)
  16. Twilight – “Soft light” (English)
  17. Midnight – “Small hours of night” (English)
  18. Thunder – “Loud noise in the sky” (English)
  19. Eclipse – “Obscuring of light” (Latin)
  20. Ghost – “Spirit of a dead person” (English)
  21. Moonshadow – “Shadow cast by moonlight” (English)
  22. Blizzard – “Severe snowstorm” (English)
  23. Obsidian – “Black volcanic glass” (English)
  24. Onyx – “Black gemstone” (English)
  25. Whisperwind – “Gentle breeze” (English)
  26. Ember – “Small piece of coal” (English)
  27. Frostbite – “Frozen injury” (English)
  28. Mirage – “Optical illusion” (French)
  29. Avalanche – “Snow and ice falling rapidly” (French)
  30. Nimbus – “Cloud” (Latin)

Black Baby Dragon Names

Find adorable names perfect for young black dragons, embodying innocence and potential.

  1. Tiny – “Very small” (English)
  2. Pebble – “Small rock” (English)
  3. Sprout – “New growth” (English)
  4. Echo – “Repeated sound” (Greek)
  5. Puff – “Puff dragon” (English)
  6. Spark – “Small fiery particle” (English)
  7. Glimmer – “Faint light” (English)
  8. Sooty – “Covered with soot” (English)
  9. Nugget – “Small lump” (English)
  10. Coco – “Chocolate bean” (Spanish)
  11. Bubbles – “Small sphere of gas” (English)
  12. Shimmer – “Soft light” (English)
  13. Snuggle – “Close embrace” (English)
  14. Velvet – “Soft fabric” (English)
  15. Flicker – “Brief burst of light” (English)
  16. Breeze – “Gentle wind” (English)
  17. Munchkin – “Small child” (English)
  18. Pipsqueak – “Small and insignificant person” (English)
  19. Twinkle – “Small star” (English)
  20. Chip – “Small piece” (English)
  21. Echo – “Repeated sound” (Greek)
  22. Puff – “Puff dragon” (English)
  23. Spark – “Small fiery particle” (English)
  24. Glimmer – “Faint light” (English)
  25. Sooty – “Covered with soot” (English)
  26. Nugget – “Small lump” (English)
  27. Coco – “Chocolate bean” (Spanish)
  28. Bubbles – “Small sphere of gas” (English)
  29. Shimmer – “Soft light” (English)
  30. Snuggle – “Close embrace” (English)

Black Dragon Disney Names

Step into the enchanting world of Disney with names inspired by black dragons, adding magic to your imagination.

  1. Maleficent – “Evil” (English)
  2. Mushu – “Quick-witted” (Chinese)
  3. Grimhilde – “Mask of thunder” (German)
  4. Elliot – “Brave” (English)
  5. Bahamut – “Large fish” (Arabic)
  6. Drogon – “Dragon” (Tolkien)
  7. Tiamat – “Dragon” (Tolkien)
  8. Smog – “Wander” (Chinese)
  9. Puff – “Puff dragon” (English)
  10. Saphira – “Precious gem” (English)
  11. Shenron – “Holy dragon god” (Japanese)
  12. Glaurung – “Golden dragon” (Tolkien)
  13. Fafnir – “One who twists” (Tolkien)
  14. Kilgharrah – “Giant” (Tolkien)
  15. Draco – “Dragon” (Latin)
  16. Smog – “Wander” (Chinese)
  17. Puff – “Puff dragon” (English)
  18. Saphira – “Precious gem” (English)
  19. Shenron – “Holy dragon god” (Japanese)
  20. Glaurung – “Golden dragon” (Tolkien)
  21. Fafnir – “One who twists” (Tolkien)
  22. Kilgharrah – “Giant” (Tolkien)
  23. Draco – “Dragon” (Latin)
  24. Maleficent – “Evil” (English)
  25. Mushu – “Quick-witted” (Chinese)
  26. Grimhilde – “Mask of thunder” (German)
  27. Elliot – “Brave” (English)
  28. Bahamut – “Large fish” (Arabic)
  29. Drogon – “Dragon” (Tolkien)
  30. Tiamat – “Dragon” (Tolkien)

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