630 White Dragon Names: Enchanting and Powerful

White Dragon Names

“White Dragon” is a fun fantasy story about a young hero who finds a hidden magical world. In this special place, he meets a big, friendly white dragon. They become good friends and go on many exciting adventures together.

They face scary challenges and fight against dark forces to save their world. With bravery and friendship, they show that anything is possible. This story will delight readers of all ages.

Creating names for White Dragons is all about combining creativity with simplicity. Enjoy naming your fantasy!

5 Amazing Facts about White Dragons

1. Masters of Ice and Snow: White dragons are like the winter wizards of the dragon world. They love icy places and can freeze anything with their icy breath.

2. Clever Hunters: These dragons are super smart when it comes to hunting. They’ll wait patiently for their prey, camouflaged in the snow, and then strike with lightning speed.

3. Unique Features: One cool thing about white dragons is their frosty white scales. They shimmer in the sunlight and blend perfectly with snowy landscapes.

4. Home Sweet Home: White dragons make their homes in caves hidden deep in icy mountains. These caves are like their cozy castles, where they keep their treasures safe.

5. Legendary Lore: In ancient tales, white dragons are often portrayed as guardians of ancient wisdom or mysterious artifacts buried in the frozen north. Adventurers often seek them out for knowledge or to test their bravery.

Finding the appropriate amazon names can be enjoyable and intriguing.

How to Choose white Dragon Names?

Consider the Setting and Culture: Think about the world your dragon inhabits. Are you drawing from Norse mythology, Asian folklore, or creating a unique universe? The setting can inspire names that feel authentic and fitting.

Meaning and Symbolism: Names often carry meanings that reflect traits or qualities. For white dragons, think about attributes like purity, ice, snow, or cold. For example, names like Frostbite, Crystal, or Aurora can evoke these elements.

Sound and Pronunciation: Dragons are powerful creatures, so their names should have a certain weight to them. However, simplicity can also be effective. Choose names that are easy to pronounce and remember, like Blizzard, Glacier, or Icicle.

Uniqueness: While simplicity is key, you also want a name that stands out. Avoid overly common names unless they have a special meaning or twist. You could play with variations or combine simple words to create something unique, like Snowfire or Frostwing.

Role and Personality: Consider the role your dragon plays in your story or game. Is it a wise guardian, a fearsome adversary, or a playful companion? Tailor the name to reflect these characteristics. For example, names like Wyrmheart, Frostfang, or Snowstorm can convey different aspects of your dragon’s personality.

Trial and Error: Don’t be afraid to experiment! Try out different names and see how they resonate with your dragon’s image and story. Sometimes, the perfect name will come to you when you least expect it.

Choose a fast, original, and exotic spyro dragon name and apply it to your favorite.

White Dragon Names and Meanings

Discover the intriguing world of white dragon names and their meanings. Each name tells a story and adds depth to these mystical creatures. Learn what makes each name special and how it reflects the essence of white dragons.

  1. Blizzard – “Severe snowstorm” (English)
  2. Avalanche – “Large mass of snow and ice” (French)
  3. Glacier – “Slow-moving mass of ice” (French)
  4. Frostbite – “Freezing of the skin and tissues” (English)
  5. Icicle – “Long, thin piece of ice” (English)
  6. Polaris – “Guiding star” (Greek)
  7. Alaska – “Great land” (Native American)
  8. Siberia – “Sleeping land” (Russian)
  9. Aspen – “Quaking tree” (English)
  10. Everest – “High point” (Tibetan)
  11. Wynter – “Winter season” (English)
  12. Crystal – “Ice-like mineral” (Greek)
  13. Frost – “Frozen dew” (English)
  14. Aurora – “Dawn” (Latin)
  15. Nimbus – “Rain cloud” (Latin)
  16. Fjord – “Narrow sea inlet” (Norwegian)
  17. Ivory – “White material from tusks” (English)
  18. Alabaster – “White mineral” (Egyptian)
  19. Bianco – “White” (Italian)
  20. Yuki – “Snow” (Japanese)
  21. Eira – “Snow” (Welsh)
  22. Glace – “Ice” (French)
  23. Neve – “Snow” (Portuguese)
  24. Casper – “Treasurer” (Persian)
  25. Argent – “Silver” (French)
  26. Blanc – “White” (French)
  27. Valkyrie – “Chooser of the slain” (Norse)
  28. Quartz – “Hard mineral” (German)
  29. Tundra – “Treeless plain” (Finnish)
  30. Isis – “Throne” (Egyptian)

White Dragons in Mythology

Explore the fascinating role of white dragons in mythology. From ancient tales to modern legends, these dragons have captured imaginations for centuries. Delve into the stories that make white dragons legendary creatures of myth.

White Dragons in Mythology
  1. Albion – “White” (Celtic)
  2. Blizzard – “Severe snowstorm” (English)
  3. Crystal – “Clear ice” (Greek)
  4. Frostbite – “Freezing injury” (English)
  5. Icicle – “Hanging ice” (English)
  6. Avalanche – “Snow slide” (French)
  7. Glacier – “Mass of ice” (French)
  8. Yeti – “Legendary snowman” (Tibetan)
  9. Polaris – “Pole star” (Latin)
  10. Tundra – “Treeless plain” (Finnish)
  11. Nieve – “Snow” (Spanish)
  12. Valkyrie – “Chooser of the slain” (Norse)
  13. Yuki-onna – “Snow woman” (Japanese)
  14. Fenrir – “Monster wolf” (Norse)
  15. Blanc – “White” (French)
  16. Isa – “Ice” (Norse)
  17. Frostfang – “Cold tooth” (English)
  18. Shiro – “White” (Japanese)
  19. Nix – “Snow” (Latin)
  20. Hailstorm – “Frozen rain” (English)
  21. Chione – “Snow goddess” (Greek)
  22. Boreas – “North wind” (Greek)
  23. Alaska – “Great land” (Aleut)
  24. Ivo – “Yew wood” (Germanic)
  25. Fimbulwinter – “Great winter” (Norse)
  26. Ymir – “Giant” (Norse)
  27. Arctic – “Pertaining to the north” (Greek)
  28. Hiber – “Winter” (Latin)
  29. Tromso – “Island of the straits” (Norwegian)
  30. Vetr – “Winter” (Old Norse)

White Dragons in Chinese Culture

White dragons hold a special place in Chinese culture, symbolizing purity and power. Uncover their significance in Chinese traditions, art, and folklore, and understand why they are revered and celebrated throughout history.

  1. Baihu – “White Tiger” (Chinese)
  2. Xue Long – “Snow Dragon” (Chinese)
  3. Lung – “Dragon” (Chinese)
  4. Yinlong – “Hidden Dragon” (Chinese)
  5. Hao Bai – “Pure White” (Chinese)
  6. Feilong – “Flying Dragon” (Chinese)
  7. Bailong – “White Dragon” (Chinese)
  8. Xiaolong – “Small Dragon” (Chinese)
  9. Yinglong – “Responsive Dragon” (Chinese)
  10. Liang – “Bright” (Chinese)
  11. Ming Yue – “Bright Moon” (Chinese)
  12. Dong Qing – “Winter Blue” (Chinese)
  13. Yu Long – “Jade Dragon” (Chinese)
  14. Lóng – “Dragon” (Chinese)
  15. Xian – “Immortal” (Chinese)
  16. Huanglong – “Yellow Dragon” (Chinese)
  17. Xiao – “Morning” (Chinese)
  18. Xue – “Snow” (Chinese)
  19. Chang – “Bright” (Chinese)
  20. Feng – “Phoenix” (Chinese)
  21. Jin – “Gold” (Chinese)
  22. Li – “Reason” (Chinese)
  23. Liu – “Sixth” (Chinese)
  24. Long – “Dragon” (Chinese)
  25. Shen – “Spirit” (Chinese)
  26. Wang – “King” (Chinese)
  27. Yang – “Sun” (Chinese)
  28. Yuan – “First” (Chinese)
  29. Zhang – “Camellia” (Chinese)
  30. Zhao – “Light” (Chinese)

White Dragons in Welsh Mythology

Welsh mythology is rich with tales of white dragons. Learn about their importance in Welsh legends and the symbolic meanings behind these majestic creatures, which have inspired countless stories and cultural references.

  1. Gwyn – “White” (Welsh)
  2. Arianrhod – “Silver Wheel” (Welsh)
  3. Branwen – “White Raven” (Welsh)
  4. Caradog – “Beloved” (Welsh)
  5. Dafydd – “Beloved” (Welsh)
  6. Eira – “Snow” (Welsh)
  7. Fflur – “Flower” (Welsh)
  8. Gwen – “White” (Welsh)
  9. Llyr – “Sea” (Welsh)
  10. Myrddin – “Sea Fort” (Welsh)
  11. Nia – “Bright” (Welsh)
  12. Rhys – “Enthusiasm” (Welsh)
  13. Siân – “God’s Gracious Gift” (Welsh)
  14. Tegid – “Fair One” (Welsh)
  15. Trystan – “Tumult” (Welsh)
  16. Urien – “Privileged Birth” (Welsh)
  17. Vaughan – “Small” (Welsh)
  18. Wynne – “Fair” (Welsh)
  19. Ysbail – “Island” (Welsh)
  20. Cadfael – “Battle Prince” (Welsh)
  21. Carys – “Love” (Welsh)
  22. Deryn – “Bird” (Welsh)
  23. Eirian – “Silver” (Welsh)
  24. Gwydion – “Born of Trees” (Welsh)
  25. Heulwen – “Sunshine” (Welsh)
  26. Iorwerth – “Handsome Lord” (Welsh)
  27. Luned – “Idolized” (Welsh)
  28. Maelon – “Prince” (Welsh)
  29. Nerys – “Lady” (Welsh)
  30. Owain – “Young Warrior” (Welsh)

White Dragon Names Male

Looking for strong and meaningful names for male white dragons? This section offers a variety of names perfect for male dragons, each with its own unique meaning and story. Find the perfect name for your mythical friend.

  1. Aldric – “Old and Wise Ruler” (German)
  2. Boreas – “North Wind” (Greek)
  3. Casper – “Treasurer” (Dutch)
  4. Drake – “Dragon” (English)
  5. Frost – “Frozen Water Crystals” (English)
  6. Glacier – “Slow-Moving Mass of Ice” (French)
  7. Ivory – “White Tusk” (English)
  8. Kai – “Sea” (Japanese)
  9. Nivalis – “Of Snow” (Latin)
  10. Orion – “Hunter” (Greek)
  11. Polaris – “Of the Pole Star” (Latin)
  12. Quilo – “North Wind” (Latin)
  13. Rime – “Frost” (Old English)
  14. Silas – “Of the Forest” (Latin)
  15. Titan – “Giant” (Greek)
  16. Ullr – “Glory” (Norse)
  17. Valiant – “Brave” (French)
  18. Wynter – “Winter” (Old English)
  19. Xavier – “Bright” (Arabic)
  20. Ymir – “Roarer” (Norse)
  21. Zephyr – “West Wind” (Greek)
  22. Alabaster – “White Stone” (English)
  23. Blizzard – “Severe Snowstorm” (English)
  24. Caspian – “From the Caspian Sea” (English)
  25. Draco – “Dragon” (Latin)
  26. Frostbite – “Freezing of Tissue” (English)
  27. Icicle – “Ice Spike” (English)
  28. Kelvin – “Friend of Ships” (Scottish)
  29. Nimbus – “Dark Rain Cloud” (Latin)
  30. Osiris – “Seat of the Eye” (Egyptian)

White Dragon Names Female

Explore a selection of beautiful and enchanting names for female white dragons. These names capture the elegance and grace of female dragons, offering unique and meaningful options for naming your mythical creature.

  1. Astra – “Star” (Greek)
  2. Bianca – “White” (Italian)
  3. Crystal – “Ice” (Greek)
  4. Elsa – “Noble” (German)
  5. Frigga – “Beloved” (Norse)
  6. Glace – “Ice” (French)
  7. Irina – “Peace” (Russian)
  8. Kira – “Sun” (Russian)
  9. Neve – “Snow” (Italian)
  10. Opal – “Gem” (Sanskrit)
  11. Pandora – “All-Gifted” (Greek)
  12. Quinn – “Wise” (Irish)
  13. Rosalie – “Rose” (French)
  14. Selene – “Moon” (Greek)
  15. Thalassa – “Sea” (Greek)
  16. Ursula – “Little Bear” (Latin)
  17. Vera – “Truth” (Russian)
  18. Winter – “Winter” (English)
  19. Xanthe – “Blonde” (Greek)
  20. Yvaine – “Evening Star” (French)
  21. Zara – “Princess” (Arabic)
  22. Alaska – “Great Land” (Aleut)
  23. Blanche – “White” (French)
  24. Celeste – “Heavenly” (Latin)
  25. Diana – “Divine” (Latin)
  26. Frostine – “Frozen” (English)
  27. Icelyn – “Ice” (English)
  28. Kelda – “Fountain” (Norse)
  29. Neva – “Snowy” (Russian)
  30. Olympia – “From Mount Olympus” (Greek)

Unisex White Dragon Names

Whether you’re naming a dragon with a mysterious or neutral vibe, these unisex names are perfect. Find names that work for any white dragon, regardless of gender, each with a rich history and meaning.

  1. Aspen – “Tree” (English)
  2. Blaze – “Flame” (English)
  3. Cosmo – “Universe” (Greek)
  4. Dove – “Bird” (English)
  5. Echo – “Sound” (Greek)
  6. Fable – “Story” (Latin)
  7. Gale – “Pleasant Wind” (English)
  8. Harmony – “Unity” (English)
  9. Indigo – “Blue Dye” (Greek)
  10. Jade – “Green Gemstone” (Spanish)
  11. Kai – “Sea” (Japanese)
  12. Lark – “Songbird” (English)
  13. Mystic – “Mysterious” (Latin)
  14. Nova – “New” (Latin)
  15. Onyx – “Black Gemstone” (Greek)
  16. Pax – “Peace” (Latin)
  17. Quest – “Search” (Latin)
  18. Rain – “Abundant Water” (English)
  19. Sky – “Atmosphere” (Old Norse)
  20. Talon – “Claw” (Old French)
  21. Unity – “Oneness” (English)
  22. Vale – “Valley” (English)
  23. Wren – “Small Bird” (English)
  24. Zenith – “Highest Point” (Latin)
  25. Aquila – “Eagle” (Latin)
  26. Blaze – “Flame” (English)
  27. Cove – “Sheltered Bay” (Old English)
  28. Dawn – “Daybreak” (Old English)
  29. Ember – “Small Piece of Burning Coal” (Old English)
  30. Frost – “Frozen Water Crystals” (English)

White Dragon Names Girl

If you’re looking for names specifically for a girl dragon, this section has you covered. Discover charming and fitting white dragon names for girl white dragons, each carrying its own special meaning and story.

  1. Frostine – “Like frost” (English)
  2. Blanche – “White” (French)
  3. Icelyn – “Ice” + “lyn” (English)
  4. Albina – “White” (Latin)
  5. Eira – “Snow” (Welsh)
  6. Crystalia – “Crystal” (Greek)
  7. Wynter – “Winter” (English)
  8. Aurora – “Dawn” (Latin)
  9. Ivory – “White, ivory” (English)
  10. Lumi – “Snow” (Finnish)
  11. Seren – “Star” (Welsh)
  12. Nieve – “Snow” (Spanish)
  13. Bianca – “White” (Italian)
  14. Aspen – “Tree” (English)
  15. Neve – “Snow” (Italian)
  16. Yuki – “Snow” (Japanese)
  17. Gwen – “White, fair” (Welsh)
  18. Frostina – “Frosty” (English)
  19. Elsa – “Pledged to God” (Hebrew)
  20. Tundra – “Treeless mountain tract” (Russian)
  21. Isla – “Island” (Scottish)
  22. Neva – “Snow” (Spanish)
  23. Astra – “Star” (Greek)
  24. Ivy – “Ivy” (English)
  25. Aria – “Air, song” (Italian)
  26. Winter – “Winter season” (English)
  27. Silva – “Forest” (Latin)
  28. Fawn – “Young deer” (English)
  29. Oriel – “Golden” (Latin)
  30. Luna – “Moon” (Latin)

Cool White Dragon Names

Searching for a name that stands out? Check out these cool white dragon names that are unique, edgy, and full of personality. Perfect for a dragon with a bit of flair and a lot of presence.

  1. Blizzard – “Intense snowstorm” (English)
  2. Frostbite – “Injury caused by freezing” (English)
  3. Glacier – “Large body of ice” (French)
  4. Nimbus – “Rain cloud” (Latin)
  5. Arctic – “Pertaining to the North Pole” (Greek)
  6. Avalanche – “Mass of snow, ice, and rocks falling rapidly down a mountainside” (French)
  7. Icelock – “Frozen lock” (English)
  8. Chill – “Cold” (English)
  9. Sleet – “Frozen rain” (Old English)
  10. Snowdrift – “Pile of snow blown by the wind” (English)
  11. Boreas – “God of the North Wind” (Greek)
  12. Frostfang – “Icy tooth” (English)
  13. Glacial – “Relating to glaciers” (English)
  14. Shiver – “Tremble with cold” (Middle English)
  15. Permafrost – “Permanently frozen ground” (Russian)
  16. Hailstorm – “Storm with hailstones” (Old English)
  17. Snowbell – “White bell-shaped flower” (English)
  18. Freeze – “Turn to ice” (Old English)
  19. Frostfire – “Combination of frost and fire” (English)
  20. Hailstone – “Small ball of ice falling from the sky” (Old English)
  21. Icythorn – “Frozen thorn” (English)
  22. Bleak – “Gloomy, cold” (Middle English)
  23. Nordic – “Relating to Scandinavia” (Latin)
  24. Frostclaw – “Icy claw” (English)
  25. Chillwind – “Cold wind” (English)
  26. Aurora – “Dawn” (Latin)
  27. Polaris – “Pole star” (Latin)
  28. Snowflake – “Ice crystal” (English)
  29. Icicle – “Hanging piece of ice” (Old English)
  30. Whitewind – “White wind” (English)

Chinese White Dragon Names Male

Delve into white dragon names rooted in Chinese culture, perfect for male white dragons. Each name carries cultural significance and a deep meaning, ideal for adding a touch of authenticity to your dragon’s identity.

Chinese White Dragon Names Male
  1. Bai Long (白龙) – “White Dragon” (Chinese)
  2. Xue Long (雪龙) – “Snow Dragon” (Chinese)
  3. Liang Hu (亮虎) – “Bright Tiger” (Chinese)
  4. Yin Long (银龙) – “Silver Dragon” (Chinese)
  5. Jin Long (金龙) – “Golden Dragon” (Chinese)
  6. Zhi Bai (治白) – “Master of White” (Chinese)
  7. Fei Xue (飞雪) – “Flying Snow” (Chinese)
  8. Hong Yan (洪炎) – “Vast Flame” (Chinese)
  9. Tian Yi (天翼) – “Heavenly Wing” (Chinese)
  10. Feng Bai (风白) – “Wind White” (Chinese)
  11. Chang Feng (长风) – “Long Wind” (Chinese)
  12. Hu Tian (虎天) – “Tiger Heaven” (Chinese)
  13. Guang Ming (光明) – “Bright Light” (Chinese)
  14. Xiao Long (小龙) – “Little Dragon” (Chinese)
  15. Zhao Cai (招财) – “Bringing Wealth” (Chinese)
  16. Jing Wei (精威) – “Spirit Prestige” (Chinese)
  17. Jian Shen (剑神) – “Sword God” (Chinese)
  18. Qiang Long (强龙) – “Strong Dragon” (Chinese)
  19. Shuang Bai (霜白) – “Frost White” (Chinese)
  20. Yun Tian (云天) – “Cloud Sky” (Chinese)
  21. Xing Chen (星辰) – “Stars” (Chinese)
  22. Chao Feng (潮风) – “Tidal Wind” (Chinese)
  23. Li Ming (力明) – “Powerful Light” (Chinese)
  24. Yu Long (玉龙) – “Jade Dragon” (Chinese)
  25. Hong Xue (红雪) – “Red Snow” (Chinese)
  26. Yuan Tian (远天) – “Far Sky” (Chinese)
  27. Xi Fang (熙芳) – “Prosperous Fragrance” (Chinese)
  28. Bao Long (宝龙) – “Treasure Dragon” (Chinese)
  29. Wen Tian (文天) – “Cultured Sky” (Chinese)
  30. Zhi Yi (智翼) – “Wisdom Wing” (Chinese)

Chinese White Dragon Names Female

These female white dragon names draw from rich Chinese traditions and meanings. Perfect for a dragon with grace and strength, each name offers a connection to Chinese heritage and mythology.

  1. Bai Feng (白凤) – “White Phoenix” (Chinese)
  2. Xue Nu (雪女) – “Snow Maiden” (Chinese)
  3. Yin Ying (银影) – “Silver Shadow” (Chinese)
  4. Jin Hua (金华) – “Golden Splendor” (Chinese)
  5. Zhi Mei (治美) – “Master of Beauty” (Chinese)
  6. Fei Fei (飞飞) – “Flying” (Chinese)
  7. Hong Li (红丽) – “Red Beauty” (Chinese)
  8. Tian Ying (天影) – “Heavenly Shadow” (Chinese)
  9. Feng Lan (风兰) – “Wind Orchid” (Chinese)
  10. Chang Yue (长月) – “Long Moon” (Chinese)
  11. Hu Mei (虎媚) – “Tiger Charm” (Chinese)
  12. Guang Xiu (光秀) – “Bright Excellence” (Chinese)
  13. Xiao Bai (小白) – “Little White” (Chinese)
  14. Zhao Hui (招惠) – “Bringing Grace” (Chinese)
  15. Jing Nu (精女) – “Spirit Woman” (Chinese)
  16. Jian Qing (剑情) – “Sword Affection” (Chinese)
  17. Qiang Yu (强玉) – “Strong Jade” (Chinese)
  18. Shuang Bai (霜柏) – “Frost Cypress” (Chinese)
  19. Yun Hua (云华) – “Cloud Splendor” (Chinese)
  20. Xing Yue (星月) – “Stars and Moon” (Chinese)
  21. Chao Lan (潮兰) – “Tidal Orchid” (Chinese)
  22. Li Mei (丽媚) – “Beautiful Charm” (Chinese)
  23. Yu Hui (玉辉) – “Jade Radiance” (Chinese)
  24. Hong Xue (红雪) – “Red Snow” (Chinese)
  25. Yuan Hua (远华) – “Distant Splendor” (Chinese)
  26. Xi Fang (熙芳) – “Prosperous Fragrance” (Chinese)
  27. Bao Nu (宝女) – “Treasure Woman” (Chinese)
  28. Wen Yue (文月) – “Cultured Moon” (Chinese)
  29. Zhi Mei (智媚) – “Wisdom Charm” (Chinese)
  30. Ying Lan (英兰) – “Hero Orchid” (Chinese)

Chinese White Dragon Names Unisex

For those seeking a Chinese-inspired name that fits any white dragon, these unisex options are ideal. Each white dragon names are culturally rich and meaningful, providing a versatile and significant choice for your dragon.

  1. Bai Tian (白天) – “White Sky” (Chinese)
  2. Xue Feng (雪风) – “Snow Wind” (Chinese)
  3. Yin Bai (银白) – “Silver White” (Chinese)
  4. Jin Yu (金玉) – “Gold Jade” (Chinese)
  5. Zhi Rui (治瑞) – “Master of Auspiciousness” (Chinese)
  6. Fei Hu (飞虎) – “Flying Tiger” (Chinese)
  7. Hong Xuan (洪炫) – “Vast Brilliance” (Chinese)
  8. Tian Yi (天仪) – “Heavenly Ceremony” (Chinese)
  9. Feng Yun (风云) – “Wind and Clouds” (Chinese)
  10. Chang An (长安) – “Long Peace” (Chinese)
  11. Hu Tian (虎天) – “Tiger Heaven” (Chinese)
  12. Guang Ming (光明) – “Bright Light” (Chinese)
  13. Xiao Long (小龙) – “Little Dragon” (Chinese)
  14. Zhao Cai (招财) – “Bringing Wealth” (Chinese)
  15. Jing Wei (精威) – “Spirit Prestige” (Chinese)
  16. Jian Shen (剑神) – “Sword God” (Chinese)
  17. Qiang Long (强龙) – “Strong Dragon” (Chinese)
  18. Shuang Bai (霜白) – “Frost White” (Chinese)
  19. Yun Tian (云天) – “Cloud Sky” (Chinese)
  20. Xing Chen (星辰) – “Stars” (Chinese)
  21. Chao Feng (潮风) – “Tidal Wind” (Chinese)
  22. Li Ming (力明) – “Powerful Light” (Chinese)
  23. Yu Long (玉龙) – “Jade Dragon” (Chinese)
  24. Hong Xue (红雪) – “Red Snow” (Chinese)
  25. Yuan Tian (远天) – “Far Sky” (Chinese)
  26. Xi Fang (熙芳) – “Prosperous Fragrance” (Chinese)
  27. Bao Long (宝龙) – “Treasure Dragon” (Chinese)
  28. Wen Tian (文天) – “Cultured Sky” (Chinese)
  29. Zhi Yi (智翼) – “Wisdom Wing” (Chinese)
  30. Ying Lan (英兰) – “Hero Orchid” (Chinese)

Famous White Dragon Names

Discover white dragon names that have made their mark in stories, films, and folklore. These famous names are known and loved, perfect for a dragon destined for greatness.

  1. Frostbite – “Freezing injury” (English)
  2. Blizzard – “Severe snowstorm” (English)
  3. Glacier – “Large ice mass” (English)
  4. Avalanche – “Snowslide” (French)
  5. Yeti – “Legendary Himalayan creature” (Tibetan)
  6. Polaris – “North Star” (Latin)
  7. Crystal – “Clear ice” (English)
  8. Alabaster – “White mineral” (English)
  9. Icicle – “Ice spike” (English)
  10. Chillblade – “Cold weapon” (English)
  11. Hoarfrost – “White frost” (Old English)
  12. Nordic – “Northern regions” (Latin)
  13. Frostfang – “Icy fang” (English)
  14. Glacius – “Resembling ice” (Latin)
  15. Sleet – “Frozen rain” (Old English)
  16. Snowdrift – “Pile of snow” (English)
  17. Hailstorm – “Ice pellets” (Old English)
  18. Freeze – “Solidify by cold” (Middle English)
  19. Frostfire – “Cold fire” (English)
  20. Arctic – “Pertaining to the North Pole” (Greek)
  21. Winterwind – “Cold wind” (English)
  22. Polar – “Of the poles” (Latin)
  23. Chillwing – “Cold wing” (English)
  24. Icetooth – “Ice tooth” (English)
  25. Frostclaw – “Cold claw” (English)
  26. Snowstorm – “Heavy snowfall” (English)
  27. Whiteout – “Complete whiteness” (English)
  28. Glacial – “Relating to glaciers” (Latin)
  29. Hailstone – “Frozen raindrop” (Old English)
  30. Snowfall – “Falling snow” (English)

Funny White Dragon Names

Bring a smile with these funny white dragon names. Each name is playful and creative, perfect for a dragon with a sense of humor and a lighthearted personality.

  1. Frosty McFluff – “Cold and fluffy” (English)
  2. Snowball – “Round snow mass” (English)
  3. Chilly Willy – “Cold and whimsical” (English)
  4. Icy Popsicle – “Frozen treat” (English)
  5. Mr. Freeze – “Cold villain” (English)
  6. Slushy – “Partially melted snow” (English)
  7. Snowcone – “Ice dessert” (English)
  8. Freezy Wheezy – “Cold and wheezing” (English)
  9. Frosty Nugget – “Cold and small lump” (English)
  10. Polar Pop – “Arctic beverage” (English)
  11. Shiver – “Tremble from cold” (English)
  12. Chillax – “Chill and relax” (English)
  13. Frozone – “Frozen superhero” (English)
  14. Snowzilla – “Giant snow creature” (English)
  15. Icicle Jester – “Cold and joking” (English)
  16. Snowflake – “Unique snow crystal” (English)
  17. Frigid McDragon – “Extremely cold dragon” (English)
  18. Snoozy Freeze – “Sleepy and frozen” (English)
  19. Chill Breeze – “Cold wind” (English)
  20. Icy Chuckle – “Cold laughter” (English)
  21. Blizzard Belly – “Snowstorm and belly” (English)
  22. Frostbite Fiasco – “Cold injury mishap” (English)
  23. Chillaxer – “Relaxed in the cold” (English)
  24. Snowy Snuggles – “Snow and cuddles” (English)
  25. Frosty Fandango – “Cold dance” (English)
  26. Iceberg – “Large floating ice” (English)
  27. Snocone Sniffer – “Snow cone investigator” (English)
  28. Chilly Chuckle – “Cold laugh” (English)
  29. Popsicle – “Frozen dessert” (English)
  30. Frosty Fizzle – “Cold and fizzling” (English)

DnD White Dragon Names

For Dungeons & Dragons enthusiasts, these white dragon names are tailored for white dragons in the game. Find names that fit the lore and vibe of DnD, adding depth and character to your dragon.

DnD White Dragon Names
  1. Glacier – “Large mass of ice” (English)
  2. Frostbite – “Injury to tissue from freezing” (English)
  3. Avalanche – “Mass of snow, ice, and rocks falling swiftly” (French)
  4. Blizzard – “Severe snowstorm with strong winds” (English)
  5. Icicle – “Hanging spike of ice” (English)
  6. Hailstorm – “Storm with hail falling” (English)
  7. Alabaster – “White stone” (English)
  8. Snowstorm – “Storm with heavy snowfall” (English)
  9. Hoarfrost – “White frost” (English)
  10. Arcticus – “Relating to the Arctic” (Latin)
  11. Crystalis – “Crystal clear” (Latin)
  12. Blanch – “To whiten by removing color” (French)
  13. Chillwind – “Cold wind” (English)
  14. Nordic – “Relating to Northern Europe” (English)
  15. Glacius – “Ice” (Latin)
  16. Frostfang – “Frozen tooth” (English)
  17. Snowblind – “Blinded by snow reflection” (English)
  18. Polaris – “Pole star” (Latin)
  19. Snowfall – “Falling snow” (English)
  20. Hailstone – “Pellet of frozen rain” (English)
  21. Icefang – “Tooth of ice” (English)
  22. Frostfire – “Combination of frost and fire” (English)
  23. Alpine – “Relating to high mountains” (English)
  24. Glacierbane – “One who destroys glaciers” (English)
  25. Sleet – “Mix of rain and snow” (English)
  26. Blizzardwing – “Winged blizzard” (English)
  27. Winterfell – “Stronghold in winter” (English)
  28. Freeze – “To become solid by cold” (English)
  29. Frostclaw – “Claw of frost” (English)
  30. Icestorm – “Storm of ice” (English)

White Dragon Names in How to Train Your Dragon

Inspired by the beloved “How to Train Your Dragon” series, these white dragon names are perfect for fans. Discover names that fit the spirit of the series and its magical white dragons.

  1. Cloudjumper – “Dragon that can jump through clouds” (English)
  2. Snow Wraith – “Ghostly figure in the snow” (English)
  3. Shiver – “To tremble with cold” (English)
  4. Icecrusher – “Crusher of ice” (English)
  5. Winterwing – “Winged creature of winter” (English)
  6. Snowflake – “Ice crystal” (English)
  7. Frostfright – “Fear caused by frost” (English)
  8. Snowmelter – “Melting snow” (English)
  9. Glimmer – “Faint light” (English)
  10. Icerazor – “Razor-sharp ice” (English)
  11. Frostflare – “Sudden burst of frost” (English)
  12. Snowdancer – “Dancer in the snow” (English)
  13. Glacial – “Relating to glaciers” (English)
  14. Icebreaker – “Breaking ice” (English)
  15. Snowshadow – “Shadow in the snow” (English)
  16. Frostfeather – “Feather of frost” (English)
  17. Blizzardheart – “Heart of the blizzard” (English)
  18. Snowstormer – “One who causes snowstorms” (English)
  19. Iceshade – “Shade of ice” (English)
  20. Whitewind – “Wind that is white” (English)
  21. Frostfury – “Fury of frost” (English)
  22. Snowfang – “Fang of snow” (English)
  23. Icegale – “Gale of ice” (English)
  24. Winterfrost – “Frost of winter” (English)
  25. Snowspike – “Spiked snow” (English)
  26. Frostwhisper – “Whisper of frost” (English)
  27. Icefall – “Fall of ice” (English)
  28. Snowblade – “Blade of snow” (English)
  29. Glacierclaw – “Claw of the glacier” (English)
  30. Icestrike – “Strike of ice” (English)

White Toothless Dragon Name

If you’re looking to name a white version of the famous Toothless from “How to Train Your Dragon,” this section offers creative and fitting options. Find the perfect white dragon names for a dragon just like Toothless, but white.

  1. Blizzard – “Severe snowstorm” (English)
  2. Crystal – “Clear ice” (English)
  3. Frostbite – “Cold injury” (English)
  4. Nimbus – “Cloud” (Latin)
  5. Hailstone – “Ice pellet” (English)
  6. Polar – “North Pole” (English)
  7. Snowflake – “Frozen water droplet” (English)
  8. Shiver – “Tremble” (English)
  9. Arctic – “Polar region” (Greek)
  10. Glacier – “Large ice mass” (French)
  11. Iceling – “Small ice” (English)
  12. Frosti – “Frost” (Icelandic)
  13. Glacies – “Ice” (Latin)
  14. Nieve – “Snow” (Spanish)
  15. Sneg – “Snow” (Russian)
  16. Hoarfrost – “Frozen dew” (English)
  17. Crisp – “Fresh and cold” (English)
  18. Icicle – “Frozen water” (English)
  19. Snowdrift – “Accumulated snow” (English)
  20. Wintry – “Cold season” (English)
  21. Frigid – “Extremely cold” (Latin)
  22. Iceberg – “Large floating ice” (Dutch)
  23. Powder – “Fine snow” (English)
  24. Sleet – “Frozen rain” (English)
  25. Gelid – “Icy” (Latin)
  26. Permafrost – “Permanently frozen” (English)
  27. Tundra – “Cold biome” (Russian)
  28. Zephyr – “Cold breeze” (Greek)
  29. Icecap – “Ice-covered” (English)
  30. Yuki – “Snow” (Japanese)

White Dragonborn Names

For those creating a Dragonborn character in fantasy settings, these white dragon names are perfect. Explore a variety of names that reflect the strength and heritage of Dragonborn with a white dragon lineage.

  1. Eira – “Snow” (Welsh)
  2. Lumi – “Snow” (Finnish)
  3. Fiona – “White” (Scottish)
  4. Candida – “White” (Latin)
  5. Nevada – “Snow-covered” (Spanish)
  6. Witney – “White island” (English)
  7. Albina – “White” (Latin)
  8. Whitaker – “White field” (English)
  9. Elara – “White” (Greek)
  10. Bela – “White” (Slovak)
  11. Albus – “White” (Latin)
  12. Blanca – “White” (Spanish)
  13. Gwen – “White” (Welsh)
  14. Laban – “White” (Hebrew)
  15. Bianco – “White” (Italian)
  16. Lily – “White flower” (English)
  17. Pearl – “White gem” (English)
  18. Snowden – “Snowy hill” (English)
  19. Winter – “Cold season” (English)
  20. Frost – “Frozen dew” (English)
  21. Haku – “White” (Japanese)
  22. Kenai – “White spot” (Athabaskan)
  23. Whitney – “White island” (English)
  24. Sierra – “Mountain range” (Spanish)
  25. Avalanche – “Snow slide” (French)
  26. Neva – “Snow” (Spanish)
  27. Ashwin – “Light” (Sanskrit)
  28. Hakan – “White falcon” (Turkish)
  29. Xue – “Snow” (Chinese)
  30. Snezhana – “Snowy” (Russian)

Ice Dragon Names

White dragons often have icy associations. These ice dragon names are perfect for capturing the essence of frost and snow. Find white dragon names that evoke the chill and beauty of ice dragons.

Ice Dragon Names
  1. Chione – “Snow goddess” (Greek)
  2. Isolde – “Ice ruler” (German)
  3. Eis – “Ice” (German)
  4. Glacia – “Ice” (Latin)
  5. Frostine – “Frost” (French)
  6. Talia – “Dew of God” (Hebrew)
  7. Boreas – “North wind” (Greek)
  8. Crisanta – “Golden flower” (Spanish)
  9. Frostina – “Little frost” (English)
  10. Neige – “Snow” (French)
  11. Yana – “Winter” (Bulgarian)
  12. Ilmatar – “Air spirit” (Finnish)
  13. Karli – “Snow-covered” (Turkish)
  14. Hima – “Snow” (Hindi)
  15. Tuyet – “Snow” (Vietnamese)
  16. Edelweiss – “Noble white” (German)
  17. Glacielle – “Ice” (French)
  18. Aysu – “Moon water” (Turkish)
  19. Kaltes – “Cold” (Latvian)
  20. Skadi – “Snowshoe goddess” (Norse)
  21. Svanhild – “Swan battle” (Norse)
  22. Iveta – “Snow” (Slovak)
  23. Jara – “Winter” (Slavic)
  24. Fuyuko – “Winter child” (Japanese)
  25. Siglinde – “Victory” (German)
  26. Lumiere – “Light” (French)
  27. Aubin – “White” (French)
  28. Talvi – “Winter” (Finnish)
  29. Gwendolen – “White ring” (Welsh)
  30. Keira – “Little dark one” (Irish)

White Dragon Names Generator

Need help finding the perfect name? Use a white dragon names generator for endless ideas and inspiration. Get creative and find a unique name that suits your dragon perfectly.

  1. Blizzard – “Snowstorm” (English)
  2. Chione – “Snow goddess” (Greek)
  3. Yukio – “Snow boy” (Japanese)
  4. Galadriel – “Radiant” (Sindarin)
  5. Frostrine – “Frost” (French)
  6. Alabaster – “White stone” (English)
  7. Pinguino – “Penguin” (Spanish)
  8. Frostwing – “Frozen wing” (English)
  9. Elysia – “Blissful” (Greek)
  10. Iceheart – “Frozen heart” (English)
  11. Whitestar – “White star” (English)
  12. Snowstalker – “Snow hunter” (English)
  13. Frostbane – “Frost killer” (English)
  14. Ivory – “White material” (English)
  15. Shiroi – “White” (Japanese)
  16. Gelidus – “Icy” (Latin)
  17. Snowveil – “Snow cover” (English)
  18. Glacius – “Ice” (Latin)
  19. Eirlys – “Snowdrop” (Welsh)
  20. Frostfire – “Icy flame” (English)
  21. Aysu – “Moon water” (Turkish)
  22. Blanchard – “White” (French)
  23. Gwyneth – “Blessed” (Welsh)
  24. Silvermist – “Light fog” (English)
  25. Frostwarden – “Frost guardian” (English)
  26. Snowshade – “Snow shadow” (English)
  27. Crystalis – “Crystal” (Greek)
  28. Frostmourne – “Frost sword” (English)
  29. Snowfall – “Falling snow” (English)
  30. Yukihime – “Snow princess” (Japanese)

Nicknames for White Dragon

Looking for a cute or cool nickname for your white dragon? This section offers a variety of nicknames, from playful to majestic, helping you find the perfect informal name for your mythical friend.

  1. Icy – “Cold” (English)
  2. Snowy – “Covered in snow” (English)
  3. Frosty – “Chilly” (English)
  4. Blanco – “White” (Spanish)
  5. Chill – “Cold” (English)
  6. Pale – “Light-colored” (English)
  7. Glacial – “Icy” (English)
  8. Snowball – “Ball of snow” (English)
  9. Winter – “Cold season” (English)
  10. Flake – “Snowflake” (English)
  11. Arctos – “Bear” (Greek)
  12. Boreal – “Northern” (Greek)
  13. Nippy – “Cold” (English)
  14. Frozone – “Frozen zone” (English)
  15. Frosti – “Frost” (Icelandic)
  16. Gelid – “Icy” (Latin)
  17. Hoarfrost – “Frozen dew” (English)
  18. Yuki – “Snow” (Japanese)
  19. Snowdrift – “Accumulated snow” (English)
  20. Glaciator – “Ice maker” (English)
  21. Iceberg – “Large floating ice” (Dutch)
  22. Gelato – “Ice cream” (Italian)
  23. Nieve – “Snow” (Spanish)
  24. Sleet – “Frozen rain” (English)
  25. Frigid – “Extremely cold” (Latin)
  26. Permafrost – “Permanently frozen” (English)
  27. Tundra – “Cold biome” (Russian)
  28. Zephyr – “Cold breeze” (Greek)
  29. Icicle – “Frozen water” (English)
  30. Chione – “Snow goddess” (Greek)

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