Scorpion Names: 900 Unique Titles and Their Meanings

Scorpions are small animals with eight legs and a pair of pincers. They have a curved tail with a stinger at the end. Scorpions are found in many places around the world and are usually active at night.

While their stings can hurt, only a few types are harmful to people. These interesting creatures have been around for millions of years and are an important part of nature.

5 Interesting Facts About Scorpions

Glow in the Dark: Scorpions have a special substance in their outer shell that makes them glow under UV light.

Long Lifespan: Some scorpions can live up to 25 years, which is a long time for arachnids.

Wide Habitat Range: Scorpions live in many places, from deserts to rainforests, and even in caves.

Unique Reproduction: Scorpions give birth to live babies, and these babies ride on their mother’s back until they shed their skin for the first time.

Ancient Creatures: Scorpions have been around for over 400 million years, making them some of the oldest land animals known.

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How to Pick a Name for Scorpions?

Observe Their Behavior: Look at how your scorpion moves and acts. A name like “Speedy” or “Creeper” might be just right.

Consider Their Appearance: Think about their color and size. Names like “Shadow” for a dark scorpion or “Tiny” for a small one could fit well.

Think About Their Origin: If you know where your scorpion species comes from, you can choose a name from that place. For example, “Sahara” for a desert scorpion.

Use Mythology or Fiction: Many scorpions have names from myths or stories. Names like “Stinger” or “Scorpio” can be good choices.

Personal Preferences: Pick a name that you like and that feels right for your scorpion. It could be something unique or a favorite name from a book or movie.

Get unique and exotic squid names and apply them to your favorite one.

Scorpion Names

Find a variety of names that truly represent these amazing creatures, each chosen to show their special traits and where they come from.

  1. Stinger – “One who stings” (English)
  2. Claw – “Gripper” (English)
  3. Venom – “Poisonous fluid” (Latin)
  4. Pincer – “Gripping tool” (French)
  5. Nox – “Night” (Latin)
  6. Spike – “Sharp point” (English)
  7. Talon – “Claw” (Latin)
  8. Shade – “Darkness” (English)
  9. Dagger – “Small knife” (English)
  10. Razor – “Sharp blade” (English)
  11. Fang – “Sharp tooth” (Old English)
  12. Haze – “Thin mist” (English)
  13. Blaze – “Flame” (English)
  14. Fury – “Wild anger” (English)
  15. Hex – “Curse” (German)
  16. Nyx – “Goddess of night” (Greek)
  17. Scorp – “Short for scorpion” (English)
  18. Blade – “Cutting edge” (English)
  19. Flint – “Hard stone” (English)
  20. Lash – “Whip” (English)
  21. Mace – “Spiked club” (Old French)
  22. Raven – “Black bird” (English)
  23. Onyx – “Black gemstone” (Greek)
  24. Sable – “Black fur” (Old French)
  25. Coal – “Black mineral” (Old English)
  26. Jinx – “Bad luck” (English)
  27. Rune – “Mystical letter” (Old Norse)
  28. Steel – “Strong metal” (English)
  29. Obsidian – “Volcanic glass” (Latin)
  30. Storm – “Violent weather” (Old English)

Cool Scorpion Names

Discover names that are effortlessly cool and attractive, perfect for scorpions with a sleek and stylish vibe.

  1. Viper – “Venomous snake” (Latin)
  2. Tempest – “Storm” (Latin)
  3. Nebula – “Cloud in space” (Latin)
  4. Titan – “Giant” (Greek)
  5. Blitz – “Sudden attack” (German)
  6. Cyclone – “Powerful windstorm” (Greek)
  7. Inferno – “Large fire” (Latin)
  8. Specter – “Ghost” (Latin)
  9. Phantom – “Apparition” (Greek)
  10. Zephyr – “Gentle breeze” (Greek)
  11. Blaze – “Intense flame” (English)
  12. Gale – “Strong wind” (Old English)
  13. Avalanche – “Snow slide” (French)
  14. Pyro – “Fire” (Greek)
  15. Drake – “Dragon” (Old English)
  16. Echo – “Sound reflection” (Greek)
  17. Rift – “Split” (Old English)
  18. Quartz – “Hard mineral” (German)
  19. Volt – “Electric force” (Italian)
  20. Pheonix – “Mythical bird” (Greek)
  21. Thunder – “Loud noise” (Old English)
  22. Chaos – “Complete disorder” (Greek)
  23. Frost – “Ice crystals” (Old English)
  24. Orbit – “Path of celestial body” (Latin)
  25. Rogue – “Unpredictable” (English)
  26. Venom – “Poison” (Latin)
  27. Abyss – “Bottomless pit” (Greek)
  28. Eclipse – “Celestial event” (Greek)
  29. Blizzard – “Snowstorm” (English)
  30. Glacier – “Slow-moving ice” (French)

Female Scorpion Names

Explore names crafted just for female scorpions, blending grace and strength to match their captivating personalities.

  1. Luna – “Moon” (Latin)
  2. Ivy – “Climbing plant” (English)
  3. Zara – “Princess” (Arabic)
  4. Raven – “Black bird” (English)
  5. Faye – “Fairy” (Old French)
  6. Jade – “Green gemstone” (Spanish)
  7. Tara – “Hill” (Irish)
  8. Skye – “Island” (Scottish)
  9. Briar – “Thorny plant” (Old English)
  10. Aria – “Melody” (Italian)
  11. Dawn – “Morning light” (Old English)
  12. Eve – “Life” (Hebrew)
  13. Lyra – “Harp” (Greek)
  14. Maya – “Illusion” (Sanskrit)
  15. Nina – “Little girl” (Spanish)
  16. Opal – “Gemstone” (Sanskrit)
  17. Piper – “Flute player” (English)
  18. Quinn – “Wise” (Irish)
  19. Ruby – “Red gemstone” (Latin)
  20. Sage – “Wise one” (Latin)
  21. Tess – “Harvester” (Greek)
  22. Violet – “Purple flower” (Latin)
  23. Willow – “Graceful tree” (English)
  24. Zoe – “Life” (Greek)
  25. Aurora – “Dawn” (Latin)
  26. Bella – “Beautiful” (Italian)
  27. Clara – “Bright” (Latin)
  28. Dahlia – “Flower” (Swedish)
  29. Elsa – “Pledged to God” (German)
  30. Fiona – “Fair” (Scottish)

Cool Female Scorpion Names

Check out names that are both cool and feminine, ideal for female scorpions with a bit of attitude and elegance.

  1. Nyx – “Night” (Greek)
  2. Sable – “Black fur” (Old French)
  3. Blaze – “Flame” (English)
  4. Vega – “Falling star” (Arabic)
  5. Ember – “Burning coal” (English)
  6. Myst – “Mist” (Greek)
  7. Echo – “Sound reflection” (Greek)
  8. Storm – “Violent weather” (Old English)
  9. Iris – “Rainbow” (Greek)
  10. Nova – “New star” (Latin)
  11. Jinx – “Bad luck” (English)
  12. Lyra – “Harp” (Greek)
  13. Selene – “Moon” (Greek)
  14. Frost – “Ice crystals” (Old English)
  15. Luna – “Moon” (Latin)
  16. Athena – “Goddess of wisdom” (Greek)
  17. Aurora – “Dawn” (Latin)
  18. Tempest – “Storm” (Latin)
  19. Electra – “Shining” (Greek)
  20. Rogue – “Unpredictable” (English)
  21. Serena – “Calm” (Latin)
  22. Clio – “Fame” (Greek)
  23. Nina – “Little girl” (Spanish)
  24. Vixen – “Female fox” (Old English)
  25. Harper – “Harp player” (English)
  26. Onyx – “Black gemstone” (Greek)
  27. Raven – “Black bird” (English)
  28. Talon – “Claw” (Latin)
  29. Blitz – “Sudden attack” (German)
  30. Nyssa – “Beginning” (Greek)

Emperor Scorpion Names

Meet names fit for the kings of scorpions, showing their powerful and majestic presence.

  1. Titan – “Giant” (Greek)
  2. Majesty – “Royalty” (Latin)
  3. Colossus – “Large statue” (Greek)
  4. Goliath – “Giant warrior” (Hebrew)
  5. Atlas – “Bearer of the heavens” (Greek)
  6. Sovereign – “Supreme ruler” (Latin)
  7. Caesar – “Emperor” (Latin)
  8. Odin – “Norse god” (Norse)
  9. Thor – “Thunder god” (Norse)
  10. Pharaoh – “Ancient ruler” (Egyptian)
  11. Jupiter – “King of gods” (Latin)
  12. Kaiser – “Emperor” (German)
  13. Monarch – “Sole ruler” (Latin)
  14. Hercules – “Strongman” (Greek)
  15. Zar – “King” (Russian)
  16. Rex – “King” (Latin)
  17. Leonidas – “Lion strength” (Greek)
  18. Aegis – “Shield” (Greek)
  19. Augustus – “Venerable” (Latin)
  20. Alexander – “Defender of men” (Greek)
  21. Zeus – “Sky god” (Greek)
  22. Maximus – “Greatest” (Latin)
  23. Regent – “Ruler” (Latin)
  24. Darius – “Upholder” (Persian)
  25. Ragnar – “Warrior” (Norse)
  26. Lucius – “Light” (Latin)
  27. Valiant – “Brave” (Latin)
  28. Imperial – “Royal” (Latin)
  29. Caelum – “Heaven” (Latin)
  30. Ares – “God of war” (Greek)

Funny Scorpion Names

Have a laugh with names that bring humor to these tough creatures, showing their fun and playful side.

Funny Scorpion Names
  1. Pinchy – “Pinching claw” (English)
  2. Nibbles – “Small bites” (English)
  3. Wiggles – “Wiggling movements” (English)
  4. Tickles – “Light touch” (English)
  5. Slinky – “Graceful” (English)
  6. Scooter – “Small vehicle” (English)
  7. Squirt – “Small spray” (English)
  8. Giggles – “Laughter” (English)
  9. Snappy – “Quick bite” (English)
  10. Wobble – “Unsteady movement” (English)
  11. Fizz – “Bubbles” (English)
  12. Zippy – “Quick” (English)
  13. Doodle – “Scribble” (English)
  14. Chomper – “Biter” (English)
  15. Bouncy – “Springy” (English)
  16. Jelly – “Gelatin dessert” (English)
  17. Pogo – “Bouncing toy” (English)
  18. Squishy – “Soft” (English)
  19. Puddles – “Small pools” (English)
  20. Ziggy – “Energetic” (English)
  21. Twinkles – “Sparkle” (English)
  22. Dizzy – “Feeling giddy” (English)
  23. Peppy – “Lively” (English)
  24. Slinky – “Graceful” (English)
  25. Whiskers – “Facial hair” (English)
  26. Fluff – “Soft” (English)
  27. Frolic – “Playful” (English)
  28. Noodles – “Pasta” (English)
  29. Snuggles – “Cuddle” (English)
  30. Wiggles – “Wiggling” (English)

Pet Scorpion Names

Find cute and lovable names perfect for pet scorpions, reflecting their unique character and friendship.

  1. Shadow – “Dark figure” (English)
  2. Cinder – “Burnt remains” (English)
  3. Spike – “Sharp point” (English)
  4. Ember – “Glowing coal” (English)
  5. Blaze – “Flame” (English)
  6. Onyx – “Black gemstone” (Greek)
  7. Midnight – “Middle of the night” (English)
  8. Talon – “Claw” (Latin)
  9. Fang – “Sharp tooth” (Old English)
  10. Raven – “Black bird” (English)
  11. Storm – “Violent weather” (Old English)
  12. Draco – “Dragon” (Latin)
  13. Zephyr – “Gentle breeze” (Greek)
  14. Lynx – “Wild cat” (Greek)
  15. Viper – “Venomous snake” (Latin)
  16. Quartz – “Hard mineral” (German)
  17. Garnet – “Red gemstone” (Latin)
  18. Jet – “Black mineral” (English)
  19. Slate – “Gray rock” (English)
  20. Pyro – “Fire” (Greek)
  21. Echo – “Sound reflection” (Greek)
  22. Lava – “Molten rock” (Italian)
  23. Flint – “Hard stone” (English)
  24. Cobalt – “Blue metal” (German)
  25. Sable – “Black fur” (Old French)
  26. Rogue – “Unpredictable” (English)
  27. Nyx – “Night” (Greek)
  28. Dusk – “Twilight” (Old English)
  29. Fury – “Wild anger” (English)
  30. Grim – “Stern” (Old English)

Scorpion Names Mythology

Discover names inspired by ancient stories and myths, adding a touch of legend to these intriguing creatures.

  1. Cerberus – “Three-headed dog” (Greek)
  2. Medusa – “Gorgon” (Greek)
  3. Fenrir – “Giant wolf” (Norse)
  4. Anubis – “God of the dead” (Egyptian)
  5. Kali – “Goddess of destruction” (Hindu)
  6. Hades – “God of the underworld” (Greek)
  7. Bastet – “Cat goddess” (Egyptian)
  8. Hydra – “Multi-headed serpent” (Greek)
  9. Loki – “Trickster god” (Norse)
  10. Pegasus – “Winged horse” (Greek)
  11. Thor – “God of thunder” (Norse)
  12. Ra – “Sun god” (Egyptian)
  13. Zeus – “King of gods” (Greek)
  14. Ares – “God of war” (Greek)
  15. Odin – “Allfather” (Norse)
  16. Horus – “Sky god” (Egyptian)
  17. Persephone – “Queen of the underworld” (Greek)
  18. Hercules – “Hero” (Greek)
  19. Sphinx – “Mythical creature” (Greek)
  20. Atlas – “Bearer of the heavens” (Greek)
  21. Selene – “Moon goddess” (Greek)
  22. Hephaestus – “God of fire” (Greek)
  23. Freya – “Goddess of love” (Norse)
  24. Artemis – “Goddess of the hunt” (Greek)
  25. Achilles – “Hero of the Trojan War” (Greek)
  26. Jormungandr – “Midgard serpent” (Norse)
  27. Poseidon – “God of the sea” (Greek)
  28. Sobek – “Crocodile god” (Egyptian)
  29. Tiamat – “Primordial goddess” (Babylonian)
  30. Dionysus – “God of wine” (Greek)

Good Scorpion Names

Explore names that reflect positivity and goodness, ideal for scorpions known for their noble qualities.

  1. Shadow – “Dark figure” (English)
  2. Cinder – “Burnt remains” (English)
  3. Spike – “Sharp point” (English)
  4. Ember – “Glowing coal” (English)
  5. Blaze – “Flame” (English)
  6. Onyx – “Black gemstone” (Greek)
  7. Midnight – “Middle of the night” (English)
  8. Talon – “Claw” (Latin)
  9. Fang – “Sharp tooth” (Old English)
  10. Raven – “Black bird” (English)
  11. Storm – “Violent weather” (Old English)
  12. Draco – “Dragon” (Latin)
  13. Zephyr – “Gentle breeze” (Greek)
  14. Lynx – “Wild cat” (Greek)
  15. Viper – “Venomous snake” (Latin)
  16. Quartz – “Hard mineral” (German)
  17. Garnet – “Red gemstone” (Latin)
  18. Jet – “Black mineral” (English)
  19. Slate – “Gray rock” (English)
  20. Pyro – “Fire” (Greek)
  21. Echo – “Sound reflection” (Greek)
  22. Lava – “Molten rock” (Italian)
  23. Flint – “Hard stone” (English)
  24. Cobalt – “Blue metal” (German)
  25. Sable – “Black fur” (Old French)
  26. Rogue – “Unpredictable” (English)
  27. Nyx – “Night” (Greek)
  28. Dusk – “Twilight” (Old English)
  29. Fury – “Wild anger” (English)
  30. Grim – “Stern” (Old English)

Scorpion Names Male

See names designed especially for male scorpions, emphasizing their strength, resilience, and charm.

  1. Titan – “Giant” (Greek)
  2. Majesty – “Royalty” (Latin)
  3. Colossus – “Large statue” (Greek)
  4. Goliath – “Giant warrior” (Hebrew)
  5. Atlas – “Bearer of the heavens” (Greek)
  6. Sovereign – “Supreme ruler” (Latin)
  7. Caesar – “Emperor” (Latin)
  8. Odin – “Norse god” (Norse)
  9. Thor – “Thunder god” (Norse)
  10. Pharaoh – “Ancient ruler” (Egyptian)
  11. Jupiter – “King of gods” (Latin)
  12. Kaiser – “Emperor” (German)
  13. Monarch – “Sole ruler” (Latin)
  14. Hercules – “Strongman” (Greek)
  15. Zar – “King” (Russian)
  16. Rex – “King” (Latin)
  17. Leonidas – “Lion strength” (Greek)
  18. Aegis – “Shield” (Greek)
  19. Augustus – “Venerable” (Latin)
  20. Alexander – “Defender of men” (Greek)
  21. Zeus – “Sky god” (Greek)
  22. Maximus – “Greatest” (Latin)
  23. Regent – “Ruler” (Latin)
  24. Darius – “Upholder” (Persian)
  25. Ragnar – “Warrior” (Norse)
  26. Lucius – “Light” (Latin)
  27. Valiant – “Brave” (Latin)
  28. Imperial – “Royal” (Latin)
  29. Caelum – “Heaven” (Latin)
  30. Ares – “God of war” (Greek)

Badass Scorpion Names

Encounter names that show toughness and daring, perfect for scorpions with a bold and fearless nature.

badass scorpion names
  1. Venom – “Poison” (Latin)
  2. Fury – “Wild anger” (Old English)
  3. Blaze – “Flame” (English)
  4. Rogue – “Unpredictable” (English)
  5. Raptor – “Bird of prey” (Latin)
  6. Viper – “Venomous snake” (Latin)
  7. Jaguar – “Big cat” (Tupi)
  8. Grit – “Courage” (Old English)
  9. Havoc – “Chaos” (Old English)
  10. Scourge – “Punishment” (Latin)
  11. Sabre – “Sword” (French)
  12. Nitro – “Short for nitroglycerin” (Greek)
  13. Blitz – “Lightning” (German)
  14. Crusher – “One who crushes” (Old English)
  15. Grim – “Fierce” (Old English)
  16. Dagger – “Short knife” (Old French)
  17. Inferno – “Blazing fire” (Latin)
  18. Reaper – “Harvester” (Old English)
  19. Sniper – “Sharpshooter” (English)
  20. Marauder – “Raider” (French)
  21. Titan – “Giant” (Greek)
  22. Brimstone – “Sulfur” (Old English)
  23. Warlock – “Male witch” (Old English)
  24. Tempest – “Violent storm” (Old French)
  25. Hellfire – “Fire from hell” (Old English)
  26. Cyclone – “Tornado” (Greek)
  27. Ravage – “Destruction” (French)
  28. Juggernaut – “Massive force” (Hindi)
  29. Phantom – “Ghost” (Greek)
  30. Rampage – “Violent action” (English)

Badass Male Scorpion Names

Dive into names that highlight the fearless and adventurous spirit of male scorpions.

  1. Axel – “Father of peace” (Scandinavian)
  2. Ryker – “Rich” (German)
  3. Zane – “God is gracious” (Hebrew)
  4. Knox – “Round hill” (Scottish)
  5. Jett – “Black gem” (English)
  6. Maddox – “Son of Madoc” (Welsh)
  7. Rocco – “Rest” (Italian)
  8. Thor – “Thunder” (Norse)
  9. Dante – “Enduring” (Italian)
  10. Drake – “Dragon” (English)
  11. Grayson – “Son of a gray-haired man” (English)
  12. Hawk – “Bird of prey” (English)
  13. Jax – “God has been gracious” (English)
  14. Kane – “Warrior” (Irish)
  15. Logan – “Small hollow” (Scottish)
  16. Maverick – “Independent” (American)
  17. Nash – “By the ash tree” (English)
  18. Orion – “Hunter” (Greek)
  19. Phoenix – “Mythical bird” (Greek)
  20. Ryder – “Knight” (English)
  21. Slade – “Valley” (English)
  22. Talon – “Claw” (Latin)
  23. Vaughn – “Little” (Welsh)
  24. Wade – “To go” (English)
  25. Xander – “Defender of man” (Greek)
  26. York – “Yew tree estate” (English)
  27. Zander – “Defender of man” (Greek)
  28. Blade – “Knife” (English)
  29. Cannon – “Large gun” (English)
  30. Diesel – “Fuel” (German)

Cute Scorpion Names

Enjoy names that bring out the adorable side of scorpions, adding sweetness to their tough exterior.

  1. Peanut – “Small nut” (English)
  2. Pip – “Seed” (English)
  3. Teddy – “Gift of God” (English)
  4. Nibbles – “Small bites” (English)
  5. Binky – “Pacifier” (English)
  6. Cuddles – “Hugs” (English)
  7. Snickers – “Laughs” (English)
  8. Bubbles – “Tiny spheres” (English)
  9. Muffin – “Small cake” (English)
  10. Sprinkles – “Tiny pieces” (English)
  11. Toffee – “Candy” (English)
  12. Biscuit – “Baked bread” (French)
  13. Fuzzy – “Soft and warm” (English)
  14. Pudding – “Dessert” (English)
  15. Jellybean – “Candy” (English)
  16. Waffles – “Breakfast food” (Dutch)
  17. Buttons – “Fasteners” (French)
  18. Doodles – “Drawings” (English)
  19. Marshmallow – “Soft candy” (English)
  20. Cupcake – “Small cake” (English)
  21. Cinnamon – “Spice” (English)
  22. Twinkles – “Small lights” (English)
  23. Nugget – “Small lump” (English)
  24. Pickles – “Preserved vegetables” (English)
  25. Coco – “Chocolate” (Spanish)
  26. Pepper – “Spice” (English)
  27. Skittles – “Candy” (English)
  28. Snuggle – “Hug” (English)
  29. Taffy – “Candy” (English)
  30. Fritter – “Fried cake” (English)

Egyptian Scorpion Names

Journey through names inspired by ancient Egypt, reflecting the culture and history of this ancient civilization.

  1. Anubis – “God of the dead” (Egyptian)
  2. Ra – “Sun god” (Egyptian)
  3. Osiris – “God of the afterlife” (Egyptian)
  4. Isis – “Goddess of magic” (Egyptian)
  5. Horus – “Sky god” (Egyptian)
  6. Sobek – “Crocodile god” (Egyptian)
  7. Bastet – “Cat goddess” (Egyptian)
  8. Sekhmet – “Lioness goddess” (Egyptian)
  9. Thoth – “God of wisdom” (Egyptian)
  10. Ma’at – “Goddess of truth” (Egyptian)
  11. Amun – “King of the gods” (Egyptian)
  12. Nephthys – “Goddess of mourning” (Egyptian)
  13. Ptah – “Creator god” (Egyptian)
  14. Set – “God of chaos” (Egyptian)
  15. Hathor – “Goddess of love” (Egyptian)
  16. Nut – “Sky goddess” (Egyptian)
  17. Geb – “Earth god” (Egyptian)
  18. Khonsu – “Moon god” (Egyptian)
  19. Mut – “Mother goddess” (Egyptian)
  20. Tefnut – “Goddess of moisture” (Egyptian)
  21. Atum – “Creator god” (Egyptian)
  22. Bennu – “Phoenix” (Egyptian)
  23. Khepri – “God of creation” (Egyptian)
  24. Taweret – “Hippo goddess” (Egyptian)
  25. Anhur – “God of war” (Egyptian)
  26. Hapi – “God of the Nile” (Egyptian)
  27. Nekhbet – “Vulture goddess” (Egyptian)
  28. Serqet – “Scorpion goddess” (Egyptian)
  29. Mehet-Weret – “Cow goddess” (Egyptian)
  30. Renenutet – “Cobra goddess” (Egyptian)

Good Female Scorpion Names

Find names that showcase the grace and strength of female scorpions, perfect for those with a touch of elegance.

  1. Aria – “Melody” (Italian)
  2. Zara – “Blooming flower” (Arabic)
  3. Nova – “New” (Latin)
  4. Luna – “Moon” (Spanish)
  5. Aurora – “Dawn” (Latin)
  6. Cassia – “Cinnamon” (Greek)
  7. Lyra – “Lyre” (Greek)
  8. Selene – “Moon goddess” (Greek)
  9. Mira – “Wonderful” (Latin)
  10. Iris – “Rainbow” (Greek)
  11. Eliana – “God has answered” (Hebrew)
  12. Serena – “Peaceful” (Latin)
  13. Nina – “Little girl” (Spanish)
  14. Maya – “Dream” (Sanskrit)
  15. Athena – “Goddess of wisdom” (Greek)
  16. Phoebe – “Bright” (Greek)
  17. Estelle – “Star” (French)
  18. Zelda – “Gray fighting maid” (German)
  19. Freya – “Lady” (Norse)
  20. Isolde – “Fair lady” (German)
  21. Elena – “Bright, shining light” (Greek)
  22. Aria – “Melody” (Italian)
  23. Amara – “Eternal” (Latin)
  24. Lara – “Famous” (Russian)
  25. Thalia – “Blooming” (Greek)
  26. Sylvie – “Forest” (French)
  27. Astrid – “Divine strength” (Scandinavian)
  28. Anya – “Grace” (Russian)
  29. Elara – “Bright” (Greek)
  30. Lyra – “Lyre” (Greek)

Ark Scorpion Names

Discover names symbolizing significance, echoing the tale of Noah’s Ark and its creatures.

ark scorpion names
  1. Noah – “Rest” (Hebrew)
  2. Hope – “Expectation” (English)
  3. Eden – “Delight” (Hebrew)
  4. Genesis – “Beginning” (Greek)
  5. Covenant – “Agreement” (English)
  6. Ardent – “Passionate” (English)
  7. Grace – “Divine favor” (English)
  8. Faith – “Trust” (English)
  9. Serenity – “Peaceful” (English)
  10. Valor – “Bravery” (Latin)
  11. Justice – “Fairness” (English)
  12. Harmony – “Agreement” (English)
  13. Zion – “Highest point” (Hebrew)
  14. Solace – “Comfort” (Latin)
  15. Everest – “High mountain” (English)
  16. Benevolence – “Kindness” (English)
  17. Prosper – “Succeed” (English)
  18. Amity – “Friendship” (English)
  19. Reverence – “Deep respect” (English)
  20. Promise – “Commitment” (English)
  21. Glorious – “Magnificent” (English)
  22. Noble – “Honorable” (English)
  23. Genesis – “Beginning” (Greek)
  24. Pax – “Peace” (Latin)
  25. Liberty – “Freedom” (English)
  26. Tranquil – “Calm” (English)
  27. Elysium – “Blissful place” (Greek)
  28. Haven – “Safe place” (English)
  29. Jubilee – “Celebration” (English)
  30. Valor – “Bravery” (Latin)

Girl Scorpion Names

See names tailored for female scorpions, balancing charm and character for their unique personalities.

  1. Stella – “Star” (Latin)
  2. Lily – “Pure” (English)
  3. Sophie – “Wisdom” (Greek)
  4. Chloe – “Blooming” (Greek)
  5. Emma – “Whole” (German)
  6. Grace – “Divine favor” (English)
  7. Olivia – “Olive tree” (Latin)
  8. Ava – “Life” (Latin)
  9. Ella – “Beautiful fairy” (English)
  10. Mia – “Mine” (Italian)
  11. Isabella – “God is my oath” (Hebrew)
  12. Charlotte – “Free” (French)
  13. Amelia – “Industrious” (German)
  14. Emily – “Rival” (Latin)
  15. Abigail – “Father’s joy” (Hebrew)
  16. Hannah – “Grace” (Hebrew)
  17. Sofia – “Wisdom” (Greek)
  18. Avery – “Elf ruler” (English)
  19. Madison – “Son of Matthew” (English)
  20. Evelyn – “Desired” (English)
  21. Scarlett – “Red” (English)
  22. Aria – “Melody” (Italian)
  23. Victoria – “Victory” (Latin)
  24. Penelope – “Weaver” (Greek)
  25. Grace – “Divine favor” (English)
  26. Natalie – “Christmas Day” (Latin)
  27. Zoe – “Life” (Greek)
  28. Audrey – “Noble strength” (English)
  29. Lucy – “Light” (English)
  30. Alice – “Noble” (German)

Ironic Scorpion Names

Uncover names that playfully contrast the fierce nature of scorpions with unexpected twists and humor.

  1. Bliss – “Perfect happiness” (English)
  2. Lucky – “Fortunate” (English)
  3. Whisper – “Soft speech” (English)
  4. Mischief – “Playful behavior causing trouble” (English)
  5. Chaos – “Complete disorder” (Greek)
  6. Jinx – “Bad luck” (Latin)
  7. Karma – “Destiny or fate” (Sanskrit)
  8. Nemesis – “Indignation” (Greek)
  9. Sphinx – “Strangler” (Greek)
  10. Riddle – “Puzzle” (Old English)
  11. Echo – “Repetition of sound” (Greek)
  12. Jester – “Entertainer” (Middle English)
  13. Paradox – “Contradictory statement” (Greek)
  14. Rogue – “Dishonest person” (Middle English)
  15. Zephyr – “West wind” (Greek)
  16. Pandora – “All gifts” (Greek)
  17. Muse – “Inspiration” (Greek)
  18. Siren – “Dangerous seductress” (Greek)
  19. Shadow – “Dark area” (Old English)
  20. Echo – “Repetition of sound” (Greek)
  21. Wraith – “Ghost” (Old English)
  22. Mystic – “Occult knowledge” (Greek)
  23. Charm – “Attractive quality” (Middle English)
  24. Shade – “Darkness” (Old English)
  25. Phantom – “Ghost” (Greek)
  26. Mystery – “Unknown” (Latin)
  27. Legend – “Story passed down” (Old English)
  28. Fable – “Story with a moral” (Middle English)
  29. Sage – “Wise person” (Old French)
  30. Rogue – “Dishonest person” (Middle English)

Famous Scorpion Names

Explore names inspired by famous scorpions from history, myth, or pop culture, each with its own intriguing story.

  1. Sting – “Sharp pain” (English)
  2. Venom – “Poison” (Latin)
  3. Scorpius – “Scorpion” (Latin)
  4. Tailwhip – “Swing tail” (English)
  5. Arachne – “Spider” (Greek)
  6. Pincer – “Claw” (Old French)
  7. Stinger – “Sharp point” (Old English)
  8. Viper – “Snake” (Latin)
  9. Talon – “Claw” (Old French)
  10. Strike – “Attack” (Old English)
  11. Hades – “God of the underworld” (Greek)
  12. Gila – “Jaw” (Spanish)
  13. Tyrant – “Ruler” (Greek)
  14. Fury – “Violent anger” (Old English)
  15. Nightshade – “Deadly plant” (English)
  16. Fang – “Tooth” (Old Norse)
  17. Pestilence – “Plague” (Latin)
  18. Vortex – “Whirlpool” (Latin)
  19. Eclipse – “Obscure” (Latin)
  20. Ghost – “Spirit” (Old English)
  21. Grendel – “Monster” (Old English)
  22. Daemon – “Evil spirit” (Greek)
  23. Manticore – “Legendary creature” (Persian)
  24. Hydra – “Water serpent” (Greek)
  25. Xerxes – “King” (Persian)
  26. Khan – “Ruler” (Mongolian)
  27. Sphinx – “Strangler” (Greek)
  28. Basilisk – “Dragon” (Greek)
  29. Draco – “Dragon” (Latin)
  30. Serpent – “Snake” (Old French)

Desert Scorpion Names

Encounter names evoking the toughness and adaptability of scorpions living in desert environments.

  1. Sahara – “Desert” (Arabic)
  2. Dune – “Sand hill” (Middle English)
  3. Mirage – “Optical illusion” (French)
  4. Nomad – “Wanderer” (Greek)
  5. Oasis – “Fertile area in desert” (Egyptian)
  6. Zephyr – “West wind” (Greek)
  7. Sandstorm – “Wind-blown sand” (English)
  8. Sirocco – “Hot desert wind” (Italian)
  9. Arroyo – “Dry riverbed” (Spanish)
  10. Cactus – “Spiky plant” (Latin)
  11. Tumbleweed – “Rolling plant” (American)
  12. Mojave – “Native American tribe” (Native American)
  13. Gobi – “Desert” (Mongolian)
  14. Sahel – “Shore” (Arabic)
  15. Atacama – “Desert” (Quechua)
  16. Kalahari – “Thirsty land” (Tswana)
  17. Sonoran – “Native American tribe” (Native American)
  18. Anza – “Goosefoot” (Basque)
  19. Thar – “Desert” (Sanskrit)
  20. Badlands – “Barren land” (English)
  21. Coyote – “Trickster” (Nahuatl)
  22. Savanna – “Grassy plain” (Taino)
  23. Dustdevil – “Small whirlwind” (English)
  24. Monsoon – “Seasonal wind” (Arabic)
  25. Sierra – “Mountain range” (Spanish)
  26. Escarpment – “Steep slope” (French)
  27. Zambezi – “River” (Shona)
  28. Sirocco – “Hot desert wind” (Italian)
  29. Cape – “Point of land” (Latin)
  30. Nile – “River” (Ancient Egyptian)

Scorpion Scientific Names

Learn about the scientific names used to classify scorpions, showing their biological and evolutionary connections.

  1. Androctonus australis – “Southern man-killer” (Latin)
  2. Hottentotta tamulus – “Sting” (Greek)
  3. Parabuthus transvaalicus – “Beyond Transvaal” (Latin)
  4. Leiurus quinquestriatus – “Five-striped lion” (Latin)
  5. Centruroides sculpturatus – “Sculptured centurion” (Latin)
  6. Tityus serrulatus – “Little saw-toothed one” (Latin)
  7. Buthus occitanus – “Of Occitania” (Latin)
  8. Mesobuthus gibbosus – “Humped middle scorpion” (Latin)
  9. Androctonus crassicauda – “Thick-tailed man-killer” (Latin)
  10. Opistophthalmus glabrifrons – “Smooth forehead” (Greek)
  11. Paruroctonus boreus – “Northern side scorpion” (Greek)
  12. Hadogenes troglodytes – “Cave-dwelling” (Greek)
  13. Uroplectes otjimbinguensis – “Otjimbingue” (Latin)
  14. Lychas mucronatus – “Pointed” (Latin)
  15. Ananteris balzani – “Balzan’s one” (Latin)
  16. Heterometrus spinifer – “Spiny meter” (Greek)
  17. Pandinus imperator – “Emperor scorpion” (Latin)
  18. Hadrurus arizonensis – “Arizona scorpion” (Greek)
  19. Hottentotta franzwerneri – “Franz Werner’s” (Latin)
  20. Buthus martensi – “Martens’ one” (Latin)
  21. Euscorpius flavicaudis – “Yellow-tailed” (Greek)
  22. Chaerilus solegladi – “Gladia’s one” (Greek)
  23. Isometrus maculatus – “Spotted” (Greek)
  24. Pseudolychas ochraceus – “Ochre” (Latin)
  25. Nebo hierichonticus – “Priest hawk” (Greek)
  26. Belisarius xambeui – “Xambeu’s one” (Latin)
  27. Tytthosocinus arabicus – “Arabian” (Latin)
  28. Cercophonius squama – “Squamate” (Latin)
  29. Parabuthus granulatus – “Grain” (Latin)
  30. Rhopalurus junceus – “Rustic” (Latin)

Unique Scorpion Names

Discover names that stand out for their originality and uniqueness, perfect for scorpions that break the mold.

Unique Scorpion Names
  1. Azura – “Sky blue” (Spanish)
  2. Specter – “Ghostly apparition” (English)
  3. Obsidian – “Volcanic glass” (Latin)
  4. Kaiju – “Strange beast” (Japanese)
  5. Eclipse – “Obscure” (Latin)
  6. Phantom – “Ghost” (Greek)
  7. Nyx – “Night” (Greek)
  8. Vortex – “Whirlpool” (Latin)
  9. Zephyr – “West wind” (Greek)
  10. Mystique – “Mystery” (French)
  11. Nebula – “Cloud” (Latin)
  12. Sable – “Black” (Latin)
  13. Tempest – “Storm” (Old French)
  14. Raven – “Black bird” (Old English)
  15. Sphinx – “Strangler” (Greek)
  16. Nemesis – “Indignation” (Greek)
  17. Abyss – “Bottomless pit” (Greek)
  18. Rogue – “Dishonest person” (Middle English)
  19. Chaos – “Complete disorder” (Greek)
  20. Vesper – “Evening” (Latin)
  21. Onyx – “Black gemstone” (Greek)
  22. Luna – “Moon” (Latin)
  23. Seren – “Star” (Welsh)
  24. Echo – “Repetition of sound” (Greek)
  25. Zephyr – “West wind” (Greek)
  26. Pandora – “All gifts” (Greek)
  27. Maelstrom – “Whirlpool” (Dutch)
  28. Phantom – “Ghost” (Greek)
  29. Zephyr – “West wind” (Greek)
  30. Blaze – “Fire” (Middle English)

Fierce Scorpion Names

Meet names that embody strength and power, ideal for scorpions known for their formidable presence.

  1. Ragnarok – “Fate of the gods” (Norse)
  2. Viper – “Snake” (Latin)
  3. Stryker – “Warrior” (English)
  4. Titan – “Giant” (Greek)
  5. Juggernaut – “Unstoppable force” (Hindi)
  6. Typhoon – “Violent storm” (Greek)
  7. Nemesis – “Indignation” (Greek)
  8. Ravage – “Destroy violently” (Middle English)
  9. Onslaught – “Violent attack” (Middle English)
  10. Fury – “Violent anger” (Old English)
  11. Doom – “Fate” (Old English)
  12. Goliath – “Giant” (Hebrew)
  13. Savage – “Fierce, violent” (Middle English)
  14. Chaos – “Complete disorder” (Greek)
  15. Ares – “God of war” (Greek)
  16. Desolator – “Bringer of destruction” (Latin)
  17. Rampage – “Violent, uncontrollable behavior” (English)
  18. Bane – “Cause of great distress or annoyance” (Middle English)
  19. Venom – “Poison” (Latin)
  20. Blitz – “Swift and intense military attack” (German)
  21. Brutus – “Heavy” (Latin)
  22. Grinder – “One who grinds” (Middle English)
  23. Ravage – “Destroy violently” (Middle English)
  24. Torment – “Severe physical or mental suffering” (Middle English)
  25. Maul – “To handle roughly” (Middle English)
  26. Nexus – “Connection” (Latin)
  27. Vortex – “Whirlpool” (Latin)
  28. Carnage – “Slaughter” (Middle English)
  29. Havoc – “Widespread destruction” (Middle English)
  30. Apex – “Peak” (Latin)

Best Scorpion Names

Find names celebrated for their excellence and appeal, representing the top picks for these fascinating creatures.

  1. Serenity – “Peaceful” (English)
  2. Harmony – “Agreement” (English)
  3. Eclipse – “Obscure” (Latin)
  4. Phoenix – “Mythical bird” (Greek)
  5. Aurora – “Dawn” (Latin)
  6. Zephyr – “West wind” (Greek)
  7. Celestia – “Heavenly” (Latin)
  8. Solstice – “Sun’s highest point” (Latin)
  9. Crescent – “Shape of the moon” (Middle English)
  10. Radiance – “Brightness” (Middle English)
  11. Cascade – “Waterfall” (French)
  12. Elysium – “Blissful place” (Greek)
  13. Lumina – “Light” (Latin)
  14. Azure – “Sky blue” (Persian)
  15. Aether – “Upper air” (Greek)
  16. Saffron – “Yellow spice” (Persian)
  17. Coral – “Small stone” (Middle English)
  18. Aria – “Melody” (Italian)
  19. Nova – “New” (Latin)
  20. Luna – “Moon” (Latin)
  21. Elysian – “Blissful” (Greek)
  22. Cascade – “Waterfall” (French)
  23. Radiance – “Brightness” (Middle English)
  24. Coral – “Small stone” (Middle English)
  25. Solstice – “Sun’s highest point” (Latin)
  26. Celestia – “Heavenly” (Latin)
  27. Aether – “Upper air” (Greek)
  28. Saffron – “Yellow spice” (Persian)
  29. Aria – “Melody” (Italian)
  30. Nova – “New” (Latin)

Scorpion Common Names

Explore names commonly used to identify various scorpion species, reflecting their widespread recognition.

  1. Deathstalker – “Dangerous scorpion” (English)
  2. Arizona Bark – “Bark scorpion from Arizona” (English)
  3. Emperor – “Majestic ruler” (English)
  4. Fat-tail – “Scorpion with fat tail” (English)
  5. Striped – “Scorpion with stripes” (English)
  6. Asian Forest – “Forest-dwelling scorpion from Asia” (English)
  7. Red Claw – “Scorpion with red claws” (English)
  8. Black Rock – “Scorpion found on black rocks” (English)
  9. Yellow Devil – “Yellow-colored scorpion” (English)
  10. Common Brown – “Brown-colored scorpion” (English)
  11. Giant Desert Hairy – “Large, hairy desert scorpion” (English)
  12. Banded – “Scorpion with bands” (English)
  13. Israeli Gold – “Golden scorpion from Israel” (English)
  14. European Yellow-tail – “Yellow-tailed scorpion from Europe” (English)
  15. Arizona Giant – “Large scorpion from Arizona” (English)
  16. Pale-legged – “Scorpion with pale legs” (English)
  17. Mexican Red-knee – “Red-kneed scorpion from Mexico” (English)
  18. Eastern Sand – “Sand-dwelling scorpion from the East” (English)
  19. Brazilian Blue – “Blue-colored scorpion from Brazil” (English)
  20. Sri Lankan Forest – “Forest scorpion from Sri Lanka” (English)
  21. Indian Red – “Red-colored scorpion from India” (English)
  22. West African Black – “Black scorpion from West Africa” (English)
  23. Northern Thick-tail – “Thick-tailed scorpion from the North” (English)
  24. Striped Bark – “Bark scorpion with stripes” (English)
  25. African Fat-tail – “Fat-tailed scorpion from Africa” (English)
  26. Yellow Tree – “Tree-dwelling scorpion with yellow coloration” (English)
  27. Central Asian Dwarf – “Small scorpion from Central Asia” (English)
  28. Australian Red – “Red-colored scorpion from Australia” (English)
  29. Pale Barking – “Pale-colored bark scorpion” (English)
  30. Jamaican Prickly – “Prickly scorpion from Jamaica” (English)

Scorpio Baby Names

Choose names suitable for young scorpions, reflecting their innocence and potential.

  1. Ari – “Lion” (Hebrew)
  2. Lia – “Weary” (Latin)
  3. Noah – “Rest” (Hebrew)
  4. Zara – “Blooming flower” (Arabic)
  5. Maya – “Dream” (Sanskrit)
  6. Leo – “Lion” (Latin)
  7. Ava – “Life” (Latin)
  8. Eli – “Ascended” (Hebrew)
  9. Iris – “Rainbow” (Greek)
  10. Luke – “Light” (Latin)
  11. Lara – “Famous” (Russian)
  12. Emi – “Beautiful blessing” (Japanese)
  13. Ian – “Gift of God” (Scottish)
  14. Nia – “Purpose” (Swahili)
  15. Sia – “Victory” (Greek)
  16. Kai – “Sea” (Hawaiian)
  17. Eva – “Life” (Hebrew)
  18. Milo – “Soldier” (Latin)
  19. Ria – “River” (Spanish)
  20. Alec – “Defender of the people” (Greek)
  21. Nina – “Little girl” (Spanish)
  22. Ravi – “Sun” (Sanskrit)
  23. Esme – “Esteemed” (French)
  24. Isla – “Island” (Scottish)
  25. Cleo – “Pride” (Greek)
  26. Mira – “Wonderful” (Latin)
  27. Ezra – “Helper” (Hebrew)
  28. Nola – “Famous” (Irish)
  29. Kira – “Beam of light” (Russian)
  30. Ari – “Lion” (Hebrew)

Scorpio Baby Names Girl

Discover names designed for young female scorpions, emphasizing their budding femininity and charm.

  1. Aria – “Melody” (Italian)
  2. Luna – “Moon” (Latin)
  3. Zara – “Blooming flower” (Arabic)
  4. Maya – “Dream” (Sanskrit)
  5. Ava – “Life” (Latin)
  6. Iris – “Rainbow” (Greek)
  7. Eva – “Life” (Hebrew)
  8. Nina – “Little girl” (Spanish)
  9. Esme – “Esteemed” (French)
  10. Isla – “Island” (Scottish)
  11. Cleo – “Pride” (Greek)
  12. Mira – “Wonderful” (Latin)
  13. Ezra – “Helper” (Hebrew)
  14. Nola – “Famous” (Irish)
  15. Kira – “Beam of light” (Russian)
  16. Ariana – “Most holy” (Greek)
  17. Leila – “Night” (Arabic)
  18. Selena – “Moon goddess” (Greek)
  19. Violet – “Purple flower” (English)
  20. Lyra – “Lyre” (Greek)
  21. Thalia – “Blooming” (Greek)
  22. Elara – “Bright” (Greek)
  23. Athena – “Goddess of wisdom” (Greek)
  24. Juno – “Queen of the gods” (Latin)
  25. Freya – “Noblewoman” (Norse)
  26. Zoe – “Life” (Greek)
  27. Sofia – “Wisdom” (Greek)
  28. Diana – “Divine” (Latin)
  29. Nova – “New” (Latin)
  30. Stella – “Star” (Latin)

Scorpion Nicknames

Enjoy affectionate names used as playful nicknames for scorpions, showing off their unique quirks.

  1. Stingy – “Sharp pain” (English)
  2. Zapper – “Electric shock” (English)
  3. Clawdia – “Claw” (Latin)
  4. Pokie – “Poke” (English)
  5. Crawler – “One who crawls” (English)
  6. Scurry – “Move hurriedly” (Middle English)
  7. Twitch – “Sudden movement” (Middle English)
  8. Flicker – “Quick movement” (Middle English)
  9. Dash – “Quick run” (Middle English)
  10. Zigzag – “Sharp turns” (English)
  11. Swift – “Fast” (Old English)
  12. Dash – “Quick run” (Middle English)
  13. Venom – “Poison” (Latin)
  14. Stinger – “Sharp point” (Old English)
  15. Shadow – “Dark area” (Old English)
  16. Whip – “Lash” (Old English)
  17. Dagger – “Short sword” (Old English)
  18. Silent – “Quiet” (Middle English)
  19. Nightshade – “Deadly plant” (English)
  20. Viper – “Snake” (Latin)
  21. Basilisk – “Dragon” (Greek)
  22. Hydra – “Water serpent” (Greek)
  23. Grendel – “Monster” (Old English)
  24. Daemon – “Evil spirit” (Greek)
  25. Manticore – “Legendary creature” (Persian)
  26. Cerberus – “Guardian of Hades” (Greek)
  27. Omen – “Sign of future events” (Middle English)
  28. Sphinx – “Strangler” (Greek)
  29. Fang – “Tooth” (Old Norse)
  30. Goblin – “Evil spirit” (Middle English)

Ancient Scorpion Names

Dive into names rooted in ancient civilizations, reflecting the reverence and symbolism associated with scorpions throughout history.

  1. Typhon – “Serpent” (Greek)
  2. Apis – “Bull” (Egyptian)
  3. Ammut – “Devourer” (Egyptian)
  4. Tiamat – “Salt sea” (Babylonian)
  5. Set – “Instigator of chaos” (Egyptian)
  6. Isis – “Throne” (Egyptian)
  7. Anubis – “Royal child” (Egyptian)
  8. Marduk – “Bull calf of the sun” (Babylonian)
  9. Nergal – “God of war” (Mesopotamian)
  10. Astarte – “Goddess of love” (Phoenician)
  11. Enki – “Lord of Earth” (Sumerian)
  12. Gilgamesh – “Half-god, half-man” (Sumerian)
  13. Hathor – “House of Horus” (Egyptian)
  14. Lilith – “Night monster” (Babylonian)
  15. Ra – “Sun god” (Egyptian)
  16. Nephthys – “Mistress of the house” (Egyptian)
  17. Osiris – “Mighty one” (Egyptian)
  18. Shamash – “Sun god” (Mesopotamian)
  19. Inanna – “Queen of heaven” (Sumerian)
  20. Thoth – “Moon god” (Egyptian)
  21. Baal – “Lord” (Phoenician)
  22. Ereshkigal – “Queen of the underworld” (Mesopotamian)
  23. Horus – “Falcon” (Egyptian)
  24. Ninurta – “Lord of the Earth” (Mesopotamian)
  25. Bastet – “She of the ointment jar” (Egyptian)
  26. Enlil – “Lord of the wind” (Sumerian)
  27. Ninazu – “Water god” (Sumerian)
  28. Ashur – “Lord” (Assyrian)
  29. Utukku – “Spirit” (Akkadian)
  30. Mummu – “One who gives birth” (Sumerian)

Scorpion Other Names

Explore alternative names that capture different aspects of scorpions, offering fresh perspectives and descriptions.

  1. Shadowcaster – “Casts shadows” (English)
  2. Nightstalker – “Stalks in the night” (English)
  3. Silentslash – “Silent slashing” (English)
  4. Venomstrike – “Venomous strike” (English)
  5. Clawrend – “Rends with claws” (English)
  6. Pincerjaws – “Jaws with pincers” (English)
  7. Tailwhipper – “Whips with tail” (English)
  8. Swiftclaw – “Swift with claws” (English)
  9. Zapdash – “Quick dash” (English)
  10. Scurrytail – “Tail that scurries” (English)
  11. Venomfang – “Fangs with venom” (English)
  12. Stingerclaw – “Claws with stinger” (English)
  13. Shadowpincer – “Pincers in shadow” (English)
  14. Silentwhip – “Whip that is silent” (English)
  15. Nightstrike – “Strike in the night” (English)
  16. Swiftsting – “Sting that is swift” (English)
  17. Venomclaw – “Claws with venom” (English)
  18. Clawblade – “Blade of claws” (English)
  19. Pincerslash – “Slash with pincers” (English)
  20. Tailwhiplash – “Lash with tail” (English)
  21. Swiftrend – “Rend that is swift” (English)
  22. Zapstrike – “Strike with zap” (English)
  23. Scurryclaw – “Claw that scurries” (English)
  24. Venomwhip – “Whip with venom” (English)
  25. Stingerblade – “Blade of stinger” (English)
  26. Shadowsting – “Sting in shadow” (English)
  27. Silentpincer – “Pincers that are silent” (English)
  28. Nightwhip – “Whip in the night” (English)
  29. Swiftfang – “Fangs that are swift” (English)
  30. Venomblade – “Blade with venom” (English)

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