810 Chimpanzee Names with Their Meanings

chimpanzee names

Chimpanzees are interesting animals that live in Africa. They are quite clever and enjoy playing. Chimpanzees use sticks to get food and have their own ways of communicating.

They live together in groups and have friendly and sometimes playful interactions. Their actions and expressions can be quite engaging, making them a fascinating part of the animal world.

5 Interesting Facts About Chimpanzees

Close Relatives: Chimpanzees are very similar to us—they share about 98% of their DNA with humans! This makes them some of our closest animal relatives.

Tool Users: Chimpanzees are smart tool users. They use sticks to get termites from logs and rocks to crack open nuts, showing how clever they are at solving problems.

Social Lives: Chimpanzees live in big groups called communities. They have complex social lives and communicate with each other using different sounds and gestures.

Feelings: Chimpanzees have feelings just like us. They can feel happy, sad, and even show empathy. They build strong friendships with other chimps.

Unique Traditions: Each chimpanzee group has its own special ways of doing things, like using tools or grooming. These traditions are passed down from one generation to the next.

Check out some unique tiger names with meanings and national origins.

How to Pick a Name for Chimpanzee?

Think About Their Personality: Notice what makes the chimpanzee special. Are they energetic, curious, or calm? Pick a name that matches their personality.

Keep It Simple: Go for a name that’s easy to say and remember. Short names or ones with simple sounds usually work best for animals.

Find Inspiration: Look around for ideas. You might choose a name from nature, like a favorite fruit or tree. Or, you could pick a name from movies or books.

Consider the Sounds: Chimpanzees respond well to names with clear, distinct sounds. Names with “s” or “k” sounds might catch their attention better.

Try It Out: Say the name a few times to see if it feels right. Make sure it suits the chimpanzee and is easy to use.

Collect unique monkey names and how they can be as interesting as Chimpanzees.

Chimpanzee Names

Find a variety of names perfect for chimpanzees. Whether you want something classic or a bit different, these names capture the fun and clever nature of these great apes. Ideal for pets, characters, or just for fun!

  1. Kimo – “Winter” (Swahili)
  2. Rafi – “Exalted” (Swahili)
  3. Zuri – “Beautiful” (Swahili)
  4. Bongo – “Drum” (Swahili)
  5. Jambo – “Hello” (Swahili)
  6. Kimba – “Brave” (Swahili)
  7. Safi – “Pure” (Swahili)
  8. Tano – “Five” (Swahili)
  9. Dogo – “Little” (Swahili)
  10. Moyo – “Heart” (Swahili)
  11. Zola – “Quiet” (Swahili)
  12. Faru – “Rhinoceros” (Swahili)
  13. Nia – “Purpose” (Swahili)
  14. Mali – “Wealth” (Swahili)
  15. Jina – “Name” (Swahili)
  16. Kazi – “Work” (Swahili)
  17. Musa – “Moses” (Swahili)
  18. Lumo – “Brave” (Swahili)
  19. Siku – “Day” (Swahili)
  20. Kito – “Precious” (Swahili)
  21. Zeke – “God Strengthens” (Hebrew)
  22. Tariq – “Morning Star” (Arabic)
  23. Hadi – “Guide” (Arabic)
  24. Nima – “Bliss” (Persian)
  25. Lila – “Night” (Arabic)
  26. Rami – “Archery” (Arabic)
  27. Rana – “Gazing” (Persian)
  28. Kara – “Black” (Turkish)
  29. Mina – “Love” (Persian)
  30. Kira – “Ray” (Russian)

Famous Chimpanzee Names

Meet some famous chimps from movies, research, and history. These names are well-known and have made a big impact in the world of primates.

  1. Tarzan – “White skin” (Swahili)
  2. Gigi – “Noble” (French)
  3. Tomo – “Friend” (Japanese)
  4. Lulu – “Pearl” (Arabic)
  5. Bongo – “Drum” (Swahili)
  6. Coco – “Chocolate” (French)
  7. Bobo – “Grandfather” (Spanish)
  8. Zara – “Princess” (Arabic)
  9. Nina – “Little Girl” (Spanish)
  10. Fritz – “Peaceful ruler” (German)
  11. Sabu – “Noble” (Hindi)
  12. Gumbo – “Spoon” (Creole)
  13. Luna – “Moon” (Latin)
  14. Milo – “Soldier” (German)
  15. Riley – “Courageous” (Irish)
  16. Vito – “Life” (Latin)
  17. Nico – “Victory” (Greek)
  18. Echo – “Reflection” (Greek)
  19. Diva – “Goddess” (Latin)
  20. Finn – “Fair” (Irish)
  21. Leo – “Lion” (Latin)
  22. Zeke – “Strength” (Hebrew)
  23. Pip – “Seed” (English)
  24. Beau – “Handsome” (French)
  25. Roxy – “Dawn” (Persian)
  26. Jet – “Black gemstone” (English)
  27. Maya – “Illusion” (Sanskrit)
  28. Tilly – “Battle strength” (German)
  29. Omar – “Long-lived” (Arabic)
  30. Juno – “Goddess” (Roman)

Chimpanzee Names Male

Looking for the right name for a male chimp? We’ve got a range of names that fit different personalities, from strong and classic to modern and unique.

  1. Rafi – “Exalted” (Swahili)
  2. Jambo – “Hello” (Swahili)
  3. Kimba – “Brave” (Swahili)
  4. Moyo – “Heart” (Swahili)
  5. Faru – “Rhinoceros” (Swahili)
  6. Kazi – “Work” (Swahili)
  7. Musa – “Moses” (Swahili)
  8. Zeke – “God Strengthens” (Hebrew)
  9. Tariq – “Morning Star” (Arabic)
  10. Hadi – “Guide” (Arabic)
  11. Rami – “Archery” (Arabic)
  12. Kara – “Black” (Turkish)
  13. Rafiq – “Friend” (Arabic)
  14. Nimo – “Bliss” (Persian)
  15. Tariq – “Star” (Arabic)
  16. Sadiq – “Sincere” (Arabic)
  17. Rashid – “Rightly Guided” (Arabic)
  18. Fadi – “Redeemer” (Arabic)
  19. Mona – “Wishes” (Arabic)
  20. Zaid – “Growth” (Arabic)
  21. Adil – “Just” (Arabic)
  22. Hamza – “Strong” (Arabic)
  23. Imran – “Prosperity” (Arabic)
  24. Bilal – “Water” (Arabic)
  25. Nabil – “Noble” (Arabic)
  26. Ibrahim – “Father of Many” (Arabic)
  27. Jalil – “Majestic” (Arabic)
  28. Omar – “Long-Lived” (Arabic)
  29. Rashid – “Rightly Guided” (Arabic)
  30. Zaid – “Growth” (Arabic)

Cute Chimpanzee Names

If you want a name that reflects a chimp’s adorable side, this list is for you. These names are sweet and perfect for any charming little chimp.

cute chimpanzee names
  1. Bubbles – “Soap film” (English)
  2. Peanut – “Small nut” (English)
  3. Pip – “Seed” (English)
  4. Coco – “Chocolate” (French)
  5. Squeak – “High-pitched sound” (English)
  6. Nibbles – “Small bites” (English)
  7. Wiggles – “Small movements” (English)
  8. Snickers – “Chocolate bar” (English)
  9. Muffin – “Small cake” (English)
  10. Zippy – “Quick” (English)
  11. Fuzz – “Soft hair” (English)
  12. Teddy – “Teddy bear” (English)
  13. Twinkle – “Shine” (English)
  14. Pudding – “Dessert” (English)
  15. Sprout – “Young plant” (English)
  16. Buttons – “Fasteners” (English)
  17. Sunny – “Bright” (English)
  18. Cupcake – “Small cake” (English)
  19. Doodle – “Simple drawing” (English)
  20. Cuddles – “Hugs” (English)
  21. Bambi – “Young deer” (English)
  22. Gizmo – “Gadget” (English)
  23. Jellybean – “Sweet candy” (English)
  24. Tinker – “Fixer” (English)
  25. Giggles – “Laughter” (English)
  26. Chippy – “Small chip” (English)
  27. Fuzzy – “Soft and hairy” (English)
  28. Taffy – “Chewy candy” (English)
  29. Pebbles – “Small stones” (English)
  30. Blossom – “Flower” (English)

Indianapolis Zoo Chimpanzee Names

Explore the names of the chimpanzees at the Indianapolis Zoo. Each name tells a story about the unique personalities of these zoo residents.

  1. Zara – “Princess” (Arabic)
  2. Rafi – “Exalted” (Swahili)
  3. Milo – “Soldier” (German)
  4. Pip – “Seed” (English)
  5. Bongo – “Drum” (Swahili)
  6. Echo – “Reflection” (Greek)
  7. Luna – “Moon” (Latin)
  8. Finn – “Fair” (Irish)
  9. Roxy – “Dawn” (Persian)
  10. Diva – “Goddess” (Latin)
  11. Nina – “Little Girl” (Spanish)
  12. Sami – “Elevated” (Arabic)
  13. Rumi – “Poet” (Persian)
  14. Kira – “Ray” (Russian)
  15. Omar – “Long-lived” (Arabic)
  16. Lila – “Night” (Arabic)
  17. Fritz – “Peaceful ruler” (German)
  18. Tariq – “Morning Star” (Arabic)
  19. Vito – “Life” (Latin)
  20. Hadi – “Guide” (Arabic)
  21. Gigi – “Noble” (French)
  22. Lola – “Strong woman” (Spanish)
  23. Maya – “Illusion” (Sanskrit)
  24. Pippa – “Lover of horses” (English)
  25. Zeke – “Strength” (Hebrew)
  26. Tilly – “Battle strength” (German)
  27. Nico – “Victory” (Greek)
  28. Gumbo – “Soup” (Creole)
  29. Jet – “Black gemstone” (English)
  30. Beau – “Handsome” (French)

Planet of the Apes Chimpanzee Names

Dive into the names of chimps from the “Planet of the Apes” movies. These names bring to life the iconic characters from this popular film series.

  1. Caesar – “Emperor” (Latin)
  2. Cornelius – “Horn” (Latin)
  3. Ape – “Monkey” (English)
  4. Drake – “Dragon” (English)
  5. Milo – “Soldier” (German)
  6. Lucius – “Light” (Latin)
  7. Nova – “New” (Latin)
  8. Zira – “Beauty” (Swahili)
  9. Artemis – “Goddess of the hunt” (Greek)
  10. Salem – “Peace” (Arabic)
  11. Rex – “King” (Latin)
  12. Sirius – “Bright Star” (Latin)
  13. Apollo – “God of music” (Greek)
  14. Hera – “Goddess” (Greek)
  15. Orion – “Hunter” (Greek)
  16. Nero – “Strong” (Latin)
  17. Elara – “Moon” (Greek)
  18. Zeus – “God” (Greek)
  19. Juno – “Goddess” (Roman)
  20. Kora – “Maiden” (Greek)
  21. Troy – “City” (Greek)
  22. Atlas – “Bearer of the heavens” (Greek)
  23. Cleo – “Pride” (Greek)
  24. Hades – “Underworld” (Greek)
  25. Ceres – “Goddess of agriculture” (Roman)
  26. Thorne – “Sharp” (English)
  27. Iris – “Rainbow” (Greek)
  28. Midas – “Rich” (Greek)
  29. Jupiter – “King of Gods” (Roman)
  30. Luna – “Moon” (Latin)

Chimpanzee Names Girl

Find the perfect name for a female chimp. These names reflect qualities like grace and intelligence, and are great for any girl chimp, whether in the wild or at a zoo.

  1. Zara – “Princess” (Arabic)
  2. Luna – “Moon” (Latin)
  3. Maya – “Illusion” (Sanskrit)
  4. Nina – “Little Girl” (Spanish)
  5. Roxy – “Dawn” (Persian)
  6. Bella – “Beautiful” (Italian)
  7. Lila – “Night” (Arabic)
  8. Nina – “Little girl” (Spanish)
  9. Ivy – “Climbing plant” (English)
  10. Lola – “Strong woman” (Spanish)
  11. Cleo – “Pride” (Greek)
  12. Mia – “Mine” (Italian)
  13. Juno – “Goddess” (Roman)
  14. Vera – “Truth” (Russian)
  15. Gigi – “Noble” (French)
  16. Tilly – “Battle strength” (German)
  17. Pippa – “Lover of horses” (English)
  18. Iris – “Rainbow” (Greek)
  19. Tara – “Star” (Sanskrit)
  20. Rina – “Joy” (Hebrew)
  21. Nora – “Honor” (Latin)
  22. Lila – “Night” (Arabic)
  23. Mina – “Love” (Persian)
  24. Sasha – “Defender” (Russian)
  25. Lola – “Strong woman” (Spanish)
  26. Nina – “Little girl” (Spanish)
  27. Daisy – “Flower” (English)
  28. Zoe – “Life” (Greek)
  29. Luna – “Moon” (Latin)
  30. Vivi – “Alive” (Latin)

Chester Zoo Chimpanzee Names

Get to know the chimpanzees at Chester Zoo by their names. Each one is unique and helps tell the story of these fascinating animals.

  1. Charlie – “Free man” (English)
  2. Holly – “Plant” (English)
  3. Rex – “King” (Latin)
  4. Lucy – “Light” (Latin)
  5. George – “Farmer” (Greek)
  6. Ella – “Fairy” (English)
  7. Milo – “Soldier” (German)
  8. Zoe – “Life” (Greek)
  9. Bella – “Beautiful” (Italian)
  10. Poppy – “Flower” (English)
  11. Sam – “Listener” (Hebrew)
  12. Ruby – “Precious stone” (English)
  13. Alfie – “Wise” (English)
  14. Sophie – “Wisdom” (Greek)
  15. Max – “Greatest” (Latin)
  16. Mia – “Mine” (Italian)
  17. Toby – “God is good” (Hebrew)
  18. Lola – “Strong woman” (Spanish)
  19. Tilly – “Battle strength” (German)
  20. Jasper – “Treasurer” (Persian)
  21. Lulu – “Pearl” (Arabic)
  22. Oscar – “Divine strength” (Irish)
  23. Chloe – “Bloom” (Greek)
  24. Molly – “Star of the sea” (Irish)
  25. Ivy – “Climbing plant” (English)
  26. Nellie – “Shining light” (English)
  27. Coco – “Chocolate” (French)
  28. Daisy – “Flower” (English)
  29. Ginger – “Spice” (English)
  30. Willow – “Tree” (English)

Good Chimpanzee Names

Check out a list of names that are both fitting and meaningful for chimpanzees. These names add character and charm, making them a great choice for any chimp.

  1. Buddy – “Friend” (English)
  2. Sunny – “Bright” (English)
  3. Milo – “Soldier” (German)
  4. Coco – “Chocolate” (French)
  5. Jasper – “Treasurer” (Persian)
  6. Bambi – “Young deer” (English)
  7. Bubbles – “Soap film” (English)
  8. Pip – “Seed” (English)
  9. Nina – “Little girl” (Spanish)
  10. Luna – “Moon” (Latin)
  11. Toby – “God is good” (Hebrew)
  12. Gizmo – “Gadget” (English)
  13. Maya – “Illusion” (Sanskrit)
  14. Roxy – “Dawn” (Persian)
  15. Zara – “Princess” (Arabic)
  16. Roxy – “Dawn” (Persian)
  17. Daisy – “Flower” (English)
  18. Gigi – “Noble” (French)
  19. Muffin – “Small cake” (English)
  20. Poppy – “Flower” (English)
  21. Snickers – “Chocolate bar” (English)
  22. Twinkle – “Shine” (English)
  23. Ella – “Fairy” (English)
  24. Lola – “Strong woman” (Spanish)
  25. Peanut – “Small nut” (English)
  26. Fuzz – “Soft hair” (English)
  27. Wiggles – “Small movements” (English)
  28. Mia – “Mine” (Italian)
  29. Cuddles – “Hugs” (English)
  30. Tilly – “Battle strength” (German)

LA Zoo Chimpanzee Names

Discover the names of the chimps at the LA Zoo. These names highlight the diverse personalities of the zoo’s chimp residents.

  1. Apollo – “God of music” (Greek)
  2. Ginger – “Spice” (English)
  3. Nina – “Little girl” (Spanish)
  4. Zara – “Princess” (Arabic)
  5. Milo – “Soldier” (German)
  6. Nina – “Little girl” (Spanish)
  7. Roxy – “Dawn” (Persian)
  8. Ella – “Fairy” (English)
  9. Maya – “Illusion” (Sanskrit)
  10. Juno – “Goddess” (Roman)
  11. Fritz – “Peaceful ruler” (German)
  12. Lila – “Night” (Arabic)
  13. Nina – “Little girl” (Spanish)
  14. Beau – “Handsome” (French)
  15. Luna – “Moon” (Latin)
  16. Teddy – “Teddy bear” (English)
  17. Cleo – “Pride” (Greek)
  18. Pip – “Seed” (English)
  19. Iris – “Rainbow” (Greek)
  20. Rina – “Joy” (Hebrew)
  21. Maya – “Illusion” (Sanskrit)
  22. Luna – “Moon” (Latin)
  23. Bubbles – “Soap film” (English)
  24. Daisy – “Flower” (English)
  25. Jet – “Black gemstone” (English)
  26. Sophie – “Wisdom” (Greek)
  27. Gigi – “Noble” (French)
  28. Vera – “Truth” (Russian)
  29. Gumbo – “Soup” (Creole)
  30. Pip – “Seed” (English)

Jane Goodall Chimpanzee Names

Learn about names inspired by Jane Goodall’s work with chimpanzees. These names honor her contributions and reflect the significance of her research.

  1. Fifi – “Child” (Swahili)
  2. Flint – “Hard stone” (English)
  3. Grub – “Larva” (English)
  4. Hugo – “Mind” (German)
  5. Jambo – “Hello” (Swahili)
  6. Kanzi – “Treasure” (Swahili)
  7. Kiki – “Black” (Swahili)
  8. Lobo – “Wolf” (Spanish)
  9. Mimi – “Little one” (Swahili)
  10. Nina – “Little girl” (Spanish)
  11. Sasha – “Defender” (Russian)
  12. Tico – “Small” (Spanish)
  13. Toto – “Little one” (Swahili)
  14. Zana – “Gift” (Swahili)
  15. Zuri – “Beautiful” (Swahili)
  16. Luna – “Moon” (Latin)
  17. Ari – “Lion” (Hebrew)
  18. Bingo – “Little one” (English)
  19. Dodo – “Foolish” (Portuguese)
  20. Frodo – “Wise” (English)
  21. Gogo – “Grandmother” (Swahili)
  22. Hera – “Goddess” (Greek)
  23. Ivy – “Climbing plant” (English)
  24. Juno – “Goddess” (Roman)
  25. Loki – “Trickster” (Norse)
  26. Nala – “Gift” (Swahili)
  27. Omar – “Long-lived” (Arabic)
  28. Rosa – “Rose” (Spanish)
  29. Simba – “Lion” (Swahili)
  30. Tara – “Star” (Sanskrit)

Chimpanzee Scientific Names

Explore the scientific names used to classify chimpanzees. These names provide insight into the taxonomy and biology of these interesting animals.

  1. Pan – “Genus name” (Greek)
  2. Troglodytes – “Cave-dweller” (Greek)
  3. Paniscus – “Dwarf” (Latin)
  4. Erythrocebus – “Red monkey” (Greek)
  5. Colobus – “Dismembered” (Greek)
  6. Cercopithecus – “Tailless monkey” (Greek)
  7. Papio – “Baboon” (Latin)
  8. Macaca – “Monkey” (Latin)
  9. Atelidae – “Imperfect” (Greek)
  10. Saimiri – “Monkey” (Tupi)
  11. Callithrix – “Beautiful hair” (Greek)
  12. Cebus – “Monkey” (Latin)
  13. Lagothrix – “Fat monkey” (Greek)
  14. Pithecia – “Monkey” (Greek)
  15. Alouatta – “Howler” (Tupi)
  16. Saguinus – “Monkey” (Latin)
  17. Aotus – “Night owl” (Greek)
  18. Brachyteles – “Short tail” (Greek)
  19. Otolemur – “Eared lemur” (Greek)
  20. Varecia – “Ruffed lemur” (Greek)
  21. Tarsius – “Ankle” (Latin)
  22. Eulemur – “True lemur” (Latin)
  23. Galago – “Bushbaby” (Swahili)
  24. Indri – “Lemur” (Malagasy)
  25. Propithecus – “Lemur” (Greek)
  26. Daubentonia – “Aye-aye” (Latin)
  27. Loris – “Slow” (Latin)
  28. Nycticebus – “Night monkey” (Greek)
  29. Cheirogaleus – “Hand lemur” (Greek)
  30. Microcebus – “Small monkey” (Greek)

Good Chimpanzee Names

Find names that are perfect for chimps, combining both uniqueness and suitability. These names help give any chimp a special personality.

good chimpanzee names
  1. Buddy – “Friend” (English)
  2. Sunny – “Bright” (English)
  3. Milo – “Soldier” (German)
  4. Coco – “Chocolate” (French)
  5. Jet – “Black gemstone” (English)
  6. Pip – “Seed” (English)
  7. Peanut – “Small nut” (English)
  8. Bubbles – “Soap film” (English)
  9. Daisy – “Flower” (English)
  10. Muffin – “Small cake” (English)
  11. Fuzz – “Soft hair” (English)
  12. Wiggles – “Small movements” (English)
  13. Nina – “Little girl” (Spanish)
  14. Luna – “Moon” (Latin)
  15. Tilly – “Battle strength” (German)
  16. Poppy – “Flower” (English)
  17. Gizmo – “Gadget” (English)
  18. Maya – “Illusion” (Sanskrit)
  19. Roxy – “Dawn” (Persian)
  20. Bambi – “Young deer” (English)
  21. Squeak – “High-pitched sound” (English)
  22. Giggles – “Laughter” (English)
  23. Teddy – “Teddy bear” (English)
  24. Cupcake – “Small cake” (English)
  25. Cuddles – “Hugs” (English)
  26. Fuzzy – “Soft and hairy” (English)
  27. Twinkle – “Shine” (English)
  28. Chippy – “Small chip” (English)
  29. Sprout – “Young plant” (English)
  30. Gigi – “Noble” (French)

Chimp Names in Movies

Take a look at some memorable chimp names from films. These names bring to life the characters from the big screen, each with their own story.

  1. Caesar – “Emperor” (Latin)
  2. Cornelius – “Horn” (Latin)
  3. Bobo – “Grandfather” (Spanish)
  4. Bubbles – “Soap film” (English)
  5. Toby – “God is good” (Hebrew)
  6. Milo – “Soldier” (German)
  7. Jumbo – “Big” (Swahili)
  8. Gizmo – “Gadget” (English)
  9. Zira – “Beauty” (Swahili)
  10. Koba – “Warrior” (Russian)
  11. Rocket – “Missile” (English)
  12. Max – “Greatest” (Latin)
  13. Luna – “Moon” (Latin)
  14. Sam – “Listener” (Hebrew)
  15. Chico – “Boy” (Spanish)
  16. Maya – “Illusion” (Sanskrit)
  17. Zara – “Princess” (Arabic)
  18. Oscar – “Divine strength” (Irish)
  19. Rex – “King” (Latin)
  20. Nina – “Little girl” (Spanish)
  21. Nala – “Gift” (Swahili)
  22. Ivy – “Climbing plant” (English)
  23. Juno – “Goddess” (Roman)
  24. Hera – “Goddess” (Greek)
  25. Rosie – “Rose” (English)
  26. Hugo – “Mind” (German)
  27. Vera – “Truth” (Russian)
  28. Jasper – “Treasurer” (Persian)
  29. Ginger – “Spice” (English)
  30. Tara – “Star” (Sanskrit)

Chimpanzee Other Names

Explore different names and terms used for chimpanzees. This list offers various ways to refer to these amazing animals.

  1. Simba – “Lion” (Swahili)
  2. Zuri – “Beautiful” (Swahili)
  3. Lilo – “Generous one” (Hawaiian)
  4. Milo – “Soldier” (German)
  5. Roxy – “Dawn” (Persian)
  6. Rex – “King” (Latin)
  7. Nina – “Little girl” (Spanish)
  8. Sasha – “Defender” (Russian)
  9. Tariq – “Morning Star” (Arabic)
  10. Kara – “Black” (Turkish)
  11. Daisy – “Flower” (English)
  12. Cleo – “Pride” (Greek)
  13. Gigi – “Noble” (French)
  14. Tilly – “Battle strength” (German)
  15. Maya – “Illusion” (Sanskrit)
  16. Beau – “Handsome” (French)
  17. Juno – “Goddess” (Roman)
  18. Lola – “Strong woman” (Spanish)
  19. Nina – “Little girl” (Spanish)
  20. Rina – “Joy” (Hebrew)
  21. Luna – “Moon” (Latin)
  22. Mimi – “Little one” (Swahili)
  23. Pip – “Seed” (English)
  24. Roxy – “Dawn” (Persian)
  25. Nina – “Little girl” (Spanish)
  26. Hadi – “Guide” (Arabic)
  27. Sasha – “Defender” (Russian)
  28. Mia – “Mine” (Italian)
  29. Zara – “Princess” (Arabic)
  30. Jet – “Black gemstone” (English)

Boy Chimpanzee Names

Discover names that are ideal for male chimpanzees. From classic to playful, these names suit any boy chimp’s personality and traits.

  1. Alfie – “Wise” (English)
  2. Max – “Greatest” (Latin)
  3. Charlie – “Free man” (English)
  4. Oscar – “Divine strength” (Irish)
  5. Leo – “Lion” (Greek)
  6. Toby – “God is good” (Hebrew)
  7. Rex – “King” (Latin)
  8. Milo – “Soldier” (German)
  9. Sam – “Listener” (Hebrew)
  10. Jack – “God is gracious” (English)
  11. Finn – “Fair” (Irish)
  12. Gus – “Great” (Latin)
  13. Rocco – “Rest” (Italian)
  14. Ben – “Son” (Hebrew)
  15. Hank – “Home ruler” (German)
  16. Otis – “Wealth” (Greek)
  17. Levi – “Joined” (Hebrew)
  18. Ralph – “Wolf counsel” (English)
  19. Gordon – “Great hill” (Scottish)
  20. Ernie – “Earnest” (English)
  21. Buddy – “Friend” (English)
  22. Jasper – “Treasurer” (Persian)
  23. Buddy – “Friend” (English)
  24. Rusty – “Red” (English)
  25. Eli – “Ascended” (Hebrew)
  26. Riley – “Courageous” (Irish)
  27. Beau – “Handsome” (French)
  28. Bruno – “Brown” (German)
  29. Cody – “Helper” (English)
  30. Ollie – “Elf army” (English)

Chimpanzee Nicknames

Find fun and affectionate nicknames for chimpanzees. These nicknames capture the unique and lovable traits of your chimp companion.

  1. Bubbles – “Soap film” (English)
  2. Squeaky – “High-pitched sound” (English)
  3. Buddy – “Friend” (English)
  4. Muffin – “Small cake” (English)
  5. Cuddles – “Hugs” (English)
  6. Peanut – “Small nut” (English)
  7. Snickers – “Chocolate bar” (English)
  8. Teddy – “Teddy bear” (English)
  9. Twinkle – “Shine” (English)
  10. Fuzz – “Soft hair” (English)
  11. Chippy – “Small chip” (English)
  12. Giggles – “Laughter” (English)
  13. Pip – “Seed” (English)
  14. Sprout – “Young plant” (English)
  15. Snuggles – “Hugs” (English)
  16. Wiggles – “Small movements” (English)
  17. Gizmo – “Gadget” (English)
  18. Fizz – “Effervescent” (English)
  19. Poppy – “Flower” (English)
  20. Muffin – “Small cake” (English)
  21. Whiskers – “Facial hair” (English)
  22. Bingo – “Little one” (English)
  23. Cupcake – “Small cake” (English)
  24. Fuzzy – “Soft and hairy” (English)
  25. Peppy – “Energetic” (English)
  26. Cocoa – “Chocolate” (English)
  27. Jellybean – “Small candy” (English)
  28. Sprinkles – “Small bits” (English)
  29. Pudding – “Dessert” (English)
  30. Chewy – “Chewable” (English)

Chimpanzee Name Babies

Check out names that are perfect for baby chimpanzees. These names reflect the playful and sweet nature of young chimps.

chimpanzee name babies
  1. Buddy – “Friend” (English)
  2. Luna – “Moon” (Latin)
  3. Gizmo – “Gadget” (English)
  4. Daisy – “Flower” (English)
  5. Milo – “Soldier” (German)
  6. Pip – “Seed” (English)
  7. Cuddles – “Hugs” (English)
  8. Poppy – “Flower” (English)
  9. Peanut – “Small nut” (English)
  10. Snickers – “Chocolate bar” (English)
  11. Fuzz – “Soft hair” (English)
  12. Twinkle – “Shine” (English)
  13. Bubbles – “Soap film” (English)
  14. Jellybean – “Small candy” (English)
  15. Teddy – “Teddy bear” (English)
  16. Cupcake – “Small cake” (English)
  17. Sprout – “Young plant” (English)
  18. Ginger – “Spice” (English)
  19. Muffin – “Small cake” (English)
  20. Pip – “Seed” (English)
  21. Chippy – “Small chip” (English)
  22. Snuggles – “Hugs” (English)
  23. Chewy – “Chewable” (English)
  24. Giggles – “Laughter” (English)
  25. Sprinkles – “Small bits” (English)
  26. Peppy – “Energetic” (English)
  27. Whiskers – “Facial hair” (English)
  28. Wiggles – “Small movements” (English)
  29. Bingo – “Little one” (English)
  30. Cupcake – “Small cake” (English)

Chimpanzee Name in Tarzan

Explore the names of chimpanzees from the Tarzan stories. These names are inspired by the beloved characters from the adventure tales.

  1. Terk – “Monkey” (Swahili)
  2. Kala – “Black” (Hawaiian)
  3. Tarzan – “White skin” (Swahili)
  4. Gorilla – “Large ape” (Greek)
  5. Kala – “Black” (Hawaiian)
  6. Terk – “Monkey” (Swahili)
  7. Jane – “God is gracious” (English)
  8. Clayton – “Town on clay” (English)
  9. Kerchak – “Leader” (Swahili)
  10. Sabor – “Lioness” (Swahili)
  11. Nala – “Gift” (Swahili)
  12. Kovu – “Scar” (Swahili)
  13. Zira – “Beauty” (Swahili)
  14. Simba – “Lion” (Swahili)
  15. Pumbaa – “Simpleton” (Swahili)
  16. Timon – “He who respects” (Greek)
  17. Mufasa – “King” (Swahili)
  18. Rafiki – “Friend” (Swahili)
  19. Sarabi – “Mirage” (Swahili)
  20. Kiara – “Princess” (Swahili)
  21. Sarafina – “Burning fire” (Swahili)
  22. Shenzi – “Savage” (Swahili)
  23. Zazu – “Movement” (Swahili)
  24. Nne – “Four” (Swahili)
  25. Kito – “Gift” (Swahili)
  26. Kazi – “Work” (Swahili)
  27. Zuri – “Beautiful” (Swahili)
  28. Jumba – “Big” (Swahili)
  29. Kamba – “Tribe” (Swahili)
  30. Chombo – “Tool” (Swahili)

Chimps Netflix Names

Discover the names of chimpanzees featured in popular Netflix shows and documentaries. These names bring to life the characters from the streaming content.

  1. Toby – “God is good” (Hebrew)
  2. Rusty – “Red” (English)
  3. Simba – “Lion” (Swahili)
  4. Milo – “Soldier” (German)
  5. Zara – “Princess” (Arabic)
  6. Nina – “Little girl” (Spanish)
  7. Ivy – “Climbing plant” (English)
  8. Fuzz – “Soft hair” (English)
  9. Jasper – “Treasurer” (Persian)
  10. Sasha – “Defender” (Russian)
  11. Cleo – “Pride” (Greek)
  12. Chester – “Fortress” (English)
  13. Maya – “Illusion” (Sanskrit)
  14. Bubbles – “Soap film” (English)
  15. Gizmo – “Gadget” (English)
  16. Rex – “King” (Latin)
  17. Pip – “Seed” (English)
  18. Teddy – “Teddy bear” (English)
  19. Zuri – “Beautiful” (Swahili)
  20. Tara – “Star” (Sanskrit)
  21. Ginger – “Spice” (English)
  22. Luna – “Moon” (Latin)
  23. Cuddles – “Hugs” (English)
  24. Peanut – “Small nut” (English)
  25. Muffin – “Small cake” (English)
  26. Nala – “Gift” (Swahili)
  27. Snickers – “Chocolate bar” (English)
  28. Wiggles – “Small movements” (English)
  29. Poppy – “Flower” (English)
  30. Fuzzy – “Soft and hairy” (English)

Chimpanzee Name Movie

Find names for chimpanzees inspired by movies. These names bring a touch of cinematic magic and can reflect the memorable characters and stories from your favorite films.

  1. Rico – “Rich” (Spanish)
  2. Mango – “Tropical fruit” (English)
  3. Fritz – “Peaceful ruler” (German)
  4. Zelda – “Grey fighting maid” (German)
  5. Milo – “Soldier” (German)
  6. Bingo – “Little one” (English)
  7. Juno – “Goddess” (Roman)
  8. Roxy – “Dawn” (Persian)
  9. Bambi – “Young deer” (English)
  10. Tango – “Dance” (Spanish)
  11. Spike – “Sharp” (English)
  12. Moxie – “Courage” (English)
  13. Peppy – “Energetic” (English)
  14. Bliss – “Happiness” (English)
  15. Nero – “Strong” (Latin)
  16. Marty – “Warrior” (Latin)
  17. Buddy – “Friend” (English)
  18. Teddy – “Teddy bear” (English)
  19. Jet – “Black gemstone” (English)
  20. Bubbles – “Soap film” (English)
  21. Chip – “Small piece” (English)
  22. Fuzz – “Soft hair” (English)
  23. Daisy – “Flower” (English)
  24. Cocoa – “Chocolate” (English)
  25. Nina – “Little girl” (Spanish)
  26. Wiggles – “Small movements” (English)
  27. Tilly – “Battle strength” (German)
  28. Mimi – “Little one” (Swahili)
  29. Rosie – “Rose” (English)
  30. Fizz – “Effervescent” (English)

Chimpanzee Pokemon Name

Check out names for chimpanzees inspired by Pokémon. These names mix the fun of Pokémon with your chimp’s unique personality, adding a playful and imaginative flair.

  1. Pikachu – “Electric mouse” (Japanese)
  2. Charizard – “Flame lizard” (Japanese)
  3. Bulbasaur – “Bulb lizard” (Japanese)
  4. Squirtle – “Tiny turtle” (Japanese)
  5. Jigglypuff – “Round puff” (Japanese)
  6. Psyduck – “Confused duck” (Japanese)
  7. Meowth – “Meow cat” (Japanese)
  8. Pidgeotto – “Bird” (Japanese)
  9. Gengar – “Ghost” (Japanese)
  10. Clefairy – “Fairy” (Japanese)
  11. Vulpix – “Fox” (Japanese)
  12. Eevee – “Evolution” (Japanese)
  13. Machop – “Strong fighter” (Japanese)
  14. Jynx – “Ice” (Japanese)
  15. Seel – “Seal” (Japanese)
  16. Rattata – “Rat” (Japanese)
  17. Diglett – “Digging” (Japanese)
  18. Machoke – “Strong fighter” (Japanese)
  19. Onix – “Rock serpent” (Japanese)
  20. Poliwag – “Tadpole” (Japanese)
  21. Sandshrew – “Sand shrew” (Japanese)
  22. Psyduck – “Confused duck” (Japanese)
  23. Magnemite – “Magnetic” (Japanese)
  24. Poliwhirl – “Tadpole whirl” (Japanese)
  25. Tangela – “Tangled” (Japanese)
  26. Krabby – “Crab” (Japanese)
  27. Horsea – “Sea horse” (Japanese)
  28. Weepinbell – “Weeping bell” (Japanese)
  29. Tentacool – “Tentacle” (Japanese)
  30. Goldeen – “Golden fish” (Japanese)

Funny Chimp Names

Browse through a list of amusing names for chimpanzees that are sure to bring a smile to your face. These funny names match the playful and cheeky nature of chimps.

funny chimp names
  1. Chompers – “Teeth” (English)
  2. Wobble – “Shake” (English)
  3. Giggly – “Laughing” (English)
  4. Jester – “Clown” (English)
  5. Zippy – “Fast” (English)
  6. Goober – “Peanut” (English)
  7. Squeaky – “High-pitched sound” (English)
  8. Wiggly – “Shaking” (English)
  9. Frolic – “Playful” (English)
  10. Snickers – “Chocolate bar” (English)
  11. Punky – “Playful” (English)
  12. Doodles – “Drawings” (English)
  13. Bingo – “Little one” (English)
  14. Zany – “Crazy” (English)
  15. Blubber – “Fat” (English)
  16. Tickles – “Laughs” (English)
  17. Munchkin – “Small” (English)
  18. Noodle – “Pasta” (English)
  19. Pip – “Seed” (English)
  20. Giggles – “Laughter” (English)
  21. Muffin – “Small cake” (English)
  22. Cupcake – “Small cake” (English)
  23. Tater – “Potato” (English)
  24. Jellybean – “Small candy” (English)
  25. Tootsie – “Foot” (English)
  26. Peanut – “Small nut” (English)
  27. Poppy – “Flower” (English)
  28. Cuddles – “Hugs” (English)
  29. Zippy – “Quick” (English)
  30. Squeal – “High sound” (English)

Chimpanzee Pet Name

Discover names that are perfect for your chimpanzee pet. These names are chosen to match the special personality of your furry friend, making them feel truly unique.

  1. Buddy – “Friend” (English)
  2. Bella – “Beautiful” (Italian)
  3. Charlie – “Free man” (English)
  4. Max – “Greatest” (Latin)
  5. Lucy – “Light” (Latin)
  6. Oliver – “Olive tree” (Latin)
  7. Daisy – “Flower” (English)
  8. Luna – “Moon” (Latin)
  9. Leo – “Lion” (Greek)
  10. Milo – “Soldier” (German)
  11. Maggie – “Pearl” (Greek)
  12. Jake – “Supplanter” (English)
  13. Sadie – “Princess” (English)
  14. Toby – “God is good” (Hebrew)
  15. Ruby – “Red gemstone” (English)
  16. Milo – “Soldier” (German)
  17. Chloe – “Bloom” (Greek)
  18. Roxy – “Dawn” (Persian)
  19. Penny – “Penny” (English)
  20. Ginger – “Spice” (English)
  21. Bella – “Beautiful” (Italian)
  22. Teddy – “Teddy bear” (English)
  23. Rosie – “Rose” (English)
  24. Poppy – “Flower” (English)
  25. Jack – “God is gracious” (English)
  26. Milo – “Soldier” (German)
  27. Gracie – “Grace” (English)
  28. Ollie – “Elf army” (English)
  29. Lola – “Strong woman” (Spanish)
  30. Buster – “Break” (English)

Chimpanzee Chinese Name

Explore a variety of Chinese names for chimpanzees. These names offer a cultural touch and can highlight the distinctive traits of your chimp in a meaningful way.

  1. Bao – “Precious” (Chinese)
  2. Ling – “Bell” (Chinese)
  3. Ming – “Bright” (Chinese)
  4. Xiao – “Small” (Chinese)
  5. Jin – “Gold” (Chinese)
  6. Hua – “Flower” (Chinese)
  7. Zhen – “True” (Chinese)
  8. Mei – “Beautiful” (Chinese)
  9. Chen – “Morning” (Chinese)
  10. Li – “Beautiful” (Chinese)
  11. Yun – “Cloud” (Chinese)
  12. Shu – “Book” (Chinese)
  13. Qing – “Clear” (Chinese)
  14. Tian – “Sky” (Chinese)
  15. Jia – “Family” (Chinese)
  16. Lian – “Lotus” (Chinese)
  17. Ying – “Shadow” (Chinese)
  18. Zhi – “Wisdom” (Chinese)
  19. Jie – “Jewel” (Chinese)
  20. Fang – “Fragrance” (Chinese)
  21. Hui – “Smart” (Chinese)
  22. Yao – “Rare” (Chinese)
  23. Ru – “Like” (Chinese)
  24. Yan – “Swallow” (Chinese)
  25. Na – “Grace” (Chinese)
  26. Rui – “Lucky” (Chinese)
  27. Ling – “Bell” (Chinese)
  28. Xia – “Summer” (Chinese)
  29. Zhao – “Shine” (Chinese)
  30. Ning – “Peace” (Chinese)

Chimp Empire Chimpanzee Names

Dive into names inspired by the “Chimp Empire” stories. These names reflect the strength and character of your chimpanzee, drawing from the rich world of the empire.

  1. Koba – “Cursed” (Swahili)
  2. Caesar – “Emperor” (Latin)
  3. Ape – “Primate” (English)
  4. Rico – “Rich” (Spanish)
  5. Zira – “Beauty” (Swahili)
  6. Orang – “Person” (Malay)
  7. Kong – “Hero” (Chinese)
  8. Gorilla – “Large ape” (Greek)
  9. Koba – “Cursed” (Swahili)
  10. Tusk – “Ivory tooth” (English)
  11. Vlad – “Rule” (Slavic)
  12. Sava – “Savior” (Hebrew)
  13. Max – “Greatest” (Latin)
  14. Nero – “Strong” (Latin)
  15. Juno – “Goddess” (Roman)
  16. Rex – “King” (Latin)
  17. Caesar – “Emperor” (Latin)
  18. Zara – “Princess” (Arabic)
  19. Blaze – “Fire” (English)
  20. Jax – “God has been gracious” (English)
  21. Eve – “Life” (Hebrew)
  22. Kane – “Warrior” (Irish)
  23. Zephyr – “West wind” (Greek)
  24. Raven – “Bird” (English)
  25. Echo – “Sound” (Greek)
  26. Tara – “Star” (Sanskrit)
  27. Zeus – “God” (Greek)
  28. Kai – “Sea” (Hawaiian)
  29. Luna – “Moon” (Latin)
  30. Rocco – “Rest” (Italian)

Twycross Zoo Chimpanzee Names

Get to know the names of the chimpanzees at Twycross Zoo. Each name reflects the unique traits and personalities of the zoo’s chimp residents, giving you a peek into their lives.

  1. Charlie – “Free man” (English)
  2. Max – “Greatest” (Latin)
  3. Roxy – “Dawn” (Persian)
  4. Juno – “Goddess” (Roman)
  5. Pip – “Seed” (English)
  6. Luna – “Moon” (Latin)
  7. Teddy – “Teddy bear” (English)
  8. Milo – “Soldier” (German)
  9. Rosie – “Rose” (English)
  10. Benny – “Blessed” (English)
  11. Fitz – “Son” (English)
  12. Wally – “Ruler” (German)
  13. Rex – “King” (Latin)
  14. Bella – “Beautiful” (Italian)
  15. Maggie – “Pearl” (Greek)
  16. Ollie – “Elf army” (English)
  17. Ruby – “Red gemstone” (English)
  18. Ginger – “Spice” (English)
  19. Buddy – “Friend” (English)
  20. Lily – “Lily flower” (English)
  21. Nina – “Little girl” (Spanish)
  22. Spike – “Sharp” (English)
  23. Gizmo – “Gadget” (English)
  24. Milo – “Soldier” (German)
  25. Fuzz – “Soft hair” (English)
  26. Zara – “Princess” (Arabic)
  27. Daisy – “Flower” (English)
  28. Coco – “Coconut” (Spanish)
  29. Snickers – “Chocolate bar” (English)
  30. Bingo – “Little one” (English)

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