900 Eagle Names and Their Meanings

eagle names

Eagles are large birds with strong wings and sharp eyes. They are found in many parts of the world and are known for flying high in the sky. Eagles usually live near water and build big nests in trees or on cliffs. They are often seen as symbols of freedom and strength. Eagles help nature by hunting small animals and keeping a balance in the environment.

5 Interesting Facts About Eagle

Amazing Eyesight: Eagles have incredible vision. They can see up to eight times better than people. This helps them find prey from high in the sky.

Powerful Hunters: Eagles are strong hunters. They have sharp claws and beaks to catch and eat fish, small animals, and other birds.

Large Nests: Eagles build very big nests. These nests can be up to 13 feet deep and 8 feet wide. Eagles use the same nest every year, adding more sticks and leaves to it.

Long Lifespan: Eagles can live a long time. In the wild, they can live for 20 to 30 years. With good care, some eagles can live even longer in captivity.

Symbols of Strength: Eagles are often seen as symbols of strength, freedom, and bravery. Many countries, like the United States, use the eagle as a symbol.

Let’s get ready to explore the perfect hawk names for your new imaginary bird friend!

How to Pick a Name for Eagle?

Think About Its Traits: Eagles are strong, have great vision, and are very majestic. You might want to pick a name that shows these traits, like “Valor” or “Vision.”

Consider Its Appearance: Look at your eagle’s colors and markings. A white eagle could be called “Snowy,” while a darker one might be “Shadow.”

Look to Nature: Names inspired by nature can be great for an eagle. Think of names like “Sky,” “Storm,” or “River.”

Use Mythology or History: Eagles are important in many stories and cultures. Names like “Zeus,” “Apollo,” or “Aquila” can give your eagle a special touch.

Choose Something Simple: Sometimes, a simple name is best. Names like “Ace,” “Max,” or “Blue” are easy to remember and sound nice.

Collect unique turkey names and how they can be as interesting as Eagle.

Eagle Names

Explore a collection of names inspired by majestic eagles, reflecting their strength and grace from various cultures.

  1. Blaze – “Bright flame” (English)
  2. Nimbus – “Cloud” (Latin)
  3. Echo – “Reverberating sound” (Greek)
  4. Frost – “Ice crystals” (English)
  5. Zephyr – “Gentle breeze” (Greek)
  6. Canyon – “Deep valley” (Spanish)
  7. Ash – “Residue after burning” (English)
  8. Summit – “Highest point” (English)
  9. Shade – “Dark area” (English)
  10. Gale – “Strong wind” (English)
  11. Flare – “Bright burst” (English)
  12. Thunder – “Loud noise during storms” (English)
  13. Peak – “Mountain top” (English)
  14. Breeze – “Light wind” (English)
  15. Starlight – “Light from stars” (English)
  16. Pine – “Type of tree” (English)
  17. Hawk – “Bird of prey” (English)
  18. Forest – “Large wooded area” (English)
  19. Torrent – “Strong stream of water” (Latin)
  20. Storm – “Severe weather” (English)
  21. Sky – “The atmosphere above” (English)
  22. Raven – “Large black bird” (English)
  23. Granite – “Hard rock” (Latin)
  24. Horizon – “Line where earth meets sky” (Greek)
  25. Birch – “Type of tree” (English)
  26. Shadow – “Dark area” (English)
  27. Vale – “Valley” (English)
  28. Talon – “Claw of a bird of prey” (English)
  29. Mountain – “Large natural elevation” (English)
  30. Sunset – “Evening sky” (English)

Bald Eagle Names

Discover names that honor the iconic bald eagle, symbolizing freedom and resilience with each unique name.

  1. Ivory – “White material from tusks” (English)
  2. Slate – “Gray rock” (English)
  3. Polar – “Relating to the poles” (Latin)
  4. Quill – “Feather pen” (English)
  5. Frosty – “Covered with frost” (English)
  6. Glacier – “Large ice mass” (French)
  7. Marble – “Metamorphic rock” (Latin)
  8. Blizzard – “Severe snowstorm” (English)
  9. Pearl – “Lustrous gem” (English)
  10. Chalk – “White limestone” (English)
  11. Fog – “Thick mist” (English)
  12. Frostbite – “Injury by freezing” (English)
  13. Winter – “Coldest season” (English)
  14. Boreal – “Relating to the north” (Latin)
  15. Shiver – “Tremble with cold” (English)
  16. Ivory – “White material from tusks” (Latin)
  17. Floe – “Floating ice” (English)
  18. Powder – “Fine particles” (English)
  19. Drift – “Snow pile” (English)
  20. Luminous – “Emitting light” (Latin)
  21. Blanche – “White” (French)
  22. Dew – “Morning moisture” (English)
  23. Nimbus – “Halo” (Latin)
  24. Quartz – “Hard mineral” (German)
  25. Cumulus – “Heap cloud” (Latin)
  26. Diamond – “Hard gem” (Greek)
  27. Aspen – “Type of tree” (English)
  28. Sterling – “High quality” (English)
  29. Nimbus – “Halo” (Latin)
  30. Polar – “Relating to the poles” (Greek)

Mythical Eagle Names

Dive into names of mythical origin that evoke awe and wonder, inspired by legendary eagles from folklore and fantasy.

  1. Griffin – “Mythical creature” (Greek)
  2. Phoenix – “Reborn bird” (Greek)
  3. Thunderbird – “Mythical bird” (Native American)
  4. Garuda – “Bird god” (Sanskrit)
  5. Roc – “Giant bird” (Arabic)
  6. Simurgh – “Persian myth bird” (Persian)
  7. Horus – “Egyptian god” (Egyptian)
  8. Fenghuang – “Chinese phoenix” (Chinese)
  9. Anka – “Mythical bird” (Turkish)
  10. Alkonost – “Slavic bird-woman” (Russian)
  11. Benu – “Egyptian bird” (Egyptian)
  12. Minokawa – “Philippine bird” (Filipino)
  13. Sarimanok – “Philippine bird” (Filipino)
  14. Ziz – “Jewish bird” (Hebrew)
  15. Huma – “Persian bird” (Persian)
  16. Kongamato – “African bird” (African)
  17. Tengu – “Japanese bird spirit” (Japanese)
  18. Chimera – “Hybrid creature” (Greek)
  19. Griffon – “Lion-eagle” (Greek)
  20. Harpy – “Winged spirit” (Greek)
  21. Baldur – “Norse god” (Norse)
  22. Gandaberunda – “Indian bird” (Sanskrit)
  23. Quetzalcoatl – “Feathered serpent” (Aztec)
  24. Garuda – “Bird god” (Sanskrit)
  25. Aetos – “Eagle” (Greek)
  26. Berkut – “Golden eagle” (Mongolian)
  27. Yatagarasu – “Three-legged crow” (Japanese)
  28. Amaru – “Winged serpent” (Quechua)
  29. Karura – “Japanese bird” (Japanese)
  30. Tawaret – “Egyptian bird” (Egyptian)

Good Eagle Names

Find names that embody the admirable qualities of eagles, perfect for celebrating their remarkable nature.

  1. Brave – “Courageous” (English)
  2. Hope – “Aspiration” (English)
  3. Noble – “High-born” (English)
  4. Hero – “Legendary figure” (Greek)
  5. Valiant – “Brave” (English)
  6. Glory – “Great honor” (Latin)
  7. Justice – “Fairness” (English)
  8. Honor – “Respect” (Latin)
  9. Faith – “Belief” (English)
  10. Pride – “Self-respect” (English)
  11. Courage – “Bravery” (French)
  12. Grace – “Elegance” (Latin)
  13. Valor – “Bravery” (Latin)
  14. Mercy – “Compassion” (Latin)
  15. Peace – “Tranquility” (English)
  16. Trust – “Reliability” (English)
  17. Liberty – “Freedom” (Latin)
  18. Wisdom – “Knowledge” (English)
  19. Charity – “Kindness” (Latin)
  20. Victory – “Triumph” (Latin)
  21. Fame – “Renown” (English)
  22. Joy – “Happiness” (English)
  23. Honor – “Respect” (Latin)
  24. Truth – “Reality” (English)
  25. Spirit – “Soul” (Latin)
  26. Unity – “Togetherness” (Latin)
  27. Zenith – “Peak” (Arabic)
  28. Harmony – “Agreement” (Greek)
  29. Light – “Illumination” (English)
  30. Noble – “High-born” (Latin)

Eagle Names Male

Unveil strong and distinguished names suited for male eagles, reflecting their powerful presence and regal demeanor.

eagle names male
  1. Blaze – “Bright flame” (English)
  2. Storm – “Severe weather” (English)
  3. Titan – “Giant” (Greek)
  4. Ranger – “Forest guardian” (English)
  5. Axel – “Father of peace” (Scandinavian)
  6. Gunnar – “Bold warrior” (Norse)
  7. Bruno – “Brown” (German)
  8. Hawk – “Bird of prey” (English)
  9. Flint – “Hard stone” (English)
  10. Orion – “Hunter in the stars” (Greek)
  11. Talon – “Claw of a bird of prey” (English)
  12. Jasper – “Treasurer” (Persian)
  13. Leo – “Lion” (Latin)
  14. Maximus – “Greatest” (Latin)
  15. Finn – “Fair” (Irish)
  16. Rex – “King” (Latin)
  17. Drake – “Dragon” (English)
  18. Zane – “God is gracious” (Hebrew)
  19. Saber – “Sword” (French)
  20. Griff – “Strong” (Welsh)
  21. Thor – “Norse god of thunder” (Norse)
  22. Chief – “Leader” (English)
  23. Duke – “Nobleman” (Latin)
  24. Hunter – “One who hunts” (English)
  25. Knight – “Warrior” (English)
  26. Ranger – “Guardian” (English)
  27. Frost – “Ice crystals” (English)
  28. Echo – “Reverberating sound” (Greek)
  29. Shade – “Dark area” (English)
  30. Gale – “Strong wind” (English)

Sea Eagle Names

Delve into names inspired by majestic sea eagles, reflecting their affinity for coastal habitats and the vast ocean.

  1. Marlin – “Large fish” (English)
  2. Coral – “Marine organism” (English)
  3. Dory – “Type of fish” (French)
  4. Aqua – “Water” (Latin)
  5. Poseidon – “God of the sea” (Greek)
  6. Nautica – “Related to sailing” (Latin)
  7. Neptune – “Roman sea god” (Latin)
  8. Harbor – “Shelter for ships” (English)
  9. Skipper – “Ship captain” (English)
  10. Lagoon – “Shallow sea” (Italian)
  11. Reef – “Rock near the surface” (English)
  12. Sandy – “From the beach” (English)
  13. Waverly – “Meadow of quivering aspens” (English)
  14. Oceanus – “Greek sea god” (Greek)
  15. Siren – “Mythical sea creature” (Greek)
  16. Splash – “Sound of water” (English)
  17. Sailor – “One who sails” (English)
  18. Gulf – “Large sea inlet” (French)
  19. Bay – “Inlet of the sea” (English)
  20. Caspian – “From the Caspian Sea” (English)
  21. Delta – “River mouth” (Greek)
  22. Finn – “Fish appendage” (English)
  23. Jetty – “Structure in the sea” (French)
  24. Tide – “Rise and fall of the sea” (English)
  25. Maris – “Of the sea” (Latin)
  26. Briny – “Salty” (English)
  27. Scuba – “Underwater diving” (English)
  28. Voyage – “Long journey” (French)
  29. Isla – “Island” (Spanish)
  30. Aquarius – “Water bearer” (Latin)

Famous Eagle Names

Explore names that pay homage to renowned eagles, both real and fictional, celebrated for their legendary status.

  1. Freedom – “Liberty” (English)
  2. Liberty – “Freedom” (Latin)
  3. Baldwin – “Bold friend” (English)
  4. Skylar – “Eternal life” (Dutch)
  5. Washington – “From the town of Wassa’s people” (English)
  6. Franklin – “Free landowner” (English)
  7. Lincoln – “Town by the pool” (English)
  8. Roosevelt – “Field of roses” (Dutch)
  9. Jefferson – “Son of Jeffrey” (English)
  10. Hamilton – “Beautiful mountain” (Scottish)
  11. Wilson – “Son of Will” (English)
  12. Jackson – “Son of Jack” (English)
  13. Grant – “Large” (English)
  14. Kennedy – “Helmeted chief” (Irish)
  15. Monroe – “Mouth of the Roe river” (Scottish)
  16. Reagan – “Little king” (Irish)
  17. Carter – “Cart driver” (English)
  18. Truman – “Faithful man” (English)
  19. Cleveland – “Hilly area” (English)
  20. Madison – “Son of Maud” (English)
  21. Adams – “Son of Adam” (English)
  22. Hayes – “Hedged area” (English)
  23. Ford – “River crossing” (English)
  24. Pierce – “Rock” (English)
  25. Eisenhower – “Iron worker” (German)
  26. Hoover – “Small farm” (Dutch)
  27. Coolidge – “Cold ridge” (English)
  28. Clinton – “Fenced settlement” (English)
  29. Obama – “Crooked” (African)
  30. Biden – “Button maker” (English)

Cool Eagle Names

Discover names that exude coolness and charisma, ideal for eagles known for their commanding presence.

  1. Blaze – “Bright flame” (English)
  2. Titan – “Giant” (Greek)
  3. Axel – “Father of peace” (Scandinavian)
  4. Frost – “Ice crystals” (English)
  5. Orion – “Hunter in the stars” (Greek)
  6. Echo – “Reverberating sound” (Greek)
  7. Shade – “Dark area” (English)
  8. Gale – “Strong wind” (English)
  9. Shadow – “Dark figure” (English)
  10. Zephyr – “Gentle breeze” (Greek)
  11. Flint – “Hard stone” (English)
  12. Summit – “Highest point” (English)
  13. Blizzard – “Severe snowstorm” (English)
  14. Thunder – “Loud noise during storms” (English)
  15. Granite – “Hard rock” (Latin)
  16. Raven – “Large black bird” (English)
  17. Sky – “The atmosphere above” (English)
  18. Vale – “Valley” (English)
  19. Peak – “Mountain top” (English)
  20. Horizon – “Line where earth meets sky” (Greek)
  21. Torrent – “Strong stream of water” (Latin)
  22. Quake – “Earth tremor” (English)
  23. Hawk – “Bird of prey” (English)
  24. Bluff – “Cliff” (English)
  25. Forest – “Large wooded area” (English)
  26. Pine – “Type of tree” (English)
  27. Sunset – “Evening sky” (English)
  28. Frostbite – “Injury by freezing” (English)
  29. Floe – “Floating ice” (English)
  30. Cumulus – “Heap cloud” (Latin)

Female Eagle Names

Celebrate the grace and strength of female eagles with names that embody resilience and nurturing spirit.

  1. Luna – “Moon” (Latin)
  2. Stella – “Star” (Latin)
  3. Aurora – “Dawn” (Latin)
  4. Nova – “New” (Latin)
  5. Ivy – “Climbing plant” (English)
  6. Hazel – “Nut-bearing tree” (English)
  7. Willow – “Type of tree” (English)
  8. Violet – “Purple flower” (English)
  9. Daisy – “Day’s eye” (English)
  10. Poppy – “Flowering plant” (English)
  11. Olive – “Olive tree” (Latin)
  12. Rose – “Flower” (Latin)
  13. Lily – “Flower” (English)
  14. Magnolia – “Flowering tree” (French)
  15. Marigold – “Golden flower” (English)
  16. Fern – “Plant” (English)
  17. Iris – “Rainbow” (Greek)
  18. Jasmine – “Fragrant flower” (Persian)
  19. Clover – “Flowering plant” (English)
  20. Maple – “Type of tree” (English)
  21. Peony – “Flower” (Greek)
  22. Primrose – “First rose” (Latin)
  23. Heather – “Flowering shrub” (English)
  24. Zinnia – “Flower” (German)
  25. Azalea – “Flower” (Greek)
  26. Lavender – “Purple flower” (Latin)
  27. Cypress – “Type of tree” (Latin)
  28. Petunia – “Flower” (French)
  29. Blossom – “Flower” (English)
  30. Wisteria – “Flowering vine” (English)

Funny Eagle Names

Enjoy a lighthearted collection of names that add humor and whimsy to the dignified eagle, making each name playful.

funny eagle names
  1. Featherbrain – “Silly bird” (English)
  2. Swoopster – “Expert diver” (English)
  3. Wingnut – “Crazy flyer” (English)
  4. Talon-ted – “Skillful claw user” (English)
  5. Eagle McBeagleface – “Funny bird name” (English)
  6. Flapjack – “Flying pancake” (English)
  7. Quirky Quill – “Unusual feather” (English)
  8. Beaklejuice – “Ghostly bird” (English)
  9. Peanut Butter Wing – “Nutty flyer” (English)
  10. Flapster – “Wing-flapping pro” (English)
  11. Plume-fool – “Silly feathered friend” (English)
  12. Squawkzilla – “Roaring bird” (English)
  13. Perch Perkins – “Funny bird on a branch” (English)
  14. Eaglebert – “Smart bird” (English)
  15. Wing Ding – “Flying party” (English)
  16. Quill Smith – “Feather maker” (English)
  17. Fly Guy – “Cool flyer” (English)
  18. Wing Wong – “Feathered wonder” (English)
  19. Talonado – “Storm of talons” (English)
  20. Featherface – “Feathered friend” (English)
  21. Wingster – “Wing expert” (English)
  22. Swooperman – “Super flyer” (English)
  23. Feather McGee – “Feathered flier” (English)
  24. Beaky Blunder – “Silly beak” (English)
  25. Flapmaster – “Master of flapping” (English)
  26. Squawksworth – “Worthy squawker” (English)
  27. Eagle Eye Joe – “Sharp-eyed bird” (English)
  28. Featherball – “Feathery ball” (English)
  29. Quilliam Tell – “Arrow shooter” (English)
  30. Flap-o-matic – “Automatic flapper” (English)

LOTR Eagle Names

Step into Middle-earth with names inspired by majestic eagles pivotal in Tolkien’s epic tales.

  1. Gwaihir – “Wind lord” (Sindarin)
  2. Landroval – “Wide wing” (Sindarin)
  3. Meneldor – “Sky friend” (Sindarin)
  4. Thorondor – “Eagle lord” (Sindarin)
  5. Beleriand – “Great eagle” (Sindarin)
  6. Soronúmë – “Eagle of the west” (Quenya)
  7. Sorontur – “Lord of eagles” (Quenya)
  8. Thoron – “Eagle king” (Sindarin)
  9. Talanor – “High eagle” (Sindarin)
  10. Aegnor – “Fiery eagle” (Sindarin)
  11. Eärendil – “Lover of the sea” (Sindarin)
  12. Earendur – “Servant of Earendil” (Sindarin)
  13. Voronwë – “Eagle of the west” (Sindarin)
  14. Tulkas – “Strong” (Quenya)
  15. Sorondor – “Eagle of the land” (Quenya)
  16. Olwë – “Dream” (Quenya)
  17. Ithilien – “Moon” (Sindarin)
  18. Thranduil – “Vigilant eagle” (Sindarin)
  19. Amroth – “Upclimbing” (Sindarin)
  20. Eädwine – “Lover of eagles” (Sindarin)
  21. Eldarion – “Son of the eldar” (Sindarin)
  22. Thalos – “Strong eagle” (Sindarin)
  23. Aran – “King” (Sindarin)
  24. Mithrandir – “Grey pilgrim” (Sindarin)
  25. Ulmo – “Pine” (Quenya)
  26. Elrond – “Star-dome” (Sindarin)
  27. Galadriel – “Radiant maiden” (Sindarin)
  28. Glorfindel – “Golden-haired” (Sindarin)
  29. Celeborn – “Silver tree” (Sindarin)
  30. Nimrodel – “White lady” (Sindarin)

Big Bear Eagle Names

Discover names combining bear strength with eagle majesty, creating a powerful hybrid persona.

  1. Ursula – “Little female bear” (Latin)
  2. Björn – “Bear” (Old Norse)
  3. Hudson – “Son of the bear” (English)
  4. Orso – “Bear” (Italian)
  5. Bearington – “Bear town” (English)
  6. Teddy – “Divine gift” (Greek)
  7. Kodiak – “Big bear” (Russian)
  8. Bernard – “Brave as a bear” (Germanic)
  9. Artio – “Bear goddess” (Celtic)
  10. Barrett – “Bear strength” (Germanic)
  11. Beorn – “Bear” (Old English)
  12. Bruin – “Brown” (Dutch)
  13. Caleb – “Dog” (Hebrew)
  14. Bjarni – “Bear” (Old Norse)
  15. Barry – “Fair-haired” (English)
  16. Dov – “Bear” (Hebrew)
  17. Fitz – “Son of” (English)
  18. Humphrey – “Bear cub” (Germanic)
  19. Arth – “Bear” (Welsh)
  20. Bertram – “Bright raven” (English)
  21. Evan – “Young warrior” (Welsh)
  22. Bernard – “Brave bear” (Germanic)
  23. Doug – “Dark water” (Scottish)
  24. Arnie – “Eagle power” (English)
  25. Eamon – “Guardian” (Irish)
  26. Bram – “Raven” (English)
  27. Colby – “Dark settlement” (English)
  28. Gunnar – “Warrior” (Norse)
  29. Brady – “Broad” (English)
  30. Cade – “Barrel” (Old English)

Golden Eagle Names

Explore names reflecting the golden hues and majestic aura of these eagles, symbolizing royalty.

  1. Aurelius – “Golden” (Latin)
  2. Goldie – “Golden” (English)
  3. Aurora – “Golden dawn” (Latin)
  4. Sol – “Sun” (Latin)
  5. Sunny – “Bright” (English)
  6. Citrine – “Yellow gemstone” (English)
  7. Amber – “Fossilized tree resin” (English)
  8. Topaz – “Gemstone” (Greek)
  9. Helios – “Sun” (Greek)
  10. Apollo – “God of the sun” (Greek)
  11. Dawn – “Early morning” (English)
  12. Saffron – “Yellow spice” (English)
  13. Blaze – “Bright flame” (English)
  14. Tawny – “Yellowish-brown” (English)
  15. Lionel – “Young lion” (English)
  16. Leo – “Lion” (Latin)
  17. Goldwin – “Golden friend” (English)
  18. Gilbert – “Bright pledge” (Germanic)
  19. Flavian – “Golden-haired” (Latin)
  20. Sullivan – “Dark-eyed” (English)
  21. Darcy – “Dark” (French)
  22. Flavius – “Yellow hair” (Latin)
  23. Aurelian – “Golden” (Latin)
  24. Conan – “Hound” (Irish)
  25. Bronte – “Thunder” (Greek)
  26. Castor – “Beaver” (Greek)
  27. Barnabas – “Son of consolation” (Aramaic)
  28. Darius – “Possessing goodness” (Greek)
  29. Oberon – “Noble bear” (English)
  30. Midas – “King” (Greek)

Auburn Eagle Names

Find names inspired by warm, earthy tones, perfect for eagles exuding warmth and strength.

  1. Rusty – “Reddish-brown” (English)
  2. Copper – “Metallic reddish-brown” (English)
  3. Scarlet – “Bright red” (English)
  4. Ginger – “Reddish-orange” (English)
  5. Ruby – “Red gemstone” (English)
  6. Amber – “Fossilized tree resin” (English)
  7. Carmine – “Bright red” (Italian)
  8. Sienna – “Orange-red” (Italian)
  9. Mahogany – “Reddish-brown wood” (English)
  10. Crimson – “Deep red” (English)
  11. Burgundy – “Red wine” (English)
  12. Brick – “Reddish-brown” (English)
  13. Cherry – “Red fruit” (English)
  14. Claret – “Red wine” (French)
  15. Henna – “Red dye” (Arabic)
  16. Rufus – “Red-haired” (Latin)
  17. Rohan – “Red” (Sanskrit)
  18. Rory – “Red king” (Irish)
  19. Aurelia – “Golden” (Latin)
  20. Maple – “Type of tree” (English)
  21. Peony – “Flower” (Greek)
  22. Primrose – “First rose” (Latin)
  23. Heather – “Flowering shrub” (English)
  24. Zinnia – “Flower” (German)
  25. Azalea – “Flower” (Greek)
  26. Lavender – “Purple flower” (Latin)
  27. Cypress – “Type of tree” (Latin)
  28. Petunia – “Flower” (French)
  29. Blossom – “Flower” (English)
  30. Wisteria – “Flowering vine” (English)

Great Eagle Names

Delve into names capturing the greatness and magnificence of eagles, suited for those embodying grandeur.

great eagle names
  1. Magnus – “Great” (Latin)
  2. Maximus – “Greatest” (Latin)
  3. Titan – “Powerful” (Greek)
  4. Majestic – “Royal” (English)
  5. Colossus – “Giant” (Greek)
  6. Mighty – “Strong” (English)
  7. Hero – “Courageous” (Greek)
  8. Champion – “Victor” (French)
  9. Legend – “Fabled” (English)
  10. Atlas – “Enduring” (Greek)
  11. Augustus – “Majestic” (Latin)
  12. Braveheart – “Valiant” (English)
  13. Viking – “Seafarer” (Old Norse)
  14. Caesar – “Thick head of hair” (Latin)
  15. Conqueror – “Victorious” (French)
  16. Duke – “Noble leader” (English)
  17. Emperor – “Commanding” (Latin)
  18. Goliath – “Great” (Hebrew)
  19. Hercules – “Glory of Hera” (Greek)
  20. Honor – “Dignified” (English)
  21. Indomitable – “Unconquerable” (English)
  22. King – “Ruler” (English)
  23. Knight – “Warrior” (English)
  24. Noble – “Honorable” (English)
  25. Patriot – “Lover of country” (English)
  26. Prince – “Royal son” (English)
  27. Stalwart – “Strong and brave” (English)
  28. Valiant – “Courageous” (English)
  29. Victor – “Winner” (Latin)
  30. Warrior – “Fighter” (English)

Big Bear Eagle Names

Explore names that combine the strength of bears with the majesty of eagles. These names reflect power and grace, perfect for eagles that command respect in the wild. Discover this unique blend of symbolism and natural beauty.

  1. Bruin – “Brown bear” (Dutch)
  2. Grizzly – “Grey” or “grizzled” (English)
  3. Kodiak – “Island” (Russian)
  4. Ursus – “Bear” (Latin)
  5. Teddy – “Divine gift” (English)
  6. Honey – “Sweet” (English)
  7. Cub – “Young bear” (English)
  8. Fuzzy – “Soft” (English)
  9. Woody – “From the wood” (English)
  10. Smokey – “Emitting smoke” (English)
  11. Roary – “Famous” (English)
  12. Snuggle – “Cosy” (English)
  13. Brownie – “Brown” (English)
  14. Huggy – “Affectionate” (English)
  15. Bearington – “Bear town” (English)
  16. Paddington – “Padda’s town” (English)
  17. Snuggles – “Cozy” (English)
  18. Paws – “Feet” (English)
  19. Beary – “Bear” (English)
  20. Cinnamon – “Spice” (English)
  21. Bearclaw – “Bear claw” (English)
  22. Tundra – “Land where trees cannot grow” (Finnish)
  23. Yogi – “Of the yogi” (English)
  24. Kuma – “Bear” (Japanese)
  25. Polar – “Pole” (English)
  26. Gummy – “Chewy” (English)
  27. Winnie – “Fair one” (English)
  28. Buddy – “Friend” (English)
  29. Fozzie – “Bear cub” (English)
  30. Baloo – “Bear” (Hindi)

Eagle Names Pet

Discover names perfect for pet eagles, reflecting their unique bond with humans and playful personalities.

  1. Skye – “Sheltering” (Scottish)
  2. Feather – “Bird plumage” (English)
  3. Piper – “Flute player” (English)
  4. Echo – “Sound reflection” (Greek)
  5. Sunny – “Bright” (English)
  6. Wings – “Organ of flight” (English)
  7. Rocket – “Distaff” (English)
  8. Breeze – “Light wind” (English)
  9. Comet – “Long-haired star” (English)
  10. Misty – “Covered in mist” (English)
  11. Spirit – “Soul” (English)
  12. Whisper – “Low voice” (English)
  13. Blaze – “Light” (English)
  14. Aurora – “Dawn” (Latin)
  15. Arrow – “Projectile” (English)
  16. Rainbow – “Bent light” (English)
  17. Star – “Celestial body” (English)
  18. Maverick – “Unbranded calf” (English)
  19. Storm – “Tempest” (English)
  20. Raven – “Blackbird” (English)
  21. Dusty – “Covered in dust” (English)
  22. Petal – “Flower leaf” (English)
  23. Ripple – “Small wave” (English)
  24. Jasper – “Treasurer” (English)
  25. Copper – “Metal” (English)
  26. Juniper – “Evergreen shrub” (English)
  27. Willow – “Graceful” (English)
  28. Luna – “Moon” (Latin)
  29. Peaches – “Fruit” (English)
  30. Whiskers – “Bristle” (English)

Eagle Names Girl

Find names celebrating the elegance and beauty of female eagles, embodying grace and strength.

  1. Aria – “Melody” (Italian)
  2. Luna – “Moon” (Latin)
  3. Willow – “Graceful” (English)
  4. Skye – “Sheltering” (Scottish)
  5. Nova – “New” (Latin)
  6. Ruby – “Red gemstone” (English)
  7. Ivy – “Climbing plant” (English)
  8. Sage – “Wise” (English)
  9. Lily – “Flower” (English)
  10. Stella – “Star” (Latin)
  11. Pearl – “Precious” (English)
  12. Daisy – “Day’s eye” (English)
  13. Poppy – “Red flower” (Latin)
  14. Hazel – “Hazelnut tree” (English)
  15. Bella – “Beautiful” (Italian)
  16. Fern – “Fern plant” (English)
  17. Jasmine – “Fragrant flower” (Persian)
  18. Violet – “Purple flower” (English)
  19. Ella – “Light” (Greek)
  20. Cora – “Maiden” (Greek)
  21. Amber – “Fossilized tree resin” (English)
  22. Wren – “Small bird” (English)
  23. Iris – “Rainbow” (Greek)
  24. Aurora – “Dawn” (Latin)
  25. Lyra – “Lyre” (Greek)
  26. Meadow – “Field” (English)
  27. Olive – “Peace” (Latin)
  28. Rosa – “Rose” (Latin)
  29. Elara – “Bright” (Greek)
  30. Clara – “Clear” (Latin)

Big Bear Bald Eagle Names

Explore names honoring rare bald eagles, combining bear strength with iconic symbolism.

  1. Bearclaw – “Bear claw” (English)
  2. Grizzly – “Grey” or “grizzled” (English)
  3. Kodiak – “Island” (Russian)
  4. Bruin – “Brown bear” (Dutch)
  5. Teddy – “Divine gift” (English)
  6. Honey – “Sweet” (English)
  7. Ursus – “Bear” (Latin)
  8. Cub – “Young bear” (English)
  9. Smokey – “Emitting smoke” (English)
  10. Fuzzy – “Soft” (English)
  11. Woody – “From the wood” (English)
  12. Brownie – “Brown” (English)
  13. Cinnamon – “Spice” (English)
  14. Huggy – “Affectionate” (English)
  15. Snuggle – “Cosy” (English)
  16. Paddington – “Padda’s town” (English)
  17. Snuggles – “Cozy” (English)
  18. Beary – “Bear” (English)
  19. Baloo – “Bear” (Hindi)
  20. Paws – “Feet” (English)
  21. Bearington – “Bear town” (English)
  22. Yogi – “Of the yogi” (English)
  23. Fozzie – “Bear cub” (English)
  24. Polar – “Pole” (English)
  25. Gummy – “Chewy” (English)
  26. Buddy – “Friend” (English)
  27. Winnie – “Fair one” (English)
  28. Tundra – “Land where trees cannot grow” (Finnish)
  29. Kuma – “Bear” (Japanese)
  30. Rocket – “Distaff” (English)

Best Eagle Names

Uncover names that stand out as the best, reflecting the essence of eagles in their remarkable forms.

  1. Valor – “Bravery” (English)
  2. Majestic – “Regal and impressive” (English)
  3. Phoenix – “Mythical bird of fire” (Greek)
  4. Aquila – “Eagle” (Latin)
  5. Zeus – “God of the sky” (Greek)
  6. Thorondor – “King of Eagles” (Sindarin)
  7. Liberty – “Freedom” (English)
  8. Solstice – “Turning point of the sun” (English)
  9. Serenity – “Peaceful state” (English)
  10. Raptor – “Bird of prey” (English)
  11. Aether – “Upper air” (Greek)
  12. Quicksilver – “Mercury” (English)
  13. Onyx – “Black gemstone” (English)
  14. Storm – “Violent weather disturbance” (English)
  15. Blaze – “Intense fire” (English)
  16. Nimbus – “Rain cloud” (Latin)
  17. Orion – “Hunter” (Greek)
  18. Aurora – “Dawn” (Latin)
  19. Gryphon – “Legendary creature with eagle features” (Greek)
  20. Warden – “Guardian” (English)
  21. Zephyr – “Gentle wind” (Greek)
  22. Echo – “Reflection of sound” (Greek)
  23. Cascade – “Waterfall” (English)
  24. Ember – “Small piece of burning coal” (English)
  25. Icarus – “Legendary figure who flew too close to the sun” (Greek)
  26. Nova – “New star” (Latin)
  27. Blizzard – “Severe snowstorm” (English)
  28. Harmony – “Agreement and accord” (English)
  29. Jupiter – “King of the Roman gods” (Latin)
  30. Rune – “Secret” (Old Norse)

Philippine Eagle Names

Explore names inspired by the magnificent Philippine eagle, celebrating its unique characteristics.

  1. Haribon – “King of the birds” (Tagalog)
  2. Diwata – “Fairy” (Tagalog)
  3. Agila – “Eagle” (Filipino)
  4. Lakandiwa – “Chief” (Tagalog)
  5. Haring Ibon – “King bird” (Filipino)
  6. Kalawak – “Vast” (Tagalog)
  7. Dayap – “Lemon” (Tagalog)
  8. Sugilanon – “Legend” (Visayan)
  9. Dagat – “Sea” (Tagalog)
  10. Pamana – “Heritage” (Filipino)
  11. Punongkahoy – “Tree” (Filipino)
  12. Lupang Hinirang – “Chosen land” (Filipino)
  13. Katutubo – “Native” (Filipino)
  14. Kabuhayan – “Livelihood” (Tagalog)
  15. Pangunahing Ibon – “Primary bird” (Filipino)
  16. Likas – “Natural” (Tagalog)
  17. Bukid – “Mountain” (Filipino)
  18. Pilipinas – “Philippines” (Filipino)
  19. Sagisag – “Symbol” (Tagalog)
  20. Munting Pugad – “Small nest” (Filipino)
  21. Lakad – “Walk” (Filipino)
  22. Bayanihan – “Community spirit” (Tagalog)
  23. Kagubatan – “Forest” (Filipino)
  24. Pamayanan – “Community” (Filipino)
  25. Bathala – “Supreme god” (Filipino)
  26. Kultura – “Culture” (Filipino)
  27. Lahi – “Lineage” (Filipino)
  28. Pag-ibig – “Love” (Filipino)
  29. Kapayapaan – “Peace” (Filipino)
  30. Dagat-dagatan – “Bay” (Filipino)

Eagle Names in Different Languages

Embark on a linguistic journey with eagle names from around the world, each with cultural flair.

  1. Adler – “Eagle” (German)
  2. Águila – “Eagle” (Spanish)
  3. Aigle – “Eagle” (French)
  4. Orël – “Eagle” (Russian)
  5. Aquila – “Eagle” (Italian)
  6. 鷲 (Washi) – “Eagle” (Japanese)
  7. Águia – “Eagle” (Portuguese)
  8. Örn – “Eagle” (Swedish)
  9. Orzeł – “Eagle” (Polish)
  10. النسر (Alnasr) – “Eagle” (Arabic)
  11. 鹰 (Yīng) – “Eagle” (Chinese)
  12. Arn – “Eagle” (Icelandic)
  13. Орел (Orel) – “Eagle” (Ukrainian)
  14. Elang – “Eagle” (Indonesian)
  15. Αετός (Aetós) – “Eagle” (Greek)
  16. Arend – “Eagle” (Dutch)
  17. கழுகு (Kazhugu) – “Eagle” (Tamil)
  18. Орёл (Oryol) – “Eagle” (Belarusian)
  19. Sas – “Eagle” (Norwegian)
  20. 鷲 (Washi) – “Eagle” (Japanese)
  21. Águila – “Eagle” (Spanish)
  22. 鹰 (Yīng) – “Eagle” (Chinese)
  23. Örn – “Eagle” (Swedish)
  24. Orzeł – “Eagle” (Polish)
  25. النسر (Alnasr) – “Eagle” (Arabic)
  26. கழுகு (Kazhugu) – “Eagle” (Tamil)
  27. Aquila – “Eagle” (Italian)
  28. Αετός (Aetós) – “Eagle” (Greek)
  29. Орел (Orel) – “Eagle” (Ukrainian)
  30. Elang – “Eagle” (Indonesian)

Eagle Breed Names

Discover names highlighting diverse eagle breeds, from majestic golden eagles to iconic bald eagles.

  1. Golden – “Golden eagle” (English)
  2. Harpy – “Harpy eagle” (English)
  3. Crowned – “Crowned eagle” (English)
  4. Steppe – “Steppe eagle” (English)
  5. Wedge – “Wedge-tailed eagle” (English)
  6. White-tailed – “White-tailed eagle” (English)
  7. Booted – “Booted eagle” (English)
  8. Short-toed – “Short-toed eagle” (English)
  9. Spanish – “Spanish imperial eagle” (English)
  10. Philippine – “Philippine eagle” (English)
  11. Tawny – “Tawny eagle” (English)
  12. Steller’s – “Steller’s sea eagle” (English)
  13. Crested – “Crested eagle” (English)
  14. Crowned – “Crowned solitary eagle” (English)
  15. Bonelli’s – “Bonelli’s eagle” (English)
  16. Steppe – “Steppe eagle” (English)
  17. White-bellied – “White-bellied sea eagle” (English)
  18. Australian – “Australian wedge-tailed eagle” (English)
  19. Grey-headed – “Grey-headed fish eagle” (English)
  20. Martial – “Martial eagle” (English)
  21. African – “African fish eagle” (English)
  22. Verreaux’s – “Verreaux’s eagle” (English)
  23. Wallace’s – “Wallace’s hawk-eagle” (English)
  24. Black – “Black-chested buzzard-eagle” (English)
  25. Greater – “Greater spotted eagle” (English)
  26. Imperial – “Imperial eagle” (English)
  27. Ayres’s – “Ayres’s hawk-eagle” (English)
  28. Black-and-chestnut – “Black-and-chestnut eagle” (English)
  29. Booted – “Booted eagle” (English)
  30. Wedge – “Wedge-tailed eagle” (English)

Eagle Baby Names

Explore names perfect for young eagles, capturing innocence and potential as they grow.

  1. Fledgling – “Young eagle” (English)
  2. Nestling – “Eagle chick” (English)
  3. Hatchling – “Recently hatched eagle” (English)
  4. Eglet – “Eagle nestling” (English)
  5. Chick – “Baby eagle” (English)
  6. Junior – “Young eagle” (English)
  7. Cub – “Eagle cub” (English)
  8. Poult – “Young eagle” (English)
  9. Weanling – “Recently weaned eagle” (English)
  10. Neophyte – “Novice eagle” (English)
  11. Youth – “Young eagle” (English)
  12. Toddler – “Young eagle” (English)
  13. Infant – “Baby eagle” (English)
  14. Pup – “Eagle pup” (English)
  15. Calf – “Young eagle” (English)
  16. Kit – “Young eagle” (English)
  17. Lamb – “Young eagle” (English)
  18. Foal – “Young eagle” (English)
  19. Calf – “Young eagle” (English)
  20. Pup – “Eagle pup” (English)
  21. Chick – “Baby eagle” (English)
  22. Poult – “Young eagle” (English)
  23. Fledgling – “Young eagle” (English)
  24. Eglet – “Eagle nestling” (English)
  25. Junior – “Young eagle” (English)
  26. Nestling – “Eagle chick” (English)
  27. Hatchling – “Recently hatched eagle” (English)
  28. Chick – “Baby eagle” (English)
  29. Neophyte – “Novice eagle” (English)
  30. Weanling – “Recently weaned eagle” (English)

Eagle Biological Names

Learn about eagle scientific names, reflecting their taxonomy and biological classification.

  1. Aquila chrysaetos – “Golden eagle” (Scientific)
  2. Haliaeetus leucocephalus – “Bald eagle” (Scientific)
  3. Aquila audax – “Wedge-tailed eagle” (Scientific)
  4. Harpyopsis novaeguineae – “New Guinea harpy eagle” (Scientific)
  5. Aquila nipalensis – “Steppe eagle” (Scientific)
  6. Aquila rapax – “Tawny eagle” (Scientific)
  7. Aquila verreauxii – “Verreaux’s eagle” (Scientific)
  8. Haliaeetus albicilla – “White-tailed eagle” (Scientific)
  9. Aquila fasciata – “Bonelli’s eagle” (Scientific)
  10. Aquila pomarina – “Lesser spotted eagle” (Scientific)
  11. Pithecophaga jefferyi – “Philippine eagle” (Scientific)
  12. Haliaeetus pelagicus – “Steller’s sea eagle” (Scientific)
  13. Aquila heliaca – “Eastern imperial eagle” (Scientific)
  14. Aquila clanga – “Greater spotted eagle” (Scientific)
  15. Aquila africana – “Crowned eagle” (Scientific)
  16. Aquila pennata – “Booted eagle” (Scientific)
  17. Aquila adalberti – “Spanish imperial eagle” (Scientific)
  18. Aquila nipalensis – “Steppe eagle” (Scientific)
  19. Aquila adalberti – “Spanish imperial eagle” (Scientific)
  20. Aquila fasciata – “Bonelli’s eagle” (Scientific)
  21. Aquila pomarina – “Lesser spotted eagle” (Scientific)
  22. Pithecophaga jefferyi – “Philippine eagle” (Scientific)
  23. Aquila heliaca – “Eastern imperial eagle” (Scientific)
  24. Aquila rapax – “Tawny eagle” (Scientific)
  25. Haliaeetus leucocephalus – “Bald eagle” (Scientific)
  26. Aquila verreauxii – “Verreaux’s eagle” (Scientific)
  27. Haliaeetus albicilla – “White-tailed eagle” (Scientific)
  28. Aquila audax – “Wedge-tailed eagle” (Scientific)
  29. Harpyopsis novaeguineae – “New Guinea harpy eagle” (Scientific)
  30. Aquila chrysaetos – “Golden eagle” (Scientific)

Eagle Cartoon Names

Enjoy names inspired by animated eagles, adding whimsy to beloved fictional characters.

  1. Feather – “Eagle character” (English)
  2. Skye – “Cartoon eagle” (English)
  3. Talon – “Eagle character” (English)
  4. Swoop – “Animated eagle” (English)
  5. Whisker – “Eagle character” (English)
  6. Falcon – “Animated eagle” (English)
  7. Flap – “Cartoon eagle” (English)
  8. Screech – “Eagle character” (English)
  9. Glide – “Animated eagle” (English)
  10. Wing – “Cartoon eagle” (English)
  11. Raptor – “Animated eagle” (English)
  12. Beak – “Eagle character” (English)
  13. Preen – “Cartoon eagle” (English)
  14. Swift – “Animated eagle” (English)
  15. Perch – “Eagle character” (English)
  16. Gyrfalcon – “Cartoon eagle” (English)
  17. Sky – “Animated eagle” (English)
  18. Glare – “Eagle character” (English)
  19. Soar – “Cartoon eagle” (English)
  20. Hover – “Animated eagle” (English)
  21. Nest – “Eagle character” (English)
  22. Plume – “Cartoon eagle” (English)
  23. Talon – “Animated eagle” (English)
  24. Falcon – “Eagle character” (English)
  25. Swoop – “Cartoon eagle” (English)
  26. Whisker – “Animated eagle” (English)
  27. Screech – “Eagle character” (English)
  28. Feather – “Cartoon eagle” (English)
  29. Flap – “Animated eagle” (English)
  30. Skye – “Eagle character” (English)

Eagle Common Names

Discover names commonly used for eagles worldwide, reflecting their widespread recognition.

eagle common name
  1. Bald – “Bald eagle” (English)
  2. Golden – “Golden eagle” (English)
  3. Crowned – “Crowned eagle” (English)
  4. Steppe – “Steppe eagle” (English)
  5. Wedge-tailed – “Wedge-tailed eagle” (English)
  6. White-tailed – “White-tailed eagle” (English)
  7. Booted – “Booted eagle” (English)
  8. Tawny – “Tawny eagle” (English)
  9. Steller’s – “Steller’s sea eagle” (English)
  10. Bonelli’s – “Bonelli’s eagle” (English)
  11. Lesser – “Lesser spotted eagle” (English)
  12. Spanish – “Spanish imperial eagle” (English)
  13. African – “African fish eagle” (English)
  14. Verreaux’s – “Verreaux’s eagle” (English)
  15. Ayres’s – “Ayres’s hawk-eagle” (English)
  16. Black-chested – “Black-chested buzzard-eagle” (English)
  17. Greater – “Greater spotted eagle” (English)
  18. Imperial – “Imperial eagle” (English)
  19. Philippine – “Philippine eagle” (English)
  20. Harpy – “Harpy eagle” (English)
  21. Crested – “Crested eagle” (English)
  22. Harpy – “Harpy eagle” (English)
  23. Crowned – “Crowned solitary eagle” (English)
  24. Booted – “Booted eagle” (English)
  25. Wedge – “Wedge-tailed eagle” (English)
  26. White-tailed – “White-tailed eagle” (English)
  27. Booted – “Booted eagle” (English)
  28. Tawny – “Tawny eagle” (English)
  29. Golden – “Golden eagle” (English)
  30. Bald – “Bald eagle” (English)

Eagle Fantasy Names

Immerse yourself in names evoking magic and wonder, perfect for mythical eagles.

  1. Aetherwing – “Celestial eagle” (English)
  2. Blazeclaw – “Eagle wreathed in flames” (English)
  3. Everglow – “Eternal radiance” (English)
  4. Stormchaser – “Eagle pursuing tempests” (English)
  5. Moonbeam – “Beam of moonlight” (English)
  6. Starshower – “Shower of stellar light” (English)
  7. Frostbite – “Freezing bite” (English)
  8. Silvermoon – “Silvery moon glow” (English)
  9. Thunderstrike – “Forceful thunderbolt” (English)
  10. Crystalfeather – “Feather adorned with crystals” (English)
  11. Emberheart – “Heart of burning embers” (English)
  12. Aurorawing – “Wings reflecting northern lights” (English)
  13. Swiftblade – “Swift blade in flight” (English)
  14. Shadowmist – “Mist cloaked in shadows” (English)
  15. Duskwing – “Wings of twilight” (English)
  16. Soulfire – “Fiery essence” (English)
  17. Whisperwind – “Wind whispering softly” (English)
  18. Starlight – “Light of distant stars” (English)
  19. Eclipsesong – “Song during an eclipse” (English)
  20. Celestia – “Heavenly eagle” (English)
  21. Echohawk – “Hawk echoing through valleys” (English)
  22. Luminara – “Luminous eagle” (English)
  23. Aetherwing – “Celestial eagle” (English)
  24. Blazeclaw – “Eagle wreathed in flames” (English)
  25. Everglow – “Eternal radiance” (English)
  26. Stormchaser – “Eagle pursuing tempests” (English)
  27. Moonbeam – “Beam of moonlight” (English)
  28. Starshower – “Shower of stellar light” (English)
  29. Frostbite – “Freezing bite” (English)
  30. Silvermoon – “Silvery moon glow” (English)

Eagle Nicknames

Explore playful nicknames for eagles, reflecting their unique personalities and bonds with humans.

  1. Bolt – “Jolt of lightning” (English)
  2. Ripple – “Small wave” (English)
  3. Raven – “Black bird” (English)
  4. Dash – “Quick run” (English)
  5. Glimmer – “Faint light” (English)
  6. Flicker – “Momentary flash” (English)
  7. Nova – “Star that suddenly increases in brightness” (English)
  8. Echo – “Reverberating sound” (English)
  9. Swift – “Fast movement” (English)
  10. Zephyr – “Gentle breeze” (English)
  11. Blitz – “Quick attack” (English)
  12. Sparrow – “Small bird” (English)
  13. Glide – “Smooth flight” (English)
  14. Dusk – “Evening twilight” (English)
  15. Whisper – “Soft spoken” (English)
  16. Pulse – “Beat or rhythm” (English)
  17. Swoop – “Sudden descent” (English)
  18. Vortex – “Whirling mass” (English)
  19. Hawk – “Bird of prey” (English)
  20. Rogue – “Dishonest person” (English)
  21. Bolt – “Jolt of lightning” (English)
  22. Ripple – “Small wave” (English)
  23. Raven – “Black bird” (English)
  24. Dash – “Quick run” (English)
  25. Glimmer – “Faint light” (English)
  26. Flicker – “Momentary flash” (English)
  27. Nova – “Star that suddenly increases in brightness” (English)
  28. Echo – “Reverberating sound” (English)
  29. Swift – “Fast movement” (English)
  30. Zephyr – “Gentle breeze” (English)

Eagle Name Scientific

Delve into the precise scientific names of eagles, revealing their taxonomic classifications.

  1. Aquila heliaca – “Imperial eagle” (Scientific)
  2. Hieraaetus pennatus – “Booted eagle” (Scientific)
  3. Pithecophaga jefferyi – “Philippine eagle” (Scientific)
  4. Spizaetus ornatus – “Ornate hawk-eagle” (Scientific)
  5. Aquila rapax – “Tawny eagle” (Scientific)
  6. Harpyopsis novaeguineae – “New Guinea harpy eagle” (Scientific)
  7. Morphnus guianensis – “Crested eagle” (Scientific)
  8. Aquila audax – “Wedge-tailed eagle” (Scientific)
  9. Harpyhaliaetus coronatus – “Crowned solitary eagle” (Scientific)
  10. Aquila chrysaetos – “Golden eagle” (Scientific)
  11. Gampsonyx swainsonii – “Pearl kite” (Scientific)
  12. Pithecophaga jefferyi – “Philippine eagle” (Scientific)
  13. Spizaetus tyrannus – “Black hawk-eagle” (Scientific)
  14. Aquila chrysaetos – “Golden eagle” (Scientific)
  15. Aquila rapax – “Tawny eagle” (Scientific)
  16. Hieraaetus morphnoides – “Little eagle” (Scientific)
  17. Harpyhaliaetus solitarius – “Solitary eagle” (Scientific)
  18. Aquila chrysaetos – “Golden eagle” (Scientific)
  19. Spizaetus tyrannus – “Black hawk-eagle” (Scientific)
  20. Morphnus guianensis – “Crested eagle” (Scientific)
  21. Aquila audax – “Wedge-tailed eagle” (Scientific)
  22. Aquila heliaca – “Imperial eagle” (Scientific)
  23. Aquila rapax – “Tawny eagle” (Scientific)
  24. Harpyhaliaetus solitarius – “Solitary eagle” (Scientific)
  25. Hieraaetus pennatus – “Booted eagle” (Scientific)
  26. Spizaetus ornatus – “Ornate hawk-eagle” (Scientific)
  27. Harpyopsis novaeguineae – “New Guinea harpy eagle” (Scientific)
  28. Aquila chrysaetos – “Golden eagle” (Scientific)
  29. Morphnus guianensis – “Crested eagle” (Scientific)
  30. Aquila audax – “Wedge-tailed eagle” (Scientific)

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