360 Half Elf Names with Their Meanings

half elf names

Half-elves are special beings with both human and elf parents. This mix gives them unique traits from each side. They often look beautiful like elves but can be adaptable like humans.

Half-elves can fit into both worlds, making friends in each community. Their lives combine different cultures, helping them understand others better. This blend often leads them on interesting adventures as they explore where they belong.

Let’s check out these Half Elf names together and find the one that suits your favorite one!

5 Interesting Facts About Half-elves

Mixed Heritage: Half-elves are special because they have one human parent and one elf parent. This gives them unique traits from both sides.

Lifespan: They usually live longer than humans, often reaching about 180 years, but they don’t live as long as elves.

Cultural Adaptability: Half-elves are great at fitting into both human and elf communities. This helps them make friends and act as good peacemakers.

Unique Abilities: They often have sharp senses and quick movements, like elves. They also share the creativity and strong spirit of humans.

Quest for Identity: Many half-elves search for where they truly belong, leading them on personal adventures to understand themselves better.

Discover a delightful collection of fairy names for your magical character or little fairy friend.

How to Pick a Name for Half-elves?

Mix Cultures: Try blending human and elf names to create something special. For instance, you could take a common human name and give it an elven twist.

Think About Meaning: Consider what the name means. A name with a good meaning can add depth to your character.

Say It Aloud: Once you have a name in mind, say it out loud. It should be easy to say and sound nice.

Think About Background: Consider the character’s history. Do they feel closer to their human side or their elf side? This can help guide your choice.

Keep It Simple: Choose a name that’s easy to remember. Complicated names can be hard for others to use.

Look for Inspiration: Check out books, movies, or games with half-elf characters. You might discover a name you like!

You may discover the unique faun names that come from other creatures.

Half Elf Names

Explore a charming variety of names for your half-elf characters. These names range from timeless classics to unique finds, perfect for adding personality and depth to your fantasy settings.

  1. Arlen – “Pledge” (Irish)
  2. Caelum – “Sky” (Latin)
  3. Eldrin – “Old wise ruler” (English)
  4. Fionn – “Fair” (Irish)
  5. Galen – “Calm” (Greek)
  6. Hale – “Hero” (English)
  7. Ilan – “Tree” (Hebrew)
  8. Jorin – “Farmer” (German)
  9. Kael – “Mighty warrior” (Gaelic)
  10. Lorien – “Dream” (Sindarin Elvish)
  11. Maelis – “Prince” (Old French)
  12. Niren – “Plowman” (German)
  13. Orrin – “River” (Irish)
  14. Phelan – “Wolf” (Irish)
  15. Quillan – “Cub” (Irish)
  16. Rylan – “Island meadow” (English)
  17. Sorin – “Thunder” (Romanian)
  18. Theron – “Hunter” (Greek)
  19. Ullin – “Youthful” (Irish)
  20. Viren – “Hero” (Sanskrit)
  21. Wystan – “Battle stone” (Old English)
  22. Xavian – “Bright” (Basque)
  23. Yorin – “Farmer” (German)
  24. Zarek – “May God protect the king” (Slavic)
  25. Aeron – “Berry” (Welsh)
  26. Bran – “Raven” (Irish)
  27. Cael – “Slender” (Irish)
  28. Drake – “Dragon” (English)
  29. Emrys – “Immortal” (Welsh)
  30. Finnian – “Fair” (Irish)

DnD Half Elf Names

Need the perfect name for your Dungeons & Dragons half-elf? Check out this list of names that highlight the rich heritage and mystical appeal of half-elves in your adventures.

  1. Aelrindel – “Lake of stars” (Sindarin Elvish)
  2. Beiro – “Bee” (Sindarin Elvish)
  3. Caeldrim – “Light-bringer” (Sindarin Elvish)
  4. Daejor – “Shadow walker” (Sindarin Elvish)
  5. Elion – “Star” (Quenya Elvish)
  6. Faelar – “Spirit” (Quenya Elvish)
  7. Galinndan – “Moon” (Sindarin Elvish)
  8. Haldir – “Hidden hero” (Sindarin Elvish)
  9. Isilion – “Moon” (Quenya Elvish)
  10. Jhaeros – “Storm” (Sindarin Elvish)
  11. Kaelith – “Mighty” (Quenya Elvish)
  12. Larethian – “Follower of Corellon” (Elvish)
  13. Maelor – “Dreamer” (Sindarin Elvish)
  14. Naeris – “Guardian” (Sindarin Elvish)
  15. Olorin – “Dream” (Quenya Elvish)
  16. Phaendar – “Fire” (Elvish)
  17. Quelanis – “Lady of stars” (Elvish)
  18. Raelith – “Lion” (Elvish)
  19. Silvion – “Woodland” (Sindarin Elvish)
  20. Taerith – “High one” (Elvish)
  21. Ularan – “Noble” (Sindarin Elvish)
  22. Vaelor – “Light” (Sindarin Elvish)
  23. Wynril – “Friend” (Sindarin Elvish)
  24. Xilona – “Gold” (Elvish)
  25. Yalandir – “Ancient” (Sindarin Elvish)
  26. Zaelar – “Sun” (Elvish)
  27. Aenion – “Storm” (Sindarin Elvish)
  28. Briel – “Hunter” (Elvish)
  29. Caerith – “Peaceful” (Elvish)
  30. Druindar – “Dark” (Sindarin Elvish)

Female Half Elf Names

Find the perfect name for your female half-elf character. These names blend strength and grace, capturing the unique qualities of both human and elven ancestry.

  1. Aeliana – “Sun” (Latin)
  2. Briana – “Strong” (Celtic)
  3. Calia – “Beautiful” (Greek)
  4. Daenora – “Wise” (Elvish)
  5. Elaria – “Star” (Elvish)
  6. Faylen – “Joy” (Elvish)
  7. Gwyneth – “Blessed” (Welsh)
  8. Hilaria – “Cheerful” (Latin)
  9. Isolde – “Ice ruler” (German)
  10. Joriel – “Divine” (Hebrew)
  11. Kaelin – “Mighty” (Gaelic)
  12. Lorien – “Dream” (Sindarin Elvish)
  13. Maelis – “Princess” (Old French)
  14. Nerina – “Sea nymph” (Greek)
  15. Orlena – “Golden” (Spanish)
  16. Phariel – “Spark” (Elvish)
  17. Quinara – “Graceful” (Latin)
  18. Reina – “Queen” (Spanish)
  19. Sariel – “Princess” (Hebrew)
  20. Talia – “Blooming” (Hebrew)
  21. Ulrica – “Power of the wolf” (German)
  22. Valeria – “Strong” (Latin)
  23. Wynna – “Fair” (Old English)
  24. Xylia – “From the forest” (Greek)
  25. Yara – “Butterfly” (Arabic)
  26. Zarina – “Golden” (Persian)
  27. Aelith – “Star” (Elvish)
  28. Briala – “Goddess” (Elvish)
  29. Caela – “Mighty” (Gaelic)
  30. Delyth – “Pretty” (Welsh)

Wood Half Elf Names

Wood half-elves have a strong connection to nature. Here are names inspired by forests and trees, reflecting their woodland heritage and love for the natural world.

  1. Aeron – “Mountain of strength” (Welsh)
  2. Bran – “Raven” (Irish)
  3. Cael – “Slender” (Irish)
  4. Dara – “Oak tree” (Hebrew)
  5. Elda – “Wise” (Italian)
  6. Falon – “In charge” (English)
  7. Glen – “Valley” (Scottish)
  8. Hollis – “Near the holly bushes” (English)
  9. Ilan – “Tree” (Hebrew)
  10. Jorin – “Farmer” (German)
  11. Kael – “Mighty warrior” (Gaelic)
  12. Lior – “My light” (Hebrew)
  13. Maelis – “Prince” (Old French)
  14. Niall – “Champion” (Irish)
  15. Orrin – “River” (Irish)
  16. Phelan – “Wolf” (Irish)
  17. Quillan – “Cub” (Irish)
  18. Rylan – “Island meadow” (English)
  19. Sorin – “Thunder” (Romanian)
  20. Theron – “Hunter” (Greek)
  21. Ullin – “Youthful” (Irish)
  22. Viren – “Hero” (Sanskrit)
  23. Wystan – “Battle stone” (Old English)
  24. Xavian – “Bright” (Basque)
  25. Yorin – “Farmer” (German)
  26. Zarek – “May God protect the king” (Slavic)
  27. Aeron – “Berry” (Welsh)
  28. Bran – “Raven” (Irish)
  29. Cael – “Slender” (Irish)
  30. Drake – “Dragon” (English)

High Half Elf Names

High half-elves come from noble lineages with magical abilities. Discover names that convey elegance, wisdom, and the refined charm of a high half-elf.

high half elf names
  1. Aelrindel – “Lake of stars” (Sindarin Elvish)
  2. Beiro – “Bee” (Sindarin Elvish)
  3. Caeldrim – “Light-bringer” (Sindarin Elvish)
  4. Daejor – “Shadow walker” (Sindarin Elvish)
  5. Elion – “Star” (Quenya Elvish)
  6. Faelar – “Spirit” (Quenya Elvish)
  7. Galinndan – “Moon” (Sindarin Elvish)
  8. Haldir – “Hidden hero” (Sindarin Elvish)
  9. Isilion – “Moon” (Quenya Elvish)
  10. Jhaeros – “Storm” (Sindarin Elvish)
  11. Kaelith – “Mighty” (Quenya Elvish)
  12. Larethian – “Follower of Corellon” (Elvish)
  13. Maelor – “Dreamer” (Sindarin Elvish)
  14. Naeris – “Guardian” (Sindarin Elvish)
  15. Olorin – “Dream” (Quenya Elvish)
  16. Phaendar – “Fire” (Elvish)
  17. Quelanis – “Lady of stars” (Elvish)
  18. Raelith – “Lion” (Elvish)
  19. Silvion – “Woodland” (Sindarin Elvish)
  20. Taerith – “High one” (Elvish)
  21. Ularan – “Noble” (Sindarin Elvish)
  22. Vaelor – “Light” (Sindarin Elvish)
  23. Wynril – “Friend” (Sindarin Elvish)
  24. Xilona – “Gold” (Elvish)
  25. Yalandir – “Ancient” (Sindarin Elvish)
  26. Zaelar – “Sun” (Elvish)
  27. Aenion – “Storm” (Sindarin Elvish)
  28. Briel – “Hunter” (Elvish)
  29. Caerith – “Peaceful” (Elvish)
  30. Druindar – “Dark” (Sindarin Elvish)

Male Half Elf Names

Choosing the right name for your male half-elf is essential. This list offers strong and evocative names that highlight the blend of human and elven traits.

  1. Arlen – “Pledge” (Irish)
  2. Caelum – “Sky” (Latin)
  3. Eldrin – “Old wise ruler” (English)
  4. Fionn – “Fair” (Irish)
  5. Galen – “Calm” (Greek)
  6. Hale – “Hero” (English)
  7. Ilan – “Tree” (Hebrew)
  8. Jorin – “Farmer” (German)
  9. Kael – “Mighty warrior” (Gaelic)
  10. Lorien – “Dream” (Sindarin Elvish)
  11. Maelis – “Prince” (Old French)
  12. Niren – “Plowman” (German)
  13. Orrin – “River” (Irish)
  14. Phelan – “Wolf” (Irish)
  15. Quillan – “Cub” (Irish)
  16. Rylan – “Island meadow” (English)
  17. Sorin – “Thunder” (Romanian)
  18. Theron – “Hunter” (Greek)
  19. Ullin – “Youthful” (Irish)
  20. Viren – “Hero” (Sanskrit)
  21. Wystan – “Battle stone” (Old English)
  22. Xavian – “Bright” (Basque)
  23. Yorin – “Farmer” (German)
  24. Zarek – “May God protect the king” (Slavic)
  25. Aeron – “Berry” (Welsh)
  26. Bran – “Raven” (Irish)
  27. Cael – “Slender” (Irish)
  28. Drake – “Dragon” (English)
  29. Emrys – “Immortal” (Welsh)
  30. Finnian – “Fair” (Irish)

Good Half Elf Names

Looking for a name with a positive meaning? This selection features names that embody goodness and heroism, perfect for your noble half-elf character.

  1. Aeliana – “Sun” (Latin)
  2. Briana – “Strong” (Celtic)
  3. Calia – “Beautiful” (Greek)
  4. Daenora – “Wise” (Elvish)
  5. Elaria – “Star” (Elvish)
  6. Faylen – “Joy” (Elvish)
  7. Gwyneth – “Blessed” (Welsh)
  8. Hilaria – “Cheerful” (Latin)
  9. Isolde – “Ice ruler” (German)
  10. Joriel – “Divine” (Hebrew)
  11. Kaelin – “Mighty” (Gaelic)
  12. Lorien – “Dream” (Sindarin Elvish)
  13. Maelis – “Princess” (Old French)
  14. Nerina – “Sea nymph” (Greek)
  15. Orlena – “Golden” (Spanish)
  16. Phariel – “Spark” (Elvish)
  17. Quinara – “Graceful” (Latin)
  18. Reina – “Queen” (Spanish)
  19. Sariel – “Princess” (Hebrew)
  20. Talia – “Blooming” (Hebrew)
  21. Ulrica – “Power of the wolf” (German)
  22. Valeria – “Strong” (Latin)
  23. Wynna – “Fair” (Old English)
  24. Xylia – “From the forest” (Greek)
  25. Yara – “Butterfly” (Arabic)
  26. Zarina – “Golden” (Persian)
  27. Aelith – “Star” (Elvish)
  28. Briala – “Goddess” (Elvish)
  29. Caela – “Mighty” (Gaelic)
  30. Delyth – “Pretty” (Welsh)

Drow Half Elf Names

Drow half-elves have a complex background. Here are names that capture the dark elegance and mystery of their drow heritage, adding depth to your character.

  1. Drizzt – “Unknown” (Drow)
  2. Jarlaxle – “Unknown” (Drow)
  3. Liriel – “Unknown” (Drow)
  4. Malice – “Unknown” (Drow)
  5. Zaknafein – “Unknown” (Drow)
  6. Nathrae – “Unknown” (Drow)
  7. Quilue – “Unknown” (Drow)
  8. Rizzen – “Unknown” (Drow)
  9. Ssapriina – “Unknown” (Drow)
  10. Triel – “Unknown” (Drow)
  11. Viconia – “Unknown” (Drow)
  12. Wulfgar – “Unknown” (Drow)
  13. Xullrae – “Unknown” (Drow)
  14. Yvonnel – “Unknown” (Drow)
  15. Zaranda – “Unknown” (Drow)
  16. Arel – “Unknown” (Drow)
  17. Bregan – “Unknown” (Drow)
  18. Chel – “Unknown” (Drow)
  19. Dhaun – “Unknown” (Drow)
  20. Eilistraee – “Unknown” (Drow)
  21. Felyn – “Unknown” (Drow)
  22. Gromph – “Unknown” (Drow)
  23. Halisstra – “Unknown” (Drow)
  24. Ilharess – “Unknown” (Drow)
  25. Jhaelryna – “Unknown” (Drow)
  26. Kiaransalee – “Unknown” (Drow)
  27. Lledrith – “Unknown” (Drow)
  28. Menzoberranzan – “Unknown” (Drow)
  29. Nadrel – “Unknown” (Drow)
  30. Oolos – “Unknown” (Drow)

Half Elf Names 5e

Creating a half-elf character for Dungeons & Dragons 5th Edition? This list offers a variety of names that fit perfectly into the 5e world, enhancing your gameplay.

half elf names 5e
  1. Aelar – “Warrior” (Elvish)
  2. Brennan – “Raven” (Irish)
  3. Cael – “Slender” (Irish)
  4. Dain – “From Denmark” (Danish)
  5. Eldrin – “Old wise ruler” (English)
  6. Fion – “Fair” (Irish)
  7. Galen – “Calm” (Greek)
  8. Hale – “Hero” (English)
  9. Ilan – “Tree” (Hebrew)
  10. Jorin – “Farmer” (German)
  11. Kael – “Mighty warrior” (Gaelic)
  12. Lorien – “Dream” (Sindarin Elvish)
  13. Maelis – “Prince” (Old French)
  14. Niren – “Plowman” (German)
  15. Orrin – “River” (Irish)
  16. Phelan – “Wolf” (Irish)
  17. Quillan – “Cub” (Irish)
  18. Rylan – “Island meadow” (English)
  19. Sorin – “Thunder” (Romanian)
  20. Theron – “Hunter” (Greek)
  21. Ullin – “Youthful” (Irish)
  22. Viren-“Hero” (Sanskrit)
  23. Wystan – “Battle stone” (Old English)
  24. Xavian – “Bright” (Basque)
  25. Yorin – “Farmer” (German)
  26. Zarek – “May God protect the king” (Slavic)
  27. Aeron – “Berry” (Welsh)
  28. Bran – “Raven” (Irish)
  29. Cael – “Slender” (Irish)
  30. Drake – “Dragon” (English)

BG3 Half Elf Names

For Baldur’s Gate 3 fans, finding the right half-elf name can elevate your gaming experience. Explore names that align with the rich lore of BG3.

  1. Aedan – “Fire” (Gaelic)
  2. Brenna – “Raven” (Irish)
  3. Caelan – “Slender” (Irish)
  4. Dain – “From Denmark” (Danish)
  5. Elwyn – “Elf friend” (Old English)
  6. Fionn – “Fair” (Irish)
  7. Galen – “Calm” (Greek)
  8. Hale – “Hero” (English)
  9. Ilan – “Tree” (Hebrew)
  10. Jorin – “Farmer” (German)
  11. Kael – “Mighty warrior” (Gaelic)
  12. Lorien – “Dream” (Sindarin Elvish)
  13. Maelis – “Prince” (Old French)
  14. Niren – “Plowman” (German)
  15. Orrin – “River” (Irish)
  16. Phelan – “Wolf” (Irish)
  17. Quillan – “Cub” (Irish)
  18. Rylan – “Island meadow” (English)
  19. Sorin – “Thunder” (Romanian)
  20. Theron – “Hunter” (Greek)
  21. Ullin – “Youthful” (Irish)
  22. Viren – “Hero” (Sanskrit)
  23. Wystan – “Battle stone” (Old English)
  24. Xavian – “Bright” (Basque)
  25. Yorin – “Farmer” (German)
  26. Zarek – “May God protect the king” (Slavic)
  27. Aeron – “Berry” (Welsh)
  28. Bran – “Raven” (Irish)
  29. Cael – “Slender” (Irish)
  30. Drake – “Dragon” (English)

Half Elf Names Girl

Naming a girl half-elf character calls for a mix of elegance and strength. This list features meaningful and beautiful names for female half-elves.

  1. Alindra – “Noble serpent” (Elvish)
  2. Brielle – “God is my strength” (French)
  3. Caelia – “Heavenly” (Latin)
  4. Daelia – “Of the valley” (Greek)
  5. Elara – “Shining one” (Greek)
  6. Faylen – “Joyful” (Elvish)
  7. Gwynna – “Blessed” (Welsh)
  8. Halia – “Remembered of the sea” (Greek)
  9. Ilyana – “Tree” (Slavic)
  10. Joriana – “God is gracious” (Hebrew)
  11. Kaelis – “Mighty” (Elvish)
  12. Laelia – “Speaking well” (Latin)
  13. Maelis – “Princess” (Old French)
  14. Naeris – “Protector” (Sindarin Elvish)
  15. Olyndra – “Pure” (Greek)
  16. Phalyn – “Light” (Elvish)
  17. Quinara – “Wise one” (Latin)
  18. Reina – “Queen” (Spanish)
  19. Sariel – “Moon” (Hebrew)
  20. Talia – “Gentle dew from heaven” (Hebrew)
  21. Ullara – “Glory” (Elvish)
  22. Valleria – “Strong” (Latin)
  23. Wynna – “Fair” (Old English)
  24. Xylia – “From the forest” (Greek)
  25. Yara – “Butterfly” (Arabic)
  26. Zarela – “Princess” (Spanish)
  27. Aelith – “Star” (Elvish)
  28. Briala – “Goddess” (Elvish)
  29. Caela – “Mighty” (Gaelic)
  30. Delyth – “Pretty” (Welsh)

Cool Half Elf Names

Looking for a stylish name? Discover cool names that sound modern and sophisticated while maintaining the magical essence of half-elves.

  1. Axel – “Father of peace” (Scandinavian)
  2. Blaze – “Flame” (English)
  3. Cyrus – “Sun” (Persian)
  4. Dax – “Leader” (French)
  5. Ember – “Burning low” (English)
  6. Frost – “Freezing” (English)
  7. Gideon – “Mighty warrior” (Hebrew)
  8. Hawk – “Bird of prey” (English)
  9. Jace – “Healer” (Hebrew)
  10. Kai – “Sea” (Hawaiian)
  11. Lennox – “With many elm trees” (Scottish)
  12. Maverick – “Independent” (English)
  13. Nash – “By the ash tree” (English)
  14. Orion – “Hunter” (Greek)
  15. Phoenix – “Mystical bird” (Greek)
  16. Quinn – “Wise” (Irish)
  17. Ryder – “Horseman” (English)
  18. Sable – “Black” (English)
  19. Talon – “Claw” (English)
  20. Uriah – “God is my light” (Hebrew)
  21. Vesper – “Evening star” (Latin)
  22. Wilder – “Untamed” (English)
  23. Xander – “Defender of the people” (Greek)
  24. Yale – “Fertile upland” (Welsh)
  25. Zephyr – “West wind” (Greek)
  26. Axton – “Stone town” (English)
  27. Briar – “Thorny bush” (English)
  28. Cade – “Round” (English)
  29. Dorian – “Of the sea” (Greek)
  30. Eryk – “Eternal ruler” (Norse)

Half Elf Names Pathfinder

Pathfinder fans, this list is for you. These half-elf names fit seamlessly into the Pathfinder universe, helping you create a memorable character.

  1. Aerith – “Air” (Elvish)
  2. Brielle – “Strong” (French)
  3. Caleon – “Bright” (Elvish)
  4. Daelan – “Shadow” (Elvish)
  5. Eldrin – “Old wise ruler” (English)
  6. Faelan – “Little wolf” (Irish)
  7. Galen – “Calm” (Greek)
  8. Halian – “Joyful” (Elvish)
  9. Ilyndra – “Pure” (Elvish)
  10. Joriel – “Divine” (Hebrew)
  11. Kaelith – “Mighty” (Elvish)
  12. Laerith – “Song” (Elvish)
  13. Maelis – “Prince” (Old French)
  14. Naelis – “Protector” (Elvish)
  15. Orelian – “Golden” (Elvish)
  16. Phaelor – “Light” (Elvish)
  17. Quinlan – “Strong” (Irish)
  18. Raelin – “Graceful” (Elvish)
  19. Sariel – “Moon” (Hebrew)
  20. Taeven – “Swift” (Elvish)
  21. Uldrin – “Noble” (Elvish)
  22. Valen – “Strong” (Latin)
  23. Wynril – “Friend” (Elvish)
  24. Xanthe – “Golden” (Greek)
  25. Yelena – “Shining light” (Russian)
  26. Zalith – “Dark” (Elvish)
  27. Aelion – “Star” (Elvish)
  28. Brenlyn – “Strong” (Elvish)
  29. Cyran – “Moon” (Elvish)
  30. Draylen – “Wise” (Elvish)

DnD 5e Half Elf Names

Create an unforgettable Dungeons & Dragons 5th Edition character with these handpicked half-elf names, designed to fit the diverse world of DnD 5e.

  1. Aelar – “Warrior” (Elvish)
  2. Brennan – “Raven” (Irish)
  3. Cael – “Slender” (Irish)
  4. Dain – “From Denmark” (Danish)
  5. Eldrin – “Old wise ruler” (English)
  6. Fion – “Fair” (Irish)
  7. Galen – “Calm” (Greek)
  8. Hale – “Hero” (English)
  9. Ilan – “Tree” (Hebrew)
  10. Jorin – “Farmer” (German)
  11. Kael – “Mighty warrior” (Gaelic)
  12. Lorien – “Dream” (Sindarin Elvish)
  13. Maelis – “Prince” (Old French)
  14. Niren – “Plowman” (German)
  15. Orrin – “River” (Irish)
  16. Phelan – “Wolf” (Irish)
  17. Quillan – “Cub” (Irish)
  18. Rylan – “Island meadow” (English)
  19. Sorin – “Thunder” (Romanian)
  20. Theron – “Hunter” (Greek)
  21. Ullin – “Youthful” (Irish)
  22. Viren – “Hero” (Sanskrit)
  23. Wystan – “Battle stone” (Old English)
  24. Xavian – “Bright” (Basque)
  25. Yorin – “Farmer” (German)
  26. Zarek – “May God protect the king” (Slavic)
  27. Aeron – “Berry” (Welsh)
  28. Bran – “Raven” (Irish)
  29. Cael – “Slender” (Irish)
  30. Drake – “Dragon” (English)

Gender Neutral Half Elf Names

Inclusivity matters in character creation. Here are gender-neutral names that work beautifully for any half-elf character, offering flexibility and diversity.

  1. Arin – “Mountain of strength” (Irish)
  2. Blair – “Field” (Scottish)
  3. Celyn – “Holly” (Welsh)
  4. Dara – “Oak tree” (Hebrew)
  5. Ellis – “Kind” (Welsh)
  6. Finley – “Fair warrior” (Scottish)
  7. Greer – “Watchful” (Scottish)
  8. Hollis – “Near the holly trees” (English)
  9. Indigo – “Deep blue” (Greek)
  10. Jules – “Youthful” (Latin)
  11. Kai – “Sea” (Hawaiian)
  12. Lennon – “Lover” (Irish)
  13. Morgan – “Sea defender” (Welsh)
  14. Nico – “Victory of the people” (Greek)
  15. Oakley – “Meadow of oak trees” (English)
  16. Peyton – “Village warrior” (English)
  17. Quinn – “Wise” (Irish)
  18. Rowan – “Little red-haired one” (Irish)
  19. Sage – “Wise one” (Latin)
  20. Taylor – “Tailor” (English)
  21. Uriah – “God is my light” (Hebrew)
  22. Vale – “Valley” (English)
  23. Wren – “Small bird” (English)
  24. Xen – “Foreign” (Greek)
  25. Yarrow – “Rough stream” (English)
  26. Zephyr – “West wind” (Greek)
  27. Avery – “Elf ruler” (English)
  28. Briar – “Thorny bush” (English)
  29. Cedar – “Tree” (English)
  30. Dorian – “Of the sea” (Greek)

Half Elf Names Eberron

Eberron offers a rich and complex setting. These names draw inspiration from its unique cultures and histories, perfect for bringing your half-elf character to life.

half elf names eberron
  1. Aldar – “Noble” (Elvish)
  2. Briann – “Strong” (Elvish)
  3. Cyran – “From Cyrandor” (Elvish)
  4. Daelin – “Of the valley” (Elvish)
  5. Elaris – “Star” (Elvish)
  6. Faylen – “Joyful” (Elvish)
  7. Garael – “Blessed” (Elvish)
  8. Halian – “Protector” (Elvish)
  9. Ilyana – “Pure” (Slavic)
  10. Joriel – “Divine” (Hebrew)
  11. Kaelis – “Mighty” (Elvish)
  12. Laelin – “Gift of God” (Elvish)
  13. Maelis – “Prince” (Old French)
  14. Naeris – “Protector” (Elvish)
  15. Orelian – “Golden” (Elvish)
  16. Phaelor – “Light” (Elvish)
  17. Quinlan – “Strong” (Irish)
  18. Raelin – “Graceful” (Elvish)
  19. Sariel – “Moon” (Hebrew)
  20. Taeven – “Swift” (Elvish)
  21. Uldrin – “Noble” (Elvish)
  22. Valen – “Strong” (Latin)
  23. Wynril – “Friend” (Elvish)
  24. Xanthe – “Golden” (Greek)
  25. Yelena – “Shining light” (Russian)
  26. Zalith – “Dark” (Elvish)
  27. Aelion – “Star” (Elvish)
  28. Brenlyn – “Strong” (Elvish)
  29. Cyran – “Moon” (Elvish)
  30. Draylen – “Wise” (Elvish)

Half Elf Names Reddit

Reddit is a goldmine for creative names. Here’s a collection of some of the best half-elf names shared by the imaginative DnD community on Reddit.

  1. Arwen – “Noble maiden” (Elvish)
  2. Balor – “Mighty ruler” (Irish)
  3. Caelum – “Heaven” (Latin)
  4. Daeris – “Of the wind” (Elvish)
  5. Elara – “Shining one” (Greek)
  6. Faylen – “Joyful” (Elvish)
  7. Garael – “Blessed” (Elvish)
  8. Halian – “Protector” (Elvish)
  9. Ilyana – “Pure” (Slavic)
  10. Joriel – “Divine” (Hebrew)
  11. Kaelis – “Mighty” (Elvish)
  12. Laelin – “Gift of God” (Elvish)
  13. Maelis – “Prince” (Old French)
  14. Naeris – “Protector” (Elvish)
  15. Orelian – “Golden” (Elvish)
  16. Phaelor – “Light” (Elvish)
  17. Quinlan – “Strong” (Irish)
  18. Raelin – “Graceful” (Elvish)
  19. Sariel – “Moon” (Hebrew)
  20. Taeven – “Swift” (Elvish)
  21. Uldrin – “Noble” (Elvish)
  22. Valen – “Strong” (Latin)
  23. Wynril – “Friend” (Elvish)
  24. Xanthe – “Golden” (Greek)
  25. Yelena – “Shining light” (Russian)
  26. Zalith – “Dark” (Elvish)
  27. Aelion – “Star” (Elvish)
  28. Brenlyn – “Strong” (Elvish)
  29. Cyran – “Moon” (Elvish)
  30. Draylen – “Wise” (Elvish)

Half Elf Names DnD Beyond

DnD Beyond provides a wealth of resources. This list features some top half-elf names from DnD Beyond, ideal for your next character creation.

  1. Aelar – “Warrior” (Elvish)
  2. Brennan – “Raven” (Irish)
  3. Cael – “Slender” (Irish)
  4. Dain – “From Denmark” (Danish)
  5. Eldrin – “Old wise ruler” (English)
  6. Fion – “Fair” (Irish)
  7. Galen – “Calm” (Greek)
  8. Hale – “Hero” (English)
  9. Ilan – “Tree” (Hebrew)
  10. Jorin – “Farmer” (German)
  11. Kael – “Mighty warrior” (Gaelic)
  12. Lorien – “Dream” (Sindarin Elvish)
  13. Maelis – “Prince” (Old French)
  14. Niren – “Plowman” (German)
  15. Orrin – “River” (Irish)
  16. Phelan – “Wolf” (Irish)
  17. Quillan – “Cub” (Irish)
  18. Rylan – “Island meadow” (English)
  19. Sorin – “Thunder” (Romanian)
  20. Theron – “Hunter” (Greek)
  21. Ullin – “Youthful” (Irish)
  22. Viren – “Hero” (Sanskrit)
  23. Wystan – “Battle stone” (Old English)
  24. Xavian – “Bright” (Basque)
  25. Yorin – “Farmer” (German)
  26. Zarek – “May God protect the king” (Slavic)
  27. Aeron – “Berry” (Welsh)
  28. Bran – “Raven” (Irish)
  29. Cael – “Slender” (Irish)
  30. Drake – “Dragon” (English)

Half Elf Names Dungeons and Dragons

Whether you’re new or experienced, finding the right name is key. This collection offers names that are perfect for half-elves in the expansive world of Dungeons and Dragons.

  1. Aelar – “Warrior” (Elvish)
  2. Brennan – “Raven” (Irish)
  3. Cael – “Slender” (Irish)
  4. Dain – “From Denmark” (Danish)
  5. Eldrin – “Old wise ruler” (English)
  6. Fion – “Fair” (Irish)
  7. Galen – “Calm” (Greek)
  8. Hale – “Hero” (English)
  9. Ilan – “Tree” (Hebrew)
  10. Jorin – “Farmer” (German)
  11. Kael – “Mighty warrior” (Gaelic)
  12. Lorien – “Dream” (Sindarin Elvish)
  13. Maelis – “Prince” (Old French)
  14. Niren – “Plowman” (German)
  15. Orrin – “River” (Irish)
  16. Phelan – “Wolf” (Irish)
  17. Quillan – “Cub” (Irish)
  18. Rylan – “Island meadow” (English)
  19. Sorin – “Thunder” (Romanian)
  20. Theron – “Hunter” (Greek)
  21. Ullin – “Youthful” (Irish)
  22. Viren – “Hero” (Sanskrit)
  23. Wystan – “Battle stone” (Old English)
  24. Xavian – “Bright” (Basque)
  25. Yorin – “Farmer” (German)
  26. Zarek – “May God protect the king” (Slavic)
  27. Aeron – “Berry” (Welsh)
  28. Bran – “Raven” (Irish)
  29. Cael – “Slender” (Irish)
  30. Drake – “Dragon” (English)

Half Elf Names Starting with M

Sometimes the perfect name starts with a specific letter. Here are half-elf names starting with M, each with its unique charm and meaning.

  1. Maelis – “Prince” (Old French)
  2. Mara – “Bitter” (Hebrew)
  3. Maren – “Star of the sea” (Latin)
  4. Mariel – “Star of the sea” (Hebrew)
  5. Marin – “Of the sea” (Latin)
  6. Maris – “Of the sea” (Latin)
  7. Marlin – “Little hawk” (English)
  8. Marsden – “Marsh valley” (English)
  9. Martin – “Warrior” (Latin)
  10. Marven – “Sea friend” (Old English)
  11. Maslin – “Little Thomas” (French)
  12. Maven – “One who understands” (Hebrew)
  13. Maxim – “Greatest” (Latin)
  14. Maxwell – “Great stream” (Scottish)
  15. Maya – “Illusion” (Sanskrit)
  16. Meir – “One who shines” (Hebrew)
  17. Melantha – “Dark flower” (Greek)
  18. Meliora – “Better” (Latin)
  19. Meredith – “Great ruler” (Welsh)
  20. Meriadoc – “Cheerful” (Celtic)
  21. Merrick – “Famous ruler” (Welsh)
  22. Mervin – “Famous friend” (Welsh)
  23. Meryl – “Shining sea” (Welsh)
  24. Mica – “Who is like God?” (Hebrew)
  25. Micah – “Who is like God?” (Hebrew)
  26. Michael – “Who is like God?” (Hebrew)
  27. Mila – “Gracious” (Slavic)
  28. Milo – “Soldier” (Germanic)
  29. Mira – “Wonderful” (Latin)
  30. Myron – “Myrrh” (Greek)

Half Elf Human Names

Half-elves often have names that reflect their human heritage. Explore this list for names that bridge their human and elven sides, adding depth to their character.

half elf human names
  1. Adrian – “Sea” (Latin)
  2. Aiden – “Little fire” (Irish)
  3. Alicia – “Noble” (German)
  4. Asher – “Happy” (Hebrew)
  5. Ava – “Life” (Latin)
  6. Blake – “Dark” (English)
  7. Caden – “Battle” (Welsh)
  8. Caleb – “Faithful” (Hebrew)
  9. Cassandra – “She who entangles men” (Greek)
  10. Chloe – “Blooming” (Greek)
  11. Colin – “Young creature” (Gaelic)
  12. Dylan – “Great tide” (Welsh)
  13. Ella – “Beautiful fairy” (German)
  14. Ethan – “Strong” (Hebrew)
  15. Evelyn – “Desired” (English)
  16. Gabriel – “God is my strength” (Hebrew)
  17. Gavin – “White hawk” (Welsh)
  18. Isabella – “Devoted to God” (Hebrew)
  19. Jackson – “Son of Jack” (English)
  20. Jasper – “Bringer of treasure” (Persian)
  21. Liam – “Strong-willed warrior” (Irish)
  22. Luna – “Moon” (Latin)
  23. Mason – “Stone worker” (English)
  24. Noah – “Rest” (Hebrew)
  25. Oliver – “Olive tree” (Latin)
  26. Penelope – “Weaver” (Greek)
  27. Sophia – “Wisdom” (Greek)
  28. Tyler – “Tile maker” (English)
  29. Violet – “Purple” (Latin)
  30. Wyatt – “Brave in war” (English)

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