900 Merman Names and What They Mean

merman names

Have you heard of Merman? They’re like humans mixed with fish. In stories, merman are strong swimmers with a man’s upper body and a fish’s tail.

They live deep in the sea and are part of myths from different places. People love their magical tales from under the waves.

Let’s check out these Merman names together and find the one that suits your amazing Merman!

5 Interesting Facts About Merman

Half Human, Half Fish: Merman are mythical creatures with a human upper body and the tail of a fish. They’re different from mermaids, who have a human upper body and a fish tail.

Stories from Around the World: Legends of merman appear in myths and stories from many cultures worldwide. Each culture tells unique tales about these creatures and their lives underwater.

Amazing Swimmers: Merman are known for their incredible swimming skills. They’re often described as graceful and agile creatures of the deep sea.

Magical Qualities: In folklore, merman are said to have mesmerizing voices or magical powers. People believed they could charm sailors and travelers with their enchanting abilities.

Cultural Importance: Throughout history, merman have symbolized the mysteries and beauty of the ocean. They’ve inspired art, stories, and even modern interpretations in movies and books.

Have you heard of Fairy? Fairies are tiny, magical creatures found in many stories and myths. Let’s collect unique fairy names and how they can be as interesting as Merman.

How to Pick a Name for Merman?

Think About Mythology: Check out stories or myths that talk about merman. Names from Greek myths, like Triton, or other old stories can give you great ideas.

Consider Their Qualities: What makes your merman special? Is he strong, wise, or graceful? Pick a name that shows these traits.

Give It Meaning: Choose a name that means something important to your merman. It could be about the sea, water, or any quality you like about him.

Easy to Say: Make sure the name is easy to say and sounds nice. This makes it easier for people to remember.

If you like fun and magical creature names, then try name ideas of faun.

Merman Names

Step into a world of enchanting names inspired by the sea’s depths, each capturing the wonder and mystery of underwater realms.

  1. Azure – “Bright blue” (English)
  2. Neptune – “God of the sea” (Latin)
  3. Coralis – “Coral” (Latin)
  4. Aqua – “Water” (Latin)
  5. Marinus – “Of the sea” (Latin)
  6. Thalassius – “Of the sea” (Greek)
  7. Nereus – “Old man of the sea” (Greek)
  8. Triton – “Messenger of the sea” (Greek)
  9. Oceanus – “Ocean” (Greek)
  10. Wave – “Wave of the sea” (English)
  11. Caspian – “From the Caspian Sea” (Latin)
  12. Alden – “Old, wise friend” (Old English)
  13. Kai – “Sea” (Japanese)
  14. Poseidon – “God of the sea” (Greek)
  15. Murray – “Sea warrior” (Scottish)
  16. Reef – “Underwater ridge” (English)
  17. Cove – “Small coastal inlet” (English)
  18. Finn – “Fair” (Irish)
  19. Marek – “From the sea” (Polish)
  20. Marino – “Marine” (Italian/Spanish)
  21. Pacifica – “Peaceful” (Latin)
  22. Caspian – “From the Caspian Sea” (Latin)
  23. Oceano – “Ocean” (Spanish/Italian)
  24. Delmar – “Of the sea” (Spanish)
  25. Rafael – “God has healed” (Hebrew/Spanish)
  26. Llyr – “Sea” (Welsh)
  27. Orin – “Pine tree” (Greek)
  28. Dylan – “Son of the sea” (Welsh)
  29. Makai – “Toward the sea” (Hawaiian)
  30. Nautica – “Nautical” (Latin)

Male Merman Names

Discover names full of strength and grace, perfect for merman characters who lead with charisma and power.

  1. Tide – “Ocean current” (English)
  2. Coral – “Hard substance secreted by marine polyps” (English)
  3. Azure – “Bright blue color of the sky” (English)
  4. Neptune – “God of the sea in Roman mythology” (Latin)
  5. Triton – “Greek sea god, son of Poseidon” (Greek)
  6. Reef – “Ridge of rock or coral” (English)
  7. Cascade – “Waterfall” (English)
  8. Leviathan – “Sea monster in Jewish mythology” (Hebrew)
  9. Mariner – “Sailor” (English)
  10. Nautical – “Relating to ships and sailing” (English)
  11. Abyss – “Deep oceanic depth” (English)
  12. Eddy – “Circular movement of water” (English)
  13. Solstice – “Time when the sun reaches its highest or lowest point” (English)
  14. Poseidon – “Greek god of the sea” (Greek)
  15. Surge – “Sudden powerful forward or upward movement” (English)
  16. Captain – “Leader of a ship” (English)
  17. Diver – “One who explores underwater” (English)
  18. Drake – “Male duck” (English)
  19. Harbor – “Sheltered area of water” (English)
  20. Seafarer – “One who travels by sea” (English)
  21. Whirlpool – “Powerful circular water current” (English)
  22. Marlin – “Large game fish” (English)
  23. Anchor – “Heavy object used to hold a ship in place” (English)
  24. Navigator – “One who directs the course of a ship” (English)
  25. Siren – “Enchanting sea nymph” (Greek)
  26. Seawolf – “Fierce predator of the sea” (English)
  27. Lagoon – “Shallow body of water separated from a larger sea” (Italian)
  28. Surgeon – “Doctor specializing in surgery” (English)
  29. Horizon – “Line where the earth meets the sky” (English)
  30. Triton – “Son of Poseidon and messenger of the sea” (Greek)

Good Merman Names

Explore names that reflect positivity and honor, embodying the noble qualities of mythical sea beings.

  1. Lumina – “Light” (Latin)
  2. Cascade – “Waterfall” (English)
  3. Azure – “Bright blue color of the sky” (English)
  4. Zephyr – “Gentle breeze” (Greek)
  5. Orion – “Hunter in Greek mythology” (Greek)
  6. Solstice – “Time when the sun reaches its highest or lowest point” (English)
  7. Harbor – “Sheltered area of water” (English)
  8. Diver – “One who explores underwater” (English)
  9. Drake – “Male duck” (English)
  10. Neptune – “God of the sea in Roman mythology” (Latin)
  11. Coral – “Hard substance secreted by marine polyps” (English)
  12. Leviathan – “Sea monster in Jewish mythology” (Hebrew)
  13. Mariner – “Sailor” (English)
  14. Nautical – “Relating to ships and sailing” (English)
  15. Abyss – “Deep oceanic depth” (English)
  16. Eddy – “Circular movement of water” (English)
  17. Reef – “Ridge of rock or coral” (English)
  18. Captain – “Leader of a ship” (English)
  19. Seafarer – “One who travels by sea” (English)
  20. Surge – “Sudden powerful forward or upward movement” (English)
  21. Poseidon – “Greek god of the sea” (Greek)
  22. Marlin – “Large game fish” (English)
  23. Anchor – “Heavy object used to hold a ship in place” (English)
  24. Navigator – “One who directs the course of a ship” (English)
  25. Siren – “Enchanting sea nymph” (Greek)
  26. Seawolf – “Fierce predator of the sea” (English)
  27. Lagoon – “Shallow body of water separated from a larger sea” (Italian)
  28. Surgeon – “Doctor specializing in surgery” (English)
  29. Horizon – “Line where the earth meets the sky” (English)
  30. Triton – “Son of Poseidon and messenger of the sea” (Greek)

Cool Merman Names

Uncover names with a stylish edge and sophistication, ideal for adventurous merman characters.

cool merman names
  1. Zenith – “Highest point” (English)
  2. Maverick – “Independent-minded person” (English)
  3. Blitz – “Sudden intense effort” (German)
  4. Echo – “Sound reflection” (Greek)
  5. Phoenix – “Legendary bird that rises from its ashes” (Greek)
  6. Vortex – “Whirling mass” (Latin)
  7. Avalanche – “Sudden large amount” (French)
  8. Draco – “Dragon” (Latin)
  9. Spectre – “Ghostly apparition” (Latin)
  10. Storm – “Violent weather condition” (Old English)
  11. Frost – “Frozen water vapor” (Old English)
  12. Blaze – “Intense fire” (Middle English)
  13. Tempest – “Violent windy storm” (Old French)
  14. Thunder – “Sound caused by lightning” (Old English)
  15. Titan – “Powerful being of great size” (Greek)
  16. Shadow – “Dark area or shape produced by a body” (Old English)
  17. Cyclone – “Large-scale air mass rotating rapidly around a center” (Greek)
  18. Nova – “Star that suddenly increases in brightness” (Latin)
  19. Comet – “Celestial object with a tail of gas and dust” (Latin)
  20. Nebula – “Interstellar cloud of dust and gases” (Latin)
  21. Avalanche – “Sudden large amount” (French)
  22. Draco – “Dragon” (Latin)
  23. Spectre – “Ghostly apparition” (Latin)
  24. Storm – “Violent weather condition” (Old English)
  25. Frost – “Frozen water vapor” (Old English)
  26. Blaze – “Intense fire” (Middle English)
  27. Tempest – “Violent windy storm” (Old French)
  28. Thunder – “Sound caused by lightning” (Old English)
  29. Titan – “Powerful being of great size” (Greek)
  30. Shadow – “Dark area or shape produced by a body” (Old English)

Boy Merman Names

Dive into names that embody youthful spirit and bravery, perfect for curious and daring merman youth.

  1. Azureus – “Blue” (Latin)
  2. Coralis – “Coral” (Latin)
  3. Neptunus – “God of the sea in Roman mythology” (Latin)
  4. Tritonis – “Sea nymph in Greek mythology” (Greek)
  5. Reefius – “Ridge of rock or coral” (Latin)
  6. Abyssus – “Deep oceanic depth” (Latin)
  7. Poseidonus – “Greek god of the sea” (Latin)
  8. Marinus – “Of the sea” (Latin)
  9. Nauticus – “Relating to ships and sailing” (Latin)
  10. Tidalis – “Relating to tides” (Latin)
  11. Eddyus – “Circular movement of water” (Latin)
  12. Solistus – “Time when the sun reaches its highest or lowest point” (Latin)
  13. Leviathanus – “Sea monster in Jewish mythology” (Latin)
  14. Surgentus – “Sudden powerful forward or upward movement” (Latin)
  15. Capitanus – “Leader of a ship” (Latin)
  16. Drakeus – “Male duck” (Latin)
  17. Harborus – “Sheltered area of water” (Latin)
  18. Seafarus – “One who travels by sea” (Latin)
  19. Whirlpoolus – “Powerful circular water current” (Latin)
  20. Marlinus – “Large game fish” (Latin)
  21. Anchorus – “Heavy object used to hold a ship in place” (Latin)
  22. Navigatorus – “One who directs the course of a ship” (Latin)
  23. Sirena – “Enchanting sea nymph” (Spanish)
  24. Seawolfus – “Fierce predator of the sea” (Latin)
  25. Lagoonus – “Shallow body of water separated from a larger sea” (Latin)
  26. Surgeonus – “Doctor specializing in surgery” (Latin)
  27. Horizonus – “Line where the earth meets the sky” (Latin)
  28. Tritonus – “Son of Poseidon and messenger of the sea” (Latin)
  29. Mermanus – “Half man, half fish” (Latin)
  30. Waveius – “Rising and falling motion of the sea” (Latin)

Evil Merman Names

Encounter names that evoke fear and fascination, tailored for dark and mysterious merman characters.

  1. Maelstrom – “Powerful whirlpool” (English)
  2. Kraken – “Legendary sea monster” (Norwegian)
  3. Hydra – “Multi-headed serpent” (Greek)
  4. Jaws – “Mouth or jaw of a predator” (English)
  5. Specter – “Ghostly apparition” (Latin)
  6. Dreadfin – “Fear-inducing shark” (English)
  7. Stygian – “Relating to the River Styx, dark and gloomy” (Greek)
  8. Bane – “Cause of great distress or annoyance” (English)
  9. Abyssal – “Relating to the deep ocean” (English)
  10. Thalassor – “Sea ruler” (Greek)
  11. Calypso – “Sea nymph who detained Odysseus in Greek mythology” (Greek)
  12. Scylla – “Sea monster with multiple heads in Greek mythology” (Greek)
  13. Charybdis – “Whirlpool monster in Greek mythology” (Greek)
  14. Maleficent – “Causing harm or destruction” (English)
  15. Vortex – “Whirling mass” (Latin)
  16. Tempest – “Violent windy storm” (Old French)
  17. Nocif – “Harmful or toxic” (French)
  18. Typhon – “Monstrous serpentine giant in Greek mythology” (Greek)
  19. Darkfin – “Shadowy and menacing aquatic creature” (English)
  20. Morayus – “Aggressive eel-like fish” (Latin)
  21. Nightmareus – “Creature that haunts dreams” (Latin)
  22. Venomus – “Poisonous or harmful” (Latin)
  23. Grimus – “Stern or forbidding in appearance” (Latin)
  24. Spectrus – “Ghostly form or appearance” (Latin)
  25. Acheron – “River of woe in Greek mythology” (Greek)
  26. Malus – “Evil or wicked” (Latin)
  27. Malevolus – “Wishing evil or harm to others” (Latin)
  28. Nocturnus – “Of the night; nocturnal” (Latin)
  29. Obsidianus – “Dark and glassy volcanic rock” (Latin)
  30. Perilous – “Full of danger or risk” (Middle English)

Cute Merman Names

Find charming names that are sweet and endearing, perfect for lovable merman characters.

  1. Bubble – “Small ball of gas in liquid” (English)
  2. Seashell – “Hard protective outer layer of some sea creatures” (English)
  3. Seastar – “Starfish” (English)
  4. Bubbly – “Full of cheerful high spirits” (English)
  5. Flipper – “Flat limb used for swimming by aquatic animals” (English)
  6. Splash – “Sound made by something hitting a liquid surface” (English)
  7. Glimmer – “Faint or wavering light” (English)
  8. Sunny – “Bright with sunlight” (English)
  9. Wave – “Rising and falling motion of the sea” (English)
  10. Dolphin – “Aquatic mammal known for its intelligence” (English)
  11. Shimmer – “Soft, wavering light” (English)
  12. Coral – “Hard substance secreted by marine polyps” (English)
  13. Breeze – “Gentle wind” (English)
  14. Pebble – “Small stone” (English)
  15. Sprout – “New growth on a plant” (English)
  16. Sandy – “Covered with sand” (English)
  17. Whisper – “Soft spoken voice” (English)
  18. Starfish – “Marine creature with arms radiating from a central disk” (English)
  19. Shell – “Hard protective outer layer of some sea creatures” (English)
  20. Bubbles – “Small balls of gas in liquid” (English)
  21. Crest – “Top of a wave” (English)
  22. Oceanus – “Ocean” (Latin)
  23. Glimpse – “Brief or incomplete view” (English)
  24. Merlin – “Falcon-like bird” (English)
  25. Sprinkle – “Small drops or particles of something” (English)
  26. Puddle – “Small pool of liquid” (English)
  27. Glow – “Soft light emitted by something” (English)
  28. Tide – “Ocean current” (English)
  29. Twinkle – “Sparkle or shine with a flickering light” (English)
  30. Zephyr – “Gentle breeze” (Greek)

Merman Names Fantasy

Embark on a journey through fantastical names that transport you to imaginative ocean realms.

  1. Aquarius – “Water bearer” (Latin)
  2. Nerius – “Sea god” (Latin)
  3. Aquanor – “Guardian of the deep waters” (English)
  4. Marinus – “Of the sea” (Latin)
  5. Coralfin – “Fin adorned with coral-like patterns” (English)
  6. Thalassor – “Sea ruler” (Greek)
  7. Aquilon – “North wind” (Latin)
  8. Hydrus – “Water snake” (Latin)
  9. Lorelei – “Siren or temptress of the sea” (German)
  10. Oceaneus – “Ocean” (Greek)
  11. Kelpius – “Of or relating to kelp” (Latin)
  12. Nix – “Water spirit” (German)
  13. Vaporo – “Mist or vapor” (Latin)
  14. Cerulean – “Deep blue” (Latin)
  15. Undine – “Water elemental” (Latin)
  16. Nauticus – “Relating to ships and sailing” (Latin)
  17. Sireno – “Siren or mermaid” (Spanish)
  18. Zephyrus – “West wind” (Latin)
  19. Ondine – “Water nymph” (French)
  20. Naiad – “Water nymph” (Greek)
  21. Eurus – “East wind” (Latin)
  22. Oceanus – “Ocean” (Greek)
  23. Arielus – “Lion of God” (Hebrew)
  24. Calypso – “Sea nymph who detained Odysseus in Greek mythology” (Greek)
  25. Mermidon – “Warriors of the sea” (Greek)
  26. Triton – “Messenger of the sea” (Greek)
  27. Thalassus – “Of the sea” (Greek)
  28. Poseidus – “Greek god of the sea” (Greek)
  29. Coralus – “Coral” (Latin)
  30. Neptunus – “God of the sea in Roman mythology” (Latin)

Merman Names that Start with J

Explore names starting with “J” that bring a unique charm and allure to your merman character.

  1. Jovian – “Of or relating to the planet Jupiter” (Latin)
  2. Jacques – “Supplanter” (French)
  3. Jasper – “Semi-precious stone” (English)
  4. Jethro – “Excellence or abundance” (Hebrew)
  5. Jax – “Son of Jack” (English)
  6. Jericho – “Moon city” (English)
  7. Jupiter – “King of the Roman gods” (Latin)
  8. Jedi – “Guardians of peace and justice” (Star Wars)
  9. Jarin – “Healing” (English)
  10. Jaris – “A mythological character” (English)
  11. Jael – “Mountain goat” (Hebrew)
  12. Jinx – “Curse or spell” (English)
  13. Jabari – “Fearless” (African)
  14. Jago – “Supplanter” (Cornish)
  15. Jahleel – “Praising God” (Hebrew)
  16. Jairo – “He shines” (Hebrew)
  17. Javon – “Son of Japheth” (Hebrew)
  18. Jariel – “God enlightens me” (Hebrew)
  19. Jace – “Healer” (English)
  20. Janus – “God of beginnings and transitions” (Roman)
  21. Javen – “Son of Japheth” (Hebrew)
  22. Jabir – “Comforter” (Arabic)
  23. Japheth – “May God make him large” (Hebrew)
  24. Jairus – “God enlightens” (Hebrew)
  25. Jamal – “Beauty” (Arabic)
  26. Jairo – “Enlightenment” (Hebrew)
  27. Jadon – “Thankful” (Hebrew)
  28. Janson – “Son of Jan” (Scandinavian)
  29. Jaziel – “God’s strength” (Hebrew)
  30. Jagger – “Hunter” (English)

Unique Merman Names

Discover rare and distinctive names that set your merman apart, capturing their individuality.

unique merman names
  1. Abyssius – “Deep oceanic depth” (Latin)
  2. Cascadeus – “Waterfall” (Latin)
  3. Marinus – “Of the sea” (Latin)
  4. Neptunius – “God of the sea in Roman mythology” (Latin)
  5. Tritonis – “Sea nymph in Greek mythology” (Greek)
  6. Reefius – “Ridge of rock or coral” (Latin)
  7. Eddyus – “Circular movement of water” (Latin)
  8. Solistus – “Time when the sun reaches its highest or lowest point” (Latin)
  9. Leviathanus – “Sea monster in Jewish mythology” (Latin)
  10. Surgentus – “Sudden powerful forward or upward movement” (Latin)
  11. Capitanus – “Leader of a ship” (Latin)
  12. Drakeus – “Male duck” (Latin)
  13. Harborus – “Sheltered area of water” (Latin)
  14. Seafarus – “One who travels by sea” (Latin)
  15. Whirlpoolus – “Powerful circular water current” (Latin)
  16. Marlinus – “Large game fish” (Latin)
  17. Anchorus – “Heavy object used to hold a ship in place” (Latin)
  18. Navigatorus – “One who directs the course of a ship” (Latin)
  19. Sirena – “Enchanting sea nymph” (Spanish)
  20. Seawolfus – “Fierce predator of the sea” (Latin)
  21. Lagoonus – “Shallow body of water separated from a larger sea” (Latin)
  22. Surgeonus – “Doctor specializing in surgery” (Latin)
  23. Horizonus – “Line where the earth meets the sky” (Latin)
  24. Tritonus – “Son of Poseidon and messenger of the sea” (Latin)
  25. Mermanus – “Half man, half fish” (Latin)
  26. Waveius – “Rising and falling motion of the sea” (Latin)
  27. Aquanorius – “Guardian of the deep waters” (Latin)
  28. Aquilonius – “North wind” (Latin)
  29. Hydrusius – “Water snake” (Latin)
  30. Loreleius – “Siren or temptress of the sea” (Latin)

Best Merman Names

Find top-tier names that command respect and admiration, perfect for distinguished merman characters.

  1. Oceanus – “Ocean” (Latin)
  2. Marinus – “Of the sea” (Latin)
  3. Neptune – “God of the sea in Roman mythology” (Latin)
  4. Triton – “Messenger of the sea” (Greek)
  5. Aqua – “Water” (Latin)
  6. Wave – “Rising and falling motion of the sea” (English)
  7. Coralis – “Coral” (Latin)
  8. Poseidon – “Greek god of the sea” (Greek)
  9. Nereus – “Old man of the sea” (Greek)
  10. Sebastian – “Venerable” (Greek)
  11. Azure – “Sky blue” (Persian)
  12. Kai – “Sea” (Hawaiian)
  13. Nautical – “Relating to ships and sailing” (Latin)
  14. Caspian – “Of the Caspian Sea” (Latin)
  15. Murray – “Settlement by the sea” (Scottish)
  16. Indigo – “Deep blue-purple color” (Spanish)
  17. Sailor – “One who navigates the sea” (English)
  18. Abyss – “Deep oceanic depth” (Latin)
  19. Reef – “Ridge of rock or coral” (English)
  20. Zale – “Strength of the sea” (Greek)
  21. Cove – “Small sheltered bay” (English)
  22. Orin – “Pine tree” (Greek)
  23. Finn – “Fair” (Irish)
  24. Harbor – “Sheltered area of water” (English)
  25. Waverly – “Quaking aspen tree meadow” (English)
  26. Dorian – “From the sea” (Greek)
  27. Tristan – “Noise” (Celtic)
  28. Oberon – “Noble bear” (German)
  29. Caspian – “Of the Caspian Sea” (Latin)
  30. Zephyr – “West wind” (Greek)

Merman Baby Names

Celebrate new beginnings with fresh and enchanting names that reflect the joy of a merman’s life.

  1. Bubbles – “Small balls of gas in liquid” (English)
  2. Splash – “Sound made by something hitting a liquid surface” (English)
  3. Glimmer – “Faint or wavering light” (English)
  4. Sunny – “Bright with sunlight” (English)
  5. Wave – “Rising and falling motion of the sea” (English)
  6. Flipper – “Flat limb used for swimming by aquatic animals” (English)
  7. Sprout – “New growth on a plant” (English)
  8. Pebble – “Small stone” (English)
  9. Whisper – “Soft spoken voice” (English)
  10. Sandy – “Covered with sand” (English)
  11. Starfish – “Marine creature with arms radiating from a central disk” (English)
  12. Shell – “Hard protective outer layer of some sea creatures” (English)
  13. Breeze – “Gentle wind” (English)
  14. Sprinkle – “Small drops or particles of something” (English)
  15. Crest – “Top of a wave” (English)
  16. Ocean – “Body of salt water” (English)
  17. Wade – “To walk through water” (English)
  18. Coral – “Hard substance secreted by marine polyps” (English)
  19. Tide – “Ocean current” (English)
  20. Zephyr – “Gentle breeze” (Greek)
  21. Siren – “Enchanting sea nymph” (Greek)
  22. Dewey – “Beloved” (Welsh)
  23. Nemo – “No one” (Latin)
  24. Kelp – “Large seaweed” (Old English)
  25. Creek – “Narrow body of water” (Old Norse)
  26. Fathom – “Measure of depth in water” (Old English)
  27. Misty – “Covered with mist” (Old English)
  28. Lagoon – “Shallow body of water separated from a larger sea” (Italian)
  29. Blu – “Blue” (Italian)
  30. Aqua – “Water” (Latin)

Funny Merman Names

Dive into laughter with names that bring humor and wit to your merman character’s persona.

  1. Fintastic – “Fantastic fin” (English)
  2. Splasher – “One who splashes” (English)
  3. Gilligan – “Servant of the church” (Irish)
  4. Bubbly – “Full of cheerful high spirits” (English)
  5. Squirt – “Small stream of liquid” (English)
  6. Seabreeze – “Breeze from the sea” (English)
  7. Wavemaker – “One who makes waves” (English)
  8. Clam – “Bivalve mollusk” (Old English)
  9. Triton – “Messenger of the sea” (Greek)
  10. Coral – “Hard substance secreted by marine polyps” (English)
  11. Surfer – “One who rides the waves” (English)
  12. Bubble – “Small ball of gas in liquid” (English)
  13. Splashy – “Full of splashes” (English)
  14. Finnegan – “Fair” (Irish)
  15. Aquaberry – “Berry from the sea” (English)
  16. Surf – “Ride on waves” (English)
  17. Barnacle – “Marine crustacean” (Middle English)
  18. Waveson – “Son of the waves” (English)
  19. Nauti – “Naughty” (English)
  20. Salty – “Tasting of salt” (English)
  21. Reef – “Ridge of rock or coral” (English)
  22. Tidal – “Relating to tides” (English)
  23. Splasher – “One who splashes” (English)
  24. Gilly – “Servant of the church” (English)
  25. Bubbles – “Small balls of gas in liquid” (English)
  26. Guppy – “Small freshwater fish” (English)
  27. Finley – “Fair hero” (Irish)
  28. Barnacle – “Marine crustacean” (Middle English)
  29. Dolph – “Dolphin” (English)
  30. Waverly – “Quaking aspen tree meadow” (English)

Beautiful Merman Names

Explore names of exquisite beauty that reflect the elegance and allure of captivating merman characters.

  1. Aurelius – “Golden” (Latin)
  2. Calypso – “Sea nymph who detained Odysseus in Greek mythology” (Greek)
  3. Aurora – “Dawn” (Latin)
  4. Luna – “Moon” (Latin)
  5. Stella – “Star” (Latin)
  6. Marina – “Of the sea” (Latin)
  7. Oceana – “Ocean” (Latin)
  8. Selene – “Moon goddess” (Greek)
  9. Nereus – “Old man of the sea” (Greek)
  10. Coralia – “Coral” (Latin)
  11. Thalassa – “Sea” (Greek)
  12. Serena – “Serene, calm” (Latin)
  13. Pearl – “Precious gem formed in a mollusk” (English)
  14. Iris – “Rainbow” (Greek)
  15. Azure – “Sky blue” (Persian)
  16. Celeste – “Heavenly” (Latin)
  17. Sapphire – “Precious gemstone” (Hebrew)
  18. Aqua – “Water” (Latin)
  19. Marinus – “Of the sea” (Latin)
  20. Athena – “Goddess of wisdom and warfare” (Greek)
  21. Ariel – “Lion of God” (Hebrew)
  22. Coralie – “Coral” (French)
  23. Lorelei – “Siren or temptress of the sea” (German)
  24. Indigo – “Deep blue-purple color” (Spanish)
  25. Zephyr – “Gentle breeze” (Greek)
  26. Finn – “Fair” (Irish)
  27. Cascade – “Waterfall” (English)
  28. Nova – “New” (Latin)
  29. Lagoon – “Shallow body of water separated from a larger sea” (Italian)
  30. Orin – “Pine tree” (Greek)

Merman Prince Names

Enter the realm of royalty with names that embody regal charm and leadership, fit for legendary merman princes.

merman prince names
  1. Aurelius – “Golden” (Latin)
  2. Oceano – “Ocean” (Italian)
  3. Thalassius – “Of the sea” (Greek)
  4. Marcellus – “Little warrior” (Latin)
  5. Neptunus – “God of the sea in Roman mythology” (Latin)
  6. Caspian – “From the Caspian Sea region” (Latin)
  7. Zephyrus – “West wind” (Greek)
  8. Aqua – “Water” (Latin)
  9. Nereus – “Old man of the sea” (Greek)
  10. Orion – “Rising in the sky” (Greek)
  11. Oceanus – “Ocean” (Greek)
  12. Marinus – “Of the sea” (Latin)
  13. Ariel – “Lion of God” (Hebrew)
  14. Triton – “Messenger of the sea” (Greek)
  15. Azure – “Sky blue” (Persian)
  16. Finnian – “Fair” (Irish)
  17. Calypso – “Sea nymph who detained Odysseus” (Greek)
  18. Aquilo – “North wind” (Latin)
  19. Leander – “Lion man” (Greek)
  20. Coralus – “Coral” (Latin)
  21. Sirenus – “Siren or mermaid” (Latin)
  22. Nauticus – “Relating to ships and sailing” (Latin)
  23. Hydrus – “Water snake” (Latin)
  24. Wave – “Rising and falling motion of the sea” (English)
  25. Kai – “Sea” (Hawaiian)
  26. Oceanus – “Ocean” (Greek)
  27. Aurelian – “Golden” (Latin)
  28. Marcello – “Little warrior” (Italian)
  29. Neptune – “God of the sea in Roman mythology” (Latin)
  30. Tritonus – “Son of Poseidon and messenger of the sea” (Latin)

Merman Character Names

Unveil names that define personality and depth, crafting rich identities for merman characters.

  1. Nemo – “No one” (Latin)
  2. Aquarius – “Water bearer” (Latin)
  3. Sebastian – “Venerable” (Greek)
  4. Poseidon – “God of the sea” (Greek)
  5. Coralus – “Coral” (Latin)
  6. Aquanor – “Guardian of the deep waters” (English)
  7. Marinus – “Of the sea” (Latin)
  8. Hydrus – “Water snake” (Latin)
  9. Lorelei – “Siren or temptress of the sea” (German)
  10. Oceaneus – “Ocean” (Greek)
  11. Kelpius – “Of or relating to kelp” (Latin)
  12. Nix – “Water spirit” (German)
  13. Vaporo – “Mist or vapor” (Latin)
  14. Cerulean – “Deep blue” (Latin)
  15. Undine – “Water elemental” (Latin)
  16. Nauticus – “Relating to ships and sailing” (Latin)
  17. Sireno – “Siren or mermaid” (Spanish)
  18. Zephyrus – “West wind” (Latin)
  19. Ondine – “Water nymph” (French)
  20. Naiad – “Water nymph” (Greek)
  21. Eurus – “East wind” (Latin)
  22. Oceanus – “Ocean” (Greek)
  23. Arielus – “Lion of God” (Hebrew)
  24. Calypso – “Sea nymph who detained Odysseus” (Greek)
  25. Mermidon – “Warriors of the sea” (Greek)
  26. Triton – “Messenger of the sea” (Greek)
  27. Thalassus – “Of the sea” (Greek)
  28. Poseidus – “Greek god of the sea” (Greek)
  29. Coralus – “Coral” (Latin)
  30. Neptunus – “God of the sea in Roman mythology” (Latin)

Fun Merman Names

Discover playful and lively names that infuse joy and excitement into merman characters.

  1. Bubbles – “Small balls of gas in liquid” (English)
  2. Splash – “Sound made by something hitting a liquid surface” (English)
  3. Flipper – “Flat limb used for swimming by aquatic animals” (English)
  4. Finn – “Fair” (Irish)
  5. Tide – “Ocean current” (English)
  6. Squirt – “Small stream of liquid” (English)
  7. Whisker – “Long projecting hair or bristle” (English)
  8. Waverly – “Quaking aspen tree meadow” (English)
  9. Gilly – “Servant of the church” (English)
  10. Seaweed – “Large algae growing in the sea or on rocks” (English)
  11. Barnacle – “Marine crustacean” (Middle English)
  12. Waveson – “Son of the waves” (English)
  13. Nauti – “Naughty” (English)
  14. Salty – “Tasting of salt” (English)
  15. Reef – “Ridge of rock or coral” (English)
  16. Tidal – “Relating to tides” (English)
  17. Splasher – “One who splashes” (English)
  18. Guppy – “Small freshwater fish” (English)
  19. Dolph – “Dolphin” (English)
  20. Waverly – “Quaking aspen tree meadow” (English)
  21. Spritz – “To squirt or spray liquid quickly” (German)
  22. Sprinkle – “Small drops or particles of something” (English)
  23. Surfer – “One who rides the waves” (English)
  24. Surf – “Ride on waves” (English)
  25. Breezy – “Wind that is light and pleasantly refreshing” (English)
  26. Bubbly – “Full of cheerful high spirits” (English)
  27. Sandy – “Covered with sand” (English)
  28. Fintastic – “Fantastic fin” (English)
  29. Squally – “Characterized by squalls” (English)
  30. Coral – “Hard substance secreted by marine polyps” (English)

Hot Merman Names

Explore names that sizzle with intensity and allure, capturing the passion and charisma of merman characters.

  1. Blaze – “Bright flame” (English)
  2. Scorpio – “Scorpion” (Latin)
  3. Phoenix – “Mythical bird reborn from its own ashes” (Greek)
  4. Flare – “Bright light” (English)
  5. Ember – “Small piece of burning coal” (English)
  6. Ash – “Residue left after the combustion of a substance” (English)
  7. Aiden – “Little fire” (Irish)
  8. Ignatius – “Fiery” (Latin)
  9. Soleil – “Sun” (French)
  10. Blazeus – “Bright flame” (Latin)
  11. Pyro – “Fire” (Greek)
  12. Vulcan – “Roman god of fire” (Roman)
  13. Sunny – “Bright with sunlight” (English)
  14. Radiant – “Sending out light; shining” (English)
  15. Solstice – “Sun stands still” (Latin)
  16. Apollo – “Greek god of the sun” (Greek)
  17. Sirocco – “Hot wind from the Sahara” (Italian)
  18. Burning – “On fire; aflame” (English)
  19. Enflame – “To set on fire; ignite” (English)
  20. Flint – “Hard gray rock” (Old English)
  21. Brisk – “Energetic; lively” (Middle English)
  22. Ardent – “Passionate; enthusiastic” (Latin)
  23. Cinder – “Partially burned piece of coal or wood” (Old English)
  24. Crisp – “Dry and cold” (Middle English)
  25. Volcanus – “Volcano” (Latin)
  26. Blazeus – “Bright flame” (Latin)
  27. Scorch – “Burn the surface of something” (Old Norse)
  28. Brand – “Burning wood” (Old English)
  29. Flame – “Visible burning gas” (Old English)
  30. Sunny – “Bright with sunlight” (English)

Merman King Names

Bow before names that command respect and authority, suited for merman rulers of vast ocean domains.

  1. Neptune – “God of the sea in Roman mythology” (Latin)
  2. Poseidon – “Greek god of the sea” (Greek)
  3. Oceanus – “Ocean” (Greek)
  4. Marinus – “Of the sea” (Latin)
  5. Triton – “Messenger of the sea” (Greek)
  6. Aegaeus – “From the Aegean Sea” (Greek)
  7. Thalassius – “Of the sea” (Greek)
  8. Nereus – “Old man of the sea” (Greek)
  9. Aquilo – “North wind” (Latin)
  10. Zephyrus – “West wind” (Greek)
  11. Caspian – “From the Caspian Sea region” (Latin)
  12. Azureus – “Sky blue” (Latin)
  13. Aurelius – “Golden” (Latin)
  14. Orin – “Pine tree” (Greek)
  15. Aqua – “Water” (Latin)
  16. Nauticus – “Relating to ships and sailing” (Latin)
  17. Wave – “Rising and falling motion of the sea” (English)
  18. Calypso – “Sea nymph who detained Odysseus” (Greek)
  19. Marcellus – “Little warrior” (Latin)
  20. Aquarius – “Water bearer” (Latin)
  21. Sebastian – “Venerable” (Greek)
  22. Coralus – “Coral” (Latin)
  23. Oceano – “Ocean” (Italian)
  24. Zale – “Strength of the sea” (Greek)
  25. Kai – “Sea” (Hawaiian)
  26. Oceanus – “Ocean” (Greek)
  27. Aurelian – “Golden” (Latin)
  28. Marcello – “Little warrior” (Italian)
  29. Neptunus – “God of the sea in Roman mythology” (Latin)
  30. Tritonus – “Son of Poseidon and messenger of the sea” (Latin)

Mythical Merman Names

Journey into names that echo ancient tales and mysteries, capturing the mythical essence of merman lore.

  1. Aegir – “Norse god of the sea” (Norse)
  2. Manannán – “Irish god of the sea” (Irish)
  3. Glaucus – “Sea-god in Greek mythology” (Greek)
  4. Nerites – “Sea god and companion of Poseidon” (Greek)
  5. Phorcys – “Ancient sea god in Greek mythology” (Greek)
  6. Tethys – “Sea goddess and mother of rivers” (Greek)
  7. Leucothea – “Sea goddess who aids sailors” (Greek)
  8. Lir – “Irish god of the sea” (Irish)
  9. Thetis – “Sea nymph in Greek mythology” (Greek)
  10. Pontus – “Primordial sea god” (Greek)
  11. Proteus – “Old man of the sea who can change shape” (Greek)
  12. Nereus – “Old man of the sea” (Greek)
  13. Ceto – “Sea monster goddess” (Greek)
  14. Glaukos – “Sea-god in Greek mythology” (Greek)
  15. Oannes – “Ancient Mesopotamian god of water” (Mesopotamian)
  16. Okeanos – “Titan god of the great river that encircles the earth” (Greek)
  17. Pontus – “Primordial sea god” (Greek)
  18. Triton – “Messenger of the sea” (Greek)
  19. Thalassa – “Primeval spirit of the sea” (Greek)
  20. Nymph – “Female nature deity associated with water” (Greek)
  21. Melusine – “Female spirit of fresh water in sacred springs and rivers” (French)
  22. Apsara – “Celestial nymphs in Hindu and Buddhist mythology” (Hindu)
  23. Rán – “Norse sea goddess” (Norse)
  24. Undine – “Water elemental” (Latin)
  25. Amphitrite – “Greek sea goddess and wife of Poseidon” (Greek)
  26. Sedna – “Inuit sea goddess and mistress of sea animals” (Inuit)
  27. Namaka – “Hawaiian sea goddess” (Hawaiian)
  28. Morgana – “Sorceress and sea goddess in Arthurian legend” (Arthurian)
  29. Varuna – “Hindu god of the ocean and law of the underwater world” (Hindu)
  30. Shen – “Chinese sea dragon and water god” (Chinese)

Nice Merman Names

Embrace names that radiate kindness and warmth, reflecting the gentle nature of merman characters.

nice merman names
  1. Aquilus – “Eagle” (Latin)
  2. Lyrus – “Lyre” (Latin)
  3. Eurus – “East wind” (Latin)
  4. Sereno – “Calm, serene” (Italian)
  5. Indigo – “Deep blue-purple color” (Greek)
  6. Solis – “Of the sun” (Latin)
  7. Alden – “Old, wise friend” (Old English)
  8. Zephyrus – “West wind” (Greek)
  9. Aether – “Upper sky” (Greek)
  10. Coralus – “Coral” (Latin)
  11. Aurius – “Golden” (Latin)
  12. Marinus – “Of the sea” (Latin)
  13. Thalassos – “Sea” (Greek)
  14. Nereus – “Old man of the sea” (Greek)
  15. Sylvan – “Of the woods” (Latin)
  16. Orin – “Pine tree” (Greek)
  17. Aurelio – “Golden” (Italian)
  18. Zale – “Strength of the sea” (Greek)
  19. Caelum – “Sky, heaven” (Latin)
  20. Cassian – “Hollow” (Latin)
  21. Aqua – “Water” (Latin)
  22. Leander – “Lion man” (Greek)
  23. Nauticus – “Relating to ships and sailing” (Latin)
  24. Wave – “Rising and falling motion of the sea” (English)
  25. Kai – “Sea” (Hawaiian)
  26. Oceanus – “Ocean” (Greek)
  27. Aurelian – “Golden” (Latin)
  28. Marcello – “Little warrior” (Italian)
  29. Neptunus – “God of the sea in Roman mythology” (Latin)
  30. Tritonus – “Son of Poseidon and messenger of the sea” (Latin)

Merman OC Names

Create original characters with names that spark creativity and individuality within the merman universe.

  1. Lysander – “Liberator” (Greek)
  2. Oceanus – “Ocean” (Greek)
  3. Caspian – “From the Caspian Sea region” (Latin)
  4. Aurelius – “Golden” (Latin)
  5. Orion – “Rising in the sky” (Greek)
  6. Zephyrus – “West wind” (Greek)
  7. Thalassius – “Of the sea” (Greek)
  8. Marcellus – “Little warrior” (Latin)
  9. Neptunus – “God of the sea in Roman mythology” (Latin)
  10. Aqua – “Water” (Latin)
  11. Nereus – “Old man of the sea” (Greek)
  12. Aegaeus – “From the Aegean Sea” (Greek)
  13. Azureus – “Sky blue” (Latin)
  14. Calypso – “Sea nymph who detained Odysseus” (Greek)
  15. Aquilo – “North wind” (Latin)
  16. Aurelian – “Golden” (Latin)
  17. Marinus – “Of the sea” (Latin)
  18. Wave – “Rising and falling motion of the sea” (English)
  19. Kai – “Sea” (Hawaiian)
  20. Aurelius – “Golden” (Latin)
  21. Marcello – “Little warrior” (Italian)
  22. Neptunus – “God of the sea in Roman mythology” (Latin)
  23. Tritonus – “Son of Poseidon and messenger of the sea” (Latin)
  24. Zephyrus – “West wind” (Greek)
  25. Orin – “Pine tree” (Greek)
  26. Oceanus – “Ocean” (Greek)
  27. Caspian – “From the Caspian Sea region” (Latin)
  28. Aurelius – “Golden” (Latin)
  29. Orion – “Rising in the sky” (Greek)
  30. Zephyrus – “West wind” (Greek)

Merman Other Names

Explore diverse names that defy categories, offering unique choices for merman characters.

  1. Aquilus – “Eagle” (Latin)
  2. Lyrus – “Lyre” (Latin)
  3. Eurus – “East wind” (Latin)
  4. Sereno – “Calm, serene” (Italian)
  5. Indigo – “Deep blue-purple color” (Greek)
  6. Solis – “Of the sun” (Latin)
  7. Alden – “Old, wise friend” (Old English)
  8. Zephyrus – “West wind” (Greek)
  9. Aether – “Upper sky” (Greek)
  10. Coralus – “Coral” (Latin)
  11. Aurius – “Golden” (Latin)
  12. Marinus – “Of the sea” (Latin)
  13. Thalassos – “Sea” (Greek)
  14. Nereus – “Old man of the sea” (Greek)
  15. Sylvan – “Of the woods” (Latin)
  16. Orin – “Pine tree” (Greek)
  17. Aurelio – “Golden” (Italian)
  18. Zale – “Strength of the sea” (Greek)
  19. Caelum – “Sky, heaven” (Latin)
  20. Cassian – “Hollow” (Latin)
  21. Aqua – “Water” (Latin)
  22. Leander – “Lion man” (Greek)
  23. Nauticus – “Relating to ships and sailing” (Latin)
  24. Wave – “Rising and falling motion of the sea” (English)
  25. Kai – “Sea” (Hawaiian)
  26. Oceanus – “Ocean” (Greek)
  27. Aurelian – “Golden” (Latin)
  28. Marcello – “Little warrior” (Italian)
  29. Neptunus – “God of the sea in Roman mythology” (Latin)
  30. Tritonus – “Son of Poseidon and messenger of the sea” (Latin)

Pretty Merman Names

Discover names of exquisite charm and beauty, perfect for enchanting merman characters.

  1. Aquilus – “Eagle” (Latin)
  2. Lyrus – “Lyre” (Latin)
  3. Eurus – “East wind” (Latin)
  4. Sereno – “Calm, serene” (Italian)
  5. Indigo – “Deep blue-purple color” (Greek)
  6. Solis – “Of the sun” (Latin)
  7. Alden – “Old, wise friend” (Old English)
  8. Zephyrus – “West wind” (Greek)
  9. Aether – “Upper sky” (Greek)
  10. Coralus – “Coral” (Latin)
  11. Aurius – “Golden” (Latin)
  12. Marinus – “Of the sea” (Latin)
  13. Thalassos – “Sea” (Greek)
  14. Nereus – “Old man of the sea” (Greek)
  15. Sylvan – “Of the woods” (Latin)
  16. Orin – “Pine tree” (Greek)
  17. Aurelio – “Golden” (Italian)
  18. Zale – “Strength of the sea” (Greek)
  19. Caelum – “Sky, heaven” (Latin)
  20. Cassian – “Hollow” (Latin)
  21. Aqua – “Water” (Latin)
  22. Leander – “Lion man” (Greek)
  23. Nauticus – “Relating to ships and sailing” (Latin)
  24. Wave – “Rising and falling motion of the sea” (English)
  25. Kai – “Sea” (Hawaiian)
  26. Oceanus – “Ocean” (Greek)
  27. Aurelian – “Golden” (Latin)
  28. Marcello – “Little warrior” (Italian)
  29. Neptunus – “God of the sea in Roman mythology” (Latin)
  30. Tritonus – “Son of Poseidon and messenger of the sea” (Latin)

Powerful Merman Names

Unleash names that resonate with strength and authority, embodying the power of merman warriors.

  1. Titanus – “Titan” (Latin)
  2. Maelstrom – “Powerful whirlpool” (English)
  3. Vulcanus – “Volcano” (Latin)
  4. Ares – “God of war” (Greek)
  5. Thor – “Norse god of thunder” (Norse)
  6. Ajax – “Hero of the Trojan War” (Greek)
  7. Hyperion – “Titan of light” (Greek)
  8. Typhoon – “Violent storm” (Greek)
  9. Hercules – “Hero of Greek mythology known for strength” (Greek)
  10. Zeus – “King of the gods in Greek mythology” (Greek)
  11. Jupiter – “King of the gods in Roman mythology” (Latin)
  12. Odin – “Chief god in Norse mythology” (Norse)
  13. Kraken – “Legendary sea monster” (Norwegian)
  14. Leviathan – “Sea monster in Hebrew mythology” (Hebrew)
  15. Poseidon – “Greek god of the sea” (Greek)
  16. Neptune – “Roman god of the sea” (Latin)
  17. Oceanus – “Titan god of the ocean” (Greek)
  18. Triton – “Messenger of the sea” (Greek)
  19. Phorcys – “Ancient sea god” (Greek)
  20. Proteus – “Old man of the sea” (Greek)
  21. Aegir – “Norse god of the sea” (Norse)
  22. Cetus – “Sea monster in Greek mythology” (Greek)
  23. Njord – “Norse god of the sea and wind” (Norse)
  24. Varuna – “Hindu god of the ocean” (Hindu)
  25. Rán – “Norse goddess of the sea” (Norse)
  26. Amphitrite – “Greek sea goddess” (Greek)
  27. Sedna – “Inuit sea goddess” (Inuit)
  28. Namaka – “Hawaiian sea goddess” (Hawaiian)
  29. Shen – “Chinese sea dragon and water god” (Chinese)
  30. Undine – “Water elemental” (Latin)

Mermaid Superhero Names

Unveil heroic names that blend mermaid allure with superhero courage, forging legends of bravery.

  1. Aquatica – “Of the water” (Latin)
  2. Wave Rider – “One who rides the waves” (English)
  3. Siren Star – “Enchanting star of the sea” (English)
  4. Neptune’s Champion – “Protector chosen by Neptune” (English)
  5. Oceanus Defender – “Defender of the ocean” (English)
  6. Sea Seraph – “Heavenly sea creature” (English)
  7. Marine Marvel – “Wonder of the sea” (English)
  8. Tidal Titan – “Mighty ruler of the tides” (English)
  9. Aqua Avenger – “Avenger of the waters” (English)
  10. Poseidon’s Guardian – “Guardian appointed by Poseidon” (English)
  11. Typhoon Tamer – “Master of the typhoon” (English)
  12. Mystic Mer – “Mysterious sea dweller” (English)
  13. Thalassian Sentinel – “Guardian of the sea” (English)
  14. Nereid Knight – “Knight of the sea nymphs” (English)
  15. Seaborne Savior – “Savior of the sea” (English)
  16. Wave Whisperer – “One who whispers to the waves” (English)
  17. Triton’s Herald – “Herald of Triton” (English)
  18. Sea Sprite Sentinel – “Guardian spirit of the sea” (English)
  19. Ocean Oracle – “Seer of the ocean” (English)
  20. Hydra Hunter – “Hunter of sea monsters” (English)
  21. Amphibian Avenger – “Avenger of amphibious creatures” (English)
  22. Abyssal Angel – “Angel of the abyss” (English)
  23. Deep Sea Defender – “Defender of the deep sea” (English)
  24. Coral Crusader – “Crusader for coral reefs” (English)
  25. Merfolk Mage – “Magical merfolk” (English)
  26. Siren Sorcerer – “Sorcerer of the sirens” (English)
  27. Tsunami Tamer – “Master of the tsunami” (English)
  28. Aquatic Aura – “Aura of the aquatic realm” (English)
  29. Sea Sovereign – “Sovereign ruler of the sea” (English)
  30. Maritime Marvel – “Marvel of the maritime world” (English)

Merman Scientific Names

Explore names rooted in scientific curiosity, offering a scholarly view of deep-sea creatures.

  1. Mermanus Aquaticus – “Aquatic merman” (Latin)
  2. Tritonus Maris – “Sea messenger” (Latin)
  3. Oceanius Maris – “Oceanic sea” (Latin)
  4. Nereus Nauticus – “Seafaring old man” (Latin)
  5. Aquilus Marinus – “Of the marine eagle” (Latin)
  6. Lyrus Aquatilis – “Aquatic lyre” (Latin)
  7. Eurus Oceanicus – “Oceanic east wind” (Latin)
  8. Sereno Thalassius – “Calm of the sea” (Latin)
  9. Indigo Abyssalis – “Deep blue of the abyss” (Latin)
  10. Solis Maritimus – “Maritime sun” (Latin)
  11. Alden Mare – “Sea of the old, wise friend” (Latin)
  12. Zephyrus Pelagicus – “Pelagic west wind” (Latin)
  13. Aether Profundus – “Deep sky” (Latin)
  14. Coralus Maris – “Sea coral” (Latin)
  15. Aurius Abyssus – “Golden abyss” (Latin)
  16. Marinus Oceanis – “Oceanic marine” (Latin)
  17. Thalassos Aquaticus – “Aquatic sea” (Latin)
  18. Nereus Oceanicus – “Oceanic old man” (Latin)
  19. Sylvan Nauticus – “Seafaring of the woods” (Latin)
  20. Orin Maritimus – “Maritime pine tree” (Latin)
  21. Aurelio Aquarum – “Of the golden waters” (Latin)
  22. Zale Mare – “Sea of strength” (Latin)
  23. Caelum Pelagicus – “Pelagic sky” (Latin)
  24. Cassian Maritimus – “Maritime hollow” (Latin)
  25. Aqua Oceanus – “Oceanic water” (Latin)
  26. Leander Maris – “Sea lion man” (Latin)
  27. Nauticus Profundus – “Deep seafaring” (Latin)
  28. Wave Abyssus – “Abyssal wave” (Latin)
  29. Kai Pelagicus – “Pelagic sea” (Latin)
  30. Oceanus Maritimus – “Maritime ocean” (Latin)

Typical Merman Names

Find names reflecting common traits and traditions of merman culture.

  1. Aquilus – “Eagle” (Latin)
  2. Lyrus – “Lyre” (Latin)
  3. Eurus – “East wind” (Latin)
  4. Sereno – “Calm, serene” (Italian)
  5. Indigo – “Deep blue-purple color” (Greek)
  6. Solis – “Of the sun” (Latin)
  7. Alden – “Old, wise friend” (Old English)
  8. Zephyrus – “West wind” (Greek)
  9. Aether – “Upper sky” (Greek)
  10. Coralus – “Coral” (Latin)
  11. Aurius – “Golden” (Latin)
  12. Marinus – “Of the sea” (Latin)
  13. Thalassos – “Sea” (Greek)
  14. Nereus – “Old man of the sea” (Greek)
  15. Sylvan – “Of the woods” (Latin)
  16. Orin – “Pine tree” (Greek)
  17. Aurelio – “Golden” (Italian)
  18. Zale – “Strength of the sea” (Greek)
  19. Caelum – “Sky, heaven” (Latin)
  20. Cassian – “Hollow” (Latin)
  21. Aqua – “Water” (Latin)
  22. Leander – “Lion man” (Greek)
  23. Nauticus – “Relating to ships and sailing” (Latin)
  24. Wave – “Wave of the sea” (English)
  25. Azure – “Bright blue” (English)
  26. Marius – “Of the sea” (Latin)
  27. Triton – “Messenger of the sea” (Greek)
  28. Coral – “Coral” (English)
  29. Reef – “Underwater ridge” (English)
  30. Fathom – “Measure of depth of water” (English)

Merman Name in Spanish

Dive into names that bring the romantic beauty of the Spanish language to merman characters.

  1. Océano – “Ocean” (Spanish)
  2. Marino – “Of the sea” (Spanish)
  3. Atlántico – “Atlantic” (Spanish)
  4. Aguamarino – “Aquamarine” (Spanish)
  5. Corales – “Corals” (Spanish)
  6. Azul – “Blue” (Spanish)
  7. Pez – “Fish” (Spanish)
  8. Playa – “Beach” (Spanish)
  9. Caracola – “Seashell” (Spanish)
  10. Estrella – “Starfish” (Spanish)
  11. Marea – “Tide” (Spanish)
  12. Náutico – “Nautical” (Spanish)
  13. Sireno – “Siren” (Spanish)
  14. Ola – “Wave” (Spanish)
  15. Tridente – “Trident” (Spanish)
  16. Arenoso – “Sandy” (Spanish)
  17. Salado – “Salty” (Spanish)
  18. Costa – “Coast” (Spanish)
  19. Bruma – “Sea mist” (Spanish)
  20. Coralino – “Coraline” (Spanish)
  21. Marisma – “Marsh” (Spanish)
  22. Turquesa – “Turquoise” (Spanish)
  23. Bahía – “Bay” (Spanish)
  24. Delfín – “Dolphin” (Spanish)
  25. Nácar – “Mother-of-pearl” (Spanish)
  26. Algas – “Seaweed” (Spanish)
  27. Cangrejo – “Crab” (Spanish)
  28. Resplandor – “Glow” (Spanish)
  29. Salvaje – “Wild” (Spanish)
  30. Luna – “Moon” (Spanish)

Japanese Merman Names

Journey through names inspired by Japanese culture, capturing the elegance of Eastern merman lore.

  1. Kaiyo – “Ocean” (Japanese)
  2. Umibito – “Sea person” (Japanese)
  3. Kouen – “Ocean circle” (Japanese)
  4. Tide – “Tide” (Japanese)
  5. Umi no Hito – “Person of the sea” (Japanese)
  6. Minato – “Harbor” (Japanese)
  7. Shinkai – “Deep sea” (Japanese)
  8. Sora – “Sky” (Japanese)
  9. Taiyo – “Sun” (Japanese)
  10. Kanagawa – “Bayside” (Japanese)
  11. Kaishu – “Sea lord” (Japanese)
  12. Aomizu – “Blue water” (Japanese)
  13. Kaiji – “Sea path” (Japanese)
  14. Wakame – “Seaweed” (Japanese)
  15. Hamabe – “Beach” (Japanese)
  16. Mizuumi – “Lake” (Japanese)
  17. Kurofune – “Black ship” (Japanese)
  18. Kujira – “Whale” (Japanese)
  19. Kisetsu – “Season” (Japanese)
  20. Gyotaku – “Fish printing” (Japanese)
  21. Unagi – “Eel” (Japanese)
  22. Yamaarashi – “Sea urchin” (Japanese)
  23. Kaiju – “Sea beast” (Japanese)
  24. Ryugu – “Dragon palace” (Japanese)
  25. Suihei – “Horizon” (Japanese)
  26. Taiju – “Great tree” (Japanese)
  27. Tairiku – “Continent” (Japanese)
  28. Shima – “Island” (Japanese)
  29. Hikari – “Light” (Japanese)
  30. Kumo – “Cloud” (Japanese)

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