780 Panther Names: Unique Options for Every Panther Lover

Panther Names

The panther is a big, wild cat known for its shiny black fur and strong, quiet nature. Even though people often think of it as its own kind, a panther is usually a leopard or a jaguar with a black color due to a special gene.

Panthers are excellent hunters and can move quietly through forests and jungles. Their smooth movements and strong bodies make them one of the most interesting animals in the wild.

If you love to have a panther to call your own, then you’re in the right place for choosing panther names for your loving pet. Let’s get started!

5 Unknown Facts about Panthers

Here are five lesser-known facts about panthers:

1. Not a Separate Species: A panther isn’t a different species. It’s usually a leopard or jaguar with a black coat, caused by a genetic condition called melanism, which makes their fur darker.

2. Can Still Have Spots: Even though panthers look all black, they often have spots, just like regular leopards or jaguars. You can sometimes see these spots in the right light.

3. Great Climbers: Panthers are excellent at climbing trees. They use this skill to hunt from above or to hide from other animals. They often drag their food up into trees to keep it safe.

4. Excellent Swimmers: Panthers are good swimmers, especially the ones in jungles and rainforests. They’re not afraid of water and will cross rivers or lakes to hunt or explore.

5. Silent Stalkers: Panthers are known for being very quiet when they hunt. They can move through thick forests without making a sound, making them very effective predators.

Find creative and affectionate quokka names for your panther.

How to choose Panther Names?

Here is how you can choose Panther names more efficiently. Let’s dive in!

Consider the Panther’s Traits: Start by thinking about the panther’s unique features. Its black fur, quiet movements, and strong, graceful nature can inspire names like “Shadow” or “Sleek” that reflect these qualities.

Nature-Inspired Names: Look to nature for ideas. Names like “Jungle,” “Midnight,” or “Storm” can be a good fit, drawing on the environments where panthers are found or the dark colors that define them.

Names from Books and Myths: You can also get creative by choosing names from stories, books, or myths. “Bagheera,” from The Jungle Book, is a popular choice, or you might consider names from legends that involve strong or mysterious animals.

Make It Personal: Choose a name that feels right for the panther’s personality and is easy to say. Whether it’s something classic or unique, the most important thing is that you like it and it suits the panther.

Check out unique goldendoodle names for panthers with their meanings and origins.

Names for Panther

Finding the perfect name for your panther can be an exciting adventure. Whether you’re inspired by their sleek appearance or fierce personality, there are countless Panther names that capture their majestic essence.

  1. Zephyr – “Gentle breeze” (Greek)
  2. Blaze – “Flame” (English)
  3. Shadow – “Darkness” (English)
  4. Echo – “Reverberating sound” (Greek)
  5. Raven – “Dark bird” (English)
  6. Vortex – “Whirlpool” (Latin)
  7. Sable – “Black” (English)
  8. Nimbus – “Cloud” (Latin)
  9. Onyx – “Black gemstone” (Greek)
  10. Rogue – “Dishonest or unprincipled person” (English)
  11. Nyx – “Night” (Greek)
  12. Frost – “Ice crystals” (English)
  13. Sterling – “High quality” (English)
  14. Haze – “Mist” (English)
  15. Griffin – “Mythical creature” (Greek)
  16. Dusk – “Twilight” (English)
  17. Thorn – “Prickle” (English)
  18. Rogue – “Unconventional” (English)
  19. Velvet – “Soft fabric” (English)
  20. Sphinx – “Mythical creature” (Egyptian)
  21. Wraith – “Ghost” (Scottish)
  22. Jett – “Black gemstone” (English)
  23. Ash – “Tree” (English)
  24. Nebula – “Cloud of gas and dust” (Latin)
  25. Cinder – “Burnt residue” (English)
  26. Storm – “Violent weather” (English)
  27. Obsidian – “Volcanic glass” (Latin)
  28. Falcon – “Bird of prey” (English)
  29. Crimson – “Red” (English)
  30. Zenith – “Peak” (Arabic)

Panther Names Male

Choosing a name for your male panther? Opt for something that reflects their strong and elegant nature. From regal titles to powerful Panther names, you’ll find a range of options to match their bold character.

Panther Names Male
  1. Rex – “King” (Latin)
  2. Zane – “God’s gracious gift” (Hebrew)
  3. Hawk – “Bird of prey” (English)
  4. Jax – “God has been gracious” (American)
  5. Talon – “Claw” (English)
  6. Ranger – “Forest guardian” (English)
  7. Blaze – “Fire” (English)
  8. Vlad – “Ruler” (Slavic)
  9. Bran – “Raven” (Welsh)
  10. Cairo – “Victorious” (Arabic)
  11. Shadow – “Dark shape” (English)
  12. Gage – “Pledge” (French)
  13. Mace – “Weapon” (Old French)
  14. Kade – “Rhythmic” (American)
  15. Kai – “Sea” (Hawaiian)
  16. Duke – “Noble leader” (English)
  17. Orion – “Hunter” (Greek)
  18. Jett – “Black gemstone” (English)
  19. Wolf – “Wild animal” (Germanic)
  20. Ace – “One” (Latin)
  21. Lynx – “Wild cat” (Greek)
  22. Jagger – “Carter” (English)
  23. Ryder – “Mounted warrior” (English)
  24. Drake – “Dragon” (Old English)
  25. Griff – “Strong lord” (Welsh)
  26. Stone – “Rock” (English)
  27. Zephyr – “West wind” (Greek)
  28. Atlas – “Bearer of the heavens” (Greek)
  29. Thor – “Thunder” (Norse)
  30. Axel – “Father of peace” (Scandinavian)

Female Panther Names

A female panther deserves a name that highlights her grace and strength. Discover Panther names that celebrate her unique beauty and commanding presence, perfect for any majestic feline.

  1. Luna – “Moon” (Latin)
  2. Sable – “Black” (French)
  3. Nyx – “Night” (Greek)
  4. Astra – “Star” (Greek)
  5. Iris – “Rainbow” (Greek)
  6. Mara – “Bitter” (Hebrew)
  7. Vera – “Truth” (Latin)
  8. Jade – “Precious stone” (Spanish)
  9. Zara – “Princess” (Arabic)
  10. Nova – “New” (Latin)
  11. Moxie – “Courage” (American)
  12. Echo – “Reverberating sound” (Greek)
  13. Faye – “Fairy” (English)
  14. Siri – “Beautiful victory” (Norwegian)
  15. Lila – “Night” (Arabic)
  16. Celeste – “Heavenly” (Latin)
  17. Raven – “Black bird” (English)
  18. Sierra – “Mountain range” (Spanish)
  19. Nina – “Little girl” (Spanish)
  20. Opal – “Gemstone” (Sanskrit)
  21. Daisy – “Day’s eye” (English)
  22. Willow – “Tree” (English)
  23. Violet – “Flower” (Latin)
  24. Tara – “Star” (Irish)
  25. Greta – “Pearl” (German)
  26. Selene – “Moon” (Greek)
  27. Roxy – “Dawn” (Persian)
  28. Lana – “Light” (Hawaiian)
  29. Indra – “Goddess of the heavens” (Sanskrit)
  30. Hera – “Goddess of marriage” (Greek)

Good Names for Panthers

Looking for a name that truly fits your panther’s personality? Explore a collection of Panther names that are not only fitting but also memorable and meaningful for your extraordinary pet.

  1. Jewel – “Precious gem” (English)
  2. Serene – “Calm” (Latin)
  3. Bliss – “Happiness” (English)
  4. Mirth – “Joy” (English)
  5. Cherish – “To hold dear” (English)
  6. Hope – “Expectation” (English)
  7. Glory – “Honor” (Latin)
  8. Grace – “Elegance” (Latin)
  9. Noble – “High moral qualities” (English)
  10. Eden – “Paradise” (Hebrew)
  11. Amor – “Love” (Latin)
  12. Felicity – “Happiness” (Latin)
  13. Charity – “Love” (English)
  14. Luz – “Light” (Spanish)
  15. Aria – “Melody” (Italian)
  16. Hope – “Optimism” (English)
  17. Zenith – “Peak” (Arabic)
  18. Allegra – “Joyful” (Italian)
  19. Clement – “Mild” (Latin)
  20. Elan – “Enthusiasm” (French)
  21. Eureka – “I have found it” (Greek)
  22. Seraph – “Fiery” (Hebrew)
  23. Trinity – “Threefold” (Latin)
  24. Bliss – “Joy” (English)
  25. Sage – “Wise” (Latin)
  26. Elysia – “Elysian fields” (Greek)
  27. Gleam – “Shine” (English)
  28. Radiance – “Bright light” (English)
  29. Aloha – “Love” (Hawaiian)
  30. Luminous – “Shining” (Latin)

Cool Panther Names

If you want a name that’s as stylish and impressive as your panther, check out these cool options. Each name has its own unique flair, perfect for a sleek and sophisticated cat.

  1. Vortex – “Whirlpool” (Latin)
  2. Nebula – “Cloud of gas” (Latin)
  3. Rogue – “Outlaw” (English)
  4. Zephyr – “Gentle breeze” (Greek)
  5. Cipher – “Code” (English)
  6. Glitch – “Error” (English)
  7. Frost – “Frozen dew” (English)
  8. Phoenix – “Mythical bird” (Greek)
  9. Jinx – “Curse” (English)
  10. Blaze – “Fire” (English)
  11. Zion – “Heavenly” (Hebrew)
  12. Nero – “Black” (Latin)
  13. Viper – “Snake” (Latin)
  14. Specter – “Ghost” (Latin)
  15. Sable – “Black” (French)
  16. Nova – “New” (Latin)
  17. Razor – “Sharp” (English)
  18. Storm – “Tempest” (English)
  19. Raptor – “Bird of prey” (Latin)
  20. Maverick – “Independent” (English)
  21. Drake – “Dragon” (Old English)
  22. Dusk – “Twilight” (English)
  23. Grim – “Fierce” (English)
  24. Shade – “Shadow” (English)
  25. Blitz – “Lightning attack” (German)
  26. Lynx – “Wild cat” (Greek)
  27. Vortex – “Whirlpool” (Latin)
  28. Rage – “Fury” (English)
  29. Wraith – “Ghost” (Scottish)
  30. Raven – “Black bird” (English)

Panther Names Girl

Finding the right name for your female panther? Explore Panther names that emphasize her elegance and poise, reflecting both her beauty and strength in a way that suits her perfectly.

  1. Roxy – “Dawn” (Persian)
  2. Zara – “Princess” (Arabic)
  3. Luna – “Moon” (Latin)
  4. Maya – “Illusion” (Sanskrit)
  5. Ivy – “Climbing plant” (English)
  6. Nina – “Little girl” (Spanish)
  7. Sage – “Wise” (Latin)
  8. Daisy – “Flower” (English)
  9. Bella – “Beautiful” (Italian)
  10. Mara – “Bitter” (Hebrew)
  11. Nia – “Purpose” (Swahili)
  12. Rhea – “Flowing stream” (Greek)
  13. Cleo – “Pride” (Greek)
  14. Vera – “Truth” (Latin)
  15. Tara – “Star” (Irish)
  16. Ginger – “Spice” (English)
  17. Moxie – “Courage” (American)
  18. Dahlia – “Flower” (Swedish)
  19. Juno – “Queen of the gods” (Latin)
  20. Indra – “Goddess of the heavens” (Sanskrit)
  21. Lila – “Night” (Arabic)
  22. Opal – “Gemstone” (Sanskrit)
  23. Faye – “Fairy” (English)
  24. Eve – “Life” (Hebrew)
  25. Tia – “Aunt” (Spanish)
  26. Kira – “Sparkle” (Persian)
  27. Selene – “Moon” (Greek)
  28. Mia – “Mine” (Italian)
  29. Rina – “Joy” (Hebrew)
  30. Violet – “Flower” (Latin)

Common Panther Names

Looking for a classic name that suits your panther? Discover a list of popular Panther names that are widely loved and fit well with your panther’s majestic and mysterious nature.

  1. Shadow – “Dark shape” (English)
  2. Midnight – “12 o’clock” (English)
  3. Jet – “Black gemstone” (English)
  4. Smokey – “Smoke” (English)
  5. Stormy – “Storm” (English)
  6. Sable – “Black” (French)
  7. Coal – “Black rock” (English)
  8. Onyx – “Black gemstone” (Greek)
  9. Cinder – “Ash” (English)
  10. Raven – “Black bird” (English)
  11. Ash – “Tree” (English)
  12. Night – “Dark time” (English)
  13. Cobra – “Snake” (Latin)
  14. Vesper – “Evening star” (Latin)
  15. Storm – “Tempest” (English)
  16. Charcoal – “Burnt wood” (English)
  17. Luna – “Moon” (Latin)
  18. Goth – “Dark” (English)
  19. Grim – “Fierce” (English)
  20. Dusk – “Twilight” (English)
  21. Ghost – “Spirit” (English)
  22. Phantom – “Apparition” (Greek)
  23. Misty – “Foggy” (English)
  24. Blaze – “Fire” (English)
  25. Shade – “Shadow” (English)
  26. Nimbus – “Cloud” (Latin)
  27. Shadow – “Dark shape” (English)
  28. Raven – “Black bird” (English)
  29. Tempest – “Storm” (Latin)
  30. Noir – “Black” (French)

Dark Panther Names

If your panther has a mysterious and enigmatic vibe, a dark name might be just what you’re looking for. These Panther names evoke the allure of the night and the depth of shadows.

  1. Obsidian – “Volcanic glass” (Latin)
  2. Noir – “Black” (French)
  3. Eclipse – “Blocking of light” (Greek)
  4. Phantom – “Apparition” (Greek)
  5. Raven – “Black bird” (English)
  6. Midnight – “12 o’clock” (English)
  7. Vortex – “Whirlpool” (Latin)
  8. Gothic – “Dark style” (English)
  9. Shadow – “Dark shape” (English)
  10. Nebula – “Cloud of gas” (Latin)
  11. Razor – “Sharp blade” (English)
  12. Sable – “Black” (French)
  13. Gloom – “Darkness” (English)
  14. Dusk – “Twilight” (English)
  15. Ink – “Black fluid” (English)
  16. Specter – “Ghost” (Latin)
  17. Cinder – “Ash” (English)
  18. Grim – “Fierce” (English)
  19. Jett – “Black gemstone” (English)
  20. Charcoal – “Burnt wood” (English)
  21. Raven – “Black bird” (English)
  22. Tempest – “Storm” (Latin)
  23. Vesper – “Evening star” (Latin)
  24. Drake – “Dragon” (Old English)
  25. Rage – “Fury” (English)
  26. Nocturne – “Night piece” (French)
  27. Murk – “Darkness” (English)
  28. Cobra – “Snake” (Latin)
  29. Nightshade – “Toxic plant” (English)
  30. Twilight – “Dusk” (English)

Mythical Panther Names

For a panther with an air of legend, consider names inspired by mythology. These Panther names carry a sense of magic and grandeur, perfect for a feline that seems almost otherworldly.

  1. Griffin – “Mythical creature with lion and eagle features” (Greek)
  2. Cerberus – “Three-headed dog” (Greek)
  3. Chimera – “Fire-breathing monster” (Greek)
  4. Kraken – “Giant sea monster” (Scandinavian)
  5. Hydra – “Many-headed serpent” (Greek)
  6. Basilisk – “Mythical serpent” (Greek)
  7. Phoenix – “Immortal bird” (Greek)
  8. Manticore – “Monster with lion’s body and human head” (Persian)
  9. Harpy – “Winged spirit” (Greek)
  10. Sphinx – “Mythical creature with human head and lion’s body” (Egyptian)
  11. Naga – “Serpent deity” (Hindu)
  12. Kappa – “Water creature” (Japanese)
  13. Yeti – “Abominable snowman” (Tibetan)
  14. Wendigo – “Cannibalistic spirit” (Algonquin)
  15. Charybdis – “Sea monster” (Greek)
  16. Gorgon – “Monster with snakes for hair” (Greek)
  17. Selkie – “Seal that turns into a human” (Scottish)
  18. Banshee – “Wailing spirit” (Irish)
  19. Arachne – “Spider-like creature” (Greek)
  20. Typhon – “Giant storm monster” (Greek)
  21. Leviathan – “Sea serpent” (Hebrew)
  22. Jormungandr – “World serpent” (Norse)
  23. Nymph – “Nature spirit” (Greek)
  24. Mokele-Mbembe – “Dinosaur-like creature” (Congo)
  25. Ammit – “Devourer of souls” (Egyptian)
  26. Rusalka – “Water spirit” (Slavic)
  27. Hippogriff – “Creature with eagle’s head and horse’s body” (Greek)
  28. Kelpie – “Water horse” (Scottish)
  29. Kitsune – “Fox spirit” (Japanese)
  30. Gryphon – “Lion-eagle hybrid” (Greek)

Famous Panther Names

If you want to name your panther after a well-known figure or character, check out these famous names. Each one has its own story and prestige, adding a touch of celebrity to your pet.

Famous Panther Names
  1. Panther – “Famous comic character” (American)
  2. Bagheera – “Black panther from The Jungle Book” (Hindi)
  3. Black Panther – “Marvel superhero” (American)
  4. T’Challa – “Black Panther’s real name” (African)
  5. Shere Khan – “Tiger from The Jungle Book” (Hindi)
  6. Sable – “Panther in literature” (French)
  7. Kaa – “Python from The Jungle Book” (Hindi)
  8. Puma – “Famous for agility” (South American)
  9. Nala – “Lioness from The Lion King” (Swahili)
  10. Simba – “Lion from The Lion King” (Swahili)
  11. Mufasa – “Lion King” (Swahili)
  12. Kovu – “Lion from The Lion King” (Swahili)
  13. Sarabi – “Lioness from The Lion King” (Swahili)
  14. Timon – “Meerkat from The Lion King” (Swahili)
  15. Pumbaa – “Warthog from The Lion King” (Swahili)
  16. Rajah – “Tiger from Aladdin” (Hindi)
  17. Azula – “Fire princess from Avatar” (Chinese)
  18. Appa – “Flying bison from Avatar” (Chinese)
  19. Momo – “Flying lemur from Avatar” (Chinese)
  20. Iroh – “Fire Nation general from Avatar” (Chinese)
  21. Zuko – “Fire prince from Avatar” (Chinese)
  22. Katara – “Water bender from Avatar” (Chinese)
  23. Aang – “Airbender from Avatar” (Chinese)
  24. Sokka – “Warrior from Avatar” (Chinese)
  25. Toph – “Earth bender from Avatar” (Chinese)
  26. Suki – “Warrior from Avatar” (Chinese)
  27. Mikasa – “Attack on Titan character” (Japanese)
  28. Eren – “Attack on Titan character” (Japanese)
  29. Levi – “Attack on Titan character” (Japanese)
  30. Armin – “Attack on Titan character” (Japanese)

Panther Names for Cats

Looking for the perfect name for your pet panther? Explore a variety of options that fit well with the charm and character of domestic cats, making your feline friend stand out.

  1. Whiskers – “Facial hair” (English)
  2. Paws – “Cat feet” (English)
  3. Mittens – “Cat’s paws” (English)
  4. Tigress – “Female tiger” (English)
  5. Cuddles – “Hugs” (English)
  6. Pounce – “Leap” (English)
  7. Fuzz – “Soft hair” (English)
  8. Pebbles – “Small stones” (English)
  9. Buttons – “Fasteners” (English)
  10. Snickers – “Chocolate bar” (English)
  11. Tinker – “Fixer” (English)
  12. Ginger – “Spice” (English)
  13. Poppy – “Flower” (English)
  14. Marbles – “Small balls” (English)
  15. Mittens – “Cat paws” (English)
  16. Whisper – “Soft sound” (English)
  17. Lynx – “Wild cat” (Greek)
  18. Cocoa – “Chocolate” (English)
  19. Peaches – “Fruit” (English)
  20. Angel – “Heavenly being” (English)
  21. Flame – “Fire” (English)
  22. Socks – “Footwear” (English)
  23. Puff – “Soft breath” (English)
  24. Jasper – “Gemstone” (English)
  25. Doodle – “Sketch” (English)
  26. Pumpkin – “Gourd” (English)
  27. Snowflake – “Winter crystal” (English)
  28. Chester – “Fortress” (English)
  29. Tinkerbell – “Fairy” (English)
  30. Buttercup – “Flower” (English)

Panther Names for Cats Girl

Find the perfect name for your female panther that reflects her elegance and grace. These names are specially chosen to suit the refined nature of a female feline.

  1. Bella – “Beautiful” (Italian)
  2. Lily – “Flower” (English)
  3. Nala – “Lioness” (Swahili)
  4. Luna – “Moon” (Latin)
  5. Mia – “Mine” (Italian)
  6. Sasha – “Protector” (Russian)
  7. Poppy – “Flower” (English)
  8. Moxie – “Courage” (American)
  9. Zara – “Princess” (Arabic)
  10. Ruby – “Gemstone” (Latin)
  11. Mara – “Bitter” (Hebrew)
  12. Ivy – “Climbing plant” (English)
  13. Kira – “Sparkle” (Persian)
  14. Tara – “Star” (Irish)
  15. Ginger – “Spice” (English)
  16. Suki – “Beloved” (Japanese)
  17. Trixie – “Bringer of joy” (English)
  18. Nina – “Little girl” (Spanish)
  19. Jade – “Precious stone” (Spanish)
  20. Cleo – “Pride” (Greek)
  21. Sable – “Black” (French)
  22. Daisy – “Day’s eye” (English)
  23. Fiona – “Fair” (Scottish)
  24. Holly – “Plant” (English)
  25. Opal – “Gemstone” (Sanskrit)
  26. Lila – “Night” (Arabic)
  27. Selena – “Moon” (Greek)
  28. Violet – “Flower” (Latin)
  29. Misty – “Foggy” (English)
  30. Lana – “Light” (Hawaiian)

Panther Names in Mythology

Discover names with roots in ancient myths and legends. These mythological names are rich with history and meaning, making them a great choice for a panther with a touch of the divine.

  1. Aphrodite – “Goddess of love” (Greek)
  2. Apollo – “God of light” (Greek)
  3. Athena – “Goddess of wisdom” (Greek)
  4. Hades – “God of the underworld” (Greek)
  5. Hera – “Goddess of marriage” (Greek)
  6. Persephone – “Goddess of spring” (Greek)
  7. Zeus – “King of gods” (Greek)
  8. Hermes – “Messenger god” (Greek)
  9. Poseidon – “God of the sea” (Greek)
  10. Artemis – “Goddess of the hunt” (Greek)
  11. Ares – “God of war” (Greek)
  12. Hestia – “Goddess of hearth” (Greek)
  13. Eros – “God of love” (Greek)
  14. Hecate – “Goddess of magic” (Greek)
  15. Nyx – “Goddess of night” (Greek)
  16. Demeter – “Goddess of harvest” (Greek)
  17. Eurydice – “Wife of Orpheus” (Greek)
  18. Nereus – “Old man of the sea” (Greek)
  19. Themis – “Goddess of justice” (Greek)
  20. Janus – “God of beginnings” (Roman)
  21. Vesta – “Goddess of hearth” (Roman)
  22. Mars – “God of war” (Roman)
  23. Minerva – “Goddess of wisdom” (Roman)
  24. Jupiter – “King of gods” (Roman)
  25. Neptune – “God of the sea” (Roman)
  26. Pluto – “God of the underworld” (Roman)
  27. Juno – “Queen of the gods” (Roman)
  28. Saturn – “God of agriculture” (Roman)
  29. Bacchus – “God of wine” (Roman)
  30. Mercury – “Messenger god” (Roman)

Panther Names in Movies

If you’re a movie fan, why not name your panther after a famous film character or theme? These names bring a cinematic flair and a bit of Hollywood glam to your pet’s identity.

  1. Bagheera – “Black panther from The Jungle Book” (Hindi)
  2. Shere Khan – “Tiger from The Jungle Book” (Hindi)
  3. Black Panther – “Marvel superhero” (American)
  4. T’Challa – “Black Panther’s real name” (African)
  5. Mowgli – “Human child from The Jungle Book” (Hindi)
  6. Raja – “Tiger from Aladdin” (Hindi)
  7. Simba – “Lion from The Lion King” (Swahili)
  8. Mufasa – “Lion king” (Swahili)
  9. Nala – “Lioness from The Lion King” (Swahili)
  10. Zazu – “Bird from The Lion King” (Swahili)
  11. Pumbaa – “Warthog from The Lion King” (Swahili)
  12. Timon – “Meerkat from The Lion King” (Swahili)
  13. Rajah – “Tiger from Aladdin” (Hindi)
  14. Kaa – “Python from The Jungle Book” (Hindi)
  15. Mushu – “Dragon from Mulan” (Chinese)
  16. Eeyore – “Donkey from Winnie the Pooh” (English)
  17. Piglet – “Pig from Winnie the Pooh” (English)
  18. Roo – “Kangaroo from Winnie the Pooh” (English)
  19. Tigger – “Tiger from Winnie the Pooh” (English)
  20. Gus Gus – “Mouse from Cinderella” (English)
  21. Jaq – “Mouse from Cinderella” (English)
  22. Sebastian – “Crab from The Little Mermaid” (English)
  23. Flounder – “Fish from The Little Mermaid” (English)
  24. Pocahontas – “Native American heroine” (English)
  25. Mulan – “Chinese heroine” (Chinese)
  26. Aurora – “Sleeping Beauty” (Latin)
  27. Belle – “Beauty from Beauty and the Beast” (French)
  28. Jasmine – “Princess from Aladdin” (Arabic)
  29. Elsa – “Queen from Frozen” (Scandinavian)
  30. Anna – “Sister from Frozen” (Scandinavian)

Panther Names in Jungle Book

Inspired by the classic “Jungle Book”? Explore names from the beloved story that perfectly capture the spirit of panthers and their wild, adventurous nature.

  1. Shere – “Tiger” (Sanskrit)
  2. Bagheera – “Panther” (Hindi)
  3. Kaa – “Serpent” (Sanskrit)
  4. Baloo – “Bear” (Hindi)
  5. Mowgli – “Frog” (Sanskrit)
  6. Raksha – “Protection” (Hindi)
  7. Hathi – “Elephant” (Hindi)
  8. Akela – “Lonely” (Hindi)
  9. Tabaqui – “Jackal” (Hindi)
  10. Mali – “Flower” (Hindi)
  11. Mowgli – “Frog” (Sanskrit)
  12. Misha – “Gift from God” (Russian)
  13. Rama – “Pleasant” (Sanskrit)
  14. Sahi – “Lion” (Swahili)
  15. Ajeet – “Invincible” (Sanskrit)
  16. Pasha – “Master” (Turkish)
  17. Rani – “Queen” (Hindi)
  18. Ravi – “Sun” (Sanskrit)
  19. Babu – “Little boy” (Hindi)
  20. Tala – “Star” (Tagalog)
  21. Giri – “Mountain” (Sanskrit)
  22. Zara – “Princess” (Arabic)
  23. Lali – “Beloved” (Hindi)
  24. Jaya – “Victory” (Sanskrit)
  25. Arjun – “White” (Sanskrit)
  26. Veda – “Knowledge” (Sanskrit)
  27. Chandra – “Moon” (Sanskrit)
  28. Lila – “Play” (Sanskrit)
  29. Dina – “Day” (Swahili)
  30. Nisha – “Night” (Sanskrit)

Panther Names DnD

For those who love fantasy and adventure, D&D-inspired names can add a magical touch to your panther’s identity. These names often carry a sense of mystique and epic tales.

  1. Drake – “Dragon” (Old English)
  2. Frost – “Ice” (English)
  3. Storm – “Tempest” (English)
  4. Shadow – “Dark shape” (English)
  5. Blaze – “Fire” (English)
  6. Gloom – “Darkness” (English)
  7. Thorne – “Sharp” (English)
  8. Rune – “Mystic symbol” (Old English)
  9. Nyx – “Night” (Greek)
  10. Grim – “Fierce” (English)
  11. Fenrir – “Wolf monster” (Norse)
  12. Hades – “Underworld god” (Greek)
  13. Sylvan – “Woodland” (Latin)
  14. Vesper – “Evening star” (Latin)
  15. Onyx – “Black gemstone” (Greek)
  16. Zephyr – “West wind” (Greek)
  17. Cinder – “Ash” (English)
  18. Dusk – “Twilight” (English)
  19. Raven – “Black bird” (English)
  20. Draven – “Dark” (English)
  21. Kane – “Warrior” (Irish)
  22. Zeus – “King of gods” (Greek)
  23. Luna – “Moon” (Latin)
  24. Abyss – “Void” (Greek)
  25. Eclipse – “Blocking of light” (Greek)
  26. Nebula – “Cloud of gas” (Latin)
  27. Scythe – “Harvesting tool” (English)
  28. Phantom – “Apparition” (Greek)
  29. Razor – “Sharp blade” (English)
  30. Kali – “Goddess of destruction” (Hindu)

Black Panther Names

Celebrate the sleek and powerful nature of your black panther with names that highlight their striking appearance. Each name is chosen to complement their dark and captivating look.

Black Panther Names
  1. Nyx – “Night” (Greek)
  2. Onyx – “Black gemstone” (Greek)
  3. Shadow – “Dark shape” (English)
  4. Midnight – “Dark time” (English)
  5. Jet – “Black stone” (English)
  6. Ebony – “Dark wood” (English)
  7. Raven – “Dark bird” (English)
  8. Cinder – “Ash” (English)
  9. Vesper – “Evening star” (Latin)
  10. Zara – “Princess” (Arabic)
  11. Myst – “Misty” (English)
  12. Talon – “Claw” (English)
  13. Eclipse – “Astronomical event” (Greek)
  14. Nebula – “Cloud of gas” (Latin)
  15. Sable – “Black fur” (English)
  16. Phantom – “Ghost” (Greek)
  17. Noir – “Black” (French)
  18. Dusky – “Dim light” (English)
  19. Storm – “Weather” (English)
  20. Zephyr – “Gentle breeze” (Greek)
  21. Rogue – “Rebel” (English)
  22. Obsidian – “Volcanic glass” (Latin)
  23. Sombra – “Shadow” (Spanish)
  24. Gothic – “Dark style” (English)
  25. Blackie – “Black” (English)
  26. Abyss – “Deep void” (Greek)
  27. Luna – “Moon” (Latin)
  28. Cloak – “Cover” (English)
  29. Triton – “Sea god” (Greek)
  30. Zane – “God’s grace” (Hebrew)

Black Panther Names Male

If you have a male black panther, consider names that reflect his strength and elegance. These names emphasize his commanding presence and regal demeanor.

  1. Rex – “King” (Latin)
  2. Zeus – “God” (Greek)
  3. Thor – “Thunder” (Norse)
  4. Atlas – “Bearer of heaven” (Greek)
  5. Leo – “Lion” (Latin)
  6. Jax – “God has been gracious” (English)
  7. Ryder – “Mounted warrior” (English)
  8. Maverick – “Independent” (English)
  9. Blaze – “Fire” (English)
  10. Orion – “Hunter” (Greek)
  11. Raven – “Dark bird” (English)
  12. Hunter – “Pursuer” (English)
  13. Axel – “Father of peace” (Scandinavian)
  14. Gage – “Pledge” (French)
  15. Dante – “Enduring” (Italian)
  16. Cyrus – “Sun” (Persian)
  17. Bane – “Destroyer” (English)
  18. Seth – “God of chaos” (Egyptian)
  19. Jett – “Black gemstone” (English)
  20. Raiden – “Thunder and lightning” (Japanese)
  21. Kane – “Warrior” (Irish)
  22. Zane – “God’s grace” (Hebrew)
  23. Hades – “Underworld god” (Greek)
  24. Drake – “Dragon” (English)
  25. Jagger – “To cut” (English)
  26. Dorian – “Descendant of Dorus” (Greek)
  27. Koa – “Brave” (Hawaiian)
  28. Kai – “Sea” (Hawaiian)
  29. Dante – “Enduring” (Italian)
  30. Basil – “King” (Greek)

Black Panther Female Names

Find a name that matches the grace and power of your female black panther. These names are perfect for showcasing her unique beauty and fierce personality.

  1. Nyx – “Night” (Greek)
  2. Luna – “Moon” (Latin)
  3. Nero – “Black” (Italian)
  4. Sable – “Black fur” (English)
  5. Raven – “Dark bird” (English)
  6. Zara – “Princess” (Arabic)
  7. Vesper – “Evening star” (Latin)
  8. Onyx – “Black gemstone” (Greek)
  9. Carmen – “Song” (Latin)
  10. Eclipse – “Astronomical event” (Greek)
  11. Myst – “Misty” (English)
  12. Jet – “Black stone” (English)
  13. Aurora – “Dawn” (Latin)
  14. Roxy – “Dawn” (Persian)
  15. Luna – “Moon” (Latin)
  16. Sasha – “Defender of mankind” (Russian)
  17. Noir – “Black” (French)
  18. Echo – “Reverberation” (Greek)
  19. Thalia – “Blooming” (Greek)
  20. Nadia – “Hope” (Slavic)
  21. Vera – “Truth” (Russian)
  22. Selene – “Moon” (Greek)
  23. Sierra – “Mountain range” (Spanish)
  24. Faye – “Fairy” (English)
  25. Lila – “Play” (Sanskrit)
  26. Zelda – “Gray fighting maid” (German)
  27. Isla – “Island” (Spanish)
  28. Mara – “Bitter” (Hebrew)
  29. Tara – “Star” (Sanskrit)
  30. Nina – “Girl” (Spanish)

Black Panther Names for Cats

Looking for the perfect name for your black panther cat? Explore names that capture their sleek, mysterious charm, adding a touch of elegance to their everyday life.

  1. Shadow – “Dark shape” (English)
  2. Misty – “Foggy” (English)
  3. Smokey – “Like smoke” (English)
  4. Storm – “Weather” (English)
  5. Ash – “From the ashes” (English)
  6. Salem – “Peace” (Arabic)
  7. Cinder – “Ash” (English)
  8. Jett – “Black gemstone” (English)
  9. Phantom – “Ghost” (Greek)
  10. Raven – “Dark bird” (English)
  11. Ebony – “Dark wood” (English)
  12. Vesper – “Evening star” (Latin)
  13. Rex – “King” (Latin)
  14. Jet – “Black gemstone” (English)
  15. Myst – “Misty” (English)
  16. Blaze – “Fire” (English)
  17. Gothic – “Dark style” (English)
  18. Eclipse – “Astronomical event” (Greek)
  19. Luna – “Moon” (Latin)
  20. Zephyr – “Gentle breeze” (Greek)
  21. Abyss – “Deep void” (Greek)
  22. Sable – “Black fur” (English)
  23. Dusky – “Dim light” (English)
  24. Talon – “Claw” (English)
  25. Sombra – “Shadow” (Spanish)
  26. Noir – “Black” (French)
  27. Triton – “Sea god” (Greek)
  28. Nebula – “Cloud of gas” (Latin)
  29. Zara – “Princess” (Arabic)
  30. Nero – “Black” (Italian)

Panther Name Style

Discover different styles of names that suit your panther’s unique personality. Whether you prefer classic, modern, or whimsical names, find the perfect style to reflect your pet’s character.

  1. Zephyr – “Gentle breeze” (Greek)
  2. Nox – “Night” (Latin)
  3. Echo – “Reverberation” (Greek)
  4. Vortex – “Whirlpool” (Latin)
  5. Lynx – “Wild cat” (Greek)
  6. Sable – “Black fur” (English)
  7. Orion – “Hunter” (Greek)
  8. Talon – “Claw” (English)
  9. Blaze – “Fire” (English)
  10. Nebula – “Cloud of gas” (Latin)
  11. Phoenix – “Mythical bird” (Greek)
  12. Rogue – “Rebel” (English)
  13. Frost – “Ice crystals” (English)
  14. Storm – “Weather” (English)
  15. Raven – “Dark bird” (English)
  16. Cinder – “Ash” (English)
  17. Mystic – “Mysterious” (English)
  18. Jet – “Black gemstone” (English)
  19. Sable – “Black fur” (English)
  20. Shira – “Poetry” (Hebrew)
  21. Zenith – “Peak” (Latin)
  22. Fury – “Wild anger” (English)
  23. Vesper – “Evening star” (Latin)
  24. Noctis – “Night” (Latin)
  25. Eclipse – “Astronomical event” (Greek)
  26. Jett – “Black gemstone” (English)
  27. Obsidian – “Volcanic glass” (Latin)
  28. Luna – “Moon” (Latin)
  29. Nova – “New star” (Latin)
  30. Zephyr – “Gentle breeze” (Greek)

Panther Names That Start with P

If you like names that start with “P,” explore these options for your panther. Each name has its own flair, perfect for giving your feline friend a distinctive and memorable identity.

  1. Puma – “Mountain lion” (Quechua)
  2. Panthera – “Panther” (Latin)
  3. Prowler – “Sneaky traveler” (English)
  4. Pace – “Peace” (Latin)
  5. Pride – “Group of lions” (English)
  6. Puma – “Mountain lion” (Quechua)
  7. Phoenix – “Mythical bird” (Greek)
  8. Puma – “Mountain lion” (Quechua)
  9. Petrichor – “Earth’s scent” (Greek)
  10. Prism – “Light refraction” (Greek)
  11. Phantom – “Ghost” (Greek)
  12. Psyche – “Soul” (Greek)
  13. Pallas – “Wisdom” (Greek)
  14. Paladin – “Hero” (Latin)
  15. Perseus – “Destroyer” (Greek)
  16. Puma – “Mountain lion” (Quechua)
  17. Plexus – “Network” (Latin)
  18. Pallas – “Wisdom” (Greek)
  19. Poppy – “Flower” (English)
  20. Puma – “Mountain lion” (Quechua)
  21. Pheonix – “Mythical bird” (Greek)
  22. Prism – “Light refraction” (Greek)
  23. Pride – “Group of lions” (English)
  24. Popeye – “Eyepatch” (English)
  25. Penny – “Coin” (English)
  26. Panther – “Big cat” (Greek)
  27. Pongo – “Ape” (Swahili)
  28. Puma – “Mountain lion” (Quechua)
  29. Pixie – “Fairy” (English)
  30. Paige – “Young servant” (English)

Panther Names in Different Languages

Explore names for your panther in various languages. Each name carries its own cultural significance and charm, adding a unique touch to your panther’s identity.

  1. Panthera – “Panther” (Latin)
  2. Puma – “Mountain lion” (Quechua)
  3. Jagua – “Jaguar” (Tupi)
  4. Lynx – “Wild cat” (Greek)
  5. Tigre – “Tiger” (Spanish)
  6. Leopardus – “Leopard” (Latin)
  7. Ursus – “Bear” (Latin)
  8. Vache – “Cow” (French)
  9. Gato – “Cat” (Spanish)
  10. Ocelot – “Wildcat” (Nahuatl)
  11. Cheetah – “Spotted one” (Hindi)
  12. Jaguarete – “Jaguar” (Guaraní)
  13. Felino – “Feline” (Italian)
  14. Rugido – “Roar” (Spanish)
  15. Cheetah – “Spotted one” (Hindi)
  16. Leona – “Lioness” (Spanish)
  17. Bengal – “From Bengal” (English)
  18. Pante – “Panther” (Greek)
  19. Lynx – “Wild cat” (Greek)
  20. Panthère – “Panther” (French)
  21. Ocelote – “Ocelot” (Spanish)
  22. Gato – “Cat” (Spanish)
  23. Félix – “Happy” (Latin)
  24. Leopardo – “Leopard” (Spanish)
  25. Tigris – “Tiger” (Latin)
  26. Jaguar – “Jaguar” (Tupi)
  27. Nek – “Tiger” (Japanese)
  28. Cheeta – “Spotted one” (Hindi)
  29. Lynx – “Wild cat” (Greek)
  30. Panthera – “Panther” (Latin)

Panther Names Animal

Looking for names inspired by the animal kingdom? These options are perfect for a panther, reflecting the majestic and wild nature of your feline friend.

  1. Jaguar – “Great beast” (Tupi)
  2. Leopard – “Spotted cat” (Greek)
  3. Ocelot – “Wildcat” (Nahuatl)
  4. Cheetah – “Spotted one” (Hindi)
  5. Puma – “Mountain lion” (Quechua)
  6. Tiger – “Striped cat” (Greek)
  7. Lion – “King of beasts” (Latin)
  8. Lynx – “Wild cat” (Greek)
  9. Snow Leopard – “Mountain cat” (English)
  10. Cougar – “Mountain lion” (Spanish)
  11. Cheetah – “Spotted one” (Hindi)
  12. Jaguarundi – “Weasel cat” (Tupi)
  13. Ocelot – “Wildcat” (Nahuatl)
  14. Tigris – “Tiger” (Latin)
  15. Pardus – “Leopard” (Greek)
  16. Lynx – “Wild cat” (Greek)
  17. Cheetah – “Spotted one” (Hindi)
  18. Jagua – “Jaguar” (Tupi)
  19. Panthera – “Panther” (Latin)
  20. Leopardus – “Leopard” (Latin)
  21. Jaguarundi – “Weasel cat” (Tupi)
  22. Puma – “Mountain lion” (Quechua)
  23. Felina – “Feline” (Latin)
  24. Felis – “Cat” (Latin)
  25. Ocelot – “Wildcat” (Nahuatl)
  26. Panther – “Panther” (Greek)
  27. Leona – “Lioness” (Spanish)
  28. Tigre – “Tiger” (Spanish)
  29. Jaguarete – “Jaguar” (Guaraní)
  30. Pardus – “Leopard” (Greek)

Pet Panther Names

Choosing a name for your pet panther? Discover names that are ideal for a pet, balancing personality and charm to fit your panther’s unique traits.

Pet Panther Names
  1. Shadow – “Dark shape” (English)
  2. Onyx – “Black gemstone” (Greek)
  3. Luna – “Moon” (Latin)
  4. Jet – “Black gemstone” (English)
  5. Misty – “Foggy” (English)
  6. Salem – “Peace” (Arabic)
  7. Raven – “Dark bird” (English)
  8. Phantom – “Ghost” (Greek)
  9. Sable – “Black fur” (English)
  10. Storm – “Weather” (English)
  11. Zephyr – “Gentle breeze” (Greek)
  12. Noir – “Black” (French)
  13. Frost – “Ice crystals” (English)
  14. Mystic – “Mysterious” (English)
  15. Eclipse – “Astronomical event” (Greek)
  16. Roxy – “Dawn” (Persian)
  17. Abyss – “Deep void” (Greek)
  18. Rogue – “Rebel” (English)
  19. Nebula – “Cloud of gas” (Latin)
  20. Zenith – “Peak” (Latin)
  21. Blaze – “Fire” (English)
  22. Gothic – “Dark style” (English)
  23. Sombra – “Shadow” (Spanish)
  24. Eclipse – “Astronomical event” (Greek)
  25. Talon – “Claw” (English)
  26. Myst – “Misty” (English)
  27. Lila – “Play” (Sanskrit)
  28. Nova – “New star” (Latin)
  29. Cloak – “Cover” (English)
  30. Luna – “Moon” (Latin)

Nicknames for Panther

Find creative and affectionate nicknames for your panther. These playful names add a personal touch and can reflect the special bond you share with your feline companion.

  1. Puma – “Mountain lion” (Quechua)
  2. Jet – “Black gemstone” (English)
  3. Sable – “Black fur” (English)
  4. Raven – “Dark bird” (English)
  5. Shadow – “Dark shape” (English)
  6. Blaze – “Fire” (English)
  7. Myst – “Misty” (English)
  8. Storm – “Weather” (English)
  9. Noir – “Black” (French)
  10. Zephyr – “Gentle breeze” (Greek)
  11. Phantom – “Ghost” (Greek)
  12. Luna – “Moon” (Latin)
  13. Nebula – “Cloud of gas” (Latin)
  14. Eclipse – “Astronomical event” (Greek)
  15. Roxy – “Dawn” (Persian)
  16. Cinder – “Ash” (English)
  17. Rogue – “Rebel” (English)
  18. Vesper – “Evening star” (Latin)
  19. Frost – “Ice crystals” (English)
  20. Gothic – “Dark style” (English)
  21. Nova – “New star” (Latin)
  22. Phoenix – “Mythical bird” (Greek)
  23. Sombra – “Shadow” (Spanish)
  24. Zenith – “Peak” (Latin)
  25. Obsidian – “Volcanic glass” (Latin)
  26. Cloak – “Cover” (English)
  27. Eclipse – “Astronomical event” (Greek)
  28. Talon – “Claw” (English)
  29. Gothic – “Dark style” (English)
  30. Nero – “Black” (Italian)

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