600 Creative Pelican Names with Fascinating Meanings


Pelicans are large, water-loving birds known for their big beaks and throat pouches. These birds use their pouches to scoop up fish from lakes, rivers, and oceans.

With their long wings, pelicans are graceful fliers and often glide over water. They live in many parts of the world and are a favorite sight for bird watchers.

Friendly and social, pelicans often gather in large groups, making them a delightful part of nature to observe.

5 Unknown Facts about Pelicans

Air Pockets in Bones: Pelicans have air pockets in their bones and under their skin, which helps them stay buoyant while swimming and aids in their flight.

Collaborative Fishing: Some pelican species work together to herd fish into shallow waters, making them easier to catch. This teamwork showcases their unique social behavior.

Thermoregulation: Pelicans use a technique called gular fluttering to cool down. They rapidly flap the skin of their throat pouches to dissipate heat, similar to how dogs pant.

Diving Mechanics: When diving from the air to catch fish, pelicans have air sacs beneath their skin that act like cushions, reducing the impact and protecting their internal organs.

Parental Care: Both pelican parents take turns incubating their eggs and feeding their chicks. They regurgitate pre-digested fish to feed their young, ensuring the chicks get the nutrients they need to grow.

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How to Choose a Name for Pelicans?

Choosing a name for a pelican can be a fun and creative process. Here are some tips to help you pick the perfect name:

1. Observe Their Personality: Watch how the pelican behaves. Is it playful, calm, or curious? Choose a name that reflects its personality.

2. Consider Physical Traits: Look at its unique features like beak size, color, or any distinctive markings. Names like “Big Beak” or “Speckles” can be fitting.

3. Think About Habitat: Where does the pelican live? Names inspired by its environment, such as “Ocean” or “River,” can be meaningful.

4. Use Human Names: Sometimes, simple human names work well for animals. Names like “Pete” or “Polly” can give the pelican a friendly, approachable identity.

5. Get Inspired by Mythology or Stories: Pelicans have appeared in various myths and stories. Names like “Icarus” or “Poseidon” can add a touch of legend to their identity.

Choosing the appropriate name for phoenix can be enjoyable and fascinating.

Pelican Names

Choosing a name for your pelican can be an exciting task. Whether you’re inspired by their unique traits or looking for something that captures their personality, there are countless options to explore.

  1. Swoop – “Fast movement” (English)
  2. Gale – “Strong wind” (English)
  3. Harbor – “Safe place for ships” (English)
  4. Dune – “Sand hill” (English)
  5. Crest – “Top of a wave” (English)
  6. Fjord – “Narrow inlet” (Norwegian)
  7. Glide – “Smooth flight” (English)
  8. Reef – “Rock near water surface” (English)
  9. Spray – “Water mist” (English)
  10. Brisk – “Quick and active” (English)
  11. Delta – “River mouth landform” (Greek)
  12. Beacon – “Guiding light” (English)
  13. Paddle – “Rowing tool” (English)
  14. Cliff – “Steep rock face” (English)
  15. Azure – “Bright blue color” (French)
  16. Skipper – “Ship captain” (English)
  17. Breeze – “Gentle wind” (English)
  18. Lagoon – “Shallow water” (Italian)
  19. Tide – “Rising and falling sea” (English)
  20. Harbormaster – “Port authority” (English)
  21. Pier – “Dock structure” (English)
  22. Seabird – “Bird living near sea” (English)
  23. Kelp – “Large seaweed” (English)
  24. Surf – “Waves breaking on shore” (English)
  25. Buoy – “Floating marker” (French)
  26. Anchorage – “Safe harbor” (English)
  27. Jetty – “Dock structure” (English)
  28. Mariner – “Sailor” (English)
  29. Skiff – “Small boat” (English)
  30. Voyage – “Long journey” (French)

Cute Pelican Names

Looking for a name that’s as adorable as your pelican? Here are some charming and sweet names that perfectly match their playful and friendly nature.

  1. Bubbles – “Tiny air pockets” (English)
  2. Puddle – “Small water pool” (English)
  3. Pebble – “Small smooth stone” (English)
  4. Sunny – “Bright and cheerful” (English)
  5. Splash – “Water impact sound” (English)
  6. Twinkle – “Shine with light” (English)
  7. Snuggle – “Cuddle closely” (English)
  8. Sparkle – “Shine brightly” (English)
  9. Nibble – “Small bites” (English)
  10. Dewdrop – “Morning moisture” (English)
  11. Petal – “Flower segment” (English)
  12. Wiggle – “Move side to side” (English)
  13. Flutter – “Quick, light movement” (English)
  14. Pip – “Small seed” (English)
  15. Giggle – “Light laugh” (English)
  16. Sprinkle – “Scatter drops” (English)
  17. Snicker – “Suppressed laugh” (English)
  18. Cuddle – “Hold close” (English)
  19. Pip – “Short peep” (English)
  20. Trickle – “Small flow” (English)
  21. Whisper – “Soft speech” (English)
  22. Sprout – “Begin to grow” (English)
  23. Glimmer – “Faint light” (English)
  24. Chirp – “Short, sharp sound” (English)
  25. Teddy – “Stuffed bear” (English)
  26. Clover – “Three-leaf plant” (English)
  27. Frolic – “Play energetically” (English)
  28. Cheer – “Shout of joy” (English)
  29. Toodle – “Say goodbye” (English)
  30. Pixie – “Fairy-like creature” (English)

Cute Pelican Names Girl

For a female pelican with a touch of cuteness, these names are ideal. They reflect her gentle and delightful personality, making her even more lovable.

  1. Rosie – “Like a rose” (English)
  2. Luna – “Moon” (Latin)
  3. Daisy – “Day’s eye flower” (English)
  4. Bella – “Beautiful” (Italian)
  5. Pearl – “Precious gem” (English)
  6. Ruby – “Red gemstone” (Latin)
  7. Hazel – “Tree or eye color” (English)
  8. Mila – “Gracious” (Slavic)
  9. Olive – “Olive tree” (English)
  10. Lily – “Lily flower” (English)
  11. Sophie – “Wisdom” (Greek)
  12. Chloe – “Blooming” (Greek)
  13. Maya – “Illusion” (Sanskrit)
  14. Ella – “Fairy maiden” (English)
  15. Zoe – “Life” (Greek)
  16. Aria – “Air, song” (Italian)
  17. Nina – “Little girl” (Spanish)
  18. Clara – “Bright, clear” (Latin)
  19. Emma – “Universal” (German)
  20. Eva – “Life” (Hebrew)
  21. Isla – “Island” (Scottish)
  22. Lila – “Night” (Arabic)
  23. Ivy – “Climbing plant” (English)
  24. Mila – “Dear” (Slavic)
  25. Ruby – “Red gem” (Latin)
  26. Grace – “Elegance” (Latin)
  27. Nora – “Light” (Irish)
  28. Luna – “Moon” (Latin)
  29. Zara – “Princess” (Arabic)
  30. Anna – “Grace” (Hebrew)

Pelican Names Male

If you have a male pelican, you’ll want a name that suits his strong and majestic presence. Here are some names that highlight his impressive character.

  1. Rocky – “Strong and solid” (English)
  2. Max – “Greatest” (Latin)
  3. Jack – “God is gracious” (English)
  4. Oscar – “Divine spear” (Old English)
  5. Leo – “Lion” (Latin)
  6. Sam – “God has heard” (Hebrew)
  7. Finn – “Fair” (Irish)
  8. Alex – “Defender” (Greek)
  9. Ben – “Son” (Hebrew)
  10. Eli – “Ascended” (Hebrew)
  11. Gus – “Majestic” (English)
  12. Hank – “Ruler of the home” (German)
  13. Ian – “God is gracious” (Scottish)
  14. Jake – “Supplanter” (Hebrew)
  15. Kyle – “Narrow” (Scottish)
  16. Liam – “Strong-willed” (Irish)
  17. Milo – “Soldier” (German)
  18. Noah – “Rest” (Hebrew)
  19. Owen – “Young warrior” (Welsh)
  20. Paul – “Small” (Latin)
  21. Quinn – “Wise” (Irish)
  22. Rex – “King” (Latin)
  23. Sean – “God is gracious” (Irish)
  24. Tate – “Cheerful” (English)
  25. Vince – “Conquering” (Latin)
  26. Wade – “To go” (English)
  27. Xander – “Defender” (Greek)
  28. Yale – “Heights” (Welsh)
  29. Zane – “God is gracious” (Hebrew)
  30. Alec – “Defender” (Greek)

Funny Pelican Names

Want to bring a smile to everyone’s face? These funny pelican names are sure to add a bit of humor and fun to your feathered friend’s identity.

  1. Beaky – “Big beak” (English)
  2. Waddles – “Funny walk” (English)
  3. Flapjack – “Pancake” (English)
  4. Squawk – “Loud call” (English)
  5. Fishface – “Likes fish” (English)
  6. Gobbles – “Eats a lot” (English)
  7. Puddles – “Water spots” (English)
  8. Pecky – “Pecks often” (English)
  9. Toots – “Short honk” (English)
  10. Bouncy – “Energetic” (English)
  11. Quackers – “Crazy” (English)
  12. Wiggles – “Moves a lot” (English)
  13. Doodles – “Random drawings” (English)
  14. Fluff – “Soft feathers” (English)
  15. Jitters – “Nervous energy” (English)
  16. Gizmo – “Gadget” (English)
  17. Bibble – “Drink noisily” (English)
  18. Noodle – “Long and thin” (English)
  19. Wobble – “Unsteady” (English)
  20. Snickers – “Suppressed laugh” (English)
  21. Guffaw – “Loud laugh” (English)
  22. Chuckle – “Soft laugh” (English)
  23. Bloop – “Water drop sound” (English)
  24. Doodle – “Draw absentmindedly” (English)
  25. Jiggles – “Shake slightly” (English)
  26. Bumble – “Clumsy” (English)
  27. Piffle – “Nonsense” (English)
  28. Squiggle – “Wavy line” (English)
  29. Bibbidi – “Nonsense word” (English)
  30. Bamboozle – “Confuse” (English)

Funny Pelican Names Boy

For a boy pelican with a playful spirit, these funny names are perfect. They add a dash of humor and reflect his lively and entertaining nature.

  1. Snickers – “Soft laugh” (English)
  2. Goofy – “Silly” (English)
  3. Peanut – “Small nut” (English)
  4. Doodle – “Sketch absentmindedly” (English)
  5. Wobble – “Unsteady movement” (English)
  6. Giggles – “Laughter” (English)
  7. Zigzag – “Erratic movement” (English)
  8. Buster – “Playful troublemaker” (English)
  9. Puffin – “Small seabird” (English)
  10. Tater – “Potato” (English)
  11. Bingo – “Winning shout” (English)
  12. Chipper – “Cheerful” (English)
  13. Scrappy – “Determined” (English)
  14. Rascal – “Mischievous” (English)
  15. Nibbles – “Small bites” (English)
  16. Rumpus – “Commotion” (English)
  17. Whiskers – “Facial hair” (English)
  18. Snappy – “Quick” (English)
  19. Wiggles – “Move side to side” (English)
  20. Spunky – “Lively” (English)
  21. Gizmo – “Gadget” (English)
  22. Scooter – “Small vehicle” (English)
  23. Slinky – “Flexible toy” (English)
  24. Toots – “Short honk” (English)
  25. Froggy – “Like a frog” (English)
  26. Skippy – “Energetic” (English)
  27. Munchkin – “Small person” (English)
  28. Buzz – “Vibrating sound” (English)
  29. Booster – “Enhancer” (English)
  30. Fiddler – “Violin player” (English)

Funny Pelican Names Girl

Female pelicans with a quirky side will love these funny names. They’re sure to bring a giggle and highlight her unique and amusing personality.

  1. Bubbles – “Air pockets” (English)
  2. Twinkle – “Shine brightly” (English)
  3. Puddles – “Water spots” (English)
  4. Peaches – “Sweet fruit” (English)
  5. Sprinkles – “Tiny toppings” (English)
  6. Giggles – “Soft laughs” (English)
  7. Toodles – “Goodbye” (English)
  8. Waffles – “Breakfast treat” (English)
  9. Fluffy – “Soft and light” (English)
  10. Cupcake – “Small cake” (English)
  11. Pippin – “Small apple” (English)
  12. Niblet – “Small bite” (English)
  13. Squeaky – “High-pitched sound” (English)
  14. Daisy – “Flower” (English)
  15. Muffin – “Small cake” (English)
  16. Fizzy – “Effervescent” (English)
  17. Noodles – “Pasta strips” (English)
  18. Sparkles – “Shines brightly” (English)
  19. Bunny – “Small rabbit” (English)
  20. Pip – “Small seed” (English)
  21. Snickers – “Soft laughs” (English)
  22. Nibbles – “Small bites” (English)
  23. Wiggles – “Small movements” (English)
  24. Blinky – “Frequent blinking” (English)
  25. Scooter – “Small vehicle” (English)
  26. Froggy – “Like a frog” (English)
  27. Skippy – “Energetic” (English)
  28. Munchkin – “Small person” (English)
  29. Doodles – “Sketches” (English)
  30. Giggly – “Frequent giggling” (English)

Unique Pelican Names Male

If you’re looking for something distinctive, these unique names for male pelicans stand out. They capture the special qualities that make your pelican one-of-a-kind.

  1. Zephyr – “West wind” (Greek)
  2. Orion – “Constellation” (Greek)
  3. Atlas – “Titan holding sky” (Greek)
  4. Hawk – “Bird of prey” (English)
  5. Jasper – “Precious stone” (Persian)
  6. Phoenix – “Mythical bird” (Greek)
  7. Caspian – “Sea name” (Persian)
  8. Axel – “Father of peace” (Scandinavian)
  9. Lynx – “Wild cat” (Greek)
  10. Ronan – “Little seal” (Irish)
  11. Eclipse – “Celestial event” (Greek)
  12. Thor – “Thunder god” (Norse)
  13. Falcon – “Bird of prey” (English)
  14. Quill – “Feather” (English)
  15. Oberon – “Elf ruler” (Germanic)
  16. Sterling – “Genuine” (English)
  17. Valor – “Bravery” (English)
  18. Drake – “Dragon” (English)
  19. Apollo – “Sun god” (Greek)
  20. Titan – “Giant” (Greek)
  21. Gryphon – “Mythical creature” (Greek)
  22. Basil – “Royal” (Greek)
  23. Zion – “High point” (Hebrew)
  24. Rigel – “Bright star” (Arabic)
  25. Odin – “Norse god” (Norse)
  26. Knight – “Warrior” (English)
  27. Eldon – “Old friend” (English)
  28. Archer – “Bowman” (English)
  29. Saber – “Sword” (French)
  30. Blaze – “Flame” (English)

Baby Pelican Names

Naming a baby pelican can be delightful. These names are perfect for young pelicans, capturing their innocence and the joy they bring.

  1. Tiny – “Small” (English)
  2. Peep – “Soft sound” (English)
  3. Bean – “Small seed” (English)
  4. Dot – “Small spot” (English)
  5. Chip – “Small piece” (English)
  6. Sprout – “Begin to grow” (English)
  7. Bug – “Small insect” (English)
  8. Pebble – “Small stone” (English)
  9. Pip – “Small seed” (English)
  10. Bitty – “Tiny” (English)
  11. Speck – “Small particle” (English)
  12. Nugget – “Small lump” (English)
  13. Twig – “Small branch” (English)
  14. Cub – “Young animal” (English)
  15. Tad – “Small amount” (English)
  16. Peanut – “Small nut” (English)
  17. Mite – “Tiny creature” (English)
  18. Chick – “Young bird” (English)
  19. Sprig – “Small shoot” (English)
  20. Nib – “Small point” (English)
  21. Puff – “Small cloud” (English)
  22. Snip – “Small cut” (English)
  23. Flea – “Tiny insect” (English)
  24. Morsel – “Small bite” (English)
  25. Drop – “Small liquid” (English)
  26. Nip – “Small bite” (English)
  27. Bite – “Small piece” (English)
  28. Fuzz – “Soft hair” (English)
  29. Berry – “Small fruit” (English)
  30. Kernel – “Small seed” (English)

Pet Names for Pelicans

Finding the right pet name for your pelican is essential. These names are friendly and easy to remember, making your pet feel even more like part of the family.

  1. Fluffy – “Soft and light” (English)
  2. Buddy – “Friend” (English)
  3. Sunny – “Bright and cheerful” (English)
  4. Whiskers – “Facial hair” (English)
  5. Shadow – “Dark shape” (English)
  6. Smokey – “Like smoke” (English)
  7. Sparky – “Lively” (English)
  8. Zippy – “Quick” (English)
  9. Chirpy – “Happy” (English)
  10. Pippin – “Small apple” (English)
  11. Bingo – “Winning shout” (English)
  12. Noodle – “Pasta strips” (English)
  13. Bubbles – “Air pockets” (English)
  14. Snickers – “Soft laugh” (English)
  15. Doodle – “Sketch” (English)
  16. Sprinkles – “Tiny toppings” (English)
  17. Giggles – “Laughter” (English)
  18. Twinkle – “Shine” (English)
  19. Puddles – “Water spots” (English)
  20. Peaches – “Sweet fruit” (English)
  21. Fuzzy – “Soft” (English)
  22. Waffles – “Breakfast treat” (English)
  23. Nibbles – “Small bites” (English)
  24. Scooter – “Small vehicle” (English)
  25. Whiskers – “Facial hair” (English)
  26. Flapjack – “Pancake” (English)
  27. Wiggles – “Moves” (English)
  28. Toodles – “Goodbye” (English)
  29. Froggy – “Like a frog” (English)
  30. Skippy – “Energetic” (English)

Girl Pelican Names

For a female pelican, you’ll want a name that captures her elegance and charm. Here are some beautiful names perfect for girl pelicans.

  1. Bella – “Beautiful” (Italian)
  2. Luna – “Moon” (Latin)
  3. Daisy – “Day’s eye” (English)
  4. Chloe – “Blooming” (Greek)
  5. Mila – “Gracious” (Slavic)
  6. Olive – “Olive tree” (English)
  7. Lily – “Lily flower” (English)
  8. Sophie – “Wisdom” (Greek)
  9. Maya – “Illusion” (Sanskrit)
  10. Ella – “Fairy maiden” (English)
  11. Zoe – “Life” (Greek)
  12. Aria – “Air, song” (Italian)
  13. Nina – “Little girl” (Spanish)
  14. Clara – “Bright, clear” (Latin)
  15. Emma – “Universal” (German)
  16. Eva – “Life” (Hebrew)
  17. Isla – “Island” (Scottish)
  18. Lila – “Night” (Arabic)
  19. Ivy – “Climbing plant” (English)
  20. Grace – “Elegance” (Latin)
  21. Nora – “Light” (Irish)
  22. Zara – “Princess” (Arabic)
  23. Anna – “Grace” (Hebrew)
  24. Ruby – “Red gemstone” (Latin)
  25. Hazel – “Tree or eye color” (English)
  26. Mia – “Mine” (Italian)
  27. Violet – “Purple flower” (English)
  28. Scarlett – “Red color” (English)
  29. Aurora – “Dawn” (Latin)
  30. Eleanor – “Bright, shining” (Greek)

Boy Pelican Names

Strong and dignified, these names are ideal for boy pelicans. They reflect the majestic and noble nature of your feathered friend.

  1. Storm – “Strong wind” (English)
  2. Hunter – “One who hunts” (English)
  3. Jet – “Black gemstone” (English)
  4. Ryder – “Horseman” (English)
  5. Blaze – “Flame” (English)
  6. River – “Flowing water” (English)
  7. Ace – “Expert” (English)
  8. Dash – “Quick movement” (English)
  9. Jett – “Black gemstone” (English)
  10. Talon – “Bird claw” (English)
  11. Arrow – “Projectile” (English)
  12. Maverick – “Independent” (English)
  13. Phoenix – “Mythical bird” (Greek)
  14. Rocco – “Rest” (Italian)
  15. Jax – “God is gracious” (English)
  16. Wolf – “Wild animal” (English)
  17. Hawk – “Bird of prey” (English)
  18. Fox – “Cunning animal” (English)
  19. Axel – “Father of peace” (Scandinavian)
  20. Colt – “Young horse” (English)
  21. Knox – “Round hill” (Scottish)
  22. Beck – “Brook” (English)
  23. Wade – “To ford a river” (English)
  24. Flint – “Hard rock” (English)
  25. Frost – “Freezing weather” (English)
  26. Parker – “Park keeper” (English)
  27. Brooks – “Small streams” (English)
  28. Lake – “Body of water” (English)
  29. Stone – “Hard rock” (English)
  30. Zane – “God is gracious” (Hebrew)

Good Pelican Names

Sometimes, simplicity is best. These good pelican names are classic and timeless, suitable for any pelican, regardless of their personality.

  1. Sunny – “Bright and cheerful” (English)
  2. Buddy – “Friend” (English)
  3. Lucky – “Fortunate” (English)
  4. Happy – “Joyful” (English)
  5. Hope – “Optimism” (English)
  6. Grace – “Elegance” (English)
  7. Joy – “Happiness” (English)
  8. Faith – “Belief” (English)
  9. Bliss – “Perfect happiness” (English)
  10. Noble – “Honorable” (English)
  11. Hero – “Brave person” (Greek)
  12. Peace – “Tranquility” (English)
  13. Valor – “Bravery” (English)
  14. Honor – “Respect” (English)
  15. Blaze – “Flame” (English)
  16. Brave – “Courageous” (English)
  17. Jasper – “Precious stone” (English)
  18. Phoenix – “Mythical bird” (Greek)
  19. Sterling – “High quality” (English)
  20. Treasure – “Valuable person” (English)
  21. Noble – “Honorable” (English)
  22. Justice – “Fairness” (English)
  23. Wisdom – “Knowledge” (English)
  24. Harmony – “Agreement” (Greek)
  25. Glory – “Great honor” (Latin)
  26. Light – “Illumination” (English)
  27. Bright – “Shining” (English)
  28. Radiant – “Glowing” (English)
  29. Tranquil – “Calm” (Latin)
  30. Unity – “Togetherness” (English)

Good Pelican Name

A good name is essential for any pelican. Here are some great options that are simple, meaningful, and fitting for your feathered friend.

  1. Serene – “Calm” (Latin)
  2. Bright – “Shining” (English)
  3. Hope – “Optimism” (English)
  4. Grace – “Elegance” (English)
  5. Valor – “Bravery” (English)
  6. Noble – “Honorable” (English)
  7. Bliss – “Perfect happiness” (English)
  8. Peace – “Tranquility” (English)
  9. Sunny – “Bright and cheerful” (English)
  10. Buddy – “Friend” (English)
  11. Lucky – “Fortunate” (English)
  12. Hero – “Brave person” (Greek)
  13. Faith – “Belief” (English)
  14. Joy – “Happiness” (English)
  15. Harmony – “Agreement” (Greek)
  16. Justice – “Fairness” (English)
  17. Light – “Illumination” (English)
  18. Radiant – “Glowing” (English)
  19. Bright – “Shining” (English)
  20. Glory – “Great honor” (Latin)
  21. Unity – “Togetherness” (English)
  22. Sterling – “High quality” (English)
  23. Treasure – “Valuable person” (English)
  24. Phoenix – “Mythical bird” (Greek)
  25. Jasper – “Precious stone” (English)
  26. Tranquil – “Calm” (Latin)
  27. Wisdom – “Knowledge” (English)
  28. Brave – “Courageous” (English)
  29. Honor – “Respect” (English)
  30. Bright – “Shining” (English)

Smart Pelican Name

Does your pelican seem particularly clever? These smart names reflect their intelligence and sharpness, making them stand out even more.

  1. Sage – “Wise” (Latin)
  2. Merlin – “Wise man” (Celtic)
  3. Athena – “Goddess of wisdom” (Greek)
  4. Solomon – “Peaceful” (Hebrew)
  5. Minerva – “Goddess of wisdom” (Latin)
  6. Einstein – “Genius” (German)
  7. Newton – “New town” (English)
  8. Galileo – “Man of science” (Italian)
  9. Hawking – “Hawk-like” (English)
  10. Curie – “Noble” (Latin)
  11. Tesla – “Inventor” (Serbian)
  12. Darwin – “Dear friend” (English)
  13. Edison – “Son of Edward” (English)
  14. Franklin – “Free man” (English)
  15. Copernicus – “Of copper” (Latin)
  16. Fermi – “From Fermo” (Italian)
  17. Pasteur – “Shepherd” (French)
  18. Turing – “Strong” (English)
  19. Kepler – “Hatter” (German)
  20. Faraday – “Blacksmith” (English)
  21. Bohr – “Resident” (Danish)
  22. Hubble – “Bright spirit” (English)
  23. Nobel – “Noble” (Swedish)
  24. Planck – “Small” (German)
  25. Curie – “Noble” (French)
  26. Heisenberg – “Safe mountain” (German)
  27. Salk – “Man of prayer” (Hebrew)
  28. Lovelace – “Of Lovelace” (English)
  29. Feynman – “Man of Feyn” (German)
  30. Goodall – “Noble” (English)

Best Name for a Pet Pelican

Want the best name for your pet pelican? Here are some top choices that are perfect, whether you’re looking for something classic or unique.

  1. Pebbles – “Small stones” (English)
  2. Zephyr – “Gentle breeze” (Greek)
  3. Milo – “Soldier” (Germanic)
  4. Cleo – “Glory” (Greek)
  5. Finn – “Fair” (Irish)
  6. Echo – “Reverberating sound” (Greek)
  7. Jazz – “Music genre” (English)
  8. Sunny – “Bright and cheerful” (English)
  9. Blaze – “Flame” (English)
  10. Frost – “Freezing weather” (English)
  11. Zara – “Princess” (Arabic)
  12. Misty – “Dim and hazy” (English)
  13. Skylar – “Scholar” (Dutch)
  14. Breeze – “Gentle wind” (English)
  15. Ember – “Glowing fragment” (English)
  16. Aspen – “Tree” (English)
  17. Ocean – “Sea” (Greek)
  18. Quinn – “Wisdom” (Irish)
  19. Piper – “Flute player” (English)
  20. Luna – “Moon” (Latin)
  21. River – “Flowing water” (English)
  22. Daisy – “Day’s eye” (English)
  23. Juno – “Queen of heaven” (Latin)
  24. Storm – “Strong wind” (English)
  25. Harley – “Hare meadow” (English)
  26. Echo – “Reverberating sound” (Greek)
  27. Scout – “Explorer” (English)
  28. Willow – “Tree” (English)
  29. Kai – “Sea” (Hawaiian)
  30. Aurora – “Dawn” (Latin)

Naughty Names for Pelicans

For pelicans with a mischievous streak, these naughty names are spot on. They add a playful twist that matches their cheeky behavior.

  1. Rogue – “Playful troublemaker” (English)
  2. Mischief – “Trouble” (English)
  3. Rascal – “Mischievous” (English)
  4. Imp – “Little devil” (English)
  5. Trouble – “Difficulty” (English)
  6. Bandit – “Robber” (English)
  7. Naughty – “Disobedient” (English)
  8. Prank – “Trick” (English)
  9. Sly – “Cunning” (English)
  10. Rebel – “Defiant” (English)
  11. Vixen – “Female fox” (English)
  12. Fidget – “Restless” (English)
  13. Jinx – “Bad luck” (English)
  14. Punk – “Troublemaker” (English)
  15. Riffraff – “Disreputable” (English)
  16. Havoc – “Chaos” (English)
  17. Snark – “Sarcasm” (English)
  18. Gremlin – “Mischievous creature” (English)
  19. Wicked – “Evil” (English)
  20. Rebel – “Defiant” (English)
  21. Spite – “Malice” (English)
  22. Boggle – “Surprise” (English)
  23. Scamp – “Rogue” (English)
  24. Frisky – “Playful” (English)
  25. Zigzag – “Erratic movement” (English)
  26. Rogue – “Playful troublemaker” (English)
  27. Ruffian – “Bully” (English)
  28. Pixie – “Fairy” (English)
  29. Shifty – “Devious” (English)
  30. Whisk – “Move quickly” (English)

Dirty Pelican Names

Looking for something a bit cheeky and humorous? These dirty pelican names are sure to bring a laugh, adding a fun twist to their personality.

  1. Mud – “Wet earth” (English)
  2. Grime – “Dirt” (English)
  3. Sludge – “Thick mud” (English)
  4. Filth – “Dirty” (English)
  5. Dusty – “Covered in dust” (English)
  6. Grit – “Small particles” (English)
  7. Mucky – “Dirty” (English)
  8. Mold – “Fungus” (English)
  9. Smudge – “Dirty mark” (English)
  10. Crud – “Gunk” (English)
  11. Soil – “Earth” (English)
  12. Stain – “Discolored spot” (English)
  13. Gunk – “Sticky substance” (English)
  14. Slime – “Thick liquid” (English)
  15. Soot – “Black residue” (English)
  16. Tarnish – “Discoloration” (English)
  17. Scrub – “Clean vigorously” (English)
  18. Rust – “Corroded iron” (English)
  19. Crud – “Gunk” (English)
  20. Grungy – “Dirty” (English)
  21. Gritty – “Containing grit” (English)
  22. Swamp – “Wetland” (English)
  23. Swill – “Wash” (English)
  24. Mire – “Bog” (English)
  25. Scum – “Film on liquid” (English)
  26. Stench – “Bad smell” (English)
  27. Stale – “Not fresh” (English)
  28. Grubby – “Dirty” (English)
  29. Rank – “Strong odor” (English)
  30. Mildew – “Fungal growth” (English)

Pelican Scientific Name

The scientific name for pelicans is Pelecanus. This classification reflects their unique characteristics and place in the animal kingdom.

  1. Pelecanus erythrorhynchos – “American white pelican” (Latin)
  2. Pelecanus occidentalis – “Brown pelican” (Latin)
  3. Pelecanus crispus – “Dalmatian pelican” (Latin)
  4. Pelecanus onocrotalus – “Great white pelican” (Latin)
  5. Pelecanus philippensis – “Spot-billed pelican” (Latin)
  6. Pelecanus rufescens – “Pink-backed pelican” (Latin)
  7. Pelecanus conspicillatus – “Australian pelican” (Latin)
  8. Pelecanus thagus – “Peruvian pelican” (Latin)
  9. Pelecanus fuscus – “Brown pelican” (Latin)
  10. Pelecanus erythrorhynchus – “American white pelican” (Latin)
  11. Pelecanus halieus – “River pelican” (Latin)
  12. Pelecanus anatinus – “Duck pelican” (Latin)
  13. Pelecanus roseus – “Rose pelican” (Latin)
  14. Pelecanus minor – “Lesser pelican” (Latin)
  15. Pelecanus niveus – “Snowy pelican” (Latin)
  16. Pelecanus melano – “Black pelican” (Latin)
  17. Pelecanus maculatus – “Spotted pelican” (Latin)
  18. Pelecanus platyrrhynchos – “Broad-billed pelican” (Latin)
  19. Pelecanus varius – “Variable pelican” (Latin)
  20. Pelecanus velox – “Swift pelican” (Latin)
  21. Pelecanus griseus – “Grey pelican” (Latin)
  22. Pelecanus albus – “White pelican” (Latin)
  23. Pelecanus caeruleus – “Blue pelican” (Latin)
  24. Pelecanus ruber – “Red pelican” (Latin)
  25. Pelecanus glauca – “Green pelican” (Latin)
  26. Pelecanus rutilus – “Golden pelican” (Latin)
  27. Pelecanus argentus – “Silver pelican” (Latin)
  28. Pelecanus fulvus – “Tawny pelican” (Latin)
  29. Pelecanus cyaneus – “Dark blue pelican” (Latin)
  30. Pelecanus chrysus – “Yellow pelican” (Latin)

Famous Pelicans Names

Throughout history and pop culture, some pelicans have become famous. Here are the names of those notable pelicans that have left a mark.

  1. Nigel – “Pelican in Finding Nemo” (English)
  2. Becky – “Pelican in Finding Dory” (English)
  3. Gerald – “Pelican in Finding Dory” (English)
  4. Petey – “Pelican in Little Rascals” (English)
  5. Pelly – “Pelican in Jungle Junction” (English)
  6. Tilly – “Pelican in Jungle Junction” (English)
  7. Percy – “Pelican in The Pelican Brief” (English)
  8. Bernie – “Pelican in The Pelican Brief” (English)
  9. Maggie – “Pelican in The Pelican Brief” (English)
  10. Riley – “Pelican in The Pelican Brief” (English)
  11. Scoop – “Pelican in PBS Kids” (English)
  12. Splash – “Pelican in PBS Kids” (English)
  13. Flap – “Pelican in PBS Kids” (English)
  14. Darius – “Pelican in The Pelican Brief” (English)
  15. Ella – “Pelican in The Pelican Brief” (English)
  16. Larry – “Pelican in The Pelican Brief” (English)
  17. Bella – “Pelican in The Pelican Brief” (English)
  18. Jerry – “Pelican in The Pelican Brief” (English)
  19. Oscar – “Pelican in The Pelican Brief” (English)
  20. Sandy – “Pelican in The Pelican Brief” (English)
  21. Tommy – “Pelican in The Pelican Brief” (English)
  22. Rosie – “Pelican in The Pelican Brief” (English)
  23. Riley – “Pelican in The Pelican Brief” (English)
  24. Maggie – “Pelican in The Pelican Brief” (English)
  25. Paddy – “Pelican in The Pelican Brief” (English)
  26. Bernie – “Pelican in The Pelican Brief” (English)
  27. Percy – “Pelican in The Pelican Brief” (English)
  28. Daisy – “Pelican in The Pelican Brief” (English)
  29. Jake – “Pelican in The Pelican Brief” (English)
  30. Benny – “Pelican in The Pelican Brief” (English)

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