540 Perfect Zebra Names for Your Own Striped Beauties

The zebra is a fascinating animal known for its striking black and white stripes. These unique patterns make each zebra look different. Zebras live in herds and roam the grasslands and savannas of Africa.
They are social animals that rely on each other for protection from predators. Zebras eat grass and have strong teeth to help them chew tough plants. Learning about zebras gives us insight into the beauty and complexity of wildlife.
Naming them based on their personality is also important. Finding perfect Zebra names for your zebra can be a delightful process filled with creativity and fun. Let’s get started!
5 Interesting Facts about Zebras
Here are 5 interesting facts about Zebras:
1. Unique Stripes: Every zebra has its own special pattern of black and white stripes, just like human fingerprints. No two zebras have the same stripes, making each one unique.
2. Social Animals: Zebras live in groups called herds. They stick together to protect each other from predators like lions and hyenas. Being in a herd helps them stay safe.
3. Strong Kick: Zebras have very strong legs and can deliver a powerful kick. This kick is a good way to defend themselves against threats in the wild.
4. Great Runners: Zebras are fast runners and can reach speeds up to 40 miles per hour. This speed helps them escape from danger quickly.
5. Communication: Zebras use different sounds and movements to talk to each other. They bark, bray, and snort, and they also use their ears and tails to show how they feel.
Collecting mammoth names can be an interesting process!
How to choose Zebra Names?
Choosing names for zebras can be a fun and creative process. Here’s a guide to help you pick the perfect name:
Consider Zebra Traits: Zebras are known for their distinctive black and white stripes. Names that reflect their appearance can be charming. For example, “Stripey,” “Blaze,” or “Zigzag.”
Use African Influence: Zebras are native to Africa, so using African names can be a meaningful choice. Names like “Kofi” (Ghanaian for “born on Friday”), “Zuri” (Swahili for “beautiful”), or “Jambo” (Swahili for “hello”) are both beautiful and culturally significant.
Fun and Playful Names: Sometimes, light-hearted and playful names are the best fit. Think of names that bring a smile to your face, such as “Spotty,” “Jumpy,” or “Pippin.”
Famous Zebras in Pop Culture: Drawing inspiration from famous zebras in movies and books can be a great idea. Names like “Marty” from the movie Madagascar or “Stripes” from the movie Racing Stripes can be fun and recognizable.
Unique and Personal Choices: Sometimes the best names come from personal experiences or interests. If you have a favorite book, movie, or hobby, you might find the perfect zebra name there. For instance, if you love music, you might name your zebra “Jazz” or “Melody.”
Names Based on Personality: Spend some time observing the zebra’s personality. Is it playful, shy, or curious? Choose a name that matches its unique traits. For a playful zebra, names like “Bouncy” or “Cheer” might be fitting. For a shy one, “Shadow” or “Whisper” could be perfect.
Simple and Easy to Remember: Choose names that are simple and easy to pronounce. This makes it easier for everyone to remember and use the name. Names like “Max,” “Lily,” “Sam,” or “Bella” are straightforward and familiar.
Get Creative with Wordplay: Use puns or wordplay to come up with clever names. For example, “Zara” combines the beginning of “zebra” with a common name. Or “Ebony,” which hints at the black stripes of a zebra.
If you like fun and creative creature names, then let’s try the idea of cow names.
Names for Zebras
Finding the perfect name for your zebra can be fun and meaningful. Whether you want something funny, cute, or unique, there’s a name out there that fits your zebra’s personality. Let’s explore some great options together!
- Stripey – “Full of stripes” (English)
- Zephyr – “Gentle breeze” (English)
- Savanna – “Grassy plain” (Spanish)
- Serengeti – “Endless plains” (Maasai)
- Iniko – “Born during troubled times” (Yoruba)
- Shumba – “Lion” (Shona)
- Ashanti – “Warrior people” (Akan)
- Sahara – “Desert” (Arabic)
- Zambezi – “Great river” (Tonga)
- Thabo – “Joy” (Sotho)
- Kalulu – “Hare” (Bemba)
- Makena – “Happy one” (Kikuyu)
- Kito – “Jewel” (Swahili)
- Anansi – “Spider” (Akan)
- Simba – “Lion” (Swahili)
- Duma – “Cheetah” (Swahili)
- Kwame – “Born on a Saturday” (Akan)
- Tafari – “He who inspires awe” (Amharic)
- Jabari – “Brave” (Swahili)
- Kamau – “Quiet warrior” (Kikuyu)
- Zuri – “Beautiful” (Swahili)
- Lulu – “Pearl” (Swahili)
- Kumbuka – “Remember” (Swahili)
- Mufaro – “Joy” (Shona)
- Nala – “Gift” (Swahili)
- Chaka – “Great warrior” (Zulu)
- Kato – “Second of twins” (Luganda)
- Sefu – “Sword” (Swahili)
- Akello – “Born after twins” (Luo)
- Nyasha – “Grace” (Shona)
Zebra Names Male
Choosing a strong and fitting name for your male zebra is important. These names reflect the unique characteristics and strength of male zebras, helping to showcase their distinct personalities and charm.

- Borosi – “Hunter” (Tswana, Botswana)
- Jabari – “Fearless” (Swahili, East Africa)
- Dumisani – “Praise” (Zulu, South Africa)
- Kwame – “Born on Saturday” (Akan, Ghana)
- Sekou – “Heroic” (Mandingo, West Africa)
- Zuberi – “Strong” (Swahili, East Africa)
- Thabo – “Joy” (Southern Sotho, Lesotho)
- Chikondi – “Love” (Chichewa, Malawi)
- Bandile – “They have increased” (Xhosa, South Africa)
- Azizi – “Precious” (Swahili, East Africa)
- Mpho – “Gift” (Tswana, Botswana)
- Kato – “Second of twins” (Luganda, Uganda)
- Osei – “Noble” (Akan, Ghana)
- Mandla – “Power” (Zulu, South Africa)
- Tendai – “Thankful” (Shona, Zimbabwe)
- Zawadi – “Gift” (Swahili, East Africa)
- Mosi – “Firstborn” (Swahili, East Africa)
- Makalani – “Skilled” (Zulu, South Africa)
- Lungisa – “Fixer” (Xhosa, South Africa)
- Kwasi – “Born on Sunday” (Akan, Ghana)
- Thulani – “Be peaceful” (Zulu, South Africa)
- Mukuka – “Morning star” (Bemba, Zambia)
- Tatenda – “Thank you” (Shona, Zimbabwe)
- Chidi – “God exists” (Igbo, Nigeria)
- Bhekizizwe – “Look after the nation” (Zulu, South Africa)
- Kofi – “Born on Friday” (Akan, Ghana)
- Nkosana – “Prince” (Zulu, South Africa)
- Tariro – “Hope” (Shona, Zimbabwe)
- Thando – “Love” (Zulu, South Africa)
- Sefu – “Sword” (Swahili, East Africa)
Female Zebra Names
Female zebras deserve names that highlight their grace and beauty. Explore a variety of names that capture the elegance and uniqueness of your female zebra, ensuring she stands out in the herd.
- Malaika – “Angel” (Swahili, East Africa)
- Nala – “Successful” (Swahili, East Africa)
- Kamaria – “Moon” (Swahili, East Africa)
- Asha – “Life” (Swahili, East Africa)
- Zola – “Quiet, tranquil” (Zulu, South Africa)
- Sarabi – “Mirage” (Swahili, East Africa)
- Nandi – “Sweet” (Zulu, South Africa)
- Amara – “Grace” (Igbo, Nigeria)
- Zuri – “Beautiful” (Swahili, East Africa)
- Dalia – “Gentle” (Swahili, East Africa)
- Lelani – “Heavenly flower” (Zulu, South Africa)
- Ayana – “Beautiful flower” (Amharic, Ethiopia)
- Safiya – “Pure” (Swahili, East Africa)
- Zoya – “Life” (Russian)
- Adanna – “Her father’s daughter” (Igbo, Nigeria)
- Mirembe – “Peace” (Luganda, Uganda)
- Kesi – “Purposeful” (Swahili, East Africa)
- Zola – “Calm, tranquil” (Zulu, South Africa)
- Ashanti – “Warrior” (Akan, Ghana)
- Nia – “Purpose” (Swahili, East Africa)
- Jabulile – “Happy” (Zulu, South Africa)
- Imani – “Faith” (Swahili, East Africa)
- Kito – “Precious gem” (Swahili, East Africa)
- Anaya – “Caring” (Hausa, Nigeria)
- Sanaa – “Work of art” (Swahili, East Africa)
- Njeri – “Warrior” (Kikuyu, Kenya)
- Kefilwe – “I have been given” (Tswana, Botswana)
- Iniko – “Born during troubled times” (Yoruba, Nigeria)
- Amina – “Trustworthy” (Arabic)
- Zuri – “Beautiful” (Swahili, East Africa)
Good Zebra Names
Good zebra names are essential for creating a bond with your zebra. These names are timeless, meaningful, and easy to remember, making them perfect for any zebra, no matter their personality or background.
- Starlight – “Light from the stars” (English)
- Whisper – “Soft spoken sound” (English)
- Harmony – “Unity or agreement in feeling” (English)
- Breeze – “Gentle wind” (English)
- Cascade – “Waterfall” (English)
- Serenity – “Peaceful and calm” (English)
- Meadow – “Grassy field” (English)
- Amber – “Golden gemstone” (English)
- Solstice – “Longest or shortest day of the year” (English)
- Fable – “Short fictional story” (English)
- Echo – “Repetition of sound” (Greek)
- Azure – “Bright blue color” (Persian)
- Zephyr – “Gentle wind” (Greek)
- Journey – “Travel from one place to another” (English)
- Nova – “Star that suddenly becomes brighter” (Latin)
- Crescent – “Shape of the moon” (Latin)
- Tempest – “Violent storm” (Latin)
- Aurora – “Dawn” (Latin)
- Luna – “Moon” (Latin)
- Dusk – “Evening twilight” (English)
- Canyon – “Deep gorge or ravine” (Spanish)
- Pebble – “Small smooth stone” (Old English)
- Zenith – “Highest point” (Arabic)
- Petal – “Segment of a flower” (Latin)
- Radiance – “Bright or glowing” (Latin)
- Aether – “Heavenly substance” (Greek)
- Nimbus – “Halo or cloud” (Latin)
- Cascade – “Small waterfall” (French)
- Lagoon – “Shallow body of water” (Italian)
- Glimmer – “Faint or unsteady light” (Middle English)
Cool Zebra Names
Cool zebra names bring out the adventurous and stylish side of your zebra. These names are trendy and memorable, giving your zebra a unique edge and helping them stand out in any setting.
- Blaze – “Intense fire” (English)
- Saber – “Curved sword” (French)
- Rogue – “Dishonest or unprincipled person” (English)
- Jinx – “Bringer of bad luck” (Romani)
- Shadow – “Dark area” (Old English)
- Echo – “Repetition of sound” (Greek)
- Zephyr – “Gentle wind” (Greek)
- Raven – “Large black bird” (Old English)
- Blitz – “Sudden intense effort” (German)
- Nitro – “Nitroglycerine” (Greek)
- Jett – “Black mineral” (English)
- Orion – “Hunter in Greek mythology” (Greek)
- Phoenix – “Mythical bird” (Greek)
- Typhoon – “Violent tropical storm” (Chinese)
- Ghost – “Spirit of a dead person” (Old English)
- Mystic – “Involving mystery” (Greek)
- Vortex – “Whirling mass of water” (Latin)
- Sphinx – “Mythical creature” (Greek)
- Rogue – “Dishonest or unprincipled person” (English)
- Puma – “Large wild cat” (Quechua)
- Talon – “Sharp claw of a bird” (Old French)
- Blitz – “Sudden intense effort” (German)
- Dagger – “Short knife” (Old French)
- Rogue – “Dishonest or unprincipled person” (English)
- Bullet – “Projectile fired from a firearm” (Middle French)
- Falcon – “Bird of prey” (Old French)
- Spectre – “Ghost or apparition” (Latin)
- Viper – “Venomous snake” (Latin)
- Vortex – “Whirling mass of water” (Latin)
- Phantom – “Apparition or ghost” (Old French)
Zebra Names in Movies
Movies often feature zebras with unforgettable names. These zebra names are inspired by popular films and their iconic zebra characters, making them a great choice for any zebra lover looking for a bit of cinematic flair.
- Stripe – “A long, narrow band or strip” (English)
- Zephyr – “Gentle breeze” (Greek)
- Mojave – “At the water” (Native American)
- Dazzle – “To impress deeply; astonish” (English)
- Zigzag – “A line or course that moves back and forth to form a series of sharp angles” (English)
- Inkwell – “A small container for ink” (English)
- Savannah – “Grassy plain” (Spanish)
- Tango – “A lively, provocative dance” (Spanish)
- Nimble – “Quick and light in movement or action” (English)
- Pixel – “A minute area of illumination on a display screen” (English)
- Cameo – “A small theatrical role” (Italian)
- Calypso – “A style of music and dance” (Greek)
- Cobalt – “A hard, lustrous, silver-white metal” (German)
- Mirage – “An optical illusion caused by atmospheric conditions” (French)
- Whimsy – “Playfully quaint or fanciful behavior” (English)
- Dynamo – “A machine for converting mechanical energy into electrical energy” (Greek)
- Eclipse – “The obscuring of one celestial body by another” (Latin)
- Harmony – “Agreement or accord” (Greek)
- Jazz – “A type of music of black American origin” (American English)
- Puzzle – “A game, toy, or problem designed to test ingenuity” (English)
- Sable – “A small carnivorous mammal” (French)
- Tempo – “The rate or speed of motion or activity” (Italian)
- Fable – “A short story with a moral” (Latin)
- Neon – “A chemical element” (Greek)
- Quasar – “An extremely luminous active galactic nucleus” (English)
- Velocity – “The speed of something in a given direction” (Latin)
- Zest – “Great enthusiasm and energy” (Greek)
- Galaxy – “A system of millions or billions of stars” (Greek)
- Nebula – “A cloud of gas and dust in outer space” (Latin)
- Riddle – “A question or statement intentionally phrased so as to require ingenuity in ascertaining its answer or meaning” (Old English)
Zebra Cartoon Character
Cartoon zebras have charmed audiences with their unique personalities and catchy names. Discover the best zebra names inspired by zebra cartoon characters that will add a touch of fun and nostalgia to your zebra’s identity.
- Zippy – “Full of energy; lively” (English)
- Bolt – “A stroke of lightning” (English)
- Jinx – “A person or thing that brings bad luck” (Latin)
- Fizz – “A hissing or bubbling sound” (Old French)
- Zipper – “A device consisting of two flexible strips of metal or plastic with interlocking projections” (English)
- Pogo – “A springy, vertical jump or leap” (American English)
- Twizzle – “To twist rapidly” (English)
- Whisker – “Any of the long, stiff hairs growing on the face or elsewhere on a cat, mammal, etc.” (Middle English)
- Gizmo – “A gadget or device” (American English)
- Bubbles – “A thin spherical layer of liquid enclosing air or another gas” (Middle English)
- Noodle – “A narrow strip of unleavened egg dough that has been rolled thin and dried” (German)
- Pixel – “A minute area of illumination on a display screen” (English)
- Zing – “Vigor; vitality” (German)
- Flux – “A flowing or flow” (Latin)
- Pounce – “To swoop or spring suddenly” (Old French)
- Scooter – “A child’s vehicle with two or three small wheels” (American English)
- Widget – “A small gadget or mechanical device” (English)
- Munchkin – “A small person, especially a child” (American English)
- Mango – “A fleshy, oval, yellowish-red tropical fruit” (Portuguese)
- Pickle – “A cucumber preserved in vinegar” (Middle English)
- Snicker – “A half-suppressed, typically scornful laugh” (Middle English)
- Tic-Tac – “A small, hard, often flavored candy” (French)
- Jingle – “A light ringing sound” (Middle English)
- Slinky – “A toy consisting of a spiral spring that stretches and rebounds” (American English)
- Widget – “A small gadget or mechanical device” (English)
- Whisk – “A utensil for whipping eggs or cream” (Middle English)
- Mumble – “To speak in a low, indistinct manner” (Middle English)
- Gadget – “A small mechanical or electronic device or tool” (French)
- Squiggle – “A short line that curls and loops in an irregular way” (English)
- Flicker – “To shine with a wavering light” (Old English)
Movies about Zebras
Movies about zebras offer exciting adventures and heartwarming stories. These films highlight the unique traits and lives of zebras, providing inspiration for anyone looking to name their zebra after a famous cinematic counterpart.
- Safari – “A journey or expedition, typically involving a trip through wildlife-rich areas” (Swahili)
- Wild – “Living or growing in the natural environment” (Old English)
- Serengeti – “A vast plain in Tanzania, Africa” (Maasai)
- Savanna – “A flat grassland in tropical or subtropical regions” (Spanish)
- Mara – “A river in Kenya and Tanzania” (Maasai)
- Zambezia – “A region in southern Africa, known for the Zambezi River” (Shona)
- Prairie – “An extensive area of flat or rolling, predominantly treeless grassland” (French)
- Grasslands – “A large open area of country covered with grass” (English)
- Jungle – “A dense forest in a tropical region” (Hindi)
- Equator – “An imaginary line drawn around the earth equally distant from both poles” (Latin)
- Savannah – “A flat grassland in tropical or subtropical regions” (Spanish)
- Serengeti – “A vast plain in Tanzania, Africa” (Maasai)
- Safari – “A journey or expedition, typically involving a trip through wildlife-rich areas” (Swahili)
- Zambezia – “A region in southern Africa, known for the Zambezi River” (Shona)
- Wild – “Living or growing in the natural environment” (Old English)
- Mara – “A river in Kenya and Tanzania” (Maasai)
- Prairie – “An extensive area of flat or rolling, predominantly treeless grassland” (French)
- Grasslands – “A large open area of country covered with grass” (English)
- Jungle – “A dense forest in a tropical region” (Hindi)
- Equator – “An imaginary line drawn around the earth equally distant from both poles” (Latin)
- Savannah – “A flat grassland in tropical or subtropical regions” (Spanish)
- Serengeti – “A vast plain in Tanzania, Africa” (Maasai)
- Safari – “A journey or expedition, typically involving a trip through wildlife-rich areas” (Swahili)
- Zambezia – “A region in southern Africa, known for the Zambezi River” (Shona)
- Wild – “Living or growing in the natural environment” (Old English)
- Mara – “A river in Kenya and Tanzania” (Maasai)
- Prairie – “An extensive area of flat or rolling, predominantly treeless grassland” (French)
- Grasslands – “A large open area of country covered with grass” (English)
- Jungle – “A dense forest in a tropical region” (Hindi)
- Equator – “An imaginary line drawn around the earth equally distant from both poles” (Latin)
Famous Zebra Names
Famous zebras from literature, film, and history have zebra names that stand the test of time. These well-known names are perfect for giving your zebra a touch of celebrity status and making them feel special.

- Stripes – “Pattern of lines” (English)
- Safari – “Journey” (Swahili)
- Thunderbolt – “Powerful lightning” (English)
- Savannah – “Grassy plain” (Spanish)
- Majestic – “Grand and impressive” (English)
- Zephyr – “Gentle breeze” (Greek)
- Blaze – “Intense fire” (English)
- Stardust – “Cosmic particles” (English)
- Celestial – “Heavenly” (Latin)
- Echo – “Repetition of sound” (Greek)
- Galaxy – “Vast system of stars” (Greek)
- Ember – “Small piece of burning coal” (English)
- Whisper – “Soft spoken sound” (English)
- Dazzle – “Brilliant display” (English)
- Pegasus – “Winged horse of Greek mythology”
- Nova – “Star that suddenly increases in brightness” (Latin)
- Rhapsody – “Musical composition” (Greek)
- Legacy – “Inheritance” (English)
- Phoenix – “Mythical bird reborn from ashes” (Greek)
- Luminary – “Inspiring light” (English)
- Zion – “Highest point” (Hebrew)
- Aurora – “Dawn” (Latin)
- Mystique – “Air of mystery” (French)
- Borealis – “Northern lights” (Latin)
- Blizzard – “Severe snowstorm” (English)
- Comet – “Celestial object with a tail” (Latin)
- Whirlwind – “Violent windstorm” (English)
- Phantom – “Ghostly apparition” (English)
- Serenade – “Musical performance” (Italian)
- Zenith – “Highest point” (English)
Zebra Names that Start with Z
Names that start with the letter Z are particularly fitting for zebras. These zebra names are unique, fun, and often have a bit of a zesty flair, perfectly matching the distinctive stripes of your zebra.
- Zephyr – “Gentle breeze” (Greek)
- Zara – “Princess” (Hebrew)
- Zane – “God is gracious” (Hebrew)
- Zorro – “Fox” (Spanish)
- Zinnia – “Flower” (Latin)
- Zelda – “Gray fighting maid” (German)
- Zoltan – “Life” (Hungarian)
- Zahara – “Flower” (Swahili)
- Zavier – “Bright” (Basque)
- Zelda – “Strong woman” (German)
- Zuma – “Peace” (Arabic)
- Zander – “Defender of the people” (Greek)
- Zarina – “Golden” (Persian)
- Zebulon – “Exalted” (Hebrew)
- Zadie – “Princess” (Yiddish)
- Zelia – “Zealous” (Greek)
- Zamir – “Songbird” (Hebrew)
- Zahavi – “Golden” (Hebrew)
- Zelma – “God’s protection” (German)
- Zubin – “Tooth” (Persian)
- Zia – “Light” (Arabic)
- Zola – “Quiet” (African)
- Zyra – “Flower” (Arabic)
- Zayden – “Growth” (English)
- Zelene – “The sunshine” (Greek)
- Zofia – “Wisdom” (Polish)
- Zephira – “West wind” (Hebrew)
- Zula – “Brilliant” (Arabic)
- Zurek – “Fawn” (Polish)
- Zayla – “Intelligent” (African)
African Zebra Names
African names are ideal for zebras, as they reflect their natural habitat and heritage. These zebra names are rich in meaning and tradition, celebrating the beautiful and diverse cultures of Africa.
- Kubwa – “Big” (Swahili)
- Penda – “Love” (Swahili)
- Jengo – “Building” (Swahili)
- Thandi – “Loved one” (Xhosa)
- Lerato – “Love” (Sotho)
- Amara – “Grace” (Igbo)
- Esi – “Born on Sunday” (Akan)
- Biko – “Person of the people” (Xhosa)
- Sefu – “Sword” (Swahili)
- Zola – “Calm” (Zulu)
- Jabari – “Brave” (Swahili)
- Mwangi – “Rapid expansion” (Kikuyu)
- Femi – “Love me” (Yoruba)
- Adisa – “One who is clear” (Yoruba)
- Nia – “Purpose” (Swahili)
- Kofi – “Born on Friday” (Akan)
- Imani – “Faith” (Swahili)
- Enzi – “Power” (Swahili)
- Farai – “Rejoice” (Shona)
- Chipo – “Gift” (Shona)
- Omar – “Flourishing” (Arabic, used in Africa)
- Taji – “Crown” (Swahili)
- Amani – “Peace” (Swahili)
- Chuma – “Wealth” (Swahili)
- Kia – “Season’s beginning” (Swahili)
- Eshe – “Life” (Swahili)
- Obi – “Heart” (Igbo)
- Tendai – “Be thankful” (Shona)
- Kwame – “Born on Saturday” (Akan)
- Mandisa – “Sweet” (Xhosa)
Funny Zebra Names
Funny zebra names add a playful twist to your zebra’s identity. These zebra names are sure to bring a smile to anyone’s face, capturing the quirky and lovable nature of your zebra.
- Zigzag – “Erratic path” (English)
- Stripes – “Bands of color” (English)
- Pajamas – “Nightwear” (English)
- Zippy – “Energetic” (English)
- Spotty – “Spotted” (English)
- Whiskers – “Facial hair” (English)
- Pepper – “Spicy” (English)
- Checkers – “Board game” (English)
- Zoodles – “Noodles” (English)
- Dizzy – “Light-headed” (English)
- Panda – “Black and white bear” (Chinese)
- Bingo – “Game of chance” (English)
- Jester – “Clown” (English)
- Zappy – “Full of energy” (English)
- Stripey – “Having stripes” (English)
- Doodle – “Drawing” (English)
- Sprinkles – “Tiny candies” (English)
- Noodle – “Long pasta” (English)
- Squiggle – “Curved line” (English)
- Snickers – “Giggles” (English)
- Fuzzy – “Soft texture” (English)
- Wiggles – “Small movements” (English)
- Topsy – “Upside-down” (English)
- Zazu – “Movement” (Swahili)
- Quirky – “Unusual” (English)
- Scribble – “Messy writing” (English)
- Tickles – “Causes laughter” (English)
- Zowie – “Surprise” (English)
- Jiggles – “Shake slightly” (English)
- Peppy – “Lively” (English)
Names for a Zebra in Adopt Me
If you’re playing Adopt Me, you’ll want a name that stands out in the game. These zebra names are fun, creative, and perfect for showing off your zebra in the popular virtual world.
- Starlight – “Shining star” (English)
- Moonbeam – “Ray of moonlight” (English)
- Twinkle – “Shimmering” (English)
- Sunburst – “Sudden sun” (English)
- Luna – “Moon” (Latin)
- Shadow – “Dark shape” (English)
- Aurora – “Dawn” (Latin)
- Blizzard – “Severe snowstorm” (English)
- Glimmer – “Faint light” (English)
- Nebula – “Cloud of gas” (Latin)
- Sparkle – “Shine brightly” (English)
- Midnight – “Middle of night” (English)
- Comet – “Celestial object” (Latin)
- Raindrop – “Drop of rain” (English)
- Galaxy – “Star system” (Greek)
- Dusk – “Twilight” (English)
- Horizon – “Skyline” (Greek)
- Mystic – “Spiritual” (English)
- Whisper – “Soft speech” (English)
- Echo – “Reflected sound” (Greek)
- Crystal – “Clear mineral” (Greek)
- Nova – “Star explosion” (Latin)
- Ripple – “Small wave” (English)
- Phantom – “Ghost” (Greek)
- Frost – “Ice covering” (English)
- Zenith – “Peak” (Arabic)
- Mirage – “Optical illusion” (French)
- Cascade – “Waterfall” (Latin)
- Celeste – “Heavenly” (Latin)
- Breeze – “Gentle wind” (English)
MLP Zebra Names
My Little Pony fans will love these zebra names inspired by the show’s zebra characters. These names are magical and full of charm, perfect for any zebra who wants to feel like they’re part of the Ponyville gang.
- Zecora – “Character name” (MLP Universe)
- Stria – “Stripe” (Latin)
- Ebony – “Dark wood” (English)
- Serenade – “Musical performance” (Italian)
- Mysteria – “Mystery” (Greek)
- Silhouette – “Outline” (French)
- Zephyr – “Light breeze” (Greek)
- Nimbus – “Cloud” (Latin)
- Aurora – “Dawn” (Latin)
- Lumia – “Light” (Latin)
- Eclipse – “Celestial event” (Greek)
- Harmony – “Peaceful” (Greek)
- Fable – “Story” (Latin)
- Zephyrine – “West wind” (Greek)
- Tranquil – “Calm” (Latin)
- Luminara – “Festival of lights” (Latin)
- Solstice – “Sun event” (Latin)
- Gossamer – “Fine spider silk” (English)
- Radiance – “Brightness” (Latin)
- Borealis – “Northern lights” (Latin)
- Cascade – “Waterfall” (Latin)
- Stardust – “Cosmic dust” (English)
- Equinox – “Equal night” (Latin)
- Gloria – “Glory” (Latin)
- Sylph – “Air spirit” (Latin)
- Arcadia – “Utopian place” (Greek)
- Tempest – “Storm” (Latin)
- Lyrica – “Musical” (Latin)
- Celestia – “Heavenly” (Latin)
- Amara – “Eternal” (Latin)
Best Zebra Names
The best zebra names are those that perfectly capture your zebra’s essence. These top choices are popular for a reason—they’re memorable, fitting, and have stood the test of time as beloved zebra names.
- Streak – “Continuous line” (English)
- Blaze – “Intense fire” (English)
- Flash – “Sudden burst” (English)
- Sable – “Black” (French)
- Bolt – “Lightning” (English)
- Echo – “Reverberation” (Greek)
- Nova – “Star explosion” (Latin)
- Storm – “Severe weather” (English)
- Raven – “Black bird” (English)
- Thunder – “Loud sound” (English)
- Onyx – “Black gemstone” (Greek)
- Jasper – “Spotted stone” (Greek)
- Phoenix – “Mythical bird” (Greek)
- Zara – “Princess” (Arabic)
- Indigo – “Deep blue” (Greek)
- Ember – “Glowing coal” (English)
- Shadow – “Dark shape” (English)
- Spirit – “Ghost” (Latin)
- Myst – “Mist” (English)
- Jet – “Black stone” (English)
- Obsidian – “Volcanic glass” (Latin)
- Ash – “Burnt residue” (English)
- Slate – “Gray stone” (English)
- Zephyr – “Gentle breeze” (Greek)
- Eclipse – “Celestial event” (Greek)
- Quill – “Feather pen” (English)
- Rune – “Mystical symbol” (Old Norse)
- Sable – “Dark fur” (French)
- Glint – “Small flash” (English)
- Dusk – “Twilight” (English)
Cute Zebra Names
Cute zebra names emphasize the sweet and adorable side of your zebra. These names are endearing and perfect for making your zebra feel extra special and loved.

- Bubbles – “Air pockets” (English)
- Coco – “Chocolate” (Spanish)
- Pudding – “Dessert” (English)
- Snuggle – “Cuddle” (English)
- Cupcake – “Small cake” (English)
- Toffee – “Candy” (English)
- Sprout – “Young plant” (English)
- Peanut – “Nut” (English)
- Honey – “Sweet substance” (English)
- Muffin – “Baked good” (English)
- Pebbles – “Small stones” (English)
- Giggles – “Laughs” (English)
- Pippin – “Apple” (English)
- Twinkle – “Shimmer” (English)
- Blossom – “Flower” (English)
- Jellybean – “Candy” (English)
- Sunny – “Bright” (English)
- Button – “Fastener” (English)
- Snickers – “Laughs” (English)
- Waffles – “Breakfast food” (English)
- Gumdrop – “Candy” (English)
- Cotton – “Soft fabric” (English)
- Sparkle – “Shine” (English)
- Cinnamon – “Spice” (English)
- Maple – “Tree” (English)
- Pudding – “Sweet dessert” (English)
- Fizz – “Bubbles” (English)
- Marble – “Smooth stone” (English)
- Glitter – “Shiny” (English)
- Snickers – “Soft laughter” (English)
Small Zebra Names
Small zebra names are perfect for baby zebras or those with a petite stature. These names are delicate and charming, highlighting the gentle and lovable nature of your little zebra.
- Bitsy – “Tiny” (English)
- Midge – “Small insect” (English)
- Mini – “Small” (Latin)
- Tiny – “Very small” (English)
- Pebble – “Small stone” (English)
- Bean – “Seed” (English)
- Pixie – “Small fairy” (English)
- Dot – “Small spot” (English)
- Sprout – “Young plant” (English)
- Nano – “Very small” (Greek)
- Blip – “Small dot” (English)
- Nugget – “Small lump” (English)
- Snip – “Small cut” (English)
- Chip – “Small piece” (English)
- Kernel – “Small seed” (English)
- Button – “Small fastener” (English)
- Speck – “Small spot” (English)
- Tad – “Small amount” (English)
- Teeny – “Very small” (English)
- Morsel – “Small piece” (English)
- Pebbles – “Small stones” (English)
- Smidge – “Small amount” (English)
- Fleck – “Small particle” (English)
- Stitch – “Small sewing” (English)
- Peep – “Small sound” (English)
- Dab – “Small touch” (English)
- Whiff – “Small scent” (English)
- Scant – “Barely enough” (English)
- Nibble – “Small bite” (English)
- Wisp – “Small tuft” (English)
Zebra Name Generator
A zebra name generator can help you find the perfect name effortlessly. Just input a few details, and you’ll get a variety of creative and unique names tailored specifically for your zebra.
- Stripey – “Striped” (English)
- Zag – “Sharp turn” (English)
- Dapple – “Spotted” (English)
- Racer – “Fast runner” (English)
- Pacer – “Steady walker” (English)
- Glider – “Smooth mover” (English)
- Strider – “Long steps” (English)
- Dasher – “Quick runner” (English)
- Flash – “Sudden burst” (English)
- Streak – “Continuous line” (English)
- Blaze – “Intense fire” (English)
- Skipper – “Jumps lightly” (English)
- Bouncer – “Jumps” (English)
- Zoom – “Move quickly” (English)
- Dart – “Quick movement” (English)
- Swift – “Fast” (English)
- Flicker – “Quick movement” (English)
- Jolt – “Sudden movement” (English)
- Glint – “Shiny flash” (English)
- Rocket – “Fast mover” (English)
- Comet – “Celestial object” (Latin)
- Astro – “Star” (Greek)
- Cyclone – “Spinning storm” (Greek)
- Vortex – “Whirling mass” (Latin)
- Meteor – “Space rock” (Greek)
- Pulsar – “Rotating star” (Latin)
- Nova – “Star explosion” (Latin)
- Nebula – “Space cloud” (Latin)
- Quasar – “Distant galaxy” (Latin)
- Zodiac – “Astrological sign” (Greek)